State Chapters > Arizona

Who are the real fascists? About Proposition 205 in Tucson, AZ

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--- Quote from: Cyber Liberty on November 04, 2019, 06:54:05 pm ---And AZ passed a Constitutional Amendment (ratified by the voters) too.  So?

--- End quote ---

It must suck for your state then that your gov (like Newsome) rejects the will of the people.

Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: The Ghost on November 04, 2019, 07:58:38 pm ---It must suck for your state then that your gov (like Newsome) rejects the will of the people.

--- End quote ---

Ducey isn't the problem.

PeteS in CA:
Is it true that a squadron of porcine aviators were spotted in the skies over Tucson?

Cyber Liberty:
I am proven wrong, yet again!  And that's a good thing...Tucson rejected the Prop, by a wide margin!

One of Arizona's Liberal Hotbeds Overwhelmingly Rejected Proposition to Become State's First Sanctuary City

@PeteS in CA


PeteS in CA:
I also thought U of A students would vote Tucson a "Sanctuary City".


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