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Hudson Institute - Panel Discussions on Syrian Conflict with Mike Doran, worked for Bush
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Michael Doran
Senior Fellow
Michael Doran is a Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC. He specializes in Middle East security issues.
In the administration of President George W. Bush, Doran served in the White House as a senior director in the National Security Council,
Twitter Account:
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Doran worked for Bush, if one is interested on what is going on over there, these are really very informative. Mike Doran comes off a bit like a Turkish-apologist at first and who knows, maybe he is somehow paid by them but in this whole thing in the general mainstream media, Turkey comes off as villains, they are villains of history and some of it, is deserved. In the first video below at one point, they talk about how indeed, there are elements of "al Qaeda" in the Turkish proxy forces over there. That can't be good.... but both of these videos are very informative.
BTW, if he works for this "Hudson Institue", I doubt if he could be a paid lobbyist for Turkey, that would seem to be a conflict of interest but he does seem to give their side of the story.
October, 2019 (actual discussion starts about 18-20 minutes in)
After the Syrian Pullback: What Next for U.S. Middle East Policy?Error 404 (Not Found)!!1
January, 2018
Turkey, the Kurds, and the Struggle for Order in the Middle East
Error 404 (Not Found)!!1
Some enlightening stuff, because some of our understandings are at a very basic level. I wish I'd known more about diplomacy decades ago, some people go into this for a living. You learn a lot here, whatever the leanings of the Hudson Institute is. Some who knew the Bush administration might recognize Mike, he seems vaguely familiar. I feel like my understanding, well, I think I learned a lot of things I previously didn't know.
For example, the PKK, in 2013, apparently, Erdogan was trying to bring them into the fold, that's in the 2nd video. Also, apparently, this PKK with all their red stars don't have a bad relationship with Iran or Russia. Quite a few tidbits of knowledge in the videos.
Mike makes a good case all around, I'd ask him, how can Turkey be aligned with groups that may have an element of al Qaeda in them??
It might be a different "franchise" of al Qaeda than what Bin Laden headed but still. And our coalition will hit al Qaeda, I think we hit them in Syria about 2-3 months ago and got a number of their leaders. I'm almost sure it was Syria.
Edit on: <--- October 30 article on Doran:
--- Quote ---What happened to Michael Doran?
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Uneasy times.
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