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Rush Transcripts...Oct. 17th
« on: October 17, 2019, 06:16:35 pm »
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What Pelosi’s White House Walkout Stunt Tells Us

Oct 17, 2019

RUSH: I’ll bet many of you are saying, “Rush, please don’t waste any time talking about Pelosi’s stunt today. We can get that anywhere. We don’t need the ABCs. We don’t need the back-to-front, front-to-back explanation of this. We know what’s going on.” I know, and I agree with you. But nevertheless, folks, there’s some things that need to be said about it. It has become the total media narrative. The whole thing was planned and the whole thing was strategized.

It’s part of ongoing effort by Pelosi to create this massive illusion of incompetence and criminal behavior so that she can get Trump impeached without having to call a vote for it. That’s what this is. She doesn’t want to have to put this to a vote. She doesn’t want to go anywhere formal. She wants to try to get this driven by public opinion. They’re desperate to create the Nixon situation out there where the Republicans are forced to abandon the president because the president has lost his own base support.

That’s the attempt here. They have been attempting to drive a wedge between Trump voters and Trump since Election Day 2016. It really is what this is about. I mean, the details are the details, but the objective is she doesn’t want to do a formal vote. She doesn’t want to have to go to a trial in the Senate because that’s gonna lead to an acquittal, and that just blows everything out the water. She wants and is using the Drive-By… Well, she’s not using it.

The Drive-By Media is actively cooperating in this attempt to create this image that your president is corrupt, that he’s sick, that he’s dangerously out of touch, that he’s incompetent. That’s what this is, and I’m gonna give you the opposite picture today. I’m gonna tell you how it’s the Democrats on the run. I’m gonna tell you how it’s the Democrats who are panicking after that horrible debate that they had on Tuesday night, and that that’s one of the reasons that Pelosi pulled her stunt yesterday!

That debate was pathetic. It was horrible. The people who did the best in that debate are people that don’t have a chance of getting the nomination. Fauxcahontas, who many now think is the frontrunner, was disastrous! She will not explain to anybody how in the world she’s going to pay for her proposals. She will not go there. The answer is tax increases, but she’s not gonna commit the mistake that Mondull made in 1984.

To refresh your memories — because I realize many of you were not alive in ’84 or not old enough to be paying attention. Or you were and you just didn’t care, because this program wasn’t on the air in 1984, at least not here. And, as such, you had not yet gotten interested in this stuff. Ronaldus Magnus, running for reelection, was en route to what everybody knew was gonna be a landslide. The Democrats nominated Mondull because he had been a loyal war horse.

They knew they were gonna get shellacked. So let Mondull be the nominee. Let Mondull go down in flames. Don’t waste a viable candidate of the future and pay Mondull off. Let him get his fundraising. Let him have his acclaim. Let him get the perks that go along with it. And at the Democrat convention in San Francisco where I was (it was my first time there, by the way), Walter Mondull actually promised to people that he would raise their taxes.

He was very proudly, very proudly saying, “I promise you I’m gonna raise your taxes! I just told you. Reagan’s gonna raise your taxes, too, but you won’t tell you.” That was Mondale’s big statement. That was in the acceptance speech. Well, we know what happened. Bye-bye Mondull. He went down to a 49-state landslide defeat. So Fauxcahontas is not gonna make that mistake. That’s the answer to the question that they were all badgering her on: “How are you gonna pay for all this health care? How are you gonna pay for all this whatever it is?”

She kept say, “We’re gonna tax the rich! We’re gonna get the people over $50 million! We’re gonna make ’em 2ȼ cents for $1 they earn over $50 million — and we’re gonna soak ’em and then we’re gonna make them pay for it.” Nobody was buying it. In the meantime, Crazy Bernie out there is assuring the middle class that their taxes are gonna go up. Crazy Bernie’s theory is that people will be happy to pay for utopia. Well, that’s disastrous too. You just don’t tell people you’re gonna raise their taxes!

Particularly when part of your agenda is to offer “free” health care for illegals who now number, officially, 22 million (as we’ve always known) not 11 million. So Pelosi had to do something. I’m telling you, this debate was a disaster. It was dull. It was a dryball three hours. There was no excitement. There was no pizzazz. There was no charisma. There was no connection with the audience. This was a bunch of candidates talking to their friends who were called moderators. I’m telling, folks, it was… (sigh) The Democrats know this, and their consultants know this and are telling them this.

The only people excited by that debate are the people the Democrats already have, and they don’t have to work to keep them. They don’t have to do anything. They are people who already hate Trump or are loyal to Democrats for whatever foolhardy reasons. But that debate didn’t reach out and grab anybody, didn’t excite anybody. So Pelosi knows it. So next up is a trip to the White House. So let me get this straight, see if I understand this.

Yesterday at a meeting between Democrat leaders and the president in the Cabinet Room at the White House — a room, by the way, I have been in often (just saying) — Pelosi pitches a hissy fit and storms out because Trump has a “meltdown.” Trump had a meltdown. Trump’s going crazy! Trump can’t deal with all the criticism he’s getting over pulling troops out of Syria. Steny Hoyer and Chuck You Schumer (accompanying Pelosi) ran right out of the White House — and magically, there were the microphones already there waiting for them even though they were leaving the meeting early.

So really what it boils down to is Pelosi is upset that Trumps pulls 28 troops out of Syria. When you boil all this down, isn’t that what happened? I mean, she can say that she left there because Trump had a meltdown because Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing because Trump’s dangerous because Trump’s sick, “We need to pray for Trump,” blah, blah, blah. But in essence, what was she playing off? She’s playing off Trump with the troop draw-down in Syria.

Strip way all the spin, that’s what’s going on. Think about the irony of this for a second. Think about all of the issues that Trump is taking away from these people when you get right down to it. Whatever Trump comes out in favor of, they reflexively have to be opposed to. Where is, for example, Code Pink? Do you know what Code Pink is? Code Pink is a loony tune bunch of left-wing anti-war supporters who show up — somehow magically get invitations to appear at congressional hearings, Senate hearings, you name it — and they are known to be anti-war.

Where are they?

Where are they praising Trump? Where are they criticizing the Democrats? Code Pink has gone silent. They’ve got nothing to say here. They’re making a feeble attempt at attacking Trump, which proves that Code Pink is not even honest about what they are. They’re nothing more than pro-Democrat activists just using anti-war as a platform. This is the move the Democrats have been advocating for who knows how long. The Democrats want us out of everywhere. They’ve always wanted us out of everywhere.

The Democrats tried to engineer a defeat in the Iraq war. The Democrats tried to engineer a defeat in the overall War on Terror. The Democrats have been saying, “We gotta get out of Afghanistan!” They told Obama, “You gotta get us out!” Obama said, “I’ll get you out! I promise, I’ll get you out.” He didn’t. He expanded the number of troops in Afghanistan. Now all of a sudden, the Democrats are in favor of war? Ha! Democrats in favor of war in Syria? The Democrats are now in favor of deploying troops?

How do you think this is gonna play with Democrat voters? This is not what the Democrats traditionally stand for, and their voters know it. I will guarantee you’re not gonna see news about it, but Democrat voters are scratching their heads. The overriding thing that Pelosi has on her side is Trump hatred. She thinks that her Democrat loyal voters will support her and the party in anything if it’s oriented toward getting rid of Trump, even if it’s one hypocrisy after another.

She is confident that Democrat voters will all of a sudden miraculously support more troops to Syria (chuckles) if it means getting rid of Donald Trump — and she may be right. But I think overall, she’s playing with fire. So now Donald Trump has turned these people into hawks, into military hawks. Here is a woman who has voted against… This is Pelosi. Pelosi has voted against every use of military force since she has been in Congress. It was close on the war on terror.

She kind of had to go with the flow on that in the original foray into Afghanistan. But, man, when the pictures of Abu Ghraib showed up, she was the first to lead the turnaround on support for the U.S. military in Afghanistan following 9/11. This is a woman who almost alone opposed the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Don’t doubt me. You may not remember it, but she’s been the leader of this bunchon this stuff.

She’s been the Speaker of the House or the majority leader in the House when they’re in the minority for as long as we’ve been doing this. Nancy Pelosi is the woman who tried to defund soldiers in Afghanistan and in Iraq in order to force Bush to bring ’em home. Nancy Pelosi is the woman who cheered when Obama pulled our troops out of Iraq, which opened the door to ISIS. Now she is apoplectic because Trump has pulled a handful of troops out of Syria. So, do we have this right?

You may think Trump bumbled here. I’m not talking about that. What I’m countering here is this very, very cleverly constructed Democrat-media narrative today that Donald Trump has lost his mind, that Trump’s off his rocker, that Trump melted down. This is all part of the ongoing effort Pelosi and the Democrats are running to create massive public support to get rid of Trump, force him to resign under threat of impeachment, just like happened with Nixon.

That’s the model here, folks, because she doesn’t want to go to full vote. She doesn’t really want to have a trial in the Senate. That’s why when you hear McConnell saying, “I want this trial before the end of the year. I want this trial startin’ here by November,” he’s goading her. Nobody… (chuckling) Trial in November? They haven’t written the articles of impeachment! Well, they haven’t presented. I’m sure Schiff has them in a little safe-deposit box somewhere.

Now, on top of all this, Nancy Pelosi is being hailed for her principled stance and her courage for throwing a fit and storming out of a meeting! Trump is passing around a letter which proves that the Democrat-media narrative on this isn’t true! It’s a letter between him and Erdogan of Turkey, and Pelosi refused to even read the letter. She turned it face down. That’s when she stood up, pointed her finger at Trump, and then ran out of there with Chuck You Schumer and Steny Hoyer trailing close behind.

Do you all remember (you may when I remind you) during the ongoing battle between the state of Arizona and the federal government over immigration law enforcement, the governor of Arizona at the time the Jan Brewer, and Obama went down to Arizona to try to quell the latest controversy. Remember Arizona passed their own version of immigration law because Obama was not enforcing federal immigration law. So they passed their own law, which mirrored the federal law. So they were giving them the right to enforce it.

Obama sued them saying that you have no control over immigration. That’s a federal mandate, it’s a federal jurisdiction, and states can’t make up their own immigration law. To which the answer was, “What about San Francisco? What about all these California sanctuary cities? What do you mean, states can’t do their own immigration law?” Anyway, Obama went there and it’s at the airport. He gets off the plane, they have a meeting, and she is seen pointing her finger at him in the middle of a conversation — and the media had a meltdown!

“You don’t disrespect Obama that way! Look at this white woman pointing her finger at the first African-American president.” That was the news narrative. She was castigated. She was ripped to shreds. She was being disrespectful — double disrespectful because of the racial component. Never mind the fact that he towered over her. She probably comes up to (sigh) — I don’t know — Obama’s neck at the most. She looking at him and pointing, just the kind of pointing you do for emphasis.

But the media said, “Look at her! Look at her! She’s calling him out. She pointing! That’s disrespectful.” Now, is there anything about Pelosi disrespecting Trump, standing up in the Cabinet Room pointing her finger? Noooo. Not at all. I’m just saying, folks, make no mistake: This whole thing was preplanned, including Hoyer and Chuck You Schumer backing Pelosi up. It was all staged. Pelosi was just relishing the opportunity here to confront Trump and then claim that he had the meltdown.

So that she can then go back to the House and then tell everybody (impression), “We should pray for the president’s mental health,” and thus imply once again that he should be removed because he’s unbalanced. They’ve done this act before. They pulled this. You realize this is the second time that she’s asked people to pray for Trump’s mental health? This is the second time, minimum, that she has suggested that Trump is unbalanced. The most recent time The Three Amigos pulled this stunt was back on May 22nd.

May 22nd: “A White House meeting that was supposed to be about infrastructure spending broke down after Pelosi accused Trump of covering up his collusion with Russia,” and she did that again yesterday too! In this meeting, pointed her finger, she says, “All roads lead to Putin!” Putin! What’s Putin got to do with any of this? Typical headline from the May 22nd episode from Vice News. Quote, “Nancy Pelosi Said ‘Cover-Up’ and Trump Had a Complete Meltdown.” May 22nd. They’ve done this before. It’s all an act! Don’t doubt me.


RUSH: We’ll go to Houston. This is Patrick. You’re up first today, Patrick. Great to have you here. Hi.

CALLER: Hey. Thanks, Rush. Yeah, you know, with Congress’ approval polling perennially around 15 or 20%, yeah, I gotta say that Trump calling Pelosi a third-rate politician is quite the compliment to her, isn’t it?

RUSH: So you mentioned the 20%. You don’t think this is any big deal? You don’t think Pelosi is gonna have any impact on changing public opinion about Trump among Republicans?

CALLER: No. It’s like Groundhog Day all over again. I mean, this just happened about two months ago when Schumer and Pelosi go into a meeting with Trump, and five minutes later they come out and they’re all indignant, and it doesn’t move the needle at all.

RUSH: Well, you’re right. In fact, let me go through this again. Thanks for the call. I appreciate it. It was May the 22nd, and it was an exact replica of today. It would be better stated that yesterday was an exact replica of what happened on May 22nd. The most recent time that these same three people — Pelosi, Chuck You Schumer, and Steny Hoyer — had a White House meeting (supposed to be about infrastructure spending), it broke down soon after it began after Pelosi accused Trump of covering up his collusion with Russia.

May 22nd. I mean, that’s just, what, five months ago? Four? So in the meeting about infrastructure spending, Pelosi accuses Trump of covering up his collusion with Russia. A headline from that episode from Vice News: “Nancy Pelosi Said ‘Cover-Up’ and Trump Had a Complete Meltdown.” Why, isn’t that the same word that Pelosi used yesterday? (impression) “The president had a meltdown. I gotta go pray for the president’s mental health!”

This is the second time. It is a repeat. It’s a replay. Now, some of you might think, “What the hell does Trump invite ’em up there for? He knows what’s gonna happen. He should just refused to meet with ’em,” ’cause after that meeting, after May 22nd, by the way, Trump vowed that he would refuse to work with the Democrats as long as they’re investigating him. He should have stuck to his vow. He shouldn’t give them these opportunities to grandstand, ’cause he knows they’re gonna do it.

But see, what Trump is doing is demonstrating that he can be above all this. There’s the work of the nation to get done, the serious issue out there: Syria, our withdrawal. Gotta do something about it. Gotta bring congressional leaders up to talk about it. Trump is trying to conduct the business of government. He’s included all of the leaders from the various committees that are involved, that are relevant. So he’s rolling the dice here that he will be seen as continuing to do his job.

He’s working while the rest of these people are playing partisan patty-cake. Of course, he’s up against the media creating this false narrative. But I’m going to tell you what’s going on, folks. There’s more impeachment polling data out today. Trump has, in one of the polls… I forget which it is off the top of my head. One of the polls the Democrats are using to suggest that public opinion is moving in favor of impeaching Trump, actually support for impeaching Trump on this stupid poll among Republicans dropped a point. It’s not going in their direction.

What they’re trying to do is bust up the Trump coalition. That’s the point. Just to repeat this again: All of this is an effort to get Trump to resign by forcing his voters to abandon him and thus forcing Republican support in Congress to abandon him. They’re literally trying to recreate the Richard Nixon scenario. Now, that was 1974. So let me remind those of you who don’t know about that what actually happened. We had the Watergate hearings. We had a bunch of bombshell hearings about tapes, 18 minutes of missing tapes.

We had John Dean. We had news of the Plumbers. It all went south on Nixon, and they were in the process of preparing formal impeachment hearings. But back then, Nixon didn’t have me. Nixon didn’t have an alternative media, and so Nixon lost support among the Republicans, after he had been reelected in a landslide in 1972. He had been reelected. So Howard Baker was sent as the emissary from Republicans on Capitol Hill to the White House to tell Nixon that he had lost all support.

That if it came to impeachment, he would be convicted and tossed out — and so Nixon resigned. This is what they’re attempting to do now. They want that same scenario, and for that to happen, the 90% of Republicans that support Trump are gonna have to abandon him. Not all, but a significant number. Pelosi is trying to make that happen with nothing but media. She said just earlier this week that she’s not gonna do a formal impeachment vote. “We’re not there yet.” She doesn’t want to have to do this.

She doesn’t want to have to go to a trial in the Senate where Trump would be acquitted. So she’s working with every other Democrat in the media to create this illusion — this image — that Trump is unfit, unsound, mentally deteriorating, “we need to pray for him,” and this is the second time she’s tried the stunt. It’s almost word-for-word from what it was back on May 22. That’s what this is. And pretty soon, you know, we’re gonna get to the equivalent of Carl Bernstein and Woodward coming back, which we probably get every day on CNN anyway.

So, you know, Syrian troop situation, pulling Americans out? “That’s the last straw! Okay!” By the way, by the way, another little headline heads-up. There’s a story in the Stack, Schiff and company are moving away from the phone call now. Well, there was never gonna be any impeachment over the phone call. That was also part of this massive effort to create an illusion that Trump is unfit, that he’s incompetent, that he’s corrupt.

But impeaching him over this phone call was never gonna get anywhere and it hasn’t. So now they’re focusing on trying to make it look like all of Trump’s supporters and employees and people that work for him are now caving and stabbing hum in the back and showing up to testify. It’s all a game. Folks, it’s all an illusion! I keep saying this in the desperate attempt to persuade as many people within the sound of my known voice what’s going on.

Back to the phones we go. Rhonda in South Bend, Indiana. Great to have you. Hi. Welcome to the program.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Two things about these nonstop attacks on President Trump. As a Trump voter, I am taking that very personally, because it seems to me that they think I am too stupid to make a wise choice, and so it feels to me —

RUSH: It’s worse than that.


RUSH: You’re right but it’s worse than that.


RUSH: It’s not that you’re too stupid to make a wise choice. It’s that your choice doesn’t matter. Your choice doesn’t matter. Your choice can be overturned. Your choice can be erased. Your choice can be reversed. Not just because you don’t matter but because you did the wrong thing. You’re too stupid to know what you did. Your vote doesn’t count, is what this is saying.

CALLER: Right, and that is such arrogance — and arrogance, I have learned, always blinds us, causes us to overestimate our own abilities, and we underestimate our opponents, or we underestimate those around us. And there will come a point in time when it will be our downfall. Now, it may not come as soon as we would like, but it does blind the person who is arrogant. So they’re underestimating us. I’m living my quiet life in my quiet home, and if I am feeling all these things — that this personal attack on Trump is now on me, too — then I have to believe that there are many other people across the country just like me.

RUSH: Oh, there are. CNN found them. The town hall that was the Democrat debate that was in Ohio. They went out, they talked to people — Democrats — in Ohio and Michigan. They find out so many of them are for Trump, and they’re shocked and stunned by it. And it’s because of this arrogance you describe that prevents them from… Look, they’re just trying to will what they want, what they think, what they feel to happen. They’re not trying to persuade you.

They’re trying to depress you. They’re trying to make you think you have no chance. They’re trying to make you think Trump has no chance. They’re trying to drive you away from the political system. They want you fed up with it. They want you throwing up your hands in frustration and saying, “The hell with this!” They want you leaving. You don’t matter anyway. You’re a Trump voter; you don’t matter.

You pose an existential threat! Anything that can be done to make whatever you vote, whatever you think, mean nothing they will do. And you’re right to be upset about it, to be mad about it, because all of these attacks on Trump really are about you. All of this anger at Trump is real, but it doesn’t stop with Trump. The anger is at you who voted for him, all of you. That’s who they’re really seething at. But they think if they can get rid of Trump that they have negated your influence because they can keep this from happening a second time.

Anyway, I appreciate the call, Rhonda.


RUSH: The truth of the matter is, folks, Schiff, Pencil Neck, the Democrats, they have lost the whistleblower narrative for impeaching Trump. That’s gone! Do you know the whistleblower is not even gonna testify now? Sheila Jackson Lee said, “I want to hear from the whistleblower. I want to hear what he says.” Schiff said, “No, no! We don’t need the whistleblower to testify.” Why?

Because the whistleblower doesn’t know anything! The transcript of the call has been released. The whole whistleblower narrative is broken. They have to move to something else. So what they’ve done is they’ve gone back to trying to tie impeachment to the Russiagate theory! Here’s Pelosi yesterday in this meeting saying, “All roads lead to Putin”? Haven’t we already had an investigation on this? They’re just recycling it. They’re creating this illusion.

No matter the Mueller report, no matter the facts, they’re trying to overcome the facts with a series of never-ending, smothering lies that are repeated daily by the Drive-By Media. Even in her press conference today, Pelosi twice repeated the new talking point, “All roads lead to Putin.” No, they don’t. I’m gonna tell you where all roads lead. All roads lead to Obama. All roads lead to Obama. So now Pelosi and her gang are alleging that Trump pulled out of Syria to help Russia! They don’t have anything!

Folks, they have nothing! All they can do is recycle everything that’s failed. It’s what I’ve been saying. They run the same play. They’ll run it in a different formation. They’ll run it to a different side, the weak side, the strong side, but they’re running the same play. “All roads lead to Putin. Trump pulled out of Syria to help Russia.” And they’re claiming that Trump tried to withhold military aid to Ukraine to help Putin, but he didn’t withhold any aid. That’s another lie. The aid was flowing already! It started a month before the president had the phone call with the president of Ukraine.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Oct. 17th
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2019, 06:17:08 pm »

Why Didn’t We Know Elijah Cummings Was Sick?

Oct 17, 2019

RUSH: The noted congressman from Maryland (the Baltimore area, the inner city and part of the suburbs) and chairman the appropriations committee, Elijah Cummings — a former chairman of the Congressional Black Caucasians — passed away overnight. His family said that he passed away around 2 a.m. He was at Johns Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore. Now, is it just me, or were you surprised? Did you know that Congressman Cummings was sick? I didn’t. Did you know he was extremely sick?

Here’s a story: “Cummings’ office said in a brief statement that he died ‘due to complications concerning longstanding health challenges.’ Cummings had been in ill health the past few years, navigating the Capitol in a motorized cart and using a walker.” I had no idea about any of that. Now, a lot of people did. I mean, you can’t tool around the Capitol on a motorized cart or a walker not everybody know.

But they kept it under wraps, not surprisingly. But amidst all this talk that “Trump’s unfit, Trump had a meltdown, Trump’s sick, Trump needs to go,” does anybody besides me think that maybe somebody should have known about this? He’s chairman the appropriations committee. Maybe not. Who knows? Just a member of Congress, not president. At any rate, RIP Elijah Cummings.
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Oct. 17th
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2019, 07:17:35 pm »

The Democrats’ Impeachment Narrative Has Broken Down

Oct 17, 2019

RUSH: So again, folks, I want to note… Sometimes, marketing says let people figure it out on their own what you’re doing.

Other times, after you’ve done it, you tell them what just happened. I want to review the first hour for you because I don’t want there to be any mistake. Wherever you go in the media today, it doesn’t matter where, everybody is focusing on Pelosi and what she said, and Trump had a “meltdown,” and Trump is unfit and, “We need to pray for the president.” I’ve got all the sound bites. Let me count them here. Seven, 10, 11… The first 10. I could have spent the first hour just reviewing what you’ve heard if you pay attention to the news anywhere.

I chose to do something different: Screw the narrative and tell you the truth of what’s really going on, which is what we do here every day. But it’s rooted in the very pursuit of the truth, not trying to be different. It’s not hard to be different when everybody else is doing the exact same story in the exact same way using the exact same terms and words. But what all this means, what all of this is about is that their impeachment narratives are breaking down. They have lost the whistleblower story. That’s gone now as a reason to impeach.

They’ve moved off of it. It didn’t get them where they wanted to go. The moment Trump released the transcript, that was it for the impeachment narrative on Ukraine. So now they’re trying other things. They’re trying to get Trump cabinet members and other staff members to show up and testify to undermine Trump ambassadors and this kind of thing, and they’re doing it all behind closed doors. They’re not letting anybody hear what anybody is saying.

The truth of what has transpired now is back on May 22nd, Pelosi — in an infrastructure meeting with Trump at the White House — storms out claiming he had a “meltdown.” She goes to the microphones, and the Drive-Bys report that he had a meltdown and that we need to “pray for mental health.” They’re redoing that yesterday. We’re not playing ball with it. I’m not even gonna go through the motions. We’re not gonna replay the audio. We’re not gonna give Pelosi the time. I’m just telling you straight out what this is really all about.

They have now decided — and we have this from Pelosi’s own words — to try to turn this back once again on Russia. Now her new talking point is, “All roads lead to Putin.” So the short version of this is that everything they’re trying is not working. Now, you won’t know that. You’ll have to conclude that on your own using intelligence guided by experience, melted and coupled with common sense. Why is it the whistleblower no longer matters?

Why does the collusion thing not? Where’d that go? They were gonna impeach a guy over a phone call. What happened to all this so-called impeachable stuff before that? Well, when it bombs, it bombs. You drop it, and you move on to something else. And they’re doing that, recycling things that have failed now. They’ve run out of new things. Now they’ve got something new. Now they’ve got Mulvaney announcing the G7 at Trump Doral. Now they’re all hepped up.

They’re going back to getting Trump on the emoluments clause, meaning, “He’s gonna do this! He’s gonna profit! He’s going to personally profit! He’s going to corporate on this! It’s obscene! This is obscene. Presidents can’t and shouldn’t do this!” Mulvaney is just toying with them in his answers. Now, Pelosi, she’s fairly smart. I mean, she knows to change unfavorable narratives. She didn’t want an infrastructure deal with Trump. They don’t want any deal with Trump that is going to improve America.

Especially now, but certainly not since they took over the House in January. There’s no way. That’s why they’re not talking about anything that matters to people. They don’t want any progress that Trump can claim any credit for or that the people would give Trump credit for. So they’ve dropped everything. She changes narratives. She doesn’t want the infrastructure deal, so she blew up the meeting and claims that Trump melted down.

I think what is driving the repeat performance of yesterday is how bad the Democrat debate was. Folks, it was a disaster from their standpoint. Well, mine too. But I’m just saying they know it. It was an abject disaster. There are supposedly… There are two frontrunners. Plugs is obviously… You know, it’s fascinating. What Pelosi’s saying about Trump actually could be applied to Biden. It could be true. Elizabeth Warren melts under any confrontational pressure. She will not explain how she’s going to fund any of her proposals ’cause it means tax increases.

She’s not gonna admit it. So she changes the media narrative to try get everybody’s attention away from the debate, put it back on Trump, and back on Russia. Now they’ve got something new with Mulvaney announcing the G7 summit. So it’s just an ongoing attempt here to create this massive image that Trump is all these horrible things — and I think the exact opposite of those who think the conventional wisdom is right, that Trump is imploding and that this is the end and the media’s winning. The Democrats are winning.

I think it’s the exact opposite, which I will explain in detail in a moment. But I do have to answer the call we had from the guy who said, “I’m not… I don’t like Trump abandoning the Kurds. This is a bad thing. I’m still gonna vote for Trump but I think it’s a bad thing. You don’t abandon your allies like this. It’s a bad move.” Now, I have said countless times the only person who can force Trump’s voters away from him is Trump. The media can’t do it, and they’re learning they can’t do it. The Democrats can’t do it.

They will never learn they can’t do it. They’ve launched everything to no impact. But for this impeachment thing to work… Remember, she doesn’t want to vote, she doesn’t want a trial, she’s trying to create massive public opinion against Trump that would force the Republicans in the Senate to abandon him, and that would lead to Trump resigning. That’s the dream. So now they’re on to Syria and Russia, and Pelosi’s saying, “Trump pulled the troops out of Syria to help Putin! All roads lead to Putin!”

All roads lead back to the Democrats’ inability to accept the election results.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Oct. 17th
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2019, 07:33:02 pm »

Why I Believe Attorney General Barr Will Come Through

Oct 17, 2019

RUSH: Okay. Robert in Long Island. Great to have you, sir. I’m glad you called.

CALLER: Thank you, Mr. Limbaugh. Thanks for taking my call.

RUSH: Yes, sir.

CALLER: Let me ask a question: Why doesn’t Mr. Trump just turn around and drop the hammer, do a TV press conference with Mr. Barr next to him and show the FISA report, release the FISA report, release all the documents proving Spygate happened, change the conversation, and start making these Democrats act like cockroaches when the lights are turned out?

RUSH: I think it’s gonna happen. I just don’t think it’s gonna happen now. I think it’s gonna happen. Barr’s in the process. We’re gonna get the inspector general report the end of the month. It was gonna be tomorrow, but now it’s not gonna be tomorrow. We’re gonna get this stuff. We’re gonna get this stuff. We’re in a race. We’re gonna get this stuff, but the timing has to be such that it has impact beyond just that day.


CALLER: Do you think we’ll see it soon?

RUSH: I think, yes, because I think there’s gonna be indictments. I’ve talked to enough people who I have implicit faith in, who just in this week have told me they have renewed optimism that there are gonna be indictments. If there are indictments, damn well we’re gonna know. Now, they could be sealed initially, but we’re gonna know. At some point, Robert, we’ll know.

CALLER: Awesome.

RUSH: I’m pretty confident. I wish I could give you this as ontological certitude but all I can tell you is this is what I really strongly think is going to happen.

CALLER: (audio drops) — about that Yovanovitch ordering like monitoring of Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham. I mean, this is crazy.

RUSH: I missed the first part of what you said there, but thanks for the call.


RUSH: Okay. Here’s what the caller was talking about. We had the caller potted down. That means the volume was turned down. The potentiometer was turned up, “potted down.” We in broadcasting, we don’t say “turn the volume up” and “turn the volume down.” We say, “Pot ’em up” or “pot ’em down.” “Pot” is short for “potentiometer.” Anyway, the caller was “potted down” because the board op thought I was through with the caller. It was a board op mistake. So I got enough. I heard the name Yovanovitch. So here’s what the caller was talking about.

The Obama-appointed ambassador — and, by the way, what other host would do this? What other host would endeavor during the break to try to find out what the caller was talking about so that the caller doesn’t feel like he had wasted his time calling? There no other host who would do this. Just so you know. So the Yovanovitch (that’s the name here) is the Obama-appointed ambassador to Ukraine who was a Never Trumper, big time anti-Trumper. “Judicial Watch has documents that show that this Yovanovitch,” it’s a she, “ordered her staff to monitor the social media of” Hannity, Ingraham, Dan Bongino and a bunch of other conservatives.

In other words, an Obama-appointed ambassador was ordering her staff to spy on conservative media. Again, more facts unearthed by Tom Fitton at Judicial Watch. “Judicial Watch has obtained information indicating ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, an Obama appointee, may have violated laws [may?] and government regulations by ordering subordinates to target certain U.S. people using State Department resources prior to being recalled as ambassador to Ukraine in spring.

“Yovanovitch reportedly created a list of people who were to be monitored via social media and other means.” You’re asking why am I not on this? Because I don’t do social media, and here’s one of the reasons. It’s not the only reason, but this is one of them. I think it’s a sewer. But there’s other reasons beside that. “According to subsequent reports from Fox News and from Sara Carter, the list of people that Yovanovitch monitored included” Donald Trump Jr., Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Michael McFall (that’s Obama’s ambassador to Russia) Dan Bongino, Ryan Saavedra, Sebastian Gorka, John Solomon, Lou Dobbs, Pamela Geller, and Sara Carter.

All of the alternative media that dig up the truth every day, who ought to be winning Pulitzer Prizes and are totally ignored. Here’s an Obama-appointed ambassador Ukraine ordering her State Department employees to dig up dirt on these people. Obama! I’m telling you: All roads lead back to Obama. They don’t lead back to Putin. And I am not on that list because I don’t do social media. And I guarantee you I am, by the way. But they just don’t have to monitor me on social media.

All they gotta do is turn on the radio. Now, again, do you know any host who would take the 3-1/2 minutes of an obscene profit time-out to go try to find out what the caller was talking about? ‘Cause that caller was a great. He didn’t get his full time, and because he was potted down there, I had a bit of a problem understanding him. But that’s what he was talking about. But just to restate, I do think there gonna be indictments. I think all of this is gonna get blown up, folks. There’s too much of it, and it’s not gonna be contained.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Oct. 17th
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2019, 10:31:54 pm »

What Pelosi’s White House Walkout Stunt Tells Us

Oct 17, 2019

RUSH: I’ll bet many of you are saying, “Rush, please don’t waste any time talking about Pelosi’s stunt today. We can get that anywhere. We don’t need the ABCs. We don’t need the back-to-front, front-to-back explanation of this. We know what’s going on.” I know, and I agree with you. But, nevertheless, folks, there’s some things that need to be said about it. It has become the total media narrative. The whole thing was planned and the whole thing was strategized.

It’s part of ongoing effort by Pelosi to create this massive illusion of incompetence and criminal behavior so that she can get Trump impeached without having to call a vote for it. That’s what this is. She doesn’t want to have to put this to a vote. She doesn’t want to go anywhere formal. She wants to try to get this driven by public opinion. They’re desperate to create the Nixon situation out there where the Republicans are forced to abandon the president because the president has lost his own base support.

That’s the attempt here. They have been attempting to drive a wedge between Trump voters and Trump since Election Day 2016. It really is what this is about. I mean, the details are the details, but the objective is she doesn’t want to do a formal vote. She doesn’t want to have to go to a trial in the Senate because that’s gonna lead to an acquittal, and that just blows everything out of the water. She wants and is using the Drive-By… Well, she’s not using it.

The Drive-By Media is actively cooperating in this attempt to create this image that your president is corrupt, that he’s sick, that he’s dangerously out of touch, that he’s incompetent. That’s what this is, and I’m gonna give you the opposite picture today. I’m gonna tell you how it’s the Democrats on the run. I’m gonna tell you how it’s the Democrats who are panicking after that horrible debate that they had on Tuesday night, and that that’s one of the reasons that Pelosi pulled her stunt yesterday!

That debate was pathetic. It was horrible. The people who did the best in that debate are people that don’t have a chance of getting the nomination. Fauxcahontas, who many now think is the frontrunner, was disastrous! She will not explain to anybody how in the world she’s going to pay for her proposals. She will not go there. The answer is tax increases, but she’s not gonna commit the mistake that Mondull made in 1984.

To refresh your memories — because I realize many of you were not alive in ’84 or not old enough to be paying attention. Or you were and you just didn’t care, because this program wasn’t on the air in 1984, at least not here. And, as such, you had not yet gotten interested in this stuff. Ronaldus Magnus, running for reelection, was en route to what everybody knew was gonna be a landslide. The Democrats nominated Mondull because he had been a loyal war horse.

They knew they were gonna get shellacked. So let Mondull be the nominee. Let Mondull go down in flames. Don’t waste a viable candidate of the future and pay Mondull off. Let him get his fundraising. Let him have his acclaim. Let him get the perks that go along with it. And at the Democrat convention in San Francisco where I was (it was my first time there, by the way), Walter Mondull actually promised to people that he would raise their taxes.

He was very proudly, very proudly saying, “I promise you I’m gonna raise your taxes! I just told you. Reagan’s gonna raise your taxes, too, but you won’t tell you.” That was Mondale’s big statement. That was in the acceptance speech. Well, we know what happened. Bye-bye Mondull. He went down to a 49-state landslide defeat. So Fauxcahontas is not gonna make that mistake. That’s the answer to the question that they were all badgering her on: “How are you gonna pay for all this health care? How are you gonna pay for all this whatever it is?”

She kept say, “We’re gonna tax the rich! We’re gonna get the people over $50 million! We’re gonna make ’em 2ȼ cents for $1 they earn over $50 million — and we’re gonna soak ’em and then we’re gonna make them pay for it.” Nobody was buying it. In the meantime, Crazy Bernie out there is assuring the middle class that their taxes are gonna go up. Crazy Bernie’s theory is that people will be happy to pay for utopia. Well, that’s disastrous too. You just don’t tell people you’re gonna raise their taxes!

Particularly when part of your agenda is to offer “free” health care for illegals who now number, officially, 22 million (as we’ve always known) not 11 million. So Pelosi had to do something. I’m telling you, this debate was a disaster. It was dull. It was a dryball three hours. There was no excitement. There was no pizzazz. There was no charisma. There was no connection with the audience. This was a bunch of candidates talking to their friends who were called moderators. I’m telling, folks, it was… (sigh) The Democrats know this, and their consultants know this and are telling them this.

The only people excited by that debate are the people the Democrats already have, and they don’t have to work to keep them. They don’t have to do anything. They are people who already hate Trump or are loyal to Democrats for whatever foolhardy reasons. But that debate didn’t reach out and grab anybody, didn’t excite anybody. So Pelosi knows it. So next up is a trip to the White House. So let me get this straight, see if I understand this.

Yesterday at a meeting between Democrat leaders and the president in the Cabinet Room at the White House — a room, by the way, I have been in often (just saying) — Pelosi pitches a hissy fit and storms out because Trump has a “meltdown.” Trump had a meltdown. Trump’s going crazy! Trump can’t deal with all the criticism he’s getting over pulling troops out of Syria. Steny Hoyer and Chuck You Schumer (accompanying Pelosi) ran right out of the White House — and magically, there were the microphones already there waiting for them even though they were leaving the meeting early.

So really what it boils down to is Pelosi is upset that Trumps pulls 28 troops out of Syria. When you boil all this down, isn’t that what happened? I mean, she can say that she left there because Trump had a meltdown because Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing because Trump’s dangerous because Trump’s sick, “We need to pray for Trump,” blah, blah, blah. But in essence, what was she playing off? She’s playing off Trump with the troop draw-down in Syria.

Strip way all the spin, that’s what’s going on. Think about the irony of this for a second. Think about all of the issues that Trump is taking away from these people when you get right down to it. Whatever Trump comes out in favor of, they reflexively have to be opposed to. Where is, for example, Code Pink? Do you know what Code Pink is? Code Pink is a loony tune bunch of left-wing anti-war supporters who show up — somehow magically get invitations to appear at congressional hearings, Senate hearings, you name it — and they are known to be anti-war.

Where are they?

Where are they praising Trump? Where are they criticizing the Democrats? Code Pink has gone silent. They’ve got nothing to say here. They’re making a feeble attempt at attacking Trump, which proves that Code Pink is not even honest about what they are. They’re nothing more than pro-Democrat activists just using anti-war as a platform. This is the move the Democrats have been advocating for who knows how long. The Democrats want us out of everywhere. They’ve always wanted us out of everywhere.

The Democrats tried to engineer a defeat in the Iraq war. The Democrats tried to engineer a defeat in the overall War on Terror. The Democrats have been saying, “We gotta get out of Afghanistan!” They told Obama, “You gotta get us out!” Obama said, “I’ll get you out! I promise, I’ll get you out.” He didn’t. He expanded the number of troops in Afghanistan. Now all of a sudden, the Democrats are in favor of war? Ha! Democrats in favor of war in Syria? The Democrats are now in favor of deploying troops?

How do you think this is gonna play with Democrat voters? This is not what the Democrats traditionally stand for, and their voters know it. I will guarantee you’re not gonna see news about it, but Democrat voters are scratching their heads. The overriding thing that Pelosi has on her side is Trump hatred. She thinks that her Democrat loyal voters will support her and the party in anything if it’s oriented toward getting rid of Trump, even if it’s one hypocrisy after another.

She is confident that Democrat voters will all of a sudden miraculously support more troops to Syria (chuckles) if it means getting rid of Donald Trump — and she may be right. But I think overall, she’s playing with fire. So now Donald Trump has turned these people into hawks, into military hawks. Here is a woman who has voted against… This is Pelosi. Pelosi has voted against every use of military force since she has been in Congress. It was close on the war on terror.

She kind of had to go with the flow on that in the original foray into Afghanistan. But, man, when the pictures of Abu Ghraib showed up, she was the first to lead the turnaround on support for the U.S. military in Afghanistan following 9/11. This is a woman who almost alone opposed the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Don’t doubt me. You may not remember it, but she’s been the leader of this bunchon this stuff.

She’s been the Speaker of the House or the majority leader in the House when they’re in the minority for as long as we’ve been doing this. Nancy Pelosi is the woman who tried to defund soldiers in Afghanistan and in Iraq in order to force Bush to bring ’em home. Nancy Pelosi is the woman who cheered when Obama pulled our troops out of Iraq, which opened the door to ISIS. Now she is apoplectic because Trump has pulled a handful of troops out of Syria. So, do we have this right?

You may think Trump bumbled here. I’m not talking about that. What I’m countering here is this very, very cleverly constructed Democrat-media narrative today that Donald Trump has lost his mind, that Trump’s off his rocker, that Trump melted down. This is all part of the ongoing effort Pelosi and the Democrats are running to create massive public support to get rid of Trump, force him to resign under threat of impeachment, just like happened with Nixon.

That’s the model here, folks, because she doesn’t want to go to full vote. She doesn’t really want to have a trial in the Senate. That’s why when you hear McConnell saying, “I want this trial before the end of the year. I want this trial startin’ here by November,” he’s goading her. Nobody… (chuckling) Trial in November? They haven’t written the articles of impeachment! Well, they haven’t presented. I’m sure Schiff has them in a little safe-deposit box somewhere.

Now, on top of all this, Nancy Pelosi is being hailed for her principled stance and her courage for throwing a fit and storming out of a meeting! Trump is passing around a letter which proves that the Democrat-media narrative on this isn’t true! It’s a letter between him and Erdogan of Turkey, and Pelosi refused to even read the letter. She turned it face down. That’s when she stood up, pointed her finger at Trump, and then ran out of there with Chuck You Schumer and Steny Hoyer trailing close behind.

Do you all remember (you may when I remind you) during the ongoing battle between the state of Arizona and the federal government over immigration law enforcement, the governor of Arizona at the time the Jan Brewer, and Obama went down to Arizona to try to quell the latest controversy. Remember Arizona passed their own version of immigration law because Obama was not enforcing federal immigration law. So they passed their own law, which mirrored the federal law. So they were giving them the right to enforce it.

Obama sued them saying that you have no control over immigration. That’s a federal mandate, it’s a federal jurisdiction, and states can’t make up their own immigration law. To which the answer was, “What about San Francisco? What about all these California sanctuary cities? What do you mean, states can’t do their own immigration law?” Anyway, Obama went there and it’s at the airport. He gets off the plane, they have a meeting, and she is seen pointing her finger at him in the middle of a conversation — and the media had a meltdown!

“You don’t disrespect Obama that way! Look at this white woman pointing her finger at the first African-American president.” That was the news narrative. She was castigated. She was ripped to shreds. She was being disrespectful — double disrespectful because of the racial component. Never mind the fact that he towered over her. She probably comes up to (sigh) — I don’t know — Obama’s neck at the most. She looking at him and pointing, just the kind of pointing you do for emphasis.

But the media said, “Look at her! Look at her! She’s calling him out. She pointing! That’s disrespectful.” Now, is there anything about Pelosi disrespecting Trump, standing up in the Cabinet Room pointing her finger? Noooo. Not at all. I’m just saying, folks, make no mistake: This whole thing was preplanned, including Hoyer and Chuck You Schumer backing Pelosi up. It was all staged. Pelosi was just relishing the opportunity here to confront Trump and then claim that he had the meltdown.

So that she can then go back to the House and then tell everybody (impression), “We should pray for the president’s mental health,” and thus imply once again that he should be removed because he’s unbalanced. They’ve done this act before. They pulled this. You realize this is the second time that she’s asked people to pray for Trump’s mental health? This is the second time, minimum, that she has suggested that Trump is unbalanced. The most recent time The Three Amigos pulled this stunt was back on May 22nd.

May 22nd: “A White House meeting that was supposed to be about infrastructure spending broke down after Pelosi accused Trump of covering up his collusion with Russia,” and she did that again yesterday too! In this meeting, pointed her finger, she says, “All roads lead to Putin!” Putin! What’s Putin got to do with any of this? Typical headline from the May 22nd episode from Vice News. Quote, “Nancy Pelosi Said ‘Cover-Up’ and Trump Had a Complete Meltdown.” May 22nd. They’ve done this before. It’s all an act! Don’t doubt me.


RUSH: We’ll go to Houston. This is Patrick. You’re up first today, Patrick. Great to have you here. Hi.

CALLER: Hey. Thanks, Rush. Yeah, you know, with Congress’ approval polling perennially around 15 or 20%, yeah, I gotta say that Trump calling Pelosi a third-rate politician is quite the compliment to her, isn’t it?

RUSH: So you mentioned the 20%. You don’t think this is any big deal? You don’t think Pelosi is gonna have any impact on changing public opinion about Trump among Republicans?

CALLER: No. It’s like Groundhog Day all over again. I mean, this just happened about two months ago when Schumer and Pelosi go into a meeting with Trump, and five minutes later they come out and they’re all indignant, and it doesn’t move the needle at all.

RUSH: Well, you’re right. In fact, let me go through this again. Thanks for the call. I appreciate it. It was May the 22nd, and it was an exact replica of today. It would be better stated that yesterday was an exact replica of what happened on May 22nd. The most recent time that these same three people — Pelosi, Chuck You Schumer, and Steny Hoyer — had a White House meeting (supposed to be about infrastructure spending), it broke down soon after it began after Pelosi accused Trump of covering up his collusion with Russia.

May 22nd. I mean, that’s just, what, five months ago? Four? So in the meeting about infrastructure spending, Pelosi accuses Trump of covering up his collusion with Russia. A headline from that episode from Vice News: “Nancy Pelosi Said ‘Cover-Up’ and Trump Had a Complete Meltdown.” Why, isn’t that the same word that Pelosi used yesterday? (impression) “The president had a meltdown. I gotta go pray for the president’s mental health!”

This is the second time. It is a repeat. It’s a replay. Now, some of you might think, “What the hell does Trump invite ’em up there for? He knows what’s gonna happen. He should just refused to meet with ’em,” ’cause after that meeting, after May 22nd, by the way, Trump vowed that he would refuse to work with the Democrats as long as they’re investigating him. He should have stuck to his vow. He shouldn’t give them these opportunities to grandstand, ’cause he knows they’re gonna do it.

But see, what Trump is doing is demonstrating that he can be above all this. There’s the work of the nation to get done, the serious issue out there: Syria, our withdrawal. Gotta do something about it. Gotta bring congressional leaders up to talk about it. Trump is trying to conduct the business of government. He’s included all of the leaders from the various committees that are involved, that are relevant. So he’s rolling the dice here that he will be seen as continuing to do his job.

He’s working while the rest of these people are playing partisan patty-cake. Of course, he’s up against the media creating this false narrative. But I’m going to tell you what’s going on, folks. There’s more impeachment polling data out today. Trump has, in one of the polls… I forget which it is off the top of my head. One of the polls the Democrats are using to suggest that public opinion is moving in favor of impeaching Trump, actually support for impeaching Trump on this stupid poll among Republicans dropped a point. It’s not going in their direction.

What they’re trying to do is bust up the Trump coalition. That’s the point. Just to repeat this again: All of this is an effort to get Trump to resign by forcing his voters to abandon him and thus forcing Republican support in Congress to abandon him. They’re literally trying to recreate the Richard Nixon scenario. Now, that was 1974. So let me remind those of you who don’t know about that what actually happened. We had the Watergate hearings. We had a bunch of bombshell hearings about tapes, 18 minutes of missing tapes.

We had John Dean. We had news of the Plumbers. It all went south on Nixon, and they were in the process of preparing formal impeachment hearings. But back then, Nixon didn’t have me. Nixon didn’t have an alternative media, and so Nixon lost support among the Republicans, after he had been reelected in a landslide in 1972. He had been reelected. So Howard Baker was sent as the emissary from Republicans on Capitol Hill to the White House to tell Nixon that he had lost all support.

That if it came to impeachment, he would be convicted and tossed out — and so Nixon resigned. This is what they’re attempting to do now. They want that same scenario, and for that to happen, the 90% of Republicans that support Trump are gonna have to abandon him. Not all, but a significant number. Pelosi is trying to make that happen with nothing but media. She said just earlier this week that she’s not gonna do a formal impeachment vote. “We’re not there yet.” She doesn’t want to have to do this.

She doesn’t want to have to go to a trial in the Senate where Trump would be acquitted. So she’s working with every other Democrat in the media to create this illusion — this image — that Trump is unfit, unsound, mentally deteriorating, “we need to pray for him,” and this is the second time she’s tried the stunt. It’s almost word-for-word from what it was back on May 22. That’s what this is. And pretty soon, you know, we’re gonna get to the equivalent of Carl Bernstein and Woodward coming back, which we probably get every day on CNN anyway.

So, you know, Syrian troop situation, pulling Americans out? “That’s the last straw! Okay!” By the way, by the way, another little headline heads-up. There’s a story in the Stack, Schiff and company are moving away from the phone call now. Well, there was never gonna be any impeachment over the phone call. That was also part of this massive effort to create an illusion that Trump is unfit, that he’s incompetent, that he’s corrupt.

But impeaching him over this phone call was never gonna get anywhere and it hasn’t. So now they’re focusing on trying to make it look like all of Trump’s supporters and employees and people that work for him are now caving and stabbing hum in the back and showing up to testify. It’s all a game. Folks, it’s all an illusion! I keep saying this in the desperate attempt to persuade as many people within the sound of my known voice what’s going on.

Back to the phones we go. Rhonda in South Bend, Indiana. Great to have you. Hi. Welcome to the program.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Two things about these nonstop attacks on President Trump. As a Trump voter, I am taking that very personally, because it seems to me that they think I am too stupid to make a wise choice, and so it feels to me —

RUSH: It’s worse than that.


RUSH: You’re right but it’s worse than that.


RUSH: It’s not that you’re too stupid to make a wise choice. It’s that your choice doesn’t matter. Your choice doesn’t matter. Your choice can be overturned. Your choice can be erased. Your choice can be reversed. Not just because you don’t matter but because you did the wrong thing. You’re too stupid to know what you did. Your vote doesn’t count, is what this is saying.

CALLER: Right, and that is such arrogance — and arrogance, I have learned, always blinds us, causes us to overestimate our own abilities, and we underestimate our opponents, or we underestimate those around us. And there will come a point in time when it will be our downfall. Now, it may not come as soon as we would like, but it does blind the person who is arrogant. So they’re underestimating us. I’m living my quiet life in my quiet home, and if I am feeling all these things — that this personal attack on Trump is now on me, too — then I have to believe that there are many other people across the country just like me.

RUSH: Oh, there are. CNN found them. The town hall that was the Democrat debate that was in Ohio. They went out, they talked to people — Democrats — in Ohio and Michigan. They find out so many of them are for Trump, and they’re shocked and stunned by it. And it’s because of this arrogance you describe that prevents them from… Look, they’re just trying to will what they want, what they think, what they feel to happen. They’re not trying to persuade you.

They’re trying to depress you. They’re trying to make you think you have no chance. They’re trying to make you think Trump has no chance. They’re trying to drive you away from the political system. They want you fed up with it. They want you throwing up your hands in frustration and saying, “The hell with this!” They want you leaving. You don’t matter anyway. You’re a Trump voter; you don’t matter.

You pose an existential threat! Anything that can be done to make whatever you vote, whatever you think, mean nothing they will do. And you’re right to be upset about it, to be mad about it, because all of these attacks on Trump really are about you. All of this anger at Trump is real, but it doesn’t stop with Trump. The anger is at you who voted for him, all of you. That’s who they’re really seething at. But they think if they can get rid of Trump that they have negated your influence because they can keep this from happening a second time.

Anyway, I appreciate the call, Rhonda.


RUSH: The truth of the matter is, folks, Schiff, Pencil Neck, the Democrats, they have lost the whistleblower narrative for impeaching Trump. That’s gone! Do you know the whistleblower is not even gonna testify now? Sheila Jackson Lee said, “I want to hear from the whistleblower. I want to hear what he says.” Schiff said, “No, no! We don’t need the whistleblower to testify.” Why?

Because the whistleblower doesn’t know anything! The transcript of the call has been released. The whole whistleblower narrative is broken. They have to move to something else. So what they’ve done is they’ve gone back to trying to tie impeachment to the Russiagate theory! Here’s Pelosi yesterday in this meeting saying, “All roads lead to Putin”? Haven’t we already had an investigation on this? They’re just recycling it. They’re creating this illusion.

No matter the Mueller report, no matter the facts, they’re trying to overcome the facts with a series of never-ending, smothering lies that are repeated daily by the Drive-By Media. Even in her press conference today, Pelosi twice repeated the new talking point, “All roads lead to Putin.” No, they don’t. I’m gonna tell you where all roads lead. All roads lead to Obama. All roads lead to Obama. So now Pelosi and her gang are alleging that Trump pulled out of Syria to help Russia! They don’t have anything!

Folks, they have nothing! All they can do is recycle everything that’s failed. It’s what I’ve been saying. They run the same play. They’ll run it in a different formation. They’ll run it to a different side, the weak side, the strong side, but they’re running the same play. “All roads lead to Putin. Trump pulled out of Syria to help Russia.” And they’re claiming that Trump tried to withhold military aid to Ukraine to help Putin, but he didn’t withhold any aid. That’s another lie. The aid was flowing already! It started a month before the president had the phone call with the president of Ukraine.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Oct. 17th
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2019, 10:32:42 pm »

Trump Exposed the Left with Syria Decision

Oct 17, 2019

RUSH: Here is Ron in Bend, Oregon. Great to have you, Ron. Welcome to the program. Hi.

CALLER: Yes, sir. Military-and-police retired dittos. Thank you.

RUSH: Thank you. Thank you very much, sir.

CALLER: Hey, you know, the reason that I and so many other Republicans and conservatives are upset with the president is… I’m not upset with him personally. I’m with him to the end. I’m gonna vote for him next year, and I’m well aware of how evil the people opposing him are. The problem with this is I think this is a terrible mistake, leaving the Kurds behind because there’s a matter of military honor here. You just don’t leave people who fought faithfully with you behind.

I wish the president would have withdrawn from Afghanistan. That’s a pointless war. I wish he had left the faithless Saudis to take care of themselves instead of sending another 2,000 soldiers there. It’s just… (sigh) You stand with the people who fight with you, and I think our president’s made a mistake. He’ll get by this. I’m not gonna believe the lies of the Democrats and I’m gonna vote for him next year, but I’m just very sad at this mistake. But we’ll get past it.

RUSH: Well, this is also illustrating — and I’m gonna respond to you in the monologue segment next hour ’cause I’m down to it on time. But I wanted to get your call in, and I’m glad that you are able to practice the art of brevity. It is the soul of wit. You made your point, and I’ll respond to it. But this is illustrating something. From the get-go — from the first Trump rally in 2016 — I told you that the only person who can damage Trump is Trump. The media can’t take him out ’cause they didn’t make him. The only person that can cause himself any harm is Trump — and this is a small, little microcosm of how it could happen be. Like Ron said, it’s not gonna cost his vote, but it could others.

RUSH: Now, yesterday during his press availability with the president of Italy, Trump made a number of excellent points that the media are ignoring. He did not give the Turkish thug leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a green light to invade the Kurdish region of Syria — and the letter that he wrote proves it! This is the letter Pelosi refused to read yesterday.

She got the letter when it was being passed around. She turned it face down, stood up, pointed at the president, “You’re losing your mind! You’re melting down! We’re outta here!” She didn’t even read the letter. She knew what the letter said. The letter makes it clear that Turkey was not given a green light to move in on the Kurds. The second point the president made was that the Syrians and the Kurds and the Turks have been fighting for hundreds of years, which is true. He says maybe we should “let them fight their own wars.”

Now, here’s the third point. I’m sure many of you are not gonna believe this. What do you think is the number of soldiers that we have pulled out? What is that number? Brian, top of your head, what’s the number of troops? What are they making it out to be? (interruption) How many thousand? Two thousand. Right. They want you to believe that we’ve pulled out divisions, that we’re pulling up stakes and we’re pulling everything out.


All of this is about withdrawing 50 soldiers. I don’t expect you to believe me because it sounds so incredible. Why would anybody have a conniption over this? It may actually be only 28. But we’ll go with the number 50. As Trump noted, the troops that he’s pulling out were only supposed to be in Syria for one month. They’ve been there 10 years! Their original deployment called for them to be there a month. This is the original Obama deployment, and Obama sent thousands over there.

This all goes back to Obama’s drawing a red line and then flinching when people crossed it. These troops that Trump has withdrawn were supposed to be on the ground for one month. They’ve been there 10 years — and the final point. The Kurds have been a very helpful ally in some of the battles. They were paid. They were paid very well. Don’t misunderstand. I’m brokering no attacks here, criticism of the Kurds. Again, I just want you to get the truth of this.

It is stunning how there is always an alternative version of from the media narrative that is always true — and it’s so stark that people don’t believe the truth. Fifty soldiers have been there 10 years. They were only supposed to be there a month. The Kurds have been very helpful, but they were paid handsomely. Trump noted, “Hey, you know what? These are good guys, but they’re not angels.” He could have gone much farther.

The Kurds that we’re talking about here… You know, this is the friend of my friend of my enemy is my enemy or enemy of my friend or whatever. These particular groups, these Kurds, are radical communist terrorists. They’re officially listed at a terrorist organization by the United States and 28 European countries, including the U.K. and Japan. But they happen to be on our side just like we got together with the communists in World War II to oust Hitler, then all hell broke loose when we started divvying things up.

So we have a story here from the Cybercast News Service. The headline: “Trump: ‘Let Them Fight Their Own Wars’ — President Donald Trump insisted Wednesday that his decision to pull U.S. troops from Syria was not giving a ‘green light’ to … Erdogan. In fact, it was the opposite, he said. During a joint White House press conference with Italian President Sergio Mattarella, Trump called out ABC White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl for his question, calling it ‘deceptive,’ adding that it was ‘almost as deceptive’ as ABC showing a bombing in Kentucky and misreporting it as bombings in Syria.”

And in fact, grab audio… I don’t know what the number is on today’s roster, but we have this sound bite, and I want to play it for you. It might be number 8. Is it…? Yeah. Grab that sound bite. This is yesterday. This is what the story’s talking about. This is ABC’s Jonathan Karl. “Mr. President, even after all you’ve seen, ISIS prisoners freed, all the humanitarian disaster, you don’t have any regret for giving Erdogan the green light to invade the Kurds?”

THE PRESIDENT: I didn’t give him a green light. No.

KARL: Well, did you tell him and he defied you?

THE PRESIDENT: The same thing as you just… You know, when you make a statement like that, it’s so deceptive. Just the opposite of a green light. And when you ask a question like that, it’s very deceptive, Jon. It’s almost as deceptive as you showing all of the “bombings taking place in Syria,” and it turned out that the bombing you showed on television took place in Kentucky. So, you know — and I’m not even sure that ABC apologized for that. But certainly, it was a terrible thing. I’m looking at this and I say, “Wow, that’s pretty bad,” and it was in Kentucky. It wasn’t in Syria.

RUSH: Right. It was at Knob Creek farm. They played video of an uprising in Knob Creek farm on ABC and tried to pass it off as bloodshed in Syria! And here’s the ABC reporter (sniveling), “You think it’s really right, you giving a green light to go in there and wipe out the Kurds? How dare you! Who do you think you are!” “Wait a minute, Jon. It’s very deceptive question. I didn’t give anybody green light. Right there.

“Read the letter I wrote to Erdogan. There’s no green light on this.” Folks, you cannot believe a single damn thing that you read or hear in the media today! You just… It’s stunning! I mean, it’s not even close! It doesn’t take line-by-line parsing and interpretation. It’s just bold and blatant, in-our-faces BS. Now coupled with fake video! Now, the next sound bite, Jonathan Karl says, “You said you withdrew 28 troops.”

THE PRESIDENT: Twenty-eight. They say it was 28. We thought it was 50 but it was 28, 26 to 28 troops.

KARL: (crosstalk) A-a-a-nd look at what’s happened since then —

THE PRESIDENT: All accounted for, nobody injured… Listen. All accounted for, nobody injured, nobody missing. It’s really nice.

KARL: But — but look what’s happened since those troops were withdrawn and since you had that conversation with President Erdogan!

THE PRESIDENT: You know what’s happened? No American soldiers have been killed. That’s what’s happened. And other people will go in — and very easy to recapture those people that probably the Kurds let go to make a little bit stronger political impact. And that’s okay. I fully understand it. But that’s the way it goes. We’re bringing our soldiers back home, and we’ve done a great job. We were supposed to be in Syria for one month. That was ten years ago — and we’ve been a police force. It’s time to bring our soldiers back home.

RUSH: There you go: 10 years, supposed to be there one month. The president tweeted at 12:40 a.m. today, quote, “I’m the only person,” Trump says, “who can fight for the safety of our troops & bring them home from the ridiculous & costly Endless Wars, and be scorned. Democrats always liked that position,” they always wanted to be the ones bringing troops home, “until I took it. Democrats always liked Walls, until I built them. Do you see what’s happening here?” the president said.


RUSH: One other Trump tweet about Syria. This is Trump’s tweet: “‘About 500,000 human beings were killed in Syria while Barack Obama was president & leading for a ‘political settlement’ to that civil war. Media has been more outraged in the last 72 hours over our Syria policy than they were at any point during 7 years of slaughter.'” It’s actually a Buck Sexton tweet, former guest host here, a CIA guy. Trump is retweeting Buck Sexton here.

It’s absolutely true! Obama could do no wrong. Obama’s drawing red lines and Assad is saying, “Screw your red line!” He’s continuing to move in and gas people — well, slaughter people. Nobody… There was no way Obama was ever gonna get criticized by anybody because of race and because he was historical and because the media thought he was god. But this is exactly right. The results of American war and foreign policy under Obama were dreadfully bad.


RUSH: Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo are conducting a press conference as we speak. They are in the U.S. embassy in Ankara, Turkey. They have announced a ceasefire in Syria. Turkey and the United States have agreed to a ceasefire. That means that Pence and Pompeo went over there and told Erdogan, “Stop it. You didn’t have a green light, you know you didn’t have a green light, and stop it,” and it has been stopped. There is a ceasefire. The Kurds are no longer being fired on. Details as they are made public.


RUSH: This is the president this afternoon just moments ago in Fort Worth.

THE PRESIDENT: This is an outcome — regardless of how the press would like to damp it down. This was something that they’ve been trying to get for 10 years. They couldn’t get it without a little rough love, as I called it. I just put out, “They needed a little bit of that at the beginning,” and then everybody said, “Wow, this is tougher than we thought.” When those guns start shooting, they tend to do things. This is an incredible outcome. This outcome is something they’ve been trying to get for 10 years, everybody, and they couldn’t get it — other administrations — and they never would have been able to get it unless you went somewhat unconventional. I guess I’m an unconventional person.

RUSH: He went on to say that sanctions work and that the sanctions are gonna be removed as soon as everything is finalized, and he pointed out… He took a lot of heat for this, including from a lot of Republicans, but he said, “This isn’t about Republicans and Democrats, it’s about our nation,” and he said in this little ceasefire that we just got today, after pulling out the troops, “We got everything we dreamed of,” bringing our troops home, getting ISIS. “Kurds are very happy with the solution,” he said, and you heard him call it “tough love” and “unconventional.”

He said, “This program got results.” He said, “Previous administrations’ people have been trying for this for a decade, but we got it done.” And the press is going to try to discount Trump’s role in this. And what they’re actually gonna do… You mark my words: They’re gonna try to say that the president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is the guy who saved Trump’s bacon. (impression) “Trump didn’t know what he was doing! Trump was bumbling around in there pulling troops out, risking the Kurds! It could have been all-out war, but thank God for Erdogan.” That’s gonna be the media narrative. You watch.

It’s the exact opposite, but that’s what they’re gonna try to say.

They’ve got no choice!

They cannot give Trump credit for this or for anything else.

Here is Mike Pence earlier in a press conference in Ankara announcing the ceasefire…

THE VICE PRESIDENT: The United States and Turkey have agreed to a ceasefire in Syria. The Turkish side will pause Operation Peace Spring in order to allow the withdrawal of YPG forces from the safe zone for 120 hours. All military operations under Operation Peace Spring will paused, and Operation Peace Spring will be halted entirely on completion of the withdrawal. This also includes an agreement by Turkey to engage if no military action against the community of Kobane, and in addition the United States and Turkey have both mutually committed to a peaceful resolution and future for the safe zone.

RUSH: And there goes, up in smoke, another Democrat narrative. (impression) “Aw, damn! You mean they the solved it? They took this away from us in one day?” Now they’re gonna have to scramble. It was only yesterday that Nancy Pelosi is saying (impression), “Donald Trump had a meltdown. He doesn’t know what he’s doing! We need to pray for the president’s mental health. He’s hopelessly incompetent and overmatched.” Now, doesn’t this kind of…? Those idiots in the House, you know what they did? The House passed a resolution condemning Trump’s pull-out of Syria!

Doesn’t it kind of make that resolution look a little stupid now? Doesn’t the House, don’t the House Democrats look stupid? They just got blindsided again. They just got blindsided, like they got blindsided when Trump released the transcript of the phone call with the president of Ukraine. Here comes Pelosi (impression) “Trump’s having a meltdown! Trump is incompetent! This is very dangerous. We — we need to pray for the president. (sobbing) Oh, my God! It’s so bad. It’s so bad. The president doesn’t know what he’s doing. I’m not even gonna read the letter!”

Now we got a ceasefire. Now we got the Kurds happy. Now we’re bringing the American troops home, everything the Democrats have always claimed that they wanted. They got their stupid resolution condemning Trump’s pull-out. (laughing) Ah, folks! Bit by bit, I guarantee you they’re being driven more and more insane. I mean, some of them literally are going mad here. It is Road Runner-Coyote. More so each day.


RUSH: Another prediction for you: You are going to hear various leftists come out and criticize the ceasefire. They’re not gonna be opposed to the ceasefire in the war. They’ll come up with some convoluted reason for opposing the ceasefire, claiming that it won’t work. (impression) “Trump got fooled! Erdogan is so much smarter than Trump.” You wait.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Oct. 17th
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2019, 10:33:39 pm »

Mulvaney Announces G7 at Trump Doral, Press Corps Goes Crazy

Oct 17, 2019

RUSH: Mick Mulvaney, the White House chief of staff, is doing a press conference right now. He announced that Trump is gonna host the next G7 at — dadelut, dadelut, dadelut — Trump’s Doral resort in Miami. And the media is beside itself! “Oh, my God! He’s gonna make money off the G7 summit! Oh, my God! This is not right! This is not fair,” and Mulvaney is very calmly explaining to them how the president is not gonna be making any money off of it, that the president doesn’t need any brand enhancement.

Mulvaney said (summarized), “I think everybody knows the Trump brand. Trump doesn’t need to promote his brand. He hasn’t made any money working here at the White House. He’s not going to be making any money.” He said, “Look, the last one of these things we did was at Camp David and you people in the media all hated it, and so did the participants. It was too small at Camp David for that many people, and you people in the media were complaining that it took a one-hour bus ride just to get there.

“So we thought we would do it at a place that makes much more sense in a resort setting, and it’s gonna cost a lot less money since the president owns it!” But the media can’t deal. Folks, they’re screaming, “Emoluments! Emoluments! Emoluments clause! Emoluments clause! The president is profiting from his position as president,” and Mulvaney said, “No, you don’t understand this. We knew your reaction is gonna be this. Why do you think I’m out here telling you this? We wanted you to go bonkers.”

He didn’t say that, but that’s one of the obvious things that’s going on here.


RUSH: Let me have it. Me have it. The media wants an investigation by the Judiciary Committee on Trump’s decision to hold the G7 at Doral. I’m not making it up.


RUSH: Mulvaney was funny. He’s still doing a little presser out there to announce the G7 meeting. It’s next June, early June, at the Doral resort, the Trump Doral result. The media is beside itself. They just can’t believe Trump would do this. “Emoluments clause! Emoluments clause! He can’t do this! He’s profiting! He’s profiting!” Mulvaney was asked, “Will the Judiciary Committee investigate this?” Mulvaney said, “Well, that is a great question. You know, I hadn’t thought about that. I don’t know if they’re gonna have time.

“They’re impeaching the president right now. Are they gonna have time to look into the G7 at Doral? I don’t know. Maybe they would. I wouldn’t put anything past them, but they gotta do something about impeachment first.” He’s talking to them about Ukraine now. We’re rolling audio on this, and we will have it for you in due course.


RUSH: So Mick Mulvaney during the press conference announcing the G7 at the Trump Doral golf resort next June was asked if the White House was concerned at the choice of Doral as a location would send a bad message about self-dealing to the rest of the world. Mulvaney said, “No.” He didn’t go on and elaborate. (summarized) “No. It won’t send a bad message at all. Screw you!” He did not take one question from CNN, and they are ticked.

I want to share with you some of these sound bites of Mulvaney. Mulvaney is a brilliant guy. He is from South Carolina. He’s a former member of Congress. He was at the Office of Management and Budget first, now the acting chief of staff, a Trump loyalist. Funny, funny, smart the guy. He’s a good golfer, hits the ball a mile. He’s a very wiry, thin guy, very flexible, can really wind up.

He’s got explosive swing speed. He’s constantly in control of things so he does a presser today to announce that the next G7 in early June will be at the Trump Doral resort in Miami. Sound bite 23, 24, 25. First question is from CNBC White House correspondent Eamon… I’m sorry. It’s Eamon Javers or Javers or Javers or Javers or Javier, whatever, asking about the decision.

JAVERS: How is this not just an enormous conflict of interest for the president to host the G-7 at his own resort, and how will the president continue to criticize the Biden family for self-dealing at the same time he’s doing this?

MULVANEY: Uh, first off, you’re not making any profit. I think we’ve already established that.

JAVERS: (crosstalk) — marketing and branding opportunity.

MULVANEY: It’s a huge…? I’ve heard that. I’ve heard that. I’ve heard that before. You know, I guess I’ve been the chief now for about nine or 10 months, and I always hear, whenever we go to Mar-a-Lago, “It’s a huge branding opportunity.” Whenever he plays golf at Trump Bedminster, when he goes to play golf at Trump up in Sterling, and everybody asks the questions, “Is it not a huge marketing opportunity?” I would simply ask you all to consider the possibility that Donald Trump’s brand is probably strong enough as it is, and he doesn’t need any more help on that.

REPORTERS: (interrupting)

MULVANEY: It’s the most recognizable name in the English language and probably around the world right now. So, no, that has nothing to do with it.

RUSH: Nothing to do with it. Note the question: “How can he criticize the Biden family when he’s hosting the G7 at the Doral?” These people are such children in addition to being uneducated, blissfully ignorant. So up next is Kristen Welker. And she is… Let’s see. She’s the NBC White House correspondent. What happened to Hallie Jackson? I thought she was the White House correspondent.

You know, they shuffle these women around at NBC maybe for reasons we’re just now learning that these women over at NBC get shuffled around. I could have sworn that Hallie Jackson was the White House correspondent. Anyway, now it’s somebody named… uhhh … Kristen Welker, and also somebody from Fox News, Kevin Corke, and they’re asking about using Doral same time.

WELKER: This is a business of optics. How is the president gonna stand on a debate stage, if in fact Vice President Biden wins —


WELKER: — the nomination and try to make an argument that he profited off his vice presidency, when he’s (crosstalk)?

MULVANEY: He’s going to do that extraordinarily well.

CORKE: You’re trying to put it in a place that you think is the best, maybe save the taxpayers some money — which is important for all of us. But sometimes because of the appearance of impropriety, you don’t make that call.

MULVANEY: We know the environment we live in. You all know the environment that we live in. And he’s simply saying, “Okay. That’s fine. I’m willing to take that.” The same way he takes it when he goes to Trump Mar-a-Lago, the same [way] when he goes to play Trump Bedminster. He got over that a long time ago. We absolutely believe this is the best place to have it. We’re gonna have it there, and there’s gonna be folks who will never get over the fact that it’s a Trump property. We get that. But we’re still gonna go there.

RUSH: Translation: “(Raspberry) you!”


RUSH: I got an email. “Dear Mr. Limbaugh: Can you explain this emoluments thing? It sounds like a toothpaste.” This is not a bad question. The left and the media constantly, “He’s violating the emoluments clause!” Let me explain this to you very simply.

The way to look at the emoluments clause is to ask a question. Is Trump being given a present by hosting the G7 at his Doral resort in Miami? A present. Think of a gift as a substitute word for emolument, an office or a title from any king or prince or foreign state. No. He’s not being given a present. He’s not getting any kind of a gift by hosting the G7 at his golf club. Nobody’s trying to bribe him by coming to Doral or any of his other properties. That’s not what’s going here.

“But but but but he’s profiting, he’s personally profiting, it’s his own place.” No. He’s announced that everything is going to be at cost. The government will pay only what it costs to put the event on. There will not be any evil profit. Now, as is always the case, go back to the original intent. Go back to the framers, go back to the early days of the country and ask why was this clause even put in there? Why was the emoluments clause even included?

And if you go back to the founding of the country, it makes perfect sense. Let’s say that the king of England had offered George Washington a dukedom, you know, make him duke of the new world, give him a bunch of land, a bunch of real estate, do with it what he wants, and he and his family would have been wealthy forever. It would have been a bribe.

Instead of doing the revolution, instead of going to war against the king, the king says, “I’ll buy you off here. I’ll give you the dukedom. We’ll call you the duke of Washington.” The framers wanted to prevent that kind of thing. And it has no application. The media and the Democrats are running with it to include anything that might be configurable in people’s minds as Trump engineering profit based on his presidency.

So they’re trying to say, “Well, that place would never be used. There would never be a G7 there if Trump wasn’t president. Therefore, he’s guilty.” It may in fact be true, but Trump is offering it. You know, Trump is a great entertainer. And Trump is proud of what he’s achieved. It’s no different than if you built a new house and you want your family to come see it. Like say you build a new house and you invite the whole family in for Thanksgiving or Christmas. You’re proud of it, you have an achievement, you want to show it off, you know that some family members will be jealous as hell, and that’s part of the fun of it too.

But Trump loves entertaining people. It’s one of the things that he excels at, does well. He loves people having a good time. It’s a venue that he can totally control. He can totally control the quality of it. He can totally control the employment and the people that are coming in and out. They’re gonna try to make it look like he’s profiting and they’re gonna say, “You can’t criticize the Bidens now, Mr. President, you can’t do it, you can’t do it, you can’t do it.” And Mulvaney said, no, it’s not gonna stop us. We got this handled. Don’t sweat it.

Now, about the ceasefire. The first thing that needs to be pointed out, no American got hurt since Trump announced the withdrawal of 50 troops from Syria. But you know what did happen here, folks? A whole lot of leftists, a whole lot of Democrats, a whole lot of media people showed their true colors.

And ABC News proudly put on display their best fake news capability. Yep. Running video from the Knob Creek Gun Range claiming that it was a war-torn area of Syria. And, by the way, the video from Knob Creek, Kentucky, a couple years old. And right there was Donald Trump calling ABC out.

Jonathan Karl asking these presumptuous, arrogant, and condescending questions. (paraphrasing) “How can you do this, Mr. President, how can you?” And Trump, “How can you do it? You’re showing video from Kentucky two years ago and telling everybody it’s in Syria?” And of course Karl has no retort for that. He didn’t make the decision to play the video, but it’s his network, and he reported it.

So here’s the deal. Turkey has agreed to work with the United States as an ally to fight against ISIS together. (gasping) Oh, no! This is a gigantic 180. This is a big turnaround. See, the Democrats thought they had Trump impeached over this. Yes siree. In fact, it was I, El Rushbo, who told you yesterday that they might try to go after Trump on an impeachment on the basis this guy’s not even fit for office. This guy is not qualified. Look what he’s done to our allies. We can’t have this.

And they just ran head first right smack-dab into a glass wall, and they have cut their faces, they’ve cut themselves, they’re bleeding terminally here. It is amazing. Trump has literally made them take positions that are the exact opposite of what they have claimed as their positions for all these years, just to oppose him.

So here’s the deal. Turkey will allow 120 hours for withdrawal of Kurdish forces from a 20 mile safe zone area. Once the safe zone is complete, the ceasefire will be permanent. So Turkey is gonna stand aside for 120 hours for the withdrawal of Turkish forces from a 20-mile safe zone area. Bringing our troops home and using means and methods that don’t involve boots on the ground to secure peace should be called The Trump Doctrine.

Look at what’s happened here. We pull out 50 troops, Democrats go absolutely bonkers, media go absolutely bonkers, Democrats go bonkers in their debate showing their true colors, and all of a sudden we’ve got a ceasefire, and in the press conference that Pence and Pompeo had, Pence gave all the credit to Trump and his leadership on this.

You know, it really is a Road Runner coyote scenario. The Democrats, even after almost three years now have not learned to even wait a day. Trump does something, and the instant it happens they reflexively go bonkers, claim Trump’s incompetent, doesn’t know what he’s doing. Then a day goes by after they have stepped in the proverbial bag of manure, a day goes by, the situation gets concluded to the United States favor, to the United States military favor, the Democrats now have nothing to say other than to continue to try to convince people that Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing.


RUSH: Now, back to the Mulvaney sound bites, to wrap this up. He had a press conference today to announce the G7 meeting at Doral. We’re up to sound bites 25 and 26. So we have here, this is an unidentified reporter, this is the reporter that asked if the Judiciary Committee in the House would investigate the president using his own resort for the G7 meeting.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: There almost will certainly be a House Judiciary Committee hearing about this site selection.

MULVANEY: You think so?

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Jerry Nadler has already talked about that. Will…

MULVANEY: Do you now, do you really think so? (crosstalk) Do you think they have time to do that?

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Yeah. Will the administration participate, cooperate with that?

MULVANEY: You know that’s a, by the way that’s a fascinating question. I had not thought that, that this would prompt a Judiciary Committee investigation. On one hand, I’m thinking to myself, they don’t have time to do it because they’re too busy doing impeachment, right?

And then I think to myself, no this is entirely consistent with how they spent the first eighteen months in office, right, or twelve months, however long they’ve been here, I guess it’s been a year, right? Yeah, they’d rather do that than talk about tax policy, than talk about drug policy, then talk about opioids, talk about healthcare.

RUSH: You hear how good Mulvaney is here? He’s wiry but he’s explosive. And he’s snarking back at ’em and they don’t even know it. He’s mocking them, I think. He would deny that, by the way. So here you have this earnest reporter, and he thinks he’s really on to something. (doing impression) “So, so there will almost certainly be a Judiciary Committee hearing about the sight selection.”

“You think so?”

“Oh, yeah, Jerry Nadler, he’s already talked about it. Will the administration participate, that’s what I want to know, will you cooperate in this investigation into more illegal behavior by you?”

“You know, that’s a fascinating question.” These guys are just — I don’t think they have the slightest ability to understand how they are seen as they do their jobs. I don’t think they have the slightest. In fact, when they find out, when they learn that people are laughing at ’em, oh ho, folks, you don’t want to be around. They take that so seriously. ‘Cause they are the single group of people saving humanity, American journalists. And if you laugh at ’em, if they catch you mocking them or laughing at them or criticizing them, oh, they can’t handle. And here’s Mulvaney right to this guy’s face, and he doesn’t even get it.

So another unidentified reporter. “Well, if there was no quid pro quo on the call — this is the president’s call with the president of Ukraine “– if there was no quid pro quo on the call, if it was routine, if he didn’t even want to do it, it’s all on the up and up, then why did it have to go into this more restricted server? Why did you put the details of the call on this restricted server so that nobody could leak it? Why was it moved from one server to the other?”

MULVANEY: I’m not gonna answer your question the way you want me to, but I do want to address it, and here’s why. There’s only one reason people care about that, right? That’s because they think there’s a cover-up. Some of them hope that there’s a cover-up, that, oh, my goodness, gracious, there must have been something really, really duplicitous, something really underhanded about how to handle this document because there must be a cover-up because there’s always a good cover-up when we’ve got an impeachment, right?

Let me ask you this. If we wanted to cover this up, would we have called the Department of Justice almost immediately and have them look at the transcript of the tape? Which we did, by the way. If we wanted to cover this up, would we have released it to the public? And, by the way, I’m glad that now all this concern about how the document has been edited and what do these ellipses stand for because I heard Adam Schiff go on television yesterday, the day before, and say, you know, we don’t need hear from the whistleblower anymore ’cause now we have the transcript, the memorandum of communication, memorandum of document, okay? Everyone wants to believe there’s a cover-up. You don’t give stuff to the public and say, “Here it is,” if you’re trying to cover something up.

RUSH: I guarantee you this reporter didn’t understand that, didn’t make a dent, didn’t change his mind about anything. But the one nugget in here, “I heard Adam Schiff on television yesterday, the day before say, you know, we don’t need to hear from the whistleblower anymore ’cause we have the transcript.” You want to talk about cover-up, this is Schiff trying to cover himself and making sure the manure doesn’t stick to him.

Because the truth of the matter is he was instrumental in orchestrating this whistleblower and setting the whole thing up. And it was all based on one risk. It was all based on one chance. Schiff was convinced they would not release the transcript of the call to protect executive privilege, presidential privacy, separation of powers. So old Pencil Neck was convinced that the whistleblower version would be the only version of the phone call. Even though the whistleblower’s version was secondhand, the whistleblower did not hear the call, he heard about the call from other conspirators and Never Trumpers.

So Schiff is sitting there thinking that he can say this transcript says anything. And he did. He, as committee chairman, during a hearing, said that the president asked or told the president of Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden, make it up if you have to, and don’t get back to me until you do. And then Schiff said he said this eight or nine times.

Well, Trump releases the transcript and blows Pencil Neck away, and the whistleblower, because now the actual transcript is released, making whatever the whistleblower or any number of whistleblowers say irrelevant. By his own admission the whistleblower was secondhand. He didn’t even hear the phone call.

Schiff got totally played on this. He was convinced that he would be allowed to say whatever he wanted to say about the transcript, that Trump would never release it. So he’s out there: Trump digging up dirt, making it up, do whatever you have to do, get back to me when you find enough dirt for me to get Biden. Totally lied about it. Called on it, said he was just engaging in parody.

And then he comes out, you know what? Schiff says we don’t even need to hear the whistleblower now that we have the transcript. That is such a weak attempt at saving face. We never needed the whistleblower from the moment the transcript was released. The whistleblower was a fraud like Blasey Ford is a fraud. Like the Steele dossier is a fraud. And they got caught!

They wanted to say Trump was covering up. They wanted to say Trump was obstructing. You want to talk about being impeached for incompetency? Adam Schiff flat-out does not know what he’s — well, he knows what he’s trying to do. He’s just hopelessly inept.


RUSH: This is Nancy in Port Orange, Florida. I’m glad you waited and welcome to the program. Hi.


RUSH: Hey.

CALLER: Yeah. The only thing I wanted to say — and you did play a couple of those Mulvaney things from the briefing — I was so disgusted, I kept hearing it, I said, “How many different ways can you ask the same question?”

RUSH: Oh, yeah. This emoluments business. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I saw that, too.

CALLER: I mean, it was attack, attack, and it wasn’t informative at all. I mean, the journalists from other countries ask better questions.

RUSH: Not much. Not much. They’re all corrupt, if you ask me. But I get your point. These people, they just kept pounding. Look. It’s no different. I remember a press conference, George W. Bush, and I don’t even remember what the occasion was, but it was a primetime press conference. And throughout the day the media kept telling us that the real issue was whether or not Bush would admit to his mistakes during the press conference. Every question for an hour, every question.

“Well, Mr. President, are you prepared to concede that you’ve made some mistakes along the way here?” It wasn’t about his presidency in general, although it was about some specific event, I’m not sure what it was. But every question for an hour, in addition to whatever else they asked, every damn reporter. “But certainly you can acknowledge some mistakes?” They wanted him to do it so is that would be the lead the next three days. “President admits mistakes. Unclear as to what his role is as president.” Garbage like that.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Oct. 17th
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2019, 10:34:35 pm »

Donald Trump Isn’t Worried — And You Shouldn’t Be Either

Oct 17, 2019

RUSH: I know Trump. Trump’s not gonna sit here and leave any of this stuff to chance. Look, he’s got a rally coming up. He’s gonna be in Dallas. They already started lining up yesterday for it. It’s gonna be another very upbeat and positive, effusive, charismatic event in stark contrast to this Democrat funeral that they called a debate two nights ago. Trump isn’t worried about anything — and let me tell you something about human nature and psychology. You can only act for so long. You can only carry a stiff upper lip for so long.

If you’re in a situation where the walls are really closing in on you and you know it — if you’re in trouble — you can only act like nothing’s bothering you for a limited amount of time. You cannot… I don’t care how good an actor you are. And certainly not somebody who’s essentially on TV 24/7 like every president is. But yet Trump, I guarantee you, is acting like nothing bothers him. What I’m saying is, this goes beyond acting. You can’t watch Trump is one of these rallies and not marvel.

You know, we watch this stuff; we get mad. Trump’s our guy; so these are attacks on us. We wonder how he’s bearing up. We think he’s be crumbling. We think we’d be, you know, crashing in the walls after all this. Then we see Trump and we wonder, “How’s he do it?” I think one of the reasons he does it is he knows he didn’t do any of this, and he knows these people don’t have anything. They haven’t had anything from the get go, and he knows he’s got the goods on those who did try to run this coup.

He knows all of this. You’re watching self-assuredness. Take a look. Watch the next Trump rally. You’re watching somebody extremely self-assured. You’re watching somebody, essentially, worry-free. Now, there are some people who are professional worriers. They live their lives in constant worry. (rubbing hands) They’re wringing their hands all the time and they’re just waiting for the next challenge or bad thing to happen. It’s a personality trait. Other people seem to be carefree. Nothing bothers them for whatever reason, and you end up maybe envying people like that.

It’s really a great thing not to be a worrier. But, you know, it’s a natural human thing. I think pessimism is a natural human thing. It takes effort not to be. That’s why people that write books or do seminars on positive thinking get rich, because most people are not naturally inclined to positive aspects. Most people just assume the worst is gonna happen or something bad’s gonna happen, and they steel themselves for it or prepare themselves for it. (chuckles) I know people who have gotten married who are just convinced it isn’t gonna last 10 years.

Guess what? It doesn’t. If you get convinced something’s not gonna work — if you’re convinced somebody’s gonna abandon you, leave you or something — it’ll happen. Trump portrays the exact opposite of all of this. Now, he may worry about things, but he doesn’t show it. He doesn’t bleed on the troops. But I can tell you, I’ve been with him enough times and in different sets of circumstances that he is not a worrier. He gets mad at people lying about him as anybody would, but he’s not worried about things.

But I think in this case it’s also substantive and not an act because of what he knows about these efforts to get him and the people behind it and what they did and the fact that it’s gonna come out. I’ll tell you something else that helps him get through, folks. Never misunderstand this, either. He knows that you are out there. It’s not a one-way street with him. He doesn’t sit or stand wherever he is and marvel at how you stick with him. He’s appreciative of it. He has a constant appreciation for it, and I think that sustains him as well.

You know, we’ve had a couple people call here in the last couple of weeks who want some sign of that. We had a guy call (impression), “Trump needs to do a national press conference. He needs to go on TV from the Oval Office and he needs to tell us to hang in there. He needs to tell us everything’s okay. We’re getting beat up out here! We’re losing friends! We’re losing family members!” Remember this guy? “We’re losing loved ones over this. Trump’s gotta tell us it’s worth it.” He knows. He knows the price some of this is costing you. He’s very appreciative of it.

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“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Oct. 17th
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2019, 10:56:21 pm »
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

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