Author Topic: Nolte: Far-left Snopes Confirms Dems Tried to Impeach Every Elected GOP President Since Eisenhower  (Read 203 times)

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Nolte: Far-left Snopes Confirms Dems Tried to Impeach Every Elected GOP President Since Eisenhower

The fake, far-left fact check site Snopes accidentally confirmed that Democrats have sought to impeach every elected Republican president since Dwight D. Eisenhower.

By John Nolte, Breitbart, December 7, 2019:

Naturally, while confirming this, the garbage fire of fake news that is Snopes rated what is “mostly true” as “mostly false.”

The claim is: “Have Democrats Tried to Impeach Every GOP President Since Ike?”

Snopes decided to fact check this claim based on a popular meme that shows a black and white photo of Gen. Eisenhower above a caption that reads “INTERESTING FACT!!! Did you know Democrats have tried to impeach every Republican President since Eisenhower???”