Author Topic: The Texas Minute for 10/24/2019  (Read 366 times)

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The Texas Minute for 10/24/2019
« on: October 24, 2019, 05:03:56 pm »
Good morning,

Here is today's Texas Minute.

 Michael Quinn Sullivan

•  Three candidates are officially in the race to replace retiring U.S. Rep. Mac Thornberry (R–Clarendon) in Texas’ 13th Congressional District. Meanwhile, Thomas Warren reports, several others are reportedly considering announcing their candidacy.
•  Texans for Fiscal Responsibility will be making endorsements in all federal races in 2020. Candidates for state and federal office wishing to be considered by TFR for endorsement in 2020 should complete the appropriate candidate questionnaire.
•  Amid a wildfire of public contention, heightened safety risks, and a worsening affordability crisis, Austin residents are organizing a new response to these issues: trying to remove the mayor and five city council members from office. Jacob Asmussen reports on the creation of “Our Town Austin,” which aims to oust Mayor Steve Adler and council members Natasha Harper-Madison, Sabino “Pio” Renteria, Ann Kitchen, Paige Ellis, and Kathie Tovo.
•  Even though the Fort Worth City Council voted unanimously to endorse recommended reforms for the over $1.1 billion Panther Island redevelopment scheme, Robert Montoya reports bureaucrats in charge of the project are ignoring them. This is the boondoggle project helmed by the son of U.S. Rep. Kay Granger (R-Fort Worth) that has been mired in cronyism and controversy.
•  In a new commentary, Laura Oakley describes how Grapevine’s citizens spoke up and made the city council listen.

•  In this week’s edition of Texas Scorecard Radio... Episode 108: Texas House Speaker Dennis Bonnen has announced he will not run for re-election. Brandon Waltens and Destin Sensky join Texas Scorecard Radio host Tony McDonald to discuss the latest in the Texas House Speaker scandal, and then Corsicana City Councilman Chris Woolsey discusses his path from grassroots activist to local elected official.

•  Also on this week’s TSR, you can hear me talk about what I think is one of the big reasons the political elite hate Donald Trump.

Today in History

On Oct. 24, 1945, the United Nations officially began its work. In the intervening decades, the UN has promoted radical environmentalism, propped up vile dictators, and fermented regimes opposed to people of faith. From its headquarters in New York City, the UN works to undermine American interests and sovereignty all while receiving most of its money from American taxpayers.


“There is no distinctly native American criminal class... save Congress.”
– Mark Twain