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Rush Transcripts..Oct. 24th
« on: October 24, 2019, 05:45:44 pm »

All of Liberalism Is a Stunt, But We’re Upset Because Some Republicans Pushed Back?

Oct 24, 2019

RUSH: You see, folks? Do you see how this works? For ad infinitum — ad infinitum, for those of you in Rio Linda — we begged, we cajoled, we asked the Republicans, would you push back? Would you stop taking this and push back? And then they do! And then what happens? “Oh, my God. I wish they hadn’t done it that way. Oh, no! I wish they hadn’t stormed into the SCIF! Oh, no! I wish they hadn’t done a stunt.”

It wasn’t a stunt, and they didn’t storm into the SCIF, and they didn’t take their cell phones in there. I know it’s tough to stay the course, folks. But it actually isn’t. I do it every day. How hard can this be? All you have to do to do this is know exactly who the Democrats are, and the left is, and let that guide you. Yeah, we got all kinds of, “Oh, I wish they hadn’t stormed into the SCIF.”

Schiff is doing this charade of his in a room two floors below the street level. By the way, guess what the upshot is? You want to tell me this didn’t work? Now the Democrats are saying, “You know what? We might make this public sometime around Thanksgiving.” Really? You think that would have happened without this so-called “stunt”?

This was not a stunt, folks. We got these Republicans and these Never Trumpers — Lindsey Graham even fell for it. He fell for the way it was characterized by the left and had to walk back his tweet. (paraphrasing) “I’m sorry. I misunderstood what happened. They did not storm the room and they did not behave like children,” or whatever the hell it was.

In one way you can’t blame some of these Republicans because they are cajoled and they are urged to fight back, push back, then they do it and their own party has some people in it that betray ’em or rip ’em to shreds. It’s like this business, so many Never Trumpers, oh, so many Republicans, so many in the Drive-By Media so distressed; so upset because Donald Trump happened to say that Republican Never Trumpers are a bunch of scum. “Oh, my God! Oh, my God! The president called some Republicans scum!”

Stop and think what Trump has been called. Stop and think of what you’ve been called. You’re called a racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe every day for 30-plus years. You’re called all kinds of horrible, rotten stuff every day by the media and so are the people you elect and so are the people you represent. Donald Trump has been called a traitor, he’s been called a pig, he’s been called an ogre, and he calls people who betray him scum. “Oh, my God! Oh! God! Country may not survive! Oh, my God!”

This is not beanbag, folks. This is the big time. This is for the real thing, and everybody getting – you know what I saw today before the program started? I’m sorry to be all over the ballpark he here but I get so worked up, I’ve been chomping at the bit here for a half hour and I’m trying to unload a day’s worth of thought here in 10 minutes so stand by.

So I’m watching CNN. Forgive me. It’s the job. I’m watching CNN, and there’s an infobabe on there who has, over the years, begged me to do interviews. She’s always been a big fan, and She’s a Never Trumper. And I tried to figure out, there’s a disconnect there. How can you like me and hate Trump? I mean, at the same time. And I finally figured it out. And I can’t tell you why, but I finally figured it out.

Anyway, guess what? Guess what, folks? Oh, yeah, the testimony of Bill Taylor, this Never Trumper ambassador who came out of retirement, Sally Yates Jr., “Yeah, you know, his testimony, oh, my God, folks, it’s reverberating. (gasping) It’s reverberating! This may be it! This Taylor test, it may be the walls closing in.”

So I was hooked. I mean, this guy, Taylor, he may have had had everything they’ve ever wanted to nail Trump. So I was riveted as she led up to what it was that he had that so reverberated. And you know what it was? And I’m gonna imitate her. She’s looking at the coanchor and she said, “And he confirmed he gave the best indication yet that there was a quid pro quo.”

You talk about a letdown. I said, “Where’s the cliff I can jump over? That’s it?” This guy finally had a quid pro quo. Do you know what foreign policy is, folks? Foreign policy is a quid pro quo. Foreign policy is where you cajole, you pay, you manipulate other countries to do good things for you. You pay ’em, you exchange ideas, any number of things. But the idea is you want quid pro quo.

You don’t give people money for nothing. You don’t loan ’em money for nothing. You don’t do things for them for nothing. You always do it for a reason, U.S. national interests. It’s called a quid pro quo. Now all of a sudden we’re gonna impeach Trump because Bill Taylor maybe has the goods that there was a quid pro quo. And this quid pro quo is all about something that’s been demonstrably disproven, and that is that Trump is withholding aid to Ukraine until the president of Ukraine dug up and made up dirt on Biden.

That’s so old. It was CrowdStrike. I guess that didn’t go so now they’re back to Biden. And, in the meantime, “I wish the Republicans hadn’t pulled that stunt. You know, staging stunts like that, that’s just… I don’t know.” I sit here and I may be somewhat culpable here because I’m one of the leaders of the gang asking the Republicans to do things. And then they go do it yesterday. And, “Ah, such a stunt.”

Such a “stunt”? What do you think this the whole thing the Democrats are doing is? All of this is a stunt! It’s an illusion! Do you realize from the Steele dossier forward to the Mueller investigation, all of this is a stunt? This stunt, this fake news, this nothing burger is driving cable news ratings.

The worst thing that’s happening here is that fake news is creating an audience for cable news networks and newspapers and so forth. They’ve got every incentive to keep faking news because of how this is working out for ’em. And they’ve got a twofer because they think their fake news is gonna get rid of Trump. We’re smack-dab in the middle of a stunt that is actually a coup designed to overturn the presidential election in 2016. “I wish the president hadn’t said scum, ohhh no.”

Meanwhile, in Dallas or Texas, do you realize there’s a divorced couple — I’m gonna paraphrase this. I hadn’t intended to mention this ’til the third hour. I’m just gonna show you the things that are happening out there and we’re upset over scum or stunts walking into the SCIF.

There’s a divorced couple out there. The woman is a pediatrician. The husband is a ’til lug reprobate man. They have a 7-year-old, son. The mother says he’s showing signs of wanting to be a woman. He wanted the Barbie dolls and he wanted to wear dresses. The father said he didn’t want to do any of that when he was with me.

So guess where it is? It’s in a court! And the judge assigned an LGBTQ therapist or whatever to look at the kid. The point is, the government is going to determine, not these two parents, the government, the state of Texas, and the governor Greg Abbott has spoke out against it. The state is now going to tell, more than likely, this father has no right to participate in the raising of his child, he has nothing to say about it. So if the wife wants to turn their young son into a woman, there’s nothing the father can do about it.

How does that sit with you? “Well, Rush, you know, these things happen, custody battles, and you go to court, so forth.” I know, but you want the state — this is the kind of stuff that’s happening out there and it’s all over. I’ll give you something else. The left, for as long as we’ve been paying attention, the left wants no pipelines for natural gas or for oil. They wanted to no pipelines from Alaska. They wanted no pipelines in Middle West.

Governor Cuomo wanted no pipelines, wanted no way to move fossil fuels into the state of New York. Guess what? There is a shortage of fossil fuels in the state of New York. There is a shortage of fossil fuels in California. Prices are rising because the left has gotten what it wanted. Limited distribution of fossil fuels. Now Governor Cuomo’s trying to blame everybody but himself for the fact that they don’t have adequate supplies of fossil fuels ’cause there’s nothing but fossil fuels to power the needs of individual Americans. There’s not a battery you can put on the back of a 737 Max 8 and have it fly.

So we’re in the midst here of the left literally destroying the infrastructure of the country, the culture of the country. “I wish they hadn’t stormed. Oh, my God. Makes it so hard to defend. They stormed into this SCIF.” What is a SCIF? Do you even know what a SCIF is? “Well, I watch 24. I think I do. I wish they hadn’t taken their cell phones in.”

They didn’t take their cell phones in. The media is lying to you about what the Republicans did. But there’s an even bigger bug — by the way, Matt Gaetz who was one of the guys that stormed the SCIF in this unseemly stunt, went to the belly of the beast last night to PMSNBC and explained everything about this, including the testimony of now Mr. Bill Taylor.

It’s stunning to me. First there was Christopher Steele and the Steele dossier. And then we had all of the others, we had Manafort and all these other things, all these other criminals, all this horrible stuff, Papadopoulos, all these things represented Trump corruption, Trump collusion. Where’s it all now? Bye-bye, see ya, it’s in the rearview mirror.

Now Bill Taylor, a retired brought back-to-life Never Trumper, ambassador to Ukraine, Bill Taylor has the goods on Trump? Bill Taylor had the testimony that’s gonna destroy Trump? Yeah, because he reverberated out there with really close evidence of a quid pro quo. We’re gonna impeach somebody over a quid pro quo.

You know, one of my big bugaboos for the longest time has been Twitter. Not just the fact that it is the political sewer of our country, but how it has been misappropriated and used by the Drive-By Media.

See, in the early days of journalism, there were rules that journalists were taught at school. If you’re gonna destroy somebody, make sure you get quotes from people who like the person, put a couple of those in there so they can make the story look fair. If you’re gonna destroy somebody, make sure you present both sides, just a couple of sentences supporting the guy you’re destroying, and you’ve accomplished the mission.

So journalists would leave the office and go out and they would talk to people and interview them and they would make sure to find people are gonna say what they wanted ’em to say. They never went out to learn anything. They went out to confirm what their objective was before they even sat down to write the story. Then the fax machine was invented, and the journalist never had to leave the newsroom.

You could have a couple of skeletons, a couple of cadavers build themselves a logo and start sending out faxes about coconut oil, call themselves the Center for Science in the Public Interest and the media would anoint them as a leading health advocacy group in America that nobody had ever heard of. They’re nothing but a bunch of leftists who want to determine who can eat what.

And so they became big and famous, and they literally were anorexics. They may have passed away. They may be walking cadavers now, and they’re still accredited by the media and any number of other organizations sprung up. All it needed was a fax machine to fax a newsroom the latest news releases with the latest lies and statistics and facts, climate change, whatever.

Then social media came along, and that was even better because you know what social media is, that’s not special interest groups. That’s the public. And so Twitter has become a stand-in for majority public opinion. How many times do you read a story on the web or a in a newspaper, if you still do, and sprinkled in the story is a tweet or two maybe from somebody you’ve heard of, but more than likely somebody you haven’t?

It’s just that whoever tweeted supposedly was really pithy. I was not talking about urination there. It’s an actual word, folks. P-i-t-h-y. I don’t want to have what happened to the guy who used “niggardly” talking about budgeting. Something very clever, something very, very brief and clever, and if it fits the journalist’s preconceived notion, they use it even though you don’t know who it is. And it’s made to look like all of the country thinks the same way.

Twitter has become a stand-in for lazy journalists. Well, not just lazy, but biased, activist. Twitter has become a stand-in for majority public opinion. Twitter is now used by journalism to convey that what they think is the majority and that what you think is so tiny and small that nobody even ever tweets what you believe.

Well, the Pew Research has gone out and done some research on Twitter. You want the headline data? “Almost All Political Tweets Come from Just 10% of Twitter Users.” By the way, we here at the EIB Network know all of this. We have had a lot of experience with this phony sponsor boycott stuff that’s run by five or six people that use algorithms to make themselves look like tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people. It’s another gigantic fraud. We’re in the middle of another stunt, if you will, perpetrated by the left and the media.

“Almost All Political Tweets Come from Just 10% of Twitter Users — There’s no question that Twitter plays a major role in US politics, particularly with its policy of letting world leaders like President Donald Trump tweet what they want, even if those tweets violate the tech giant’s rules of engagement. But only 22% of Americans actually use Twitter.”

You know what that means? Seventy-eight percent of Americans don’t. So would you explain to me why the hell Twitter has become a stand-in for majority public opinion throughout the fruited plain? Only 22% of Americans actually use Twitter, and of those 22%, most political tweets are coming from an even smaller number. Ten percent of Twitter users actually tweet political things.


RUSH: These Twitter numbers get even better, folks. So almost all political tweets come from just 10% of Twitter users. Only 22% of Americans actually use Twitter. How many of you thought that the percentage of Americans tweeting was over 50? I’ll bet a lot of you did, because of the way it’s presented. Everybody’s doing Twitter! Everybody tweets! That’s all that happens out there anymore is Twitter. It isn’t!

By the way, the number of people listening to podcasts, it would amaze you how infinitesimally small it is, except for mine. But now let’s break it down even further. Just 6% of U.S. adults on Twitter account for 73% of political tweets, and they disapprove of Trump by a wide margin. And this is from a tech blog of mine, Tech Crunch. And they were devastated by this news. ‘Cause they believe everybody tweets.

They believe all this Trump hatred on Twitter is a stand-in for majority national opinion. Six percent of U.S. adults on Twitter account for 73% of political tweets. It’s like this through everything. It’s like all of these sponsor boycotts on Twitter that are made to look — like at Tucker Carlson or at Fox News, made to look like the whole country’s outraged. It’s less than 10%! It’s not even that much.

One scam after another is being perpetrated on people. “I really wish Trump hadn’t said the word scum talking about – I’m just so embarrassed. I wish they hadn’t stormed and stunted their way into this SCIF. It’s so bad, it’s so embarrassing. Oh, my God. Oh, no.”

« Last Edit: October 25, 2019, 08:05:42 pm by mystery-ak »
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 26th
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2019, 05:46:40 pm »

How Many “Bombshells” Can There Be?

Oct 23, 2019

RUSH: So I get this email during the break. “Rush, you do this all the time. You tell us what the big Democrat media bombshells are, but then you never talk about it.” That is very shrewd of you. That is very perceptive. Why should I turn this show into CNN? It’s nothing but a bunch of lies, folks. Why should I help them promote it? I’m just gonna tell you what they’re doing.

I’ll use this as an example. This latest guy, this Bill Taylor. How many bombshells can there be? Not a single one of them has borne fruit for these people, depending on how you define bearing fruit. They still don’t have an impeachable offense; they don’t have an impeachment; they don’t have Russian collusion; they don’t have obstruction. They have got nothing, folks. You understand that, right?

It may look to you like they’ve got everything because of the way the media covers them. They’ve got nothing. We’re now into our third year of this, folks, and it starts with Trump-Russia collusion. What happened to that? Now we have an impeachment over a phone call that in 2016 and 2017 and 2018 nobody knew was gonna be made. The phone call happens in July between Trump and the president of Ukraine. That’s the bombshell?

And now we’ve got, since that didn’t pan out, where’s the whistleblower? Who is this guy? The whistleblower, that didn’t bear out. That’s gonna poof. So now we’ve got this endless parade of diplomats and State Department and Pentagon people who are going in in private and telling Adam Schiff these blockbuster stories. Really? They’re throwing things up against the wall. They’ve got nothing. They never have had anything. I’m not suggesting that their intent isn’t serious, don’t misunderstand.

Let me get back to my impeachment analysis here because, folks, impeachment is purely political, and you can’t do it without public support for it. You just can’t do it, especially with the current lay of the land. There are 53 Republicans in the Senate. You would need 20 of them to vote with the Democrats to get a conviction. But what if that’s not the objective? It isn’t the objective because it’s not possible.

You’re not gonna have 20 Republicans vote to essentially kill the Republican Party, because that would do it. If sometime in the next 12 months 20 Republicans — with this economy and with Trump’s approval numbers hovering steady, they’re not plummeting, Trump’s approval numbers, depending on the poll, are inching up. CNN was lamenting this yesterday. John King on CNN was lamenting the fact that despite all of this his approval numbers are holding steady. They’re pulling their hair out!

You’re not gonna have 20 Republicans vote to convict unless they want to end the Republican Party ’cause I’m gonna tell you this. If sometime in the next 12 months during the heat of the presidential campaign with less than a year to go before the election you have 20 Republicans vote to convict the president, they can say good-bye to reelection and the party is finished, it’s over. They’re not gonna do that. The Democrats know this.

The game is not conviction because it can’t be achieved. And the game is not acquittal because that blows everything up. The last thing they want is to go to trial in the Senate and have 20 Republicans not vote to convict. That would mean Trump is found not guilty. That would be the worst possible things for Democrats after four years of Trump did everything, after four years of them trying to lie to the American people Trump’s guilty of every damn thing they’ve charged him with, three, four months before the election here comes an acquittal in the Senate? No way.

What they want is useful idiots like Mitt Romney to publicly express they’re support for getting rid of Trump. Then they can claim that this phony impeachment effort is bipartisan. And that’s their campaign. This is their 2020 campaign. They don’t think they can win it with any of the candidates they have seeking the nomination. They really don’t. The New York Times has told us that today.

They don’t think they can beat Trump on issues. They don’t think they can do that. All they’ve got — and I mean all they’ve got — is the ongoing effort to try to convince a majority of voters that Trump is unqualified, inept, and shouldn’t have been elected in the first place. Their effort, the objective here remains what it started out as, overturning the election results of 2016. They simply don’t have the time to get Trump thrown out of office before the 2020 election.

So what’s the gambit? Let me start at the top. I think a pause is coming on this, this impeachment business. You know, I keep falling for the trap. It isn’t an impeachment yet. There hasn’t been a formal vote. You cannot have an impeachment in private. It must be public. You cannot have an impeachment where the president’s party is not permitted to participate. You can’t have an impeachment where witnesses are not cross-examined. You can’t have an impeachment where the president doesn’t get to present his case. None of this is happening with Schiff’s little sham here that he’s running.

And it’s very crucial that Pelosi is still afraid to call a vote. She doesn’t want to endanger 40 seats. She got 40 seats in Trump districts in 2018. She doesn’t want to risk those. There was nothing to the Ukrainian phone call. Why is the bombshell today all of a sudden this ambassador or this diplomat named Bill Taylor, why is that the bombshell? What happened to the whistleblower, folks?

Remember the whistleblower a month ago was the bombshell. Remember how everything came to a screeching halt when news that a whistleblower had blown the whistle on Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president. Then what happened? Trump releases the transcript of that phone call. The moment he did that, the whistleblower and any subsequent whistleblowers to follow were rendered irrelevant because the whistleblower admitted that he did not have firsthand knowledge, meaning he did not actually hear the call. He wasn’t in on it. He had been told by people who heard the call what was said.

So the whistleblower was secondhand. I’m sorry. Secondhand versus actual call transcript, secondhand doesn’t have a chance. Secondhand has thus become irrelevant. What happened to the whistleblower? Where is he? Why are they not even talking about him anymore?

Why is the whistleblower gone and every day now there’s a new bombshell with a new witness? First it was Volcker, then it was Godnoff or Godney or whatever his name, now it’s Bill Taylor. I wouldn’t be surprised if they bring Sally Yates back, James Comey. It’s about time they start recycling things here.

Let me put this in the context of the last three years. It starts with Trump-Russia collusion. That’s gone. The walls were closing in. Trump was history. It was only a matter of time, nothing, zip, zero, nada. Whistleblower, gone, zip, zero, nada.

Now it’s Bill Taylor somebody nobody’s ever heard of. And I’ll tell you what his story is here in a minute. There was nothing to the Ukraine phone call. There’s nothing but trouble with the whistleblower. And, by the way, the whistleblower has other problems. His own past liaisons, his contacts, his motivations. He is an Adam Schiff friend of a staffer! Adam Schiff walked the whistleblower through the process.

Nobody thought Trump would ever release the transcript of the phone call. This all is a setup. It turns out that this star witness today, Bill Taylor, he’s been coached by an Adam Schiff staffer that flew to Ukraine and met with all these people. This has been in the works for a couple of months now, folks. None of it is just happening. They want you to think that Schiff has a committee going, and they’re calling in witnesses, and every day they’re learning something new, and every day it’s a bombshell.

They’re not learning anything. They are executing a previously planned program. The whistleblower was phase 1. That blew up. Every witness after this is somebody they’ve already been in contact with and have set up. And it is being learned that all of these people have relationships or relationships with staffers of Adam Schiff.

None of this is real, folks. I mean, it’s happening. It’s real. But it is not what they are leading you to believe. That Adam Schiff is a great patriot, he’s sitting there in his committee room in the basement, and he’s trying to get to the bottom of this. It’s so bad. Gotta get people to talk, trying as hard as he can to get to the bottom of this. And every day somebody comes in and they’re learning things they didn’t know and it’s even worse than anybody thought. None of that is true.

Like Christine Blasey Ford was not true. Her stories about Kavanaugh were not true. Like Anita Hill’s stories about Clarence Thomas were not true. Like Ted Kennedy’s allegations about Robert Bork were not true. There just isn’t any truth to this. That’s one of the reasons why I can’t believe the Republicans are so shell-shocked and not pushing back to this.

It is easy to characterize what this is. And the last thing this is is legitimate. But there is another important factor in this. We forget that Adam Schiff is a former federal prosecutor. Federal prosecutors have a lot of power with the grand jury. What is the grand jury? The grand jury is the epitome of the expression of power of a federal prosecutor because the opposition and target is not permitted in. The target’s lawyers are not permitted in. It’s just the prosecutor and the grand jurors.

And he can tell them anything he wants. He can ask them anything he wants. And the people that he’s trying to nail are not permitted in the room. And, furthermore, it is against the law for anybody in the room to say anything about what went on in the room. Well, this is what Schiff is doing! He’s essentially playing off his experience as a federal prosecutor, he’s running a grand jury, a mock grand jury hearing here and calling it impeachment. It isn’t!

It is the epitome of unfairness when you get right down to it. It is the epitome of a stacked deck. Adam Schiff is not just a liar. He’s incompetent. He cannot figure out how to sell his star chamber and yet he can’t run an open hearing because he doesn’t have any evidence, folks. He doesn’t have any evidence. Adam Schiff is on the hook.

Adam Schiff, since election night 2016, has been telling everybody that he has incontrovertible proof that Trump colluded with Russia. But he doesn’t. He’s lied about it. He’s never presented it because it doesn’t exist. He doesn’t have any evidence. “Well, Rush, I don’t know what these ambassadors are saying. It’s pretty bad.”

Folks, don’t fall for this. Where were these ambassadors three years ago? Oh, that’s right, they couldn’t say anything ’cause the phone call hadn’t happened ’til July of this year. One bombshell after another just explodes on ’em and blows up and, poof, it’s gone.


RUSH: Now, see here right on schedule, here is CNN with a story, “Number 2 Senate Republican not a good picture of testimony.” This is the bombshell testimony of the day. This William Taylor guy, I’m gonna explain it here in a minute. Republicans are idiotic to even react to this. “Well, that’s not a good picture out of there.” What’s happening in here is an absolute scam.

By the way, here is a little news item. Democrats are hysterical that the Republicans who stormed into little Adam Schiff’s room today took cell phones. “Laura Cooper’s scheduled deposition has been upended by a group of House Republicans storming the hearing room, members say. Republicans took cellphones into the secure area, which is a huge violation. We’re told the room will need a security sweep before the deposition can continue.”

Folks, there’s nothing classified going on here! There is no testimony that’s classified. None of Hillary Clinton’s emails are being discussed. There’s nothing classified. They open each of these hearings by saying that nothing’s classified. There’s no reason for this to be happening at all other than the illusion that Schiff is attempting to create here. Now they’re having to bring everything to a screeching halt because Republicans took cell phones in there?

How the hell do the Republicans not even get allowed in there? One of the reasons I don’t spend a lot of time talking about this is because the more I think about it the more fit to be tied I am. I get literally angry over what is happening here and until today, the absence of any pushback against it. Schiff is running a scam. The guy is a total, colossal wandering shred of human debris in this. He’s just a punk! The guy can’t engage in anything that’s truthful if his life depends on it. “Well, they run the House, Rush, so they can do what they want.” Sadly there’s truth to that.

Okay, the Democrats have their hair on fire today over Trump’s tweet where he said his impeachment was a lynching. Now, as I mentioned at the top of the program, I think this actually now was strategic on Trump’s part. I think he knew what the reaction to this would be, and it was. The media went nuts. “You can’t say that! You can’t say the word ‘lynching.’ That’s so insensitive. That’s so bogus. That’s so ogre-ish. You can’t do that.”

And it totally covered up the intended conch of the testimony of this latest bombshell artist, a guy by the name of Taylor from some bureaucracy who was testifying before Schiff’s committee. In fact, NBC has the story. “Trump’s ‘Lynching Tweet’ Overshadows Bombshell Testimony – As a key witness testified in a Tuesday hearing as part of an ongoing impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, President Trump stirred controversy online, describing the investigation against him as a ‘lynching,’ a word deeply tied to America’s history of racially motivated murder.”

That’s just a crock! As I pointed out yesterday, the largest single mass lynching in this country occurred in 1891 in New Orleans of Italians. Yeah, blacks were lynched, but was not an exclusive to blacks crime, but look at the way this was worded. “A word deeply tied to America’s history of racially motivated murder.” God I hate these people. I just.

“Something like lynching is far beneath the office of the president of the United States,” said James Clyburn of South Carolina. “California’s Rep. Karen Bass said the comment was part of a pattern. ‘Every time his back is against the wall he uses race,’ Bass said. ‘He throws out race as a bomb to divert the attention.’”

Wait a minute. Who’s diverting attention here? Who’s diverting attention? You really think Trump thought that this — He knows calling impeachment a lynching is standard fare in Washington. Bill Clinton said he was being lynched. Biden said Clinton was being lynched. I’m not even gonna bore you with the sound bites, but we’ve got an endless parade of people on tape who have accused various Democrats of being lynched over impeachment, Clinton and otherwise, Biden. Biden’s out there apologizing today for having said it.

“The controversy drew attention away from the highly-anticipated deposition with acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor. ‘This is my most disturbing day in the Congress so far,’ Michigan’s Rep. Andy Levin said after hearing Taylor’s testimony. In a September text message, Taylor wrote ‘I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign.’ U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland responded there was no quid pro quo, though he recently testified the president directed him to write that.”

This, folks, all of this is a great example of why these hearings should be open to the public. According to the Republicans who were in the room, Sondland supported Trump and completely contradicted Taylor. Taylor’s just the latest guy that Schiff has coached. There is a connection between a member of Schiff’s staff and Taylor. Schiff’s staff member went to Ukraine earlier this summer, coordinated things with Taylor.

This thing that Schiff is doing has been in the works since August. It is now October. The Democrats are using the testimony of this Taylor guy to move the goal posts again. Instead of Trump’s crime being his demand of a quid pro quo and his phone call, we’re now being told that the quid pro quo took place after that phone call.

Taylor, the bombshell witness of the day, is claiming, with no evidence — and we don’t know what he’s actually saying because there aren’t any transcripts. We just have to rely on what Schiff leaks and then what the New York Times publishes. Taylor claims that Trump’s envoy to the European Union, Gordon Sondland, told an adviser to the Ukraine president that the military assistance would not come until Zelensky publicly committed to pursue the Burisma investigation.

Now, this is another change, folks. The Democrats had moved away from alleging Trump wanting to investigate the Bidens to claiming Trump’s crime was wanting to investigate CrowdStrike. They keep going back and forth. They can’t settle on one thing ’cause they know the media is gonna keep confusing the issue.

Now we’re back to the crime being Trump wanting to investigate Bidens. Yesterday they were all upset about CrowdStrike. The day before that they were all upset about investigating the Bidens. The day before that it was a quid pro quo. Then Sondland said there wasn’t any quid pro quo. Then the Democrats admit there wasn’t a quid pro quo on the call; there was a quid pro quo that happened after the call.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian president is denying there was ever a quid pro quo, but they don’t believe him because he likes Trump. Now, Bill Taylor, ambassador Ukraine, bombshell witness, also claims that Sondland told him on September 8th that Trump is a businessman and that, quote, when a businessman’s about to sign a check to somebody who owes him something, the businessman asks the person to pay up before signing the check.

Taylor claims that Sondland said that President Trump wanted Zelensky in a public box by making a public statement about ordering such investigations. Yet the military aid was fully released on September 11th! The quid pro quo is now supposedly Trump threatening to withhold military aid after the phone call unless Zelensky did what Trump wanted. But the military aid was released on September 11th! The phone calls happened in August, July!

There wasn’t any public announcement about the military aid being released, but it was. Ukraine started any investigation of the Bidens without any of this — there was no quid pro quo here. Again, notice this is the secondhand account of what Sondland supposedly told Taylor. We just have Taylor’s word for it. There’s no cross-examination.

In Taylor, you’ve got a Sally Yates. You’ve got an Obama holdover. You’ve got a deep state person. All of this is the ongoing effort to try to sabotage Trump. It’s why I don’t like talking about this stuff. I don’t like airing what these leftists are alleging. I don’t even like putting it out there. And I got through two hours of this today without having to do it.

There is this minor detail. Ukraine president, foreign minister, everybody else involved said there was no quid pro quo ever. And that’s just being totally ignored on behalf of and in favor of secondhand testimony again. What happened to the whistleblower? Where did that go? When everything that Schiff has planned blows up magically, somebody else appears with bombshell revelations!

You know what? When we first heard about the whistleblower, we were told that there was an actual first whistleblower. I mean, we’d have to say that the first whistleblower was the first, but we were told, you know, he had secondhand information, that he was told by somebody. So in truth there was a whistleblower who blew the whistle to the whistleblower. I think it was Taylor. I think Taylor’s up to his eyebrows in this stink.

I think Taylor is the so-called second whistleblower who blew the whistle to first whistleblower who then goes to Schiff. We were told the second whistleblower, the attorney is a Republican with a long history in Foreign Service. That would be Taylor. This all just stinks.

Now, here’s the story. This from Breitbart. “Adam Schiff Staffer Met with Impeachment Witness on Ukraine Trip — Itinerary for a trip to Ukraine in August organized by the Atlantic Council think tank reveals that a staffer on Rep. Adam Schiff’s House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence held a meeting during the trip with acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor, now a key witness for Democrats pursuing impeachment.

“The Atlantic Council is funded by and works in partnership with Burisma, the natural gas company at the center of allegations regarding Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.” Burisma is all over this. “Taylor has been called by House Democrats to appear next week to provide a deposition as part of the investigation being led by Schiff into President Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.”

By the way, it’s a phone call Taylor himself never heard ’cause he’s never even read the transcript of it. Taylor did not hear the Trump phone call with Zelensky. Yet there he is as a witness, which makes me think he’s one of the whistleblowers here, a secondhand receiver of knowledge passing it on.

“Taylor himself has evidenced a close relationship with the Burisma-funded Atlantic Council, writing analysis pieces published on the Council’s website and serving as a featured speaker for the organization’s events. He also served for nine years as senior advisor to the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council, which has co-hosted scores of events with the Atlantic Council.”

We have a bunch of Democrats here, a Democrat think tank organizing with a Democrat committee chairman, a bunch of people claiming firsthand knowledge and secondhand knowledge of a phone call that’s now irrelevant because the transcript of it has been released.

Again, the key to Taylor’s testimony — this is such a convoluted timeline — the original allegation was — remember what Schiff said from his committee chair. He said that Trump told the president of Ukraine to dig up dirt, to make up dirt if he had to, on Joe Biden and his son Hunter. And, furthermore, he told him to do this eight or nine times on the phone call, promised to withhold American aid until the Ukraine president did all that. And then he told the Ukraine president not to call back until he had done all this. This is what Schiff said that Trump said.

Then it blew up on Schiff, and he had to say, “Well, no, no, that was parody.” So from that stage Schiff then kept maintaining that Trump was asking Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election by conducting an investigation into Biden and his son Hunter, Burisma and all of this. And Trump threatened to withhold any aid from the United States to Ukraine unless Ukraine followed through on Trump’s demand. That blew up when it was revealed that the aid had already started flowing before Trump even made the phone call.

Then they added, well, wait a minute, they added a quid pro quo. Trump said, Trump demanded that they do the investigation or that aid would stop! Then that blew up when the whistleblower couldn’t make the case. Now here comes Taylor and his bombshell testimony is that the quid pro quo happened after the call! But what really happened was that Trump told the president of Ukraine the aid would stop if he didn’t investigate Biden.

So we go from Schiff claiming Trump telling Ukraine there won’t be any aid unless they investigate, to, oops, sorry, we got the timeline wrong. Trump told them the aid would be stopped if they didn’t investigate. Why the change? Because Schiff never counted on anybody realizing the aid had already begun to flow before this phone call occurred. Now, this is why I don’t like doing CNN’s job, spreading the story of this.

I have to tell you what the media is reporting, and it is a pack of falsehoods, near falsehoods, some outright lies, and a lot of innuendo, given credibility by yet another deep state, we cannot distrust somebody from the State Department. Just like we can’t distrust anybody from the intelligence community. We have to trust them. They’re the best and the brightest. And all it is is the ongoing, conditioned, coordinated effort to come up with something to drive Trump’s voters away from him, lowering his approval numbers.

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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 26th
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2019, 05:47:28 pm »

Media Fell for Trump’s Lynching Trick

Oct 23, 2019

RUSH: You know, this has been kind of interesting to watch this lynching business. I believe now that Trump did this on purpose. I believe he did it knowing full well what the reaction would be, because the timing of it was perfect.

The timing, the media fell for it and instead of hyping what they claim is big, bombshell testimony at Adam Schiff’s little quasi-impeachment hearing, instead of that getting top billing, Trump using the word “lynching” got top billing. The media covered up their own big bombshell.


RUSH: I want to build on something that we were talking about yesterday. And I want to build on it because it came up yesterday and I did not emphasize the point strongly enough yesterday that I want to emphasize today. And it is in regard to this hatred for Trump that is now just out of control, and it’s ratcheting up if that’s even possible.

And my observations here, I heard this Democrat activist babe on Fox 24 hours ago talking about how the Republicans say it’s just getting harder and harder to defend the president. This lynching business, just getting harder and harder to defend the president. And it just frosted me, it literally frosted me. I hear this and I know she’s right. I know this Democrat babe. She knows the Republicans. They all know each other in that town, and I know she’s right.

The Republicans are all, “Oh, my God. How do we defend this? Oh, my God. He said lynching.” Some of these Republicans simply, because of bias, prejudice, whatever, cannot understand that Trump has his own brand of political brilliance. And I’ll guarantee he knew what he was doing when he used the word “lynching”. When he said he was being lynched he knew what he was doing. He knows how to play these people like a Stradivarius. He knew what the media reaction was gonna be.

And the timing was perfect because the media covered up their own bombshell! Which is this ambassador, a guy named Taylor, supposedly had what Mueller couldn’t find, supposedly had what Comey had. This guy had the goods, why, this was game-changing testimony. How many times have we heard, game-changer, game-changer, walls are closing in. The guy’s got nothing! He did Comey. I’ll get to the details in a minute.

The point is the media was forced into attacking Trump because he used the term “lynching.” And their bombshell testimony before Schiff’s little kangaroo court that he’s running ended up being covered by the media going bonkers over lynching. I’m convinced the president did this purposely to throw a little firecracker into their party.
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 26th
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2019, 06:29:05 pm »

Environmentalist Wackos Cause Fires, Fuel Shortages, Plane Crashes

Oct 24, 2019

RUSH: I checked the email during the break. “What do you mean there’s fuel shortages in California and New York? What are you talking about?” Okay. Laws that the left made are raising gas prices in California. And the same thing is happening in New York. The very laws they demanded, the very laws they insisted on, are doing exactly what they wanted to be done.

I have here a Wall Street Journal editorial. Let me give you a pull quote. “Californians in the future can look forward to paying more to drive on deteriorating roads as they head to homes without electricity due to blackouts. How long will it take California voters to figure out that these are problems made in Sacramento by [Democrat] politicians?”

There’s not a Republican fingerprint on any policy in California the last 15 years. “Democrats in California have worked hard for years to inflate gasoline prices,” because they don’t want you using gasoline. You are destroying the planet. You’re preventing life from existing after 2050.

“Now they’re searching for a fall guy as voters gripe about how much they’re paying to fill up.” In some places it’s six bucks a gallon. This is all because of left-wing policy, Democrat policy driven by environmentalist wackos. There’s a column today in the New York Post. How many of you flinch when I say Boeing 737 Max 8? Guess what may have driven this whole debacle?

Attempting to achieve demanding environmental regulations on emissions may have forced Boeing to make design compromises in aerodynamics that they tried to correct with software in the cockpit. It may well that the Boeing 737 Max 8 is encountering problems because of pressure applied from environmentalist wackos and a bunch of corporate executive fear in resisting them and standing up to them and telling them to go pound sand and go to hell.

Instead, they tried to comply with these emission demands and regulations in order to save the planet from being inhabitable by 2050. Now they’ve got an airplane grounded that may never fly again all because — I’m telling you, folks, the left ruins everything it touches. It destroys everything. I don’t care if it’s cultural, I don’t care if it’s business.

Californians in the future can look forward to paying more to drive on deteriorating roads as they head to homes without electricity, rolling blackouts because of the expected increase seasonal fires. See, the power companies are not allowed to clear-cut any of the kindling, i.e., dry timber that surrounds the power plants.

So they have to go offline so as not to present an even greater threat to fire. They go offline a week here, two weeks there, customers got nothing. They gotta go out and get solar panels hooked up to batteries, to generator battery backups. Look at all they’re paying for this, and they’re getting nothing for it.

And the Journal editorial, “Democrats in California have worked hard for years to inflate gasoline prices, but now they’re searching for a fall guy as voters gripe about how much they’re paying to fill up. Round up the usual fossil-fuel suspects! California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday ordered state Attorney General Xavier Becerra to investigate oil companies for allegedly overcharging consumers.”

That’s not what’s going on. There’s no overcharging here. It’s getting more expensive to do business in California because it’s exactly the policies and laws the left passed and implemented. “Gas prices in California average $4.13 per gallon, about $1.50 more than the rest of the U.S. ‘The mystery surcharge adds up, especially for cost-conscious, working families,’ the Governor declared.”

The mystery surcharge? The mystery surcharge is government policy! They’re making it more expensive for these fossil fuel businesses to do business. You’re limiting their distribution abilities. What do you think’s gonna happen to price? You’re even trying to do away with ’em. You’re trying to wipe out fossil fuels in the state of California and all over the country. What do you expect to happen?

Folks, it’s kind of like all of Washington. They run around and they rip you, they rip the deplorables, Hillary Clinton will come along and talk about how you’re just a big bunch of deplorables, yet they expect you to keep making the country work. They expect you to keep getting up and going to work every day paying their damn fool tax increases, listening to them complain about what a bunch of dunderheads you are, how unsophisticated you are.

They rip the hell out of you when you vote for somebody like Donald Trump and yet they expect you to keep doing what you’re doing so that they can remain in fat city. And then when you don’t, why, it’s time to find the bogeyman. And they never look inward.

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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 26th
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2019, 08:37:09 pm »

Never Trumpers Offended by “Human Scum” Insult

Oct 24, 2019

RUSH: “GOP Lawmaker Condemns Trump Over ‘Human Scum’ Comment — Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) criticized President Trump’s recent tweet calling ‘Never Trump’ Republicans ‘human scum.’ ‘To call anybody human scum is beneath the office of the presidency. You can’t say that, right? You’re the president. You have different standards,’ Kinzinger said in a CNN interview.”

Now, if the name sounds familiar, this guy’s a regular on CNN. He’s a Republican in the House, but he’s a regular on CNN throughout the Drive-By Media. Last month, for instance, he blasted Trump for merely retweeting a comment from a pastor that impeachment could lead to a Civil War-like fracture. Pastor tweeted that; Trump retweeted it. Adam Kinzinger: That’s beneath the president. He shouldn’t be retweeting things like that. He said that retweet was beyond repugnant.

Now, I think this is rich. See, in the normal ebb and flow of things, I can understand, “I wish he hadn’t said ‘scum.’” But, folks, these are not normal times. And I dare say that none of these people who are telling Trump how to act and trying to define standards of decorum for him, I doubt that any of them could tolerate over a week what he puts up with, maybe not even that long.

Donald Trump has been called a Nazi, a white supremacist, a racist. He has been accused of supporting white supremacists and Nazis — that’s that whole Charlottesville debacle — he has been called a traitor. And they have been serious about it! He’s been called a Russian agent. He has been accused of undermining the United States government. He has been called the worst personal things, insults that you can possibly imagine. And he, like every other Republican, is just supposed to sit there and take it.

The Never Trumper contingent of the Republican Party can make up any insult about Trump that they want, and the Drive-By Media happily echoes it. John Brennan and Hillary Clinton can run around and virtually say anything they want. Hillary Clinton can run around and talk about how Tulsi Gabbard and Jill Stein are Russian agents, and in the next breath they talk about her as qualified to run the Democrat Party’s presidential aspirations again. Tulsi Gabbard, Russian agent, Jill Stein Russian agent, yeah, she’s a Russian asset, Hillary says all of this and even crazier stuff, and they put her at the top of the Democrat field.

Look at what Trump has had to endure them saying about his kids. Now, I know that many of you are saying he should still be above it, Rush. In fact, I’m gonna share an email with you that I got. I’m gonna paraphrase it ’cause I didn’t print it out ’cause I didn’t intend to reference it. But the subject line the email, “Rush, when I hear you talking about Trump, it sounds like you identify with him.” It went on to describe how, over the course of doing the show, “we’re aware of how you’ve been insulted, but you never respond to any of it the way Trump does.”

I guess the point was that Trump should not respond the way he is. Well, it’s true. But I’ve had far different reasons. I’ve been handcuffed in how I can respond to this stuff, folks. I’m responsible for much more than just me here, and I have to take that into account. But the business about identifying with Trump, I’m not conscious of that, but as I stop and think about it, look at the things — you know, I’ve been accused of making fun of people that can’t walk.

I have been accused of being in favor of slavery with this little effort of mine to be a minor part of a team buying an NFL team. The Drive-By Media is running stuff unchecked, total lies made up, put up by Media Matters that I lament the loss of slavery, that slavery was better than ever for this country and it should come back. I never said anything of the sort. It was out there, it was being amplified, it was put in every newspaper, it was on every website.

I can’t remember all of the things because it’s been over 30 years, not just the racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe stuff, but the abject lies and misquotes about things that I have said. So I guess in a way it’s not that I can identify with Trump, but I know what it’s like. And I’m not the only conservative Republican who does. But I’ve wanted to respond — this is the conversation I’ve had with you about nobody knows the right way to respond, no matter what you do, somebody’s gonna think you’re doing it wrong.

If you respond at all, some say, “Big mistake, you’re just validating it. You’re showing them that it upsets you and they’re gonna come back for more.” Others say, “You can’t let that go without responding to it. You can’t let them call you a racist. You can’t let that set in. You’ve gotta respond.” These are all well-intentioned people. And no matter what you do, somebody thinks you’re doing it the wrong way. No matter how you deal with it, somebody thinks you could do it better or you shouldn’t do it at all.

So I do look at Trump maybe in ways that other people don’t. But I don’t think anybody out there can in any way relate personally to the literal attempts, I mean, real attempts to destroy everything about him, his life, personal, business, his presidency, and then before that his campaign. And what do you think somebody’s going to do when they are the subject of endless attacks like this?

And then you’ve got people in his own party who are out there for years advocating for the very things he’s implementing. They have devoted their lives, say, to the principles and benefits of tax cuts, trade deals and making corrections with the way we’ve dealt with China. Trump is doing all of this. And the very people who’ve made their livings advocating all this are now trying to destroy him.

I don’t blame him for being ticketing off. I also think that there’s something strategic about it. It’s like the other day when he used the word lynching to describe the way he’s being treated. It took this Bill Taylor store off the front page. It literally obliterated all of their grand plans on this Bill Taylor testimony because the media couldn’t help themselves. They had to go after Trump and what a reprobate he is for saying something that only happened to blacks. He can’t say it, it’s horrible.

Now he comes along and he’s calling his fellow Republicans scum, and the same thing’s happening. So I think there’s something real and genuine about it. There’s something also strategic about it. Now, we happen to have a sound bite on this. This is the woman that replaced Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham this morning on Fox & Friends. Brian Kilmeade said, “The president called the Never Trumpers ‘scum.’ Does he regret that?”

GRISHAM: No. No, he shouldn’t. The people who are against him and who have been against him and working against him since the day they took office are just that. It is horrible that people are working against a president who’s delivering results for this country and has been since day one. And the fact that people continue to try to negate anything that he’s doing and take away from the good work he’s doing on behalf of the American people, they deserve strong language like that.

RUSH: That’s Stephanie Grisham.


RUSH: Here is Jay in Santa Cruz, California. Great to have you, Jay. Hi.

CALLER: Rush, thank you for taking my call. I’m out here in a sea of liberals, and you’re my lifeline.

RUSH: I was gonna say, getting a call from Santa Cruz is rare enough, but a conservative in Santa Cruz is practically unheard of.


RUSH: I mean, you gotta be invisible out there.

CALLER: I have no friends. I stay under the radar. Anyway, my question for you is I want to know what you think — I feel like Trump is brilliant. I feel like he’s playing three-dimensional chess. I voted for Trump, but I wasn’t enthused about him, and over the last three years I’ve learned to trust his tweets. I’ve learned to trust his instincts. He’s taught me about the deep state and the corruption. He’s taught me about the media and the left and the corruption. And I feel like I’ve been schooled for the last three years. And I’m wondering if there’s more people out there like me that are rook solid for Trump that weren’t necessarily three years ago.

RUSH: Let me ask you a question. When Trump calls people “scum,” do you go, “Ew, ew, I wish he hadn’t said that, oh, no,” and think about ending your support for him?

CALLER: No. I will admit there have been times when I have been overwhelmed by Trump’s approach or his language. However, within a few days I understand why he did it. Maybe it’s to expose the left. Maybe it’s to expose corruption. But I always feel like in the end I am absolutely fine trusting that man’s judgment to the grave.

RUSH: If you’re just patient, if you wade you through the immediate press panic after each one of these supposed outrages, is what you’re saying, wait two or three days, a week or whatever, and Trump makes it all clear to you, and you end up fine with it?

CALLER: I’ll tell you, I listened to mainstream media. I got a balance. I’ve listened to you off and on for 30 years. I never, ever watched Fox News. I became introduced to Fox News after Trump was elected because the corruption from the mainstream media, I don’t watch it anymore. I don’t even let my TV set be on that channel so that Nielsen’s not getting any credit for me being on that channel. You and Trump are all I listen to anymore.

RUSH: Well, you can’t go wrong.

CALLER: No. And I want to know, are there others like me that were nervous voting for him and have become rock solid like myself —

RUSH: Damn right there are. You’re never alone. Nobody in a country of 300 million is ever the only who thinks something. I guarantee you you have company in that sentiment. Look, it’s tough to quantify. All we have to go on is people like you telling stories, which is called anecdotal, meaning it’s not scientific. We don’t know how many people you speak for. We only know that you’re speaking for yourself.

So we next turn to polling data and that’s so all over the place, it’s so misused and has such ill intentions the way it’s used that it’s hard to know what and when various polls are accurate. But there have been a number of them this week that talk about your very phenomenon. And one of the polls, it was an internal poll that Ronna McDaniel released. She’s the head of the RNC. And it was from yesterday, maybe two days ago.

I’m gonna have to paraphrase this, but it was that 10% of people that didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 are now going to. And it’s voters that the Democrats think that they pretty much own. I just can’t remember whether it was independents or a certain classification of Democrats. And sadly I’m gonna have to go back to the email to find it and then print it because I throw away each piece of paper every day, so I don’t have it at the tip of my tongue here.

But it basically was there’s a group of people that weren’t crazy about Trump in 2016, didn’t vote for him who now are going to. And there’s a bunch of polling data out there. But I’m sure that the Democrats will be able to produce polling data of a whole bunch of Trump supporters in 2016 who can’t do it again, they’re fed up with things like Trump calling people scum, and they’re fed up with Russian collusion, and they’re fed up with people storming private Democrat meetings, this kind of polling data. ‘Cause whatever you want, there’s a poll out there that will make you think that you’re in the majority. You can do a lot of things with statistics.

This why we have to go through campaigns and wait for elections.
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 26th
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2019, 08:38:04 pm »

Lois Lerner Tipped Us Off to the Obama Deep State

Oct 24, 2019

RUSH: Now we start in Austin, Texas. Joseph, great to have you, sir, on the EIB Network.

CALLER: Rush, you can draw a line from Lois Lerner to the whistleblower. And that line runs through Chuck Schumer, the torching of Mike Flynn, the recusal of Jeff Sessions, the Mueller report. It’s the same play. They’re on offense. They’re lurking in there and they don’t need explicit instructions as we discussed in the Lois Lerner case. They just need to check TV and hear John Brennan and look at Jim Comey’s directions and they’re lying in wait and then they go to Schiff’s staff, and they get going, and they get another big controversy going.

RUSH: So you’re tracing this back to the days of Obama. Lois Lerner is the IRS Obamaite who refused to grant tax-exempt status to a number of conservative 501(c)(3)s claiming that they didn’t qualify. And so they were not allowed to participate in fundraising. By the way, what he is talking about, when he says, “As we discussed,” she didn’t have to be told. What he means, he’s got a great memory. He’s remembering, you know, I pointed out that somebody like Lois Lerner did not have to be told by Obama to do this.

So there wouldn’t be a smoking-gun memo to find. There wouldn’t be an instructional memo from POTUS to Lois, “Screw conservatives.” You could look for it all day long, you’re not gonna find it. ‘Cause she doesn’t need the memo. She knows what she’s there to do. Eric Holder knew what he was there to do as attorney general. Everybody Obama appointed. And you talk about Brennan and Clapper and Comey, you know, they knew what they were there to do. They didn’t need instructions. They’re all on the same page. Pretty much true.
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 26th
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2019, 08:39:03 pm »

Keep Your Eye on Republicans Working to Remove Trump

Oct 24, 2019

RUSH: We know the Democrats are who they are, and we know what they’re trying to do. But I’m gonna tell you that there’s another faction out there that you had better keep your eyes on. And that faction is establishment Republicans.

And I’m here to tell you that if I were to learn — and I haven’t learned this — but if I were to learn that there is and has been an ongoing underground, undercurrent movement led by establishment Republicans to do anything it takes to get rid of Donald Trump right now, next week, next month, I would believe it. If you include the name Mitt Romney in that group, I would believe it. If you throw the name Paul Ryan in that group of people, I would believe it.

We know who the Democrats are. We know what their game is. We know what their objective is. We know that the Democrats cannot succeed without help, cooperation, and agreement from a certain number of Republicans. And, by the way, not just Republicans in the Senate. Remember, they got rid of Nixon without ever voting on anything. They got rid of Nixon by convincing Republicans in the Senate to abandon him. And they did it with public opinion polls, a never-ending barrage of media that had Nixon guilty and convicted and off to prison. And they simply made it impossible for Republicans to defend him.

There never was an impeachment. There were never any impeachment hearings. The Watergate hearings sufficed. There was never a trial in the Senate. Nixon was never under formal impeachment procedures. They just succeeded in convincing Republicans to abandon him after he had won reelection in 1972. That’s what the game is here.

The difference now is that there are — I don’t know anything factually, I’m just telling you I wouldn’t be surprised if we were to learn that prominent, what we would call establishment Republicans, are in leadership positions of this movement to get as many Republicans publicly — not voting in the Senate — I’m talking publicly to go on TV and renounce Trump. Believe me that effort is underway, and Mitt Romney is showing the way by doing it! He’s showing other Republicans how to do it, showing how you can get loved by the media if you do do it.

I mean, they hated Mitt Romney, right? He didn’t pay his taxes, beat up kids at prep school, put the family dog on the top of the station wagon, didn’t care if an employee’s wife died of cancer ’cause Mitt didn’t care enough about health care, they said all. But now they love Mitt. See, the media can love you again. You can be loved again by the people that run Washington. All you have to do is turn on your own party.

And in this case, it’s not even turning on your own party. It’s turning on this guy Trump that had no right, he had no business ever being bestowed this kind of power. This is dangerous. This kind of guy has no business having any power at all in Washington.

So I’m telling you that the effort is no doubt probably underway. Well, “no doubt” cancels out “probably.” I wouldn’t be surprised if I were to learn that it is underway. And I know that all of the so-called Never Trumper Republican conservative media intellectuals are part of this movement. And they are willing to cast aside all of the great economic news, the rebounding of America’s middle class, the low unemployment, none of that matters to them.

The Republicans we’re talking about don’t even want to run for office of reelection on the basis of that. They’re more comfortable running against Donald Trump. Because that’s where the power in the Washington establishment is arrayed, is against Donald Trump.

Washington hasn’t really cared about you in a long time. You are the deplorables. You’re just expected to keep making the country work no matter what they throw at you. They can tell you you’re destroying the planet, and if you don’t do this it’s gonna be destroyed by 2050 or 2030. Your filthy, rotten lifestyle with your filthy, rotten fossil fuel vehicle is creating all this damage.

But they expect you, after they rip you to shreds and blame you for everything, they then expect you to keep doing what you’re doing to make this economy hum. They expect you to keep feeding the military by volunteering so they can keep the war machine operating. They expect you to do all this, while they summarily insult you each and every day and try to get rid of the people that you elect.

Not just Trump. Anybody you elect that they don’t like. And there are just some Republicans that don’t want to push back against that. So I don’t know what stage it’s at even if it exists. I’m just telling you I wouldn’t be surprised if it does.

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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 26th
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2019, 08:44:09 pm »

Gaetz Ventures Into the Belly of the Beast to Explain Storming Schiff’s SCIF

Oct 24, 2019

RUSH: We’ve got Matt Gaetz. Matt Gaetz went on PMSNBC last night. He was one of the Republicans that stormed the SCIF in a regrettable stunt, according to some Republican Trump supporters. Let me tell you what a SCIF is. It stands for Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, and it’s kind of like an air gapped computer.

An air gapped computer is one not connected to a network so you can’t hack into it and whatever it’s doing cannot broadcast. The computer cannot send anything outside of its own hard drive and monitor. It cannot connect to a network. That’s air gapped. And it is the ultimate in security. Get a computer, laptop, don’t connect it, that means you don’t get to surf the Web. But it means you get to create all kinds of secret documents that nobody will ever see.

Well, a SCIF is the same thing with a room. It’s not connected to the outside. No electronic devices exist in a SCIF. And your cell phones are not permitted to be taken into one. Now, the reason for SCIFs, one of the reasons is to have super-secret classified hearings, meetings, testimony. Adam Schiff is using a SCIF, a room two floors below street level in the Capitol. Schiff starts every one of these so-called hearings by announcing that no classified information is gonna be discussed.

There’s no reason to do this in a SCIF. There’s literally no reason. If there is no classified information being discussed, no classified data is in there, no classified documents are brought in there, nothing classified is discussed, then why do the SCIF? Why do it there?

The reason is simple. It’s to keep the Republicans from finding out what’s being said by anti-Trump witnesses. Schiff’s excuse is, “Well, I don’t want the witnesses to be able to coordinate so that they can’t lie in unison.” It’s the exact opposite. What Schiff doesn’t want is for anybody to know what the witnesses say so that he can leak anything he wants to tell us they said. He can take a sentence or two that they’ve stated out of context, leak that to the media, a bombshell story with a bombshell headline results, and there’s no evidence to contradict it.

This is exactly what Schiff is doing, and this is also why he doesn’t want any Republicans in there. So that they can’t see and thus tell anybody else what is going on. So it is this room that they stormed. They didn’t storm anything. They quietly walked in and sat down and tried to watch what’s going on in there since they’ve been frozen out. They gave their cell phones to aides outside the room. They did not storm in, they didn’t protest, they don’t go Code Pink, they didn’t start shouting and shut it down.

Schiff shut it down because he couldn’t afford for them to hear what was going on! Then Schiff calls the New York Times or the Washington Post, whoever’s turn it was to get the leak, says we were just shut down here by a bunch of Republicans storming in here protesting, shutting us down. And then shortly after that Schiff, “You know what? We’re thinking about going public.” Why now? Why all of a sudden are you thinking about going public? They’ve been called out.

So a break and then we’ll let you hear what Matt Gaetz said about all this. And, in a way, it might serve as a clinic on pushback and how to do it. But it will also set the record straight on what actually happened yesterday and make it clear that it was not a stunt.


RUSH: Hi. Welcome back. It’s Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network. Okay. This morning on MSNBC Live with Hallie Jackson, Matt Gaetz, Republican, Florida, waded in there, belly of the beast, PMSNBC. First question he got from Hallie Jackson, who used to be the White House correspondent. Whatever she is, she’s a left-wing activist disguised as a journalist. They all are. Question: “Why do you think you are above the rules? This is the point of why you went to the SCIF yesterday?”

GAETZ: I’m not above the rules, but when the Judiciary Committee chairman launches the inquiry, when the Speaker of the House won’t adopt rules, then it creates an environment where the Democrats just sort of make it up as they go along. Let’s kick some committees out, let some committees in, and it’s all because they want to reshuffle the legislative deck because they’re humiliated that they lost the Russia investigation unequivocally with the American people.

Adam Schiff lied to the American people when he said he had more than circumstantial evidence that President Trump was engaged in a criminal conspiracy with Russia, and so this is a way to take some folks on the Judiciary Committee, like myself, like Andy Biggs, out of the next hand because we were effective in making the case that Democrats were overstating the facts.

RUSH: So then she said, “Well, okay. I want to ask you about the substance of this,” which I thought we just heard some. I thought we just had a very substantive answer about, “why do you think you’re above the rules?” We’re not above the rules! We’re being shut out! Schiff is making rules! He’s making them up as they go! He’s letting some in, not letting other people in. There aren’t any rules to these proceedings, Ms. Jackson. We can’t be breaking the rules ’cause he hasn’t told anybody what they are. He’s just doing it as he goes.

So she was not satisfied, obviously, said, “I want to ask you about the substance of this, congressman, because I haven’t heard you say anything since Bill Taylor testified. Yes or no, is it okay for any politician to trade military aid for political favors?”

GAETZ: I do not believe it would be appropriate for any politician to link military aid to assistance in a future election. No. And I also don’t think that’s what the president did. I think the president —

JACKSON: Why not?

GAETZ: — was right to follow up on the work of Bill Barr to try to identify the corrupt origins of the Russia investigation. It was a Ukrainian court that ruled that the Ukraine impermissibly interfered in the U.S. election. And that is a sufficient basis for the president to ask for cooperation with the attorney general on that matter.

JACKSON: It appears from the testimony that we have seen reported publicly from the witnesses here – (crosstalk)

GAETZ: The selective leaks provided by Adam Schiff which aren’t subject to cross-examination. No, see, like you’re playing the game here, Hallie.

JACKSON: Do you dispute the facts then?

GAETZ: You’re playing the game with the selectively leaked stuff that is not subject to cross-examination.

RUSH: Let me walk you through this because what she’s doing, she is Miss Cliche. This woman does not actually even know what she’s talking about. She has the narrative. She’s got the talking points. It all starts with Trump is guilty, Trump colluded, they still haven’t said that he didn’t. Now Trump’s engaging in quid pro quo. Bill Taylor said so. And the president’s asking for Ukraine to investigate his political opponent. And that’s not legal.

She’s almost robotic. Her questions and her knowledge here are almost robotic. So she asks him one of these, “So, so, so, do you think it’s okay for a politician to trade military aid for political favors?” Right there, when did you last beat your wife? When did you stop beating your wife? Of course he doesn’t think that. That’s not what this is about. So he has to oblige. He has to say, “I don’t believe it would be appropriate for any politician to –” as though he has to say this because it could never be assumed that Republicans would obey the law.

You see, the narrative is that Republicans will flout the law, so she’s gotta ask him, “Would you obey the law, would you make sure that there was no political quid pro quo for military aid,” blah, blah, blah. And he has to oblige and say, “No, it would not be appropriate.” Then he says, “I don’t think that’s what the president did. “Why not?” she pipes up. “The president was right to follow up on the work of Bill Barr to try to identify the corrupt origins of the Russia investigation.”

And right there he lost her. She doesn’t know what we know about the corrupt Russia investigation. She thinks it’s totally legit. She thinks that Trump colluded. She thinks the Mueller report has evidence that it happened. She thinks the Steele Dossier was real. She thinks that the FISA reports were valid, the FISA warrants to spy were valid. All of that.

She believes every lie that Brennan’s ever told, that Clapper’s ever told. Her network executives are major donors to Hillary and Biden. So he’s speaking a foreign language to her. She has no idea what he’s talking about. To her, he’s just a kook. “Well, what are you talking about here? Fake Russian investigation?” He said the president was right to follow up on that. It was a Ukrainian court, Gaetz said, that ruled that Ukraine impermissibly interfered in the U.S. election.

She doesn’t know that. In fact, the left is trying to beat that back. There were four Democrat senators who demanded after Trump was elected January 2017, that demanded that Ukraine help them get dirt on Trump! You think Trump’s not gonna investigate that? She doesn’t know that. Literally, Hallie Jackson of NBC does not know what Gaetz has just asserted here. I’ll guarantee you she doesn’t know it. She won’t admit she doesn’t know it, though. If you ask her, “Oh, of course I know. I just don’t believe Gaetz knows what he’s talking about,” some semblance of that.

A Ukraine court ruled that Ukraine impermissibly interfered the U.S. election. That’s a basis for the president to ask for cooperation with the attorney general on that matter. She said, “Well, it appears from the testimony that we’ve seen reported publicly from witnesses there –” Selected leaks! We haven’t seen the testimony! We haven’t seen transcripts! “That, uh, in fact, provided by Adam Schiff that that’s what the president –” She doesn’t know. She’s just repeating the standard narrative that every journalist in Washington believes because he or she has been told. It’s amazing that Gaetz got that far. There’s more too. So hang on.


RUSH: The Washington Post has a motto, “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” Where is Adam Schiff? He’s in the darkness of a private room. If this testimony’s so devastating to Trump, why not reveal it and make it public?


RUSH: I want to continue here with the Matt Gaetz sound bites from MSNBC this morning on a program called Live with Hallie Jackson. He was among the Republicans that stormed into — and they didn’t storm in there. They arrived in Adam Schiff’s little star chamber down there two floors below street level in the Capitol, the so-called SCIF, the Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility.

There’s no classified information being discussed. There’s no reason for Schiff to do this in a SCIF for secrecy — well, there is secrecy-wise. He doesn’t want the Republicans to hear what’s going on. He doesn’t want to be able to be contradicted when he leaks out-of-context testimony from witnesses.

Here’s the thing. If Schiff is eliciting testimony here that’s gonna burn down the barn; if Schiff’s getting the goods on Trump; if Schiff has got it, if these witnesses are coming in and nailing Trump to the wall, then why not do it in public? Isn’t that the point?

I’ll give you the answer. They don’t have anything on Trump. I know there are a lot of you thinking I’m not taking this seriously enough. We had a call yesterday. Whenever there’s a call you can say if one call gets through it might represent a certain percentage of people listening that think the same way. No caller is ever actually isolated in terms of point of view. And I realize some of you might think I’m not taking it seriously.

I take it very seriously. What I’m trying to tell you is they’ve got nothing. All they’ve got is to try to drive down Trump’s approval numbers, and that’s what they’re trying to do. And they’re trying to create this illusion that there’s an avalanche of evidence that they’ve finally, after chasing after it for three years, they’re on the verge of getting it. And who knew way back in late 2016 that the answer to everything was in Ukraine? Why, everybody thought it was in Russia, but look now. It’s all in Ukraine, and it’s all about a phone call that happened this past July.

So they’re doing what they can to drive down Trump’s numbers because the only way they’re gonna get rid of him and overturn the election results is if they can create public opinion for that. So everything’s an illusion. They want you to believe that Schiff is uncovering mountains of damaging testimony, really, really deadly stuff for Trump is being learned. Well, let’s see it, then.

“Well, they can’t show their cards right now.” Why not? I mean, don’t have much time here. The election campaign will start in earnest very soon, and you want to get this done quick, right? I mean, it does appear they’d like to get Trump thrown out of office before the election because I don’t think they think they can win the election. In fact, I know they think they can’t.

I’ve got three stories in the Stack today that could each be headlined: Democrats in panic number 1, Democrats in panic number 2, Democrats in panic number 3. You put those three stories together with the New York Times yesterday worried about the roster of Democrats seeking the nomination now with the question, “Is this all there is? Is there no one else?”

There’s a lot of panic on the left, there’s a lot of panic on the Democrat side ’cause they don’t think any of these nominees can win. That’s why you’re hearing scuttlebutt about Hillary getting back in, maybe Michelle (My Belle) Obama. Who knows. JFK. Anybody. So they really would like to do this before the election because they don’t think they can beat Trump. And in fact, these three stories, Democrats in panic version 1, version 2, version 3, one of them is about Wisconsin and how Trump won Wisconsin in 2016. They can’t figure out how. And he’s so far ahead now where he was in 2016, the Democrats are in panic over Wisconsin.

And there are other things that they’re panicking over. Fundraising is one of them. But there are others as well.


RUSH: I want to get back to Matt Gaetz now. We’re up to the third sound bite. He appeared with Hallie Jackson MSNBC this morning. Next question: “Did you get a chance to see Bill Taylor’s opening statement that was released?” You know, Bill Taylor, he’s the guy that finally had the goods on Trump. This is the guy, if we’d a known Bill Taylor three years ago we’d have dragged him out. Bill Taylor, what a great American, great ambassador, Bill Taylor, he said there was a quid pro quo. “Have you read all 15 pages? Do you think he’s making it all up?”

GAETZ: I would love to have the chance to cross-examine Taylor on those claims or even to observe my colleagues cross-examining Taylor, but this is the new Adam Schiff strategy. Leak stuff that is pre-prepared – (crosstalk)

JACKSON: Your colleagues can cross-examine him. Your Republican colleagues are in the room. So you don’t trust your Republicans on these committees?

GAETZ: No, I want to see the consequences of their work, right? They put out their opening statement. We engage in cross-examination. You want to ask me about the opening, but I don’t have the benefit of the cross-examination to be able to test the allegations made in the opening statement. And that is all by design.

It is not an accident that you and I are here having this interview on terms that are very favorable to the Adam Schiff theory of the case because when John Ratcliffe asked questions that I think poke holes in the allegations that Taylor made, we don’t get the benefit of those ’cause, you know what? They weren’t leaked and they weren’t in front of the American people, and that’s the problem.

RUSH: And apparently, I just want to share with you, Ratcliffe apparently destroyed Bill Taylor on cross-examination. See, the way this works, Taylor gives his opening statement, it’s 15 pages, and it nails Trump, and proves the quid pro quo, and it’s exactly what Schiff wanted. They worked together to create it! You ever heard of Bill Taylor before? One of the greatest ambassadors ever, apparently. Oh, yeah.

And now there’s Navy admirals and Army generals on TV today on CNN praising this guy to the hilt. One of them has a book out, Stavridis, I don’t know how you pronounce his name. But he even admitted, “Oh, yeah, you know, the officer class hates Trump, but the enlisted force, they love Trump. Yes, it’s a great divide.” Well, no kidding. The officer class hates Trump, but the enlisted grunts love Trump. How do you figure that?

But I’m told that Ratcliffe ate Bill Taylor’s testimony for lunch. But it’s not been leaked. We don’t know what it is. We only have this version. Schiff’s version of what Taylor said has been leaked, an opening statement that was crafted precisely to be leaked. And they count on the fact that nobody’s gonna say, “Bill who?”

Why wasn’t this guy the whistleblower? Why did it take three weeks to get to this guy? Was it ’cause everybody before him failed to nail Trump so they finally pull somebody out of retirement to do it?

So Gaetz’s point is I’m appearing with you here under one narrative, and that is that Taylor had the goods and we don’t know anything about the cross-examination because it hasn’t been reported and Schiff won’t let it out. And Ratcliffe can’t say what it is without being penalized for violating Schiff’s so-called rules.

Matt Gaetz’s appearance did not go over well with Meghan McCain. She was on The View today, and she had this to say about Gaetz and the Republicans, quote, unquote, storming little Pencil Neck’s inquiry hearing yesterday.

MCCAIN: I hate political stunts across the board in general. I think we elect people in order to serve in Congress. We elect you to get your freaking job done one way or the other, and when you are sitting on a sit-in for 26 hours or you’re doing what Republicans did yesterday, Matt Gaetz, when did you become a TV star or wannabe TV star? You want to do that? Get the hell out of Congress, get a TV job.

RUSH: (laughing) That’s Meghan McCain with her selective criticism of people in her father’s party because they’re doing stunts, they’re not doing their jobs. “Go get on TV if you want to be a TV star, do your job.” Meghan, with all due respect, they’re not being allowed to do their jobs. They’re being denied entry and participation in what’s being billed an impeachment inquiry.

Anyway, I wanted you to hear Gaetz, and I wanted you to hear him get to the point about the cross-examination of Taylor. Nobody’s allowed to see it, but his opening 15 page statement, Hallie Jackson, “How do you refute it? You think all 15 pages are a lie? This man was great.” That’s all they’re talking about. And next week it’s gonna be somebody else when this blows up on them.
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“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
-Matthew 6:34