General Category > Second Amendment

Sexual assault survivors team up for pro-Second Amendment ‘Feminism and Firearms’ campus event


 The College Fix  by Jeremiah Poff 10/28/2019

Sexual assault survivors team up for pro-Second Amendment ‘Feminism and Firearms’ campus event

When the words “gun” and “school” are contained in the same sentence, it can conjure up images of tragedy, but earlier this month on one college campus, two women changed that narrative.

UN-Reno alumnus Amanda Collins-Johnson, who was raped by gunpoint on campus 12 years ago, and Second Amendment activist Antonia Okafor, also a sexual assault survivor, joined forces to discuss campus carry and the need to enable young women to properly defend themselves on colleges and universities.

The “Feminism and Firearms” talk took place Oct. 17 at UN-Reno, which does not allow campus carry. A handgun training workshop followed the next day.


Really good idea...

Colt was right it is the great equalizer.


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