Author Topic: When Trump Finally Gets Serious About Bringing U.S. Troops Home, Yemen’s A Good Place To Start  (Read 193 times)

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 When Trump Finally Gets Serious About Bringing U.S. Troops Home, Yemen’s A Good Place To Start

If Trump is serious about his call to change course on military intervention, he should actually bring troops home — and if he’s concerned about pushback, Yemen is the perfect place to start.
By Bonnie Kristian
November 1, 2019

This fall has been punctuated by a steady drumbeat of President Trump’s assertions that the past two decades of U.S. military intervention in the Middle East were a grave mistake that remains to be corrected.

“Every once in a while, you have to change course,” Trump said in representative comments at a rally in Minneapolis this month. “The United States has spent $8 trillion in the Middle East. We’ve lost thousands of brave soldiers,” and in return for “all of the blood and treasure we sacrificed, made the Middle East less safe … less stable [and] less secure.” Now, he added, it’s time to exchange “lust for regime change” and “reckless foreign adventures” for a new approach, so “we’re going to bring our soldiers back home.”