Author Topic: A Cop’s-Eye View from a Sanctuary Jurisdiction  (Read 280 times)

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A Cop’s-Eye View from a Sanctuary Jurisdiction
« on: November 09, 2019, 02:51:26 pm »
A Cop’s-Eye View from a Sanctuary Jurisdiction
avatar By Guest Opinion   November 5, 2019 

Law enforcement in an illegal alien sanctuary jurisdiction, be it declared or implied, is very much a betrayal of both tax-paying American citizens by their police, and the police by their management and political “leaders”.  After all, exactly who is the sanctuary for?

We entrust our police with quite a bit of responsibility and liability.  Yet when it comes to what can only be called an invasion (with no intention of sounding alarmist), law enforcement, should be the first line of defense. Yet, we find ourselves powerless to do much of anything except be cogs in the endless wheels of catch-and-release for illegal aliens dictated by sanctuary policies. I suppose it’s no more or less frustrating than the catch-and-release that already goes on in leftist strongholds for American citizen-bad-guys.  We already have enough of our own criminals, so what sense does it make to encourage even more lawlessness by enticing illegal immigration with the welcome mat of sanctuary policies?