Author Topic: Why Trump Was Right to Withdraw American Troops from Northern Syria  (Read 337 times)

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Why Trump Was Right to Withdraw American Troops from Northern Syria

By Mitch Wolfe

Two Words. Vietnam Quagmire. I was fortunate to study the Vietnam War in the 70s during my time at Harvard. The United States entered into Vietnam with a simplistic and mostly ignorant view of Vietnam and Communist China. The argument for doubling down on fighting on behalf of South Vietnam was that if South Vietnam fell, Communism would triumph. Americans and their leaders are ethnocentric. They are ignorant of most other lands and cultures. That was true in the 70s. That is still true about Americans and their leaders vis a vis the Mideast in general and Syria, in particular, today.

In the 70s there was no monolithic Communism. Chinese Communism was different from Russian Communism. Vietnam was not Communist China. The Vietnam war was a civil war between the Vietnamese.

There are Iraq Kurds. There are Syrian Kurds. There are Turkish Kurds
Similarly, the Kurds are not monolithic. There are Iraq Kurds. There are Syrian Kurds. There are Turkish Kurds who wish to overthrow the Turkish government.

Kurds in Iraq form a semi-autonomous region within the Iraq government. The Syrian Kurds, should have formed a similar relationship with the Syrian government led by Assad. The Americans should not be permanently in Syria defending the Kurds against the Syrians or the Turks.

With the withdrawal of American troops in Northern Syria, the Kurds in Syria are aligning with Syria to fight the invasion of Turkey into Syria. They are defending Syrian land against Turkish invaders. That is a good result. The Syrian Kurds under the umbrella and protection of the Syrian government will survive and not pose a threat to Turkey because these Syrian Kurds will be more concerned about defending their territory in northern Syria as opposed to overturning the Turkish government in Turkey.

The Turks will ultimately withdraw and deal primarily with the Kurds in Turkey, as it should be.

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Had Trump not pulled out those 28/50/whatever troops, and had they gotten killed, the idiot left would be accusing him of creating another "quagmire" like Vietnam where US troops were carelessly sacrificed.   So I agree with this assessment ^  ^.

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