Author Topic: Report Shows Trump’s Efforts At The Border Are Paying Off In A BIG Way!  (Read 216 times)

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Report Shows Trump’s Efforts At The Border Are Paying Off In A BIG Way!
Jessica Hardy
October 25, 2019

Democrats have bent slightly to some of Trump’s demands about the border crisis. Not much, but just enough that we can see his plans begin to work. After watching Democrats fight Trump tooth and nail at the expense of taxpayers, Americans finally get a glips at some real results.

Border arrests, a metric for illegal crossings, plummeted to 51,000 in August, according to preliminary government figures obtained by POLITICO Wednesday, down more than 60 percent since a peak in May. And border watchers say it’s largely because of an agreement Trump struck with Mexico in June. Mexican authorities, backed by the newly formed National Guard, are now cracking down on migrants traversing Mexico’s southern border with Guatemala, monitoring river crossings and stopping buses carrying migrants from Central America through Mexico. At the same time, the U.S. is making tens of thousands of asylum seekers wait in Mexico while their applications are considered.