Author Topic: Delta Force blew open a wall to enter Baghdadi compound  (Read 178 times)

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Delta Force blew open a wall to enter Baghdadi compound
« on: October 29, 2019, 02:40:01 pm »
 Delta Force blew open a wall to enter Baghdadi compound

October 28, 2019 Ryan Morgan

When the U.S. Army’s Delta Force units carried out the raid against ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi they avoided an ambush at the doors to Baghdadi’s compound by making a doorway of their own – with explosives.

The Delta Forces team departed from a U.S. airfield in Erbil, Iraq on a number of CH-47 Chinook helicopters while Apache helicopter gunships escorted them to the village of Barisha in the Idlib province of Syria where Baghdadi had been hiding, according to Time Magazine. Those apache helicopters and other U.S. fixed-winged aircraft provided aerial covering fire which allowed the Delta Forces soldiers to land and surround the compound.

The surrounding U.S. forces reportedly came to know much about Baghdadi’s location thanks to a tip from the wife of an ISIS aid as well as one of Baghdadi’s couriers. Provided with a number of names and locations, U.S. intelligence officials and Iraqi and Kurdish intelligence sources began employing agents to monitor Baghdadi’s routes of travel and keep track of his patterns of movement.