Author Topic: Building the Wall Using Eminent Domain Hurts Americans  (Read 484 times)

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Building the Wall Using Eminent Domain Hurts Americans
« on: November 08, 2019, 02:03:11 am »
Inside Sources by David Bier 11/6/2019

President Trump is hiring attorneys to carry out his mission to build a border wall with Mexico. No, these lawyers will not be tasked with welding steel together or digging holes. Instead, they will focus on filing lawsuits to take private property from Americans who own the land where the president wants to build the wall. This is a misallocation of public resources and a violation of the rights of Americans.

n Texas, the entire “border” is actually in a body of water: the Rio Grande, meaning it is physically impossible for the government to build a border wall on the actual border line with Mexico. Due to flooding, it is also generally impossible for it to place the fence anywhere near the banks of the river either. The end result is that the government needs to build as far as mile inland.

Land along the Rio Grande in Texas is almost entirely privately owned. Indeed, a third of the border is under non-federal ownership. This means that those lawyers that Trump is hiring will be busy, filing hundreds or thousands of actions to pull land away from Americans who live where it will place his wall. In Texas, there are 4,900 parcels of property within 500 feet of the border. Those parcels may have multiple owners — each of which will lose out from Trump’s wall.
