Author Topic: The Texas Minute for 10/16/2019  (Read 351 times)

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The Texas Minute for 10/16/2019
« on: October 16, 2019, 12:25:21 pm »
Good morning,
Here is today's Texas Minute.
 â€“ Michael Quinn Sullivan

•   With increasing desperation, El Paso’s Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke is trying to connect with the most radical fringe of the Democratic Party’s base in his failing bid for the presidential nomination. His latest trick? Revoke the tax-exempt charitable status of churches that oppose same-sex marriage. Destin Sensky has the details.
•   Considering his disdain for the First and Second Amendments, how soon until Beto is advocating for the quartering of troops in private residences? It appears the complete revocation of the Bill of Rights will soon be the top of his agenda.
•   State Rep. Diego Bernal (D-San Antonio) tweeted yesterday: “Just want to point out that the ‘successful’ Session people keep referring to was hallmarked by Republicans in large part adopting Democrat legislative priorities.”
•   This is why the grassroots conservatives have labeled (with disgust) 2019 a PURPLE legislative session – over the strenuous protests of Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, and House Speaker Dennis Bonnen. It was a super bowl of results for the Democrats, and at best a mixed bag for conservatives. Conservatives wanted substantive policy victories, but were instead offered rhetorical pablum.
•   In the midst of a public safety crisis arising from the AustinCity Council’s reckless homelessness policies, the city’s “homelessness czar” is leaving town after a month on the job. Jacob Asmussen reports the city’s highly paid Homelessness Strategy Officer is heading back to Florida.
•   Residents and visitors to Austin have found themselves threatened, and even assaulted, by the city’s emboldened homeless population.
•   In a new commentary, Sarah Nash writes that the 2020 election season has arrived, and there is no room for error. “To be blunt, it’s time to clean house.”
•   As tax bills go up, Rockwall County officials decided to give themselves massive pay raises. Brandon Waltens reports only one county commissioner, Cliff Sevier, voted against the self-serving pay raise.
•   Williamson County residents are being urged to vote for a massive bond package by a group calling itself “Citizens for Safety, Quality Roads, and Parks.” But as Jacob Asmussen reports, the PAC is funded by out-of-state construction firms ostensibly hoping to be the recipients of the county’s half-billion dollars of debt-financed spending.

Update On Democrats’ Lawsuit
•   In addition to everything else, I was in court yesterday afternoon. The Democratic Party of Texas is suing me because Texas House Speaker Dennis Bonnen made me a quid pro quo offer that I rejected. Yes, you read that correctly. It’s not enough the Speaker of the House tried to ensnare me, the Democrats want to bankrupt me and my family with a frivolous lawsuit. Their lawsuit is without merit, but that’s not stopping them.
•   In their filings, Democrats alleged wrong-doing by Bonnen but are suing me. They are not suing Speaker Bonnen because the Austin sewer can be counted on to protect itself against the citizenry.
•   Here’s the message the Democrats and Bonnen are sending: if you take a meeting with a politician who tries to embroil you in an unethical scheme, you’ll be arrested for saying yes and sued for saying no.
•   The Democrats sued me in Travis County, where the entire judiciary is made up of leftwing Democrat judges, so as to maximize the pain – as denizens of the Austin sewer, they want to protect their fellow cronies and attack me. And, true to form, the Democrat judge hearing the case demonstrated in open court she was inclined to let her party masters run roughshod over my rights.
•   Here is a not-so-fun fact: before taking the bench, the judge hearing this case – Jan Soifer – was the chair of the Travis County Democratic Party and a lawyer for abortion clinics. You can imagine just how impartial she’s going to be.
•   The hearing was on whether or not I should be required to provide the Democrats with access to various documents and communications. In court, the ambulance-chasing lawyer representing their party made clear their intention is to harass me into giving up the names of our donors so they can be harassed. (The hearing ended with the former Democrat Party chair-turned-judge saying she was going to think on it... not doubt before deciding in favor of her party.)
•   We. Will. Not. Give. In. Not now, not ever.


“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

– John Adams