Author Topic: Heart and Soul of a very small town in Red Country  (Read 1205 times)

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Heart and Soul of a very small town in Red Country
« on: October 11, 2019, 10:15:27 pm »
A small Alabama town in probable the prettiest area of the state (mountains of Northeast Bama) has long been a hub of hippy folks (as I like to call them). The town of Mentone is on the brow of a beautiful area of the state with scenic waterfalls and rivers in the middle of a magnificent area that is beloved by all that see it. Three branches of a river run their entirety before merging on a mountain before dumping in a lake. Given it's elevation, it is the coolest place in state for most the summer (and winter) and manages to get a few snowfalls yearly. The area even sports a ski slope. Summer camps for rich urban kids swell the local populations during the summer months, with young folks working for peanuts at them to pad their resumes for college. Progressives from Atlanta and Birmingham often purchase summer homes in the region along with an assortment of new age weirdos (often calling themselves "artists") that live hand to mouth in secret communes (yes tents and make shift log homes in the woods). These poorer (and more numerous) local "artists" often survive making small objects of art to sell to tourist that frequent the area or sing for tips in the many small specialty restaurants that dot the area. If looking for 12 different varieties of goat soap, you have found the nitch area to find it. While mostly harmless, the drug use is rampant and one would be wise to use caution when visiting some of the more remote nature areas.

The population is 99.5% white (or more) as far as I can tell, yet most the folks will lecture you constantly on Facebook for how much they are for diversity. The area is split with true locals and transplants (the later being the more radical). Most the locals understand that without tourist, there would be little left of the area (except for Georgia rednecks that come to enjoy the region and manage to drown a few times a year in the rivers especially when the rainfall is high).

Anyhoo, I ran across a video of one of the transplants preaching her hatred of Trump (pointing out the high ground lost by electing him). This lady (Susan Cherones) has her roots in Hollywood (her dad was a producer of most the Seinfeld TV series + a few more series). She sings like a songbird and runs a local bed & breakfast... oddly she has taken up with singing with the Sacred Hart groups that tour the region with their very old local style of religious music (the style was featured in the movie Cold Mountain). So she claims the high moral ground due to Trumps stupid comments (Grab em). Of course she does not stop to take questions on just exactly where her positions (pro-abortion ect) reflect on Jesus.

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The other lady featured in the previous year (Cathy Haven Howard) who did the first march is another transplant to the region (from LA California of course). She runs a small cult church in the area.

Third leader is yet another woman and she is a New Age weirdo... Edwene Gaines... She is another transplant to the region that seems to be selling her place for a cool half million dollars. But hey, it has it own "Black Madonna" and "prayer pyramid".

So a few local outsiders have transformed the tiny area of Mentone into the Seattle of the region. A town of under 500 (except when it swells 4X the size during summer camp season) is a festering boil on our region. Thankfully only a few know how to actually vote.


Exodus 18:21 Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders over ....