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Rush Transcripts..Nov.12th
« on: November 12, 2019, 07:46:39 pm »

Why This Could Be Trump’s Best Week

Nov 12, 2019

RUSH: Devin Nunes had a good point. Devin Nunes was on Fox last night. He was on with Hannity. Hannity played him a sound bite of me from yesterday’s program. This is what I said a few times on the program yesterday.

RUSH ARCHIVE: I really think that the model for what’s gonna happen this week is the Kavanaugh hearings. It was a never-ending parade for about a week and a half. As every person they brought forth to try to destroy Kavanaugh failed, there was another one waiting in the wings. And I will guarantee you that it is the same strategery they’re gonna employ here this week getting started with public impeachment hearings.

RUSH: So that was the sound bite that Hannity played last night. That’s from yesterday’s program. And, by the way, it’s not impeachment hearings. It is a show. This is a total show. But here’s Devin Nunes’ reaction, and he’s got a good point here.

NUNES: As you know, nobody likes to disagree with Rush Limbaugh, but I think in this case, Rush Limbaugh only has it about half right. At least during the Kavanaugh hearings the Republicans had the ability to bring up people who were supporting Kavanaugh. We don’t even have that.

RUSH: Right. So let’s talk about that. That is absolutely true. Devin Nunes has a good point. The Republicans are being frozen out here. Schiff is talking about what his procedure is in a grand jury. There’s a problem with that, though. Grand juries are never public. Grand juries you’re not allowed to know what went on in there unless somebody leaks, which is against the law. And Schiff is trying to give himself cover by saying that what he’s doing with this starting tomorrow is the equivalent of a grand jury. It isn’t. He’s running a show.

And the Republicans are not gonna have a chance to object, to call their own witnesses. Schiff has exerted total control over the proceedings here. So let’s talk about this just a little bit. The media, the Drive-Bys are — oh, Sam Donaldson is out there. He’s worried. Sam Donaldson was on CNN last night with Don Lemon. This is the show that airs before Fredo’s. And Don Lemon said, “So much at stake in the televised show. It will be momentous. What do reporters need to be on the –” here is Don Lemon asking Sam Donaldson, what do reporters need to be on the lookout for in this impeachment show. And here’s what Sam Donaldson said.

DONALDSON: The Watergate committee hearings on Capitol Hill, the summer of ’73, I covered that. But, millions of people were watching. Now there were only three networks then. There was no VCR, there was no Internet. They got their news by watching television. The newspapers helped, of course, and the daily Monday through Friday evening news broadcasts helped. And it took over two years to get the public to the point where, yes, they thought maybe this guy was a crook, Richard Nixon. Now the Democrats this time have, what, a couple of weeks? My concern is there’s not enough time.

RUSH: He’s lamenting the loss of the media monopoly. He said we had a monopoly; it took us two years to screw Nixon. And now the Democrats are gonna try to do it in two weeks. Grab audio sound bite number 1. I heard this driving home yesterday, folks. I had on Fox News on the satellite radio driving home, and as soon as I got in the car, I heard somebody saying — I didn’t know who it was at first. It was Bret Baier sitting in for the now gone Shepard Smith. And it turned out he was talking to Harold Ford Jr.

Harold Ford Jr. has got a history of going against the grain of the Democrat Party. He has been an elected official from Tennessee. He has been a Wall Street banker and financier and investor. I have appeared on several stages with Harold Ford and I’ve always enjoyed being around him. The last time I was with him was at an event in Los Angeles, the Milken Institute, back during the Obama years.

And Bret Baier said to Harold Ford Jr., Democrat, Tennessee, “We’re getting ready for the public show on impeachment. How much do you think this factors in on the campaign trail?” This is a great question, by the way, because this is being conducted entirely independent of the Democrat presidential primaries. It’s like Pelosi and Schiff have determined that this is the 2020 campaign issue. And yet don’t tell Fauxcahontas that. Don’t tell Crazy Bernie.

Crazy Bernie is now fourth place in New Hampshire, by the way. The bottom’s falling out. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is in free fall panic mode over this because she’s thrown in entirely with Crazy Bernie. Now, she wants Crazy Bernie’s audience, his voters, don’t misunderstand. But she needs Crazy Bernie to succeed first because if he doesn’t, who knows where those voters are gonna go, because they can’t go to her. She’s not running for anything right now.

So Bret Baier’s question is, “How much do you think this impeachment show factors in the campaign trail? What 2020 candidates are talking about this ahead of the debate in Atlanta?”

FORD: By Wednesday evening I think we’re gonna have a very strong sense. I think by Wednesday evening, and perhaps Friday afternoon after the ambassador comes forward, we’re gonna have a much better sense if Nancy Pelosi, who I think has been the most mature of all the politicians in DC around this issue, ‘cause I don’t think she really wanted to do this. But, if she does not feel that Democrats can have a sound vote, bipartisan vote, and maybe even move to the Senate with a chance to remove the president, I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t pull this in the next several days, if this first week does not go well.

RUSH: Wow. Who have you heard say that? You haven’t heard anybody on the Democrat side allude to Pelosi pulling it if it doesn’t go well. And the definition of it not going well — this is all now on Schiff. And I have an important point to make about Schiff here in a moment, but Harold Ford Jr.’s basically saying if she doesn’t perceive this thing moving toward a bipartisan vote with a legitimate chance of removing the president, then she’s gonna pull it, pull it in the next several days if the first week doesn’t go well.

When I heard that, I said, “Wow. I can’t see her caving that quickly on this, not after all this time.” He’s right that she’s never wanted to do it, but at some point she made the decision to throw in and go all-in, and she made the decision to do it with Schiff. She made the decision, an active decision to make Schiff the face of this, and I think it’s rather risky ’cause Adam Schiff is a lying sack of excrement, folks. What’d you think I was gonna say? You thought I was gonna say it, didn’t you? You thought I was gonna say it, didn’t you? You thought I was gonna say something other than “excrement.” But, no, I am a highly trained broadcast professional and specialist. I would never do that.

But he is. We’ve documented the lies. The guy and Swalwell were inseparable in this. They both claim they’ve got evidence of Trump colluding with Russia. They both say it’s clearly obvious, it’s clearly visible, it’s right there. They’ve never produced it ’cause they don’t have it. Schiff is the guy who lied about the contents of Trump’s phone call.

So let’s now put this together. The Drive-By Media now saying that Trump is about to face his worst week ever. And Devin Nunes thinks it’s gonna be precisely because the Republicans are not gonna have a chance to push back, to fight back as they did during the Kavanaugh fiasco.

Well, how many times, though, have we been told in the last – we’re getting close to three years now — how many times have we been told this is Trump’s worst week? How many times have we been told the walls are closing in on Donald Trump? They are too numerous to count. I think the first time they said that Donald Trump had no prayer was on his way down the escalator in June of 2015. And then after his opening remarks announcing his candidacy that everybody was laughing at, “You don’t have a prayer. You can’t say that kind of stuff about Mexicans. Donald Trump has no prayer.”

So we’ve been hearing this for three years. And every poll that they have ever published has predicted Trump would be wiped out in the next test, be it a special election, be it a primary, be it a piece of legislation, whatever was next on tap, Trump was going to lose. Trump was going to be wiped out.

But let’s go back to Harold Ford Jr. What does Harold Ford Jr. know? He knows something. He is connected. He’s a Democrat praising Pelosi as the most mature politician in Washington, acknowledging that she didn’t really want to do this.

She’s now put Schiff, not Nadler — this is key. She had Nadler or Schiff. She could have directed all of this to happen with Nadler’s committee. But she chose Schiff. She chose a bug-eyed, lying sack of excrement to be the face of this. And I’m telling you, folks, that carries with it a lot of risk.

This could end up being one of Trump’s best weeks, because the curtain is now being pushed back. And people who have not been following this so-called impeachment inquiry are now not gonna be able to avoid it, because the Drive-Bys are gonna televise all of it. If they have to invent networks to put this thing on, they will do it. You’re not gonna be able to miss it.

But, yes, you can miss it. Tune in here tomorrow. We’re not going wall-to-wall about it. I might do some play-by-play of it, but we’re not gonna go wall-to-wall. We did no OJ none of time too. We didn’t go wall-to-wall with OJ. It kind of ticked off my LA affiliate at the time.

But I said, “Look. Everybody else is doing this. Why you want to jump on that cart? I want to be the one place not doing it.” So I was the one place not doing. Our audience level skyrocketed during the OJ trial. We were one of the few major outlets not going wall-to-wall with it. We’re not gonna go wall-to-wall with Schiff. But everybody else will be.

How many of you think Adam Schiff presents a good face for the Democrat Party? The Republicans are gonna try to object. The Republicans are gonna try to do some things, but they’ve been frozen out of this. And that is going to be obvious as well. But I think there are gonna be millions of Americans who are going to have the chance, anyway, who haven’t been following this wall-to-wall like you and I have been, to see what a partisan sham this whole thing is.

And they’re not gonna hear from the whistleblower. Everybody’s heard about the whistleblower, but he’s not gonna show up. Oh, by the way: new complaint filed with inspector general alleges possible improper fundraising by Trump Ukraine whistleblower. This is an exclusive to Fox News.

“A newly filed complaint to the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) alleges that the whistleblower,” Eric Ciaramella — is that how you pronounce his name, Snerdley? How do you pronounce his name? Ciaramella? Ciaramella, like Russell Wilson’s wife, Ciara. Okay. Ciaramella. The Pajama Boy.

Anyway, the intelligence community inspector general alleges that Eric Ciaramella, the whistleblower, “whose allegations touched off House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry –” Stop and think about that, because that’s right. We’re only here because of this guy, and this guy never heard the phone call. Now he’s not even gonna testify. Now he’s not gonna even show up. The guy that got this whole ball rolling is invisible. He’s not gonna be there.

I’ll guarantee you people have heard about the whistleblower. I’m sure Schiff will cover by saying he’s been secreted away in a private location because of Donald Trump death threats. Or something. Ciaramella, like the charcoal sound, Ciaramella. Is that right? Ciaramella, not shar, char, hard c-h, like chair, except you pronounce it char, like charcoal, Eric charcoal Ciaramella is the whistleblower. And the inspector general alleges that this guy “may have violated federal law by indirectly soliciting more than a quarter-million dollars from mostly anonymous sources via a GoFundMe page.” So the whistleblower has set up a fundraising page at GoFundMe.

“The complaint, which was filed last week and obtained by Fox News, alleged the donations from roughly 6,000 individuals ‘clearly constitute’ gifts to a current intelligence official that may be restricted because of the employee’s official position pursuant to 5 CFR 2635.203 –” that’s a statute, for those of you in Rio Linda, “– and other statutes. To date, the GoFundMe has raised over $227,000.”

Six thousand donors. Who are they? I wonder how many of them are foreign. I wonder how many of these donors are foreign and what the hell is the whistleblower doing raising money on a GoFundMe page in violation of the law? Anyway, I think these hearings are gonna be a replay of Jerry Nadler’s earlier public hearings back before this so-called impeachment show was declared to be official by Pelosi.

Those hearings were universally declared to be an unmitigated disaster for Nadler and the Democrats. And I keep reminding you that every time they have gone public with things that have been private and behind closed doors, it’s been a disaster for them. You know it. I know it. Mueller was a disaster when he went public. Blasey Ford, the rest of them, it was a disaster when they went public. This stands the chance of being as well.

And one of the reasons that Pelosi gave this to Schiff is because Nadler and the Judiciary Committee, the official inquiry blew up. Do you remember it? You don’t even remember it, do you? Here I am talking. Do you remember Nadler’s televised — they were a disaster. Nobody remembers them. How could you not remember an impeachment inquiry? But nobody does because that’s how bad they were.

Now, the thing about this is Nadler was able to hide — he’s a rabid partisan. He’s as rabidly partisan as any Democrat in that town, but he was able to hide it, he does a better job of hiding it than Schiff does. So it’s possible here, folks, the American people are gonna finally see Schiff’s goggle-eyed, rabid hatred of Trump on full display. They’re going to see the rabid partisanship of other Democrats on that committee.

They’re not gonna be able to help themselves, and people are going to quickly realize what a total farce this whole exercise is. That is as big a possibility as this being a disaster for Trump. Trump didn’t do anything. That doesn’t mean it can’t be a disaster. It depends on how clever they are and so forth, but I’m not as pessimistic as a lot of people are about this.


RUSH: Now, I want to acknowledge that I may be a bit too optimistic. We’ll just have to wait and see. One thing the Democrats count on is the low-information crowd — which is a major, major part of their base — not being able to follow the legal arguments. In fact, they have now dropped “quid pro quo,” and they’re replacing it with the word “bribery.” They’re gonna try to turn this into morality play soap opera, is really what this is gonna be.

But they believe that “quid pro quo” is too hard to understand and so they’re dropping that in favor of bribery. Now, bribery also happens to be mentioned, the specific word mentioned in the impeachment clause in the Constitution. Quid pro quo? I mean, you get lost. That’s a lot of syllables, a lot of words for the low-information base to follow. Start talking Latin; the average Democrat’s not gonna understand what it is. Most of them speak Spanish.

But it’s still a fascinating thing, dropping quid pro quo. They’re dropping the whistleblower; they’re dropping quid pro quo. They’re now moving on to things like bribery, and they’ve got a challenge. They gotta try to dumb this down. At the same time, they’ve got to employ a lot of discipline to keep they are rabid hatred for Trump under wraps. Now, a reporterette for PBS has let the cat out of the bag.

“PBS White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor … told MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell that Democrats are hoping to make viewers ’emotionally attached’ to this week’s impeachment hearings by bringing ‘blockbuster witnesses,'” and one of those witnesses is gonna be Marie Yovanovitch, and Marie Yovanovitch is gonna testify early because it’s said that she “cried during her deposition.” (sobbing) She was so upset over what Trump had done, she couldn’t stop crying because of what Trump did,” and they want somebody in tears under oath describing what Trump has done.
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Nov.12th
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2019, 07:48:22 pm »

The Deep State Cabal Against Trump Is Very Real

Nov 12, 2019

RUSH: While we’re on the audio sound bites, I’ve got a couple here and I can’t follow this. The second sound bite here doesn’t make sense to me. It was last night, Shannon Bream’s show on the Fox News Channel. She’s got the former deputy assistant attorney general Harry Litman on talking about impeachment.

Now, I don’t know who this guy is. I mean, I’ve heard the name Harry Litman, but I can’t place it. Anyway, she plays a sound bite of me for this guy to react to. So she introduces and plays a clip of me talking about Trump and the deep state, and here’s the first of two sound bites.

BREAM: Let me play something from probably one of Harry’s most favorite radio shows, Rush Limbaugh. As he laughs. He’s shaking his head “no.” Okay, but this is what Rush has to say about how this whole thing is playing out and what the end result has been.

RUSH ARCHIVE: Recent CNN poll shows the enthusiasm for the incumbent Donald Trump is almost unprecedented. And in his own party, his approval numbers are well now past 90%. Everything they have tried has blown up in their faces, and in the midst of all of it, guess what’s happened? The existence of this so-called deep state has now been shown to be true. The existence of this little cabal of elitists that think they run things is no longer now just somebody’s suspicion.

RUSH: Oh, yeah, I remember that. It was a good point yesterday. It’s one of the things Trump has done. Everybody’s always speculated that there’s some power behind the throne, some secret group that actually runs things in Washington, and they’re there despite who the president is. And these generally have always been things touted by conspiracy theorists, people that have been labeled kooks in the past.

Donald Trump’s exposed it. Whatever you want to call it, the deep state, the elites, the Washington establishment, there’s no question that it exists. And there’s no question that they are ticked off. And there’s no question that maybe the center of it is the national security apparatus, the National Security Council, because within that group is every other group we’re talking about. Director of national intelligence, CIA, military has people in there, State Department, diplomacy. It’s all in the National Security Council or apparatus.

The whistleblower was on the National Security Council. McMaster, who we now know had ties to the whistleblower, he was the national security adviser for Trump. And that seems to be the nexus. One of the things that we have learned that has upset these people — and, folks, I’m not making this up. It is simple as this. Oh. By the way. Something else that we have learned. It may well be Eric “Charcoal” Ciaramella who released the transcript of two phone calls Trump made, president of Mexico, and was it Australia?

Remember early on in the Trump administration he makes these two phone calls, and the transcript of these calls leaks. And it is now thought that the whistleblower, the spy, is the leaker of those two calls. And nothing would surprise me. But what upsets these people is that Trump makes phone calls — like the president of Ukraine — he makes phone calls without the National Security Council bigwigs listening in. And they feel left out. This is not the way it works in Washington. Presidents do not exclude the national security apparatus. Presidents let those people listen in because they’re the ones that really do foreign policy. All presidents understand this.

Well, Trump began to exclude these people shortly after he was inaugurated because everything he was doing was leaking. You know, another rip on Trump, the transcript of the call he made to the Ukrainian president was put on a super-secret server. And the media and the deep state people are trying to say, “See, see Trump’s trying to hide it, Trump’s trying to get away with stuff. He’s trying to break the law, and that’s why he’s putting that stuff away.”

And it was not the reason at all. The transcript of these calls that Trump was making were being kept away from people in his own administration who were leaking. It makes perfect sense, especially after those first two phone calls leaked. And the reason that I know this, we have a story here. And this story is a guy, he’s a financier, he’s a Wall Street guy, his name is Jay Latimer, international businessman, writer, investor.

He has worked in investment banking for several multinational banks — New York, Hong Kong, and Beijing. And he describes a briefly encounter he had with a member of this cabal. He says, “I recently spoke with an old acquaintance, just out of government, who had worked in the Intelligence Community in Washington. The venue was a neighborhood party in a deep-blue area of the U.S., in one of the highest of high-income ZIP codes.”

So elite, wealthy liberal Democrats were the people at this party. “As the lone conservative,” writes Mr. Latimer, “I tend to tread carefully in these discussions. However, I thought she might have a conservative bent,” this woman he was talking to, “as she seemed to share my mistrust of government. When she first started working for the I.C., she told me she was waiting to meet ‘the adult in the room,’ as everyone she interacted with seemed clueless,” the intelligence community.

“After a few years, she eventually realized ‘there was no adult in the room!’ So I was interested in her take on the Trump impeachment process, then just getting under way. When I brought it up, she immediately got excited. ‘It’s worse than you think; it’s worse than anyone knows!’ I wondered what might be worse than what I’ve read. I also wondered which side she felt was acting worse — Trump or the swamp?

“I soon learned she was upset with Trump for supposedly talking to Ukraine about Joe Biden. I asked, quite innocently, wouldn’t you expect him to look into it? After all, Trump is the head of the law enforcement community, and Biden’s son was getting over $50,000 a month from a Ukrainian energy company for a position that he was clearly unqualified to hold. Wasn’t that suspicious? She airily waived off my concerns. ‘Oh, everyone in Washington does that kind of thing.’”

And, by the way, she’s right. Have you seen Hunter Biden’s interviews about this? He doesn’t think he did anything wrong at all. This is the way Washington works. The children of high Washington officials are set up in the way Joe Biden set up Hunter Biden. The way the Clintons have set up Chelsea. It’s just the way of the world, like all parents try to set their kids up or do as much for them as they can.

In Washington the problem is that they don’t use their own money to do it. They use defense contractor money, they use foreign donations, they do all kinds of things, like in Ukraine, Burisma, ChiCom, it was other countries’ money that Biden used to set his kid up. But this woman that Latimer’s talking to, “That doesn’t bother me. Everybody does that in Washington.”

No. What really made her mad “was that Trump had changed the procedures, placing his calls to other heads of state under high classification status, so they could not be seen by others in government. She considered this an outrageous breach of protocol. How could Trump do such a thing?”

So it’s exactly what I suspected. Trump, after his phone calls were leaked, and they were not the only things that were leaked. Trump started making these phone calls and doing other operations essentially behind closed doors without letting these people in. And they are normally part of the process. They are the foreign policy establishment. When a president calls a foreign leader, they have to be on the call. They have to know what’s going on. They have to provide input. They are involved.

And Trump has been acing them out because he doesn’t trust them. And they are livid! And this is what literally is behind the whistleblower and all these other things getting this impeachment process going. These are just people who think they run that town, and Trump has run an end run around them and is leaving them out, and they are livid. They are ticked off.

They have been rendered irrelevant by Donald Trump. And that’s the biggest insult you could do to these people. Because in their minds they are Washington, they are government, they are foreign policy. And Trump is excluding them. It’s like Trump has taken away their reason to live. He’s taken away their access to power and bragging rights and whatever else they get their jollies doing by being involved in these things.

“So I pointed out” — this Mr. Latimer continuing — “I pointed out that he had a good reason; Trump was the victim of two major leaks in his first month, where the full texts of his calls were given to the press. Wasn’t that also outrageous and unprecedented? And given the strong possibility of further leaks, wouldn’t classifying his calls be the prudent thing to do? At this point, her eyes flashed in anger. ‘He can’t just change things like that! He’s not a king!'”

Meaning he can’t just arbitrarily decide to exclude us. Now, who are these people? Well, the first thing to know about ’em is that none of them are elected. There’s not a single one of them in this cabal that ever answers to or is accountable to the American people. And in a representative republic, that is a nonstarter. But it’s been this way probably for decades. I will bet you it’s been this way since the post-World War II era.

This order, this Washington, this world order that John McCain talked about, this is what he was talking about. And letting Trump have access to this, these people think it’s the biggest insult that ever could happen. Some Nimrod like Trump given access to this order that the United States — now he’s excluding these people, and he doesn’t have the right. Who does he think he is, a king?

When, of course, he has the total right to exclude anybody he wants on these phone calls. He has the total right to send Rudy Giuliani as an ambassador or as an agent of some kind to Ukraine if he wants to because he is in charge of American foreign policy. These people do not think that’s the case. They literally believe – and I’m not exaggerating — that they are.

So there are many reasons these people hate Trump. But I’m telling you that while some of it may be policy, a lot of it isn’t. A lot of it is just the fact that he’s taken away their reason to live. He’s taken away their identity. He’s taken away their bragging rights. He’s taken away that which gives them self-esteem.

They’re not factors. They are not relevant when it comes to American foreign policy. And they think they run it. And so Trump’s gotta go. Trump’s gotta go, and he’s gotta be replaced by somebody who knows the way things are done. An average Republican or Democrat who is gonna let these people run the show because presidents come and go and these people are constant.

Well, folks, this is exactly what we elected Donald Trump to do. So the bottom line is, they’re trying to kick Donald Trump out of office for doing exactly what you elected him to do. It’s no more complicated than that. All the rest of this is just blather. All the rest of it is just a bunch of garbage thrown up against the wall hoping a lot of it sticks so that you’ll be confused. It’s no more complicated than Donald Trump is actually doing what you elected him to do, and official Washington is intolerant of it.


RUSH: You know what? I forgot to air his Harry Litman response to my point. So grab sound bite number 5. So I said in the sound bite that one of the great things that’s happened here is that Trump has now exposed the existence of this private, secret cabal that thinks they run Washington and the government.

Whereas before, people thought, “Nah, only conspiracy theory kooks believe that.” So here is this former deputy assistant attorney general, Harry Litman, responding. Shannon Bream says, “So here Rush says Democrats are helping the president by going after him and they ended up exposing deep state in the process. Your response?”

LITMAN: (snickering) I don’t know where to start, especially with Rush on the deep state. It’s a hundred percent clear (snickering) there are no due process protections at this point. The ultimate call rests with Schiff and what he said — and, given the track record, I think it’s very justified. If they’re trying to use this to relitigate Steele dossier or Burisma — something that doesn’t have anything to do with Trump’s actual behavior — then they will say, “We won’t do it.”

RUSH: Pfft! I’ve read the transcript, I don’t know what he’s talking about. I literally don’t. He makes a joke about my observation Trump’s exposed the deep state then goes off talking about the dossier and Schiff and due-process rights and so forth. So I have no clue what he’s saying.


RUSH: Okay. Let’s go to the phones here. We’ll get to the Savannah Guthrie, Nikki Haley sound bites in mere moments. We’re gonna go to Northern Virginia, the north Washington suburbs in Virginia. This is Chris. Great to have you, sir. Hi.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. Great to be on with you. Yeah, this definitely is a D.C. suburb up here. Listen, I had to call. I’ve just been so frustrated with the dismissal of the deep state conversation. I worked 12 the years in the intelligence community. I eventually had to get out because I couldn’t take the corruption anymore. It’s exactly what people say it is. It’s exactly what the so-called conspiracy theorists are saying, and I get so tired of this dismissal of saying that it’s not there.

People feel like it’s their duty — regardless of what politicians, regardless of what the elected officials want — that they have this solemn duty to maintain something, and it supersedes everything. It supersedes any sort of conversation or desire by the American people. They feel that they have the right to do whatever they need to do to maintain their control, and it infuriates me that the media and everyone are so dismissive of the concept.

RUSH: Well, they’re dismissive because they want to try to keep it under wraps. They’ve gotten away with portraying people who talk about it as conspiracy kooks for so long, that’s been a very successful way to keep it under wraps. This is why I think it’s monumental what Trump has done. There’s all kinds of ways to look at this. You can look at this as, “Oh, my God, these people are trying to destroy Trump.

“Oh, my God, this is horrible! Oh, my God! Trump… No.” The other way to look at it? Look at what Trump is exposing. He’s doing exactly what he was elected to do. He’s exposed these people, and he’s bringing into clear view for anybody who wants to pay attention exactly who they are and how they operate. And, by the way, making end runs around them. Not including them, for example, in the phone call to Ukraine. Not including them after leaks of phone calls.

That’s exactly what he was elected to do. It’s exactly what “drain the swamp” means. He can’t get rid of them, but he can certainly render them irrelevant. He can deny them access. And it is driving them nuts. And that’s why they’re coming back and talking about him being so unqualified and so unsophisticated and so strange to the ways of Washington. These are people… You say that these are people, that they have a right. I think it’s worse than that.

I know what you mean. I think what you really mean is they have a sense of entitlement. They are not elected, and yet they think that they have a duty to protect the American people from themselves because the view of the American people is one of ignoramuses, dunces, people that don’t know what’s going on. And these people have this added attitude of superiority about them. And when you boil it all down, nobody elected ’em.

They’re not accountable to anybody, and it’s about time that the American people found out that there’s a large group of people — unaccountable, unelected — who think that they are entitled to make foreign policy despite who wins elections. It’s no more complicated than that. And so here we now have an eyewitness, a guy who actually had to leave it — and basically, they’re a bunch of incompetents to boot.

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Re: Rush Transcripts..Nov.12th
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2019, 07:50:53 pm »

Conservative Caller Defends Twitter

Nov 12, 2019

RUSH: We got Louis here in Olive Branch, Mississippi. Great to have you, Louis. Glad you called. Hello, sir.

CALLER: Oh, thank you, Rush. I’ve been listening to you since 1990. So I want to get right to the point. I’ve wanted to always give you a different perspective on Twitter from what your take usually is —

RUSH: Okay.

CALLER: — and give you a couple of great examples. So, you know, you have it right as far as it is a cesspool. There is a cesspool side to Twitter. But there’s a really — I believe — a good part. I liken what’s happening on the conservative side of Twitter to the pamphleteers during the Revolutionary War who were so crucial during that war with the communication and keeping us — you know, the rebels — kind of together during some pretty dark times.

And then with… You know, a couple of great examples is what happened to the — what they tried to do to the Covington Catholic boys. And we saw that weekend how that started to get blown up. And then another one you actually mentioned too was a patriot saw something questionable in a video that ABC did last month. And it turned out that they were doing a story on the supposed attacks on the Kurds in Syria, but it was actually Kentucky gun range footage.

RUSH: Well, I don’t —

CALLER: So, you know Twitter —

RUSH: Look —

CALLER: I’m sorry. There’s a lot of us who get encouragement from each other. There’s a lot of us that were connected —

RUSH: I understand. I understand totally. Believe me. Everybody wants a microphone. Everybody wants to be able to reach more… (interruption) No, no, no, no, no, no. Everybody wants to be able to reach more than the family, and so on Twitter, you think that you’ve got the ability to influence people and so forth. And within a specific universe of Twitter, you do. I don’t deny that. But let me ask you one question. I’ve got five seconds here.

Why is Antonio Brown not playing in the National Football League? The answer’s Twitter. If Antonio Brown didn’t have access to Twitter, he would still be playing in the National Football League. Twitter has destroyed — or enabled more self-destruction… Twitter is one of the greatest damaging influences that’s ever happened to modern-day journalism, which may be a good thing in the long run. But for now, it’s a pain in the butt that we have to deal with.


RUSH: Of course, there’s more to say about Twitter. I realize a lot of you get a lot of use out of it and so forth. (sigh) On balance, it is a cesspool. But not everybody using it is in the cesspool. I get it. I understand it totally.
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Nov.12th
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2019, 08:18:44 pm »

#MeToo? Harvey Weinstein’s Lap Still Open for Business

Nov 12, 2019

RUSH: Did you see the news over the weekend that some babe was just all over Harvey Weinstein at some party in SoHo? Sitting on his lap, smooching up to him. You didn’t see that? What does that tell you? It tells you that the #MeToo movement is (raspberry). And don’t get mad at me, folks. If the #MeToo movement really had juice, there wouldn’t be women lining up to be sitting on Harvey Weinstein’s lap at some bar in SoHo or wherever he happens to be. Harvey Weinstein’s gonna be able to check back into his hotel in Hollywood and still summon women up to it someday down the road. It’s still gonna happen. He’s gonna be able to do it.

No, I’m not even getting political with this. I could very easily because everything has become political. I’m just telling you all it takes, all it takes is one woman willing to sit on Harvey Weinstein’s lap in the midst of all of this to tell you about the #MeToo movement. All it took was one woman, and the whole #MeToo movement has been betrayed. All it means is that they cannot create any gender unity in opposition to a reprobate guy.

I don’t care if she’s a stupid woman. She’s still a woman. She’s stupid, she’s brilliant, she’s lamebrain, she’s a celebrity screwer. I don’t care. She’s still a woman, and she was sitting there on Harvey Weinstein’s lap. And then the media caught up with her, “Are you in a relationship with Harvey?”

“No. No. I’m not in a relationship. I don’t need to be in a relationship.” Nobody needs to be in a relationship with Harvey Weinstein. That’s the point. Harvey Weinstein’s lap is available to any woman that wants to sit on it, and there are still many of women who do. That’s my only point. So how gender unifying is the #MeToo movement?

Folks, it’s another bit of evidence the feminazis are not… Sell, I was gonna say they don’t have the juice that they think they’ve got. They’ve got a lot of juice. I mean, they’ve screwed up the education system. They’ve screwed up a whole bunch of stuff, don’t misunderstand. But they’ve targeted Weinstein. They’ve built an entire movement about Weinstein, and all it took was one woman to not get the message. Well, you can sit there, you can get mad at me for observing all you want, but you cannot deny… (interruption) He may be a pig. In fact, from my point the bigger pig he is, the better. Exactly right. The guy is a pig, and there is still a woman with grand dreams sitting on his lap at a bar in SoHo.
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Nov.12th
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2019, 08:20:14 pm »

RNC Chair Tweets Internal Polling

Nov 12, 2019

RUSH: Ronna McDaniel, the Republican National Committee, tweeted just before the program today about the internal polling that they’ve been doing at the RNC. And I’ll just tell you what it is. You can decide whether you want to believe it or not. She says, “We’ve been polling our 2020 target states each week, and since Pelosi’s charade started: *@realDonaldTrump’s approval is up *opposition to hearings among DEMOCRATS is up 6 pts.”

This is Republican RNC internal polling where she says Democrat opposition to the hearings is up six points, that Biden’s unfavorability is up 10 points, and she overall concludes that Americans are not buying the attacks on the president.
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Nov.12th
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2019, 09:08:17 pm »

Nikki Haley Knows the GOP Is Donald Trump’s Party

Nov 12, 2019

RUSH: Now, Nikki Haley. Something interesting to observe about Nikki Haley as she is out on her book tour today — by the way, Savannah Guthrie on the Today show today tore into her. And I asked a question yesterday about Nikki Haley. Did you tell Trump about Tillerson and Kelly? Did you tell Trump? She says, yeah, yeah, I did, but it’s very tepid sounding the way she claims that she told Trump that Kelly and Tillerson were trying to recruit her.

Tillerson has come out and flat-out denied it. He’s ticked off. He said it never happened. Has Kelly said anything about it? Have you seen? Haven’t seen anything from Kelly, either. But Tillerson made no bones about the fact that this is a bunch of smoke and mirrors.

But one of the things that — I asked the question last week, and I didn’t get any takers from any of you — oh, by the way, you know what else is happening out there today? What did I tell you yesterday? I told you that over the weekend everybody came up to me, all they wanted to know was my reaction to Bloomberg getting in, Bloomberg, Bloomberg. I said, “Why? What does it matter? What do you care?”

“He’s rich, Rush.” That’s it. That’s it. The guy’s also about 5-4. He couldn’t play third base ’cause he couldn’t see over the pitcher’s mound to make the throw to first. What do you mean he’s gonna be president? “He’s rich, Rush.” And people just I guess are drawn like flies to excrement when somebody’s rich. Because the assumption is they’re smart.

Well, I have been inundated with emails today, with people who think some of the biggest news of the day is — are you ready for this? What do you think it is? (interruption) No. No, it’s not Duvall Patrick. It’s Mark Sanford has announced he’s giving up his two-month old presidential campaign. I’ve had so many people send me emails, “Rush, this is big news. Mark Sanford’s getting out.”

Why is that big news? He was never really in. Mark Sanford, president? Are you kidding? It was never real. So here he’s realized that it was never gonna be real and he’s canceling the campaign and it’s big news? A lot of people are telling me about it. But it helps me make the point that I was gonna make, because one of the questions I asked last week, and we didn’t get any takers on it, it was open line Thursday, Open Line Friday on Thursday, and I didn’t ask the question until about halfway through the program.

The question was, who will be or what kind of Republican will be the next Republican presidential nominee? And what I meant by that, will it be a party that just makes tracks as fast as they can away from what Donald Trump was, or will it be somebody attempting to build on what Donald Trump did? In other words, whose party is it? Is it Trump’s party now, or is it the RNC, the Republican establishment’s party and they’re just waiting in the wings to take it back when Trump’s gone?

And I think, folks, that we can get an early indication of the answer by Nikki Haley. Nikki Haley makes it clear to me that the Republican Party is Trump’s party. Nikki Haley’s change in tone and outright support for Trump is proving his impact on the party. Savannah Guthrie going after Nikki Haley as viciously, as only a woman can go after another woman, there is no way a guy reporter could have gone after Nikki Haley the way Savannah Guthrie did on the Today show.

Women can be as mean and vicious as they want to other women


RUSH: Now back to Nikki Haley. And I’m not drawing any comparisons here. I just want to get back to whose party is this. We got the sound bites here. Savannah Guthrie goes after Nikki Haley. There’s no gender unity here, either. I mean, you would think that Savannah Guthrie would be all-in for Nikki Haley ’cause she’s a woman. But no. She’s saying good things about Trump, so she is a b-i-itch who needs to be destroyed. It just establishes once again that #MeToo, the feminazis, just a bunch of liberals. They’re just another classification of the big leftist movements.

Anyway, the point here is, Nikki Haley’s change in tone and apparent outright support for Trump proves his impact on the Republican Party, because everybody thinks that she’s seeking the Republican nomination in 2024. She’s denying it, but that’s what you do in politics. When you want it, you deny that you want it, until you announce that you want it. And then you have to explain why you denied it, ’cause everybody does.

And as said yesterday, Nikki Haley is defending Trump. She’s out there saying (paraphrasing), “Look. This phone call, they got the aid. Ukraine got the aid. It doesn’t matter. There couldn’t have been a quid pro quo. There couldn’t have been any bribery. They got the aid, and there was no investigation of Biden. So what is all this about?” That’s what she’s essentially out there saying. That’s why Savannah Guthrie’s claws are out.

Oh. And Condoleezza Rice. She said that call is murky. No. No, Condi, what’s murky is the Bidens and Burisma and the ChiComs. That’s what’s murky, Condi. What’s murky is the Clintons. What’s murky is Hillary Clinton and her husband and the Bidens and this entire Obama Department of Justice apparatus. That’s what’s murky.

Donald Trump is an open book! Donald Trump spends more time being transparent than any president the press has ever had a chance to destroy. Trump doesn’t hide from them. He doesn’t mislead them. He hits them straight between the eyes. By the way, they’ve finally figured it out. They’re ticked off the way Trump has canceled press conferences now. They’re ticked off the way Trump uses them in the press gaggle on the White House lawn. They’re ticked off that they’re not getting face time on TV. They finally figured out how Trump’s been outsmarting them here for the past year and a half.

Here’s the bottom line. Nikki Haley makes — and, by the way, by the way, Sanford pulling out, all you people sending me this breaking news, what do you think that says? Sanford was gonna be the alt Trump. Sanford was gonna be everything but. He was gonna be polite, gonna be well-mannered, gonna be sophisticated. Sixty days and he cancels the campaign.

There is no immediate future in the Republican Party if you aren’t pro-Trump. And these Republicans on Capitol Hill had better figure this out today. They had better figure it out today before this show gets started tomorrow. There is no future in the party if you’re not pro-Trump. And if you don’t understand why Trump has 90-plus support in the Republican Party, you have zero chance of winning in 2024.

And this goes for you Never Trumper conservatives. This goes for all of you magazine and website elites who still believe that Trump is a disease or a disaster waiting to happen and you think the future is post-Trump. If you don’t understand — 90% support? That’s where your subscribers are, by the way, if you happen to be a conservative media entity. Trump has 90% support, unprecedented support among Republicans. And if the Republican Party doesn’t figure this out fast, then they’re not gonna have a chance in 2024.

Now, I don’t know Nikki Haley’s heart. I’ve never met her. I don’t know if she has evolved in her respect for Trump’s political acumen, implementation of conservatism in unconventional ways. And that’s what Trump is. He’s a nonideological implementation of conservatism. He’s not an ideologue. But he has a got a lot of common sense, which is what conservatism is.

Now, it could be that her support for Trump is contrived for her political future. Maybe not. But her current positive statements about Trump are smart politics for a Republican who has aspirations of being elected. Just ask Romney. You think Romney, the way he’s positioned himself, sets himself up to be the next Republican nominee? It ain’t happening, Mitt. Where you currently have staked out your position, you can forget winning the Republican nomination. ‘Cause this has come down to a matter of loyalty now. You’ve got the entire Washington state, apparatus and the Democrat Party totally aligned against Donald Trump.

Why do you think it’s 90% support for Trump? Because those people out there who are Republicans know full well what’s happening here. It’s not just Trump being attacked, it is them. It’s all of us. And so the loyalty to Trump is not just loyalty to Trump. It’s loyalty to us, ourselves and the party. And if Republicans don’t figure this out starting tonight and into tomorrow, it’s gonna be a long slog for many of them.

Trump isn’t going anywhere. I don’t care what Schiff’s dreams are, I don’t care what Pelosi’s dreams are, I don’t care what any of these leftist dreams are, Trump is not going anywhere, and Republicans with any political sense at all understand that.


RUSH: All right. Let’s get to the Nikki Haley sound bites. First up, last night with Sean Hannity. She was asked the following question: “Did you at any point feel a need to tell President Trump that Tillerson and Kelly had asked you to join them in undermining him?”

HALEY: I did tell the president, and I did tell the national security adviser, H. R. McMaster. Keep in mind, I mean, what I have said is, this wasn’t that these guys thought this was a rogue president. This was that these guys disagreed with his policy. They disagreed with us getting out of the Paris climate agreement. They disagreed with us getting out of the Iran deal. They disagreed with moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. So when the president was charting a different course and really giving us a strong hand for America and for our friends, they just thought that he was going in the wrong direction.

RUSH: Now, stop and think about that, what she said here. They disagreed with his policy, disagreed getting out of the Paris climate agreement, disagreed getting us out of the Iran deal, disagreed with moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Okay, guess what happened? We got out of the Paris deal and we’ve made it official. We got out of the Iran deal. We moved the embassy. And these guys are gone. People who disagreed who Nikki Haley says were trying to sabotage all this, they are gone.

Now, Trump picked ’em. You remember when I told you early on in the Trump administration some of these staffing decisions puzzled me? A lot of ’em puzzled me. And I know why he did it. Trump made every effort to try to get along with this so-called establishment. Trump wanted to get along with these people. He wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt. He wanted to believe that they actually believed also in the concept of making America great again.

I told you I met with him first time after the election was down here at Mar-a-Lago. It was in February. It was not even a month after he was inaugurated. And we were standing around talking, and I asked him — well, I forget what the exact question was, but he told me that he was surprised that the opposition was still so strident. That he thought that after he won and after a few days went by, that everybody would kind of put it all behind ’em and we’d unify.

And I looked at him. I’m sure I had a look of incredulity on my face. I said, “Mr. President, they are never gonna get behind you. They are never gonna support you.” And I meant the Democrats. I meant the left. I was not talking about any of his appointees. But that’s clearly what he hoped. And I think, frankly, folks, that that is a reasonable desire.

You’ve just been elected president. It’s a shock and it’s a surprise. And in the old days — and we’re not going back that far — in the old days there was no disrespect. The American people, in other words, were acknowledged, the will of the American people was acknowledged. If you lost a presidential election, you looked inward and tried to figure out what you had to do next time to win. Where did you go wrong with the people? It wasn’t that long ago that this was commonplace.

And I’m sure Trump thought that much the same kind of thing would happen, that after people got over the shock – I mean, who in the world could disagree with making America great again? Who could disagree with reviving the American economy? Who could possibly disagree with reviving American primacy in foreign policy? Who could possibly disagree with this?

It’s very common-sensical to think that Americans want their country to be great and want it to be the best. And it’s gotta be a shock when you find out that a hell of a lot of Americans don’t want that. So I think in the initial stages, Trump was attempting to meet some of these enemies of his, some of his opponents halfway. You might think that’s shortsighted. You might think it’s naive, and it may be both.

But I think if you understand Trump, Trump would much rather be leading a unified country down the path he’s taking it. Anybody would. And now we find out that his secretary of state, according to Nikki Haley, his secretary of state and chief of staff don’t believe a single thing that he’s trying to do. And, furthermore, are trying to undermine it. Well, they’re gone. They are history. And everything they supposedly tried to stop has happened.

So you people that voted for Donald Trump, you have a reason to continue to be confident, proud, happy, whatever, because he’s not buckling. Even though I am sure that he started out with a desire to meet these people halfway in an effort to win them over, when he found out that that wasn’t gonna happen, he doubled down on his agenda. He did not double down on making them happy. That is contrary to how every other Republican we can think of has operated. Every other Republican we can think of has sought to defang critics — the media, Democrats, has sought to get along with them. Not Trump.

So this vitriolic hatred for him is entirely understandable simply in a human behavioral and human nature way, before you even add the politics to it. Then when you add the politics to the hatred, it just doubles and triples and intensifies. And in the face of all of this, Trump hasn’t buckled. Now, he may not have moved as quickly on some things as you would like, but he’s not a king nor a dictator.

Anyway, she says that she did tell him. But my guess is she didn’t have to. He probably knew. He’s not an idiot. And I’m sure these two guys, Tillerson, who is denying it, by the way, and Kelly, they’re not the only ones. The entire national security apparatus, H. R. McMaster, everybody was in there trying to undermine Trump, Obama holdovers. They still are.

That’s why those of us who know full well what’s going on don’t want to give an inch. We don’t want to recognize the premise. We don’t want to acknowledge a premise. We don’t want legitimize it. We don’t want to meet them halfway on their terms whatsoever because their terms are bogus. Their efforts are bogus. They need to be defeated, not accommodated. And we need to stop being so damn reactive. That allows them to set the agenda all the time.

Now let’s get started, Savannah Guthrie with Nikki Haley today on the Today show. This is Savannah Guthrie defending Kelly and Tillerson in her interview with Haley. First bite Guthrie is asking Haley about Kelly and Tillerson, and here’s the response.

GUTHRIE: You say in the book these were dangerous people. You write that in the book.

HALEY: I mean, I was a governor. And if people in my cabinet tried to undermine me, it’s very dangerous.

GUTHRIE: Did you say that right then and there to them, “Hey, guys, this is way out of line.”

HALEY: They totally knew that I was not gonna be with them because —

GUTHRIE: Did you say that?

HALEY: It was very aware.

GUTHRIE: And did you tell the president afterwards —

HALEY: I told them that if this is what the president wanted, and especially, we were talking about the issue of Palestinian aid, that we needed to do that.

GUTHRIE: Did you say to the president later, “Hey, you got two guys working against you.”

HALEY: The president was aware, yes.

GUTHRIE: You told him?


RUSH: Okay. So she’s mentioned it now twice, last night with Hannity, there with Savannah Guthrie, and this interview continued. Here’s the next bite.

GUTHRIE: I looked at what you’ve said about Tillerson and Kelly. I mean, you said they’re dangerous people. You said that they were pursuing a policy agenda, that they weren’t really trying to save the country. I think about General John Kelly. He spent more than four decades in uniform. He lost his son in battle, okay? You talk about — you write very dramatically. You say, “What is at stake is the U.S. Constitution itself. No disagreement with the president, no matter how heartfelt, justifies undermining the Constitution.” John Kelly lost his own son in battle. He knows what it is to take an oath to the Constitution. Does he deserve a better or more generous assessment from you?

HALEY: Well, first of all, I didn’t call them dangerous people. What I said is what they were trying to do was dangerous. I have always referred to John Kelly as a patriot. But to undermine a president because you think that you know better than him is wrong.

RUSH: Now notice that here’s Savannah Guthrie, despises Trump. But these two guys, when she learns that they’re trying to undermine him, she loves them. They’re great patriots, they’re great heroes, and they need to be defended. And how dare Nikki Haley attack somebody who lost a son in war. How dare you. And this is how they try to shame people. One thing has nothing to do with another. The two are irrelevant. One does not provide one cover to do whatever one wants to do, including insubordination.

You lose a son to war, you lose a son to an automobile accident does not give you license to subvert and undermine the president of the United States when you’re chief of staff. But according to Savannah Guthrie, well, maybe it’s a consideration. Who are you to go after these people? She’s making it very clear what she said and issue’s still being taken. Here’s the final sound bite of the three that we have here. Sound bite number 11.

GUTHRIE: Did you ever have any doubt about the fitness of this president?

HALEY: I never did.

GUTHRIE: Any doubt about his mental acuity?

HALEY: I never did.

GUTHRIE: Any question about his truthfulness, his ability to tell the truth?

HALEY: Savannah, I talk to him multiple times and when I had issues, he always heard me out. I never had any concern on whether he could handle the job, ever.

GUTHRIE: What about his truthfulness, did you think he was a truthful person?

HALEY: Yes. In every instance that I dealt with him, he was truthful, he listened, and he was great to work with.

RUSH: Since when do these people care about truthfulness? Ms. Guthrie, did you ever get Obama on your show to ask him about his promise to people they could keep their health care plan if they liked it and their doctor? Did you ever ask him, what happened to your promise that people’s insurance premiums are gonna go down by 12 or $1,500 a month?

What is this newfound curiosity with truthfulness? Did you ever ask Bill Clinton? Bill Clinton lied so much that you people in the media started doing stories on how little white lies were good things. They saved people from hurt feelings and so forth. So these people have a list of supposed objections to Donald Trump. He’s dishonest. He’s an ogre. He doesn’t speak right. He looks weird. He’s mean. He’s a bully. He’s a brute. He has lousy manners.

Since when did all of that matter? These are the people that have laughed at and joked about the entire concept of morality and good manners. Whenever right-to-lifers talk about it, whenever values voters bring these things up, these people like Savannah Guthrie are leading the parade and ripping them to shreds as a bunch of phonies. Now all of a sudden, all these things that they have laughed at and impugned and made fun of all these years, now they’re the coin of the realm, now they’re the gold standard?

They’ve got nothing on Donald Trump. The only thing is they hate him. They just despise him because he won. He beat them and he is not including them. He hasn’t invited Thomas Friedman to the White House to have a breakout session on full employment like Obama did. He hasn’t invited a bunch of worthless media people up to talk about national policy. And so Trump sucks.

It’s just a bunch of immature little high-schoolers here feeling upset at being left out of things when in the past they think they were instrumental in running everything. So for that we gotta get rid of Donald Trump. And no matter what they’ve tried has blown up in their face as though they are Wile E. Coyote. And the next thing that’s gonna blow up in their face is Schiff’s little show, his so-called grand jury impeachment inquiry.

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Re: Rush Transcripts..Nov.12th
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2019, 09:58:45 pm »

Trump Takes It to Obama at the New York Economic Club

Nov 12, 2019

RUSH: Here’s Donald Trump, New York Economic Club today. By the way, this place, the New York Economic Club’s a famous Economic Club. This is where John Kennedy made his famous tax cuts speech back in 1962. And it sounded Reaganesque. Just a little trivia for you. Trump gave this speech today shortly after this program began. We have a few bites, and here is the first.

THE PRESIDENT: Under the last administration, nearly 200,000 manufacturing jobs had been lost, almost five million more Americans had left the labor force, 10 million people had been added to the food stamp roles. The so-called experts said that America had no choice but to accept stagnation, decay, and a shrinking middle class as the new normal. That was said all the time. In short, the American people were told to sit back and accept a slow, inevitable decline. But I never believed for one moment that our magnificent nation was destined for a diminished future.

RUSH: Oh, this is cool. Trump’s taking it to Obama on the eve of impeachment, on the eve of the impeachment show, Trump is taking it to Obama. “The so-called experts said America had no choice but to accept stagnation, decay, and a shrinking middle class as the new normal. That was said all the time. In short, the American people were told to sit back and accept a slow, inevitable decline.”

It’s exactly right. Obama and his crew were going to shepherd us through this new reality, that America’s best days were behind us and the best days behind us were not really deserved. We didn’t deserve all that prosperity. We didn’t deserve all those good times because we were basically a nation that had committed sin along the way.

This is what young people are being taught in universities, what they’re being taught in high school. It was what Obama was saying as part of his message. Economic growth was a paltry 1%. When that happened, it was time to celebrate. But Trump is not exaggerating here. And now he points out that he changed all that.

THE PRESIDENT: In 2016 I stood before you supremely confident in what our people could achieve if government stopped punishing American workers and started promoting American workers and American companies. I knew that if we lifted these burdens from our economy and unleashed our people to pursue their ambitions and realize their limitless potential, then economic prosperity would come thundering back to our country at a record speed. Today I’m proud to stand before you as president of the United States to report that we have delivered on our promises and exceeded our expectations by a very wide margin. We have ended –

CROWD: (applause)

RUSH: Right on. Right on.

THE PRESIDENT: I was waiting for that. Thank you. I was waiting for that.

CROWD: (laughter)

THE PRESIDENT: I almost didn’t get it.

RUSH: Thank you. I was waiting for that. Thank you. I almost didn’t get it. Applause line. Trump said that he brought back the jobs Obama said that he would need a magic wand to bring bac. Folks, you just don’t do this. You’re just not supposed to do this when the deep state’s after you. When the opposition party’s after you, when Washington’s after you, you’re supposed to be contrite.

You’re supposed to take a low profile. You’re supposed to make it very, very hard to notice you. You’re supposed to get out of the way. You’re supposed to beg for forgiveness. You’re supposed to sue for peace. Instead, on the eve of this gigantic impeachment charade show, Trump is taking it right to them, and he’s spiking it right back down the Obama administration’s throat.

THE PRESIDENT: At the highest level of that past administration you would need a magic wand to bring back manufacturing jobs. Well, we brought ’em back, and we brought ’em back to over 600,000 manufacturing jobs as of today.

CROWD: (applause)

THE PRESIDENT: Nearly seven million people have been lifted off, very importantly, food stamps. Seven million people off of food stamps.

CROWD: (applause)

THE PRESIDENT: Nearly 2.5 million Americans have risen out of poverty. The rate of African-American and Hispanic-American families in poverty has plummeted to the lowest level ever recorded by far.

CROWD: (applause)

RUSH: Right on. Right on. By the way, it’s enemy territory. The New York Economic Club. These people don’t know where to go. They don’t like Elizabeth Warren. They don’t like Plugs. They think Plugs may be safer because he’s more malleable and will be more out of the way. They are begrudgingly applauding Trump here. But everything Trump is saying is dead-on right.

African-American, Hispanic unemployment, record lows, record lows since we began keeping those records. Six-hundred-thousand new manufacturing jobs, Obama said — and he was in Indiana when he said this. He was making fun of Trump. (doing impression) “What’s he gonna do? Wave a magic wand? Yeah. Bring those jobs back. I hate it to tell you, those jobs aren’t coming back. Those jobs are gonna be replaced by new kinds of jobs, robots and all kinds of things, but they’re not coming back. What’s he gonna do? Wave magic wand?”

Exactly right. No magic wand here. Just the reinvestment in capitalism. Simple reinvestment in conservatism principles brought to us by Donald Trump. Next he’s bragging about pulling out of the Paris accords. You don’t do this. Shortly after we learned that Tillerson and Kelly were trying to undermine Trump pulling out of the Paris accords, trying to undermine Trump pulling out of the Iran deal. It’s the day before the impeachment charade begins and Trump is ramming it down their throats reminding everybody that we pulled out of this phony baloney, plastic banana, good-time rock ‘n’ roll communist BS Paris accords.

THE PRESIDENT: We withdrew from the one sided, horrible, horrible economically unfair, close your businesses down within three years, don’t frack, don’t drill, we don’t want any energy, the horrible Paris climate accord that killed American jobs and shielded foreign polluters was a disaster for this country. You’re talking about trillions and trillions of dollars of destruction would have been done to our country with the Paris climate accord. And it is so unfair. It doesn’t kick in for China until 2030.

RUSH: And they’ll ignore it even then because they were just half-baked signatories to it. So this is classic Trump. Now, he delivers this not in a fire and brimstone way. He just very methodically plunges in, reminds these people what all he has done on the eve of this bug-eyed little nerd from California trying to force him out of office. I like it. I like it. It’s great, great positioning.

On the one hand you’ve got substantive, applied economic principles resulting in a revitalized and growing American economy. And over here you’ve got some lying little sack of excrement trying to run some impeachment show to overturn the election results of 2016. Now, I’m gonna remind you again. And don’t think this doesn’t matter.

Somebody in a sound bite earlier today — it was Bret Baier. It was Bret Baier, he was asking Harold Ford. How does all this impeachment stuff play into the 2020 Democrat presidential primaries? And it’s a great, great point, because it doesn’t! These people on the campaign trial — Pocahontas, Plugs, Bernie, Mayor Pete, they’re trying to talk about things that people vote on, like jobs, Medicare for All, massive tax increases, all the things they believe in.

In Washington, the Democrat Party is singularly devoted still to try to overturn the election of 2016. There’s a giant disconnect even within the Democrat Party. And the Democrat Party in Washington is what’s going to take on the identity of the Democrat Party running for president. And they’re doing nothing! The Democrats in Washington are doing nothing for the American people.

Now, I resent that the idea of government is to do things for the American people understand. But on this I have to acknowledge that a lot of people look at government that way and the Democrats are doing diddly-squat. They’re paying zip, zero, nada attention to the economy, jobs, to prescription drugs, to health care, whatever it is in matters that are really important to the American people. The Democrat is wordless. They are absent. It’s all impeachment show all the time.

Meanwhile, here’s Trump at the New York Economic Club, substantive economic achievements and accomplishments, rattled off one right after another. It’s an interesting contrast. The Democrat Party has become vacant. They have become poisoned with the hatred that they have. They are not even making a phony effort at making voters think that they have any interest in them.

The Democrats are engaged purely and solely in things they care about, and they’re using public money to do it. And they’re hanging their presidential candidates out to dry. It’s so bad for the presidential candidates, they’re looking for alternatives, like Hillary, like Bloomberg. It is a mess. Do not think these people are winning, my friends, because they are not.

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“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
-Matthew 6:34