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T-Mobile to turn on 5G network in Houston, nationally next month


Houston Chronicle by  Dwight Silverman Nov. 7, 2019

T-Mobile will turn on its 5G network nationwide on Dec. 6, including in Houston, one of four initiatives the cellular carrier announced Thursday.

The three others are contingent on T-Mobile successfully merging with smaller rival Sprint, an outcome in jeopardy because of a lawsuit filed by a group of state attorneys general, including Texas’ Ken Paxton.

The 5G network will be available in 5,000 cities and towns, and will reach 200 million Americans, including many in rural areas. The company will also sell two smartphones that will work on the new network.

T-Mobile is using a lower frequency spectrum for its initial 5G network. Its 600-Mhz band can travel further distances and pass through buildings easier than the higher frequencies used by competitors AT&T and Verizon, said Anshel Sag, an analyst who follows the cellular industry for Moor Insights & Strategy, a market research firm.


I heard some new iPhones with 5G will be available next year. I need to read up on what 5 G is.


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