Author Topic: Two Giuliani Associates Who Helped Him on Ukraine Arrested on Campaign-Finance Charges  (Read 1726 times)

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Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Nice to see Trump fans defending their guy before the charges are released.

Offline Sanguine

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Nice to see Trump fans defending their guy before the charges are released.

Really?  Where specifically is anyone on this thread defending Trump?

Offline skeeter

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Nice to see Trump fans defending their guy before the charges are released.

Nice to see you attacking Trump fans before they've even figured out the connection between Trump and Rudy Giuliani's "associates".

Maybe you can help us yokels with that one, ay?
« Last Edit: October 10, 2019, 05:36:13 pm by skeeter »

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Everyday is a new pile of corruption.

When it comes to piles we can sniff yours out with no problem.
You don’t become cooler with age but you do care progressively less about being cool, which is the only true way to actually be cool.

Offline edpc

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Nice to see you attacking Trump fans before they've even figured out the connection between Trump and Rudy Giuliani's "associates".

Maybe you can help us yokels with that one, ay?

This story by AP might help. It seems as if the Ukraine conversation initially started with Rick Perry trying to further US interests in energy. There are people tangentially connected, through mutual contacts. At least one of these guys (Parnas) seemed to have advanced knowledge Ambassador Yovanovitch would be removed, to put someone friendlier in place.

That does not mean Trump is directly involved. More likely, at this point, he seems to have been following some bad advice from Giuliani. The strange thing is these businessman seem to fail at every endeavor. The venture they tried to launch in the indictment never got off the ground. Also, they failed to get a deal in Ukraine. Based on that, it makes me wonder how they are able to successfully raise so much money for political contributions.

These conversations were recounted to AP by Dale W. Perry, an American who is a former business partner of Favorov. He told AP in an interview that Favorov described the meeting to him soon after it happened and that Favorov perceived it to be a shakedown. Perry, who is no relation to the energy secretary, is the managing partner of Energy Resources of Ukraine, which currently has business agreements to import natural gas and electricity to Ukraine.

A second person who spoke on condition of anonymity also confirmed to the AP that Favorov had recounted details of the Houston meeting to him.

According to Dale Perry and the other person, Favorov said Parnas told him Trump planned to remove U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch and replace her with someone more open to aiding their business interests.

Dale Perry told the AP he was so concerned about the efforts to change the management at Naftogaz and to get rid of Yovanovitch that he reported what he had heard to Suriya Jayanti, a State Department foreign service officer stationed at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv who focuses on the energy industry.
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Offline XenaLee

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Perhaps you can explain why this double standard is being implemented by a Trump appointee, who was personally interviewed to replace Barhara. US Attorney Geoffrey Berman signed the indictment. You can read it here.....

Yeah, yeah, yeah.... I know.   It still remains to be seen whether these two are guilty of anything other than their "association" with Trump.   And most of the idiots that represent the SDNY are probably Trump haters.   

Are you really going to attempt to deny that there IS a massive double-standard going on in this country re: the left skates while the right gets arrested and/or does time? 
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline edpc

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Yeah, yeah, yeah.... I know.   It still remains to be seen whether these two are guilty of anything other than their "association" with Trump.   And most of the idiots that represent the SDNY are probably Trump haters.   

Are you really going to attempt to deny that there IS a massive double-standard going on in this country re: the left skates while the right gets arrested and/or does time?

The people at SDNY are far from idiots. They generally handle the big, high profile cases and they recruit the best and brightest. During the Mueller investigation, criminal referrals for Podesta and Craig were sent to that office. As far as I know, nothing has been done about Podesta, yet. Craig was tried and acquitted. Berman had Epstein arrested and charged, but he turned up dead, before trial. Horowitz, the FBI IG, referred Comey for prosecution. Barr declined. If there are problems with double standards, it seems to be largely internal, at this point.

I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Offline skeeter

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This story by AP might help. It seems as if the Ukraine conversation initially started with Rick Perry trying to further US interests in energy. There are people tangentially connected, through mutual contacts. At least one of these guys (Parnas) seemed to have advanced knowledge Ambassador Yovanovitch would be removed, to put someone friendlier in place.

That does not mean Trump is directly involved. More likely, at this point, he seems to have been following some bad advice from Giuliani. The strange thing is these businessman seem to fail at every endeavor. The venture they tried to launch in the indictment never got off the ground. Also, they failed to get a deal in Ukraine. Based on that, it makes me wonder how they are able to successfully raise so much money for political contributions.

These conversations were recounted to AP by Dale W. Perry, an American who is a former business partner of Favorov. He told AP in an interview that Favorov described the meeting to him soon after it happened and that Favorov perceived it to be a shakedown. Perry, who is no relation to the energy secretary, is the managing partner of Energy Resources of Ukraine, which currently has business agreements to import natural gas and electricity to Ukraine.

A second person who spoke on condition of anonymity also confirmed to the AP that Favorov had recounted details of the Houston meeting to him.

According to Dale Perry and the other person, Favorov said Parnas told him Trump planned to remove U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch and replace her with someone more open to aiding their business interests.

Dale Perry told the AP he was so concerned about the efforts to change the management at Naftogaz and to get rid of Yovanovitch that he reported what he had heard to Suriya Jayanti, a State Department foreign service officer stationed at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv who focuses on the energy industry.

Doesn't help. Too convoluted, probably intentionally so.

IMO just more media turds tossed into the public arena for our non-edification. I'll be so glad when the 2020 election is over.

Offline Sanguine

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Doesn't help. Too convoluted, probably intentionally so.

IMO just more media turds tossed into the public arena for our non-edification. I'll be so glad when the 2020 election is over.

Vague and convoluted means that you can read it however you want.  Don't like Trump?  Then, it's clear evidence of nefarious activity on Trump's part.  A fan of truth and honesty?  Meh, it may be something, it may be not something.

Offline Free Vulcan

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'Camapaign finance' charges? Give me a break. And when are the going to arrest Tlaib, AOC, and Omar for theirs?

Some pigs are more equal.
The Republic is lost.

Offline edpc

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'Camapaign finance' charges? Give me a break. And when are the going to arrest Tlaib, AOC, and Omar for theirs?

Some pigs are more equal.

The indictment alleges foreign contributions, not some ticky-tack technical bullshit.

Their political giving—aimed at Republicans—was funded in part by an unnamed Russian donor, the indictment alleges. Federal law bans foreigners from contributing to U.S. elections. A limited liability company created by the men was used to disguise the source of some of the money, the indictment says.
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Offline Free Vulcan

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The indictment alleges foreign contributions, not some ticky-tack technical bullshit.

Their political giving—aimed at Republicans—was funded in part by an unnamed Russian donor, the indictment alleges. Federal law bans foreigners from contributing to U.S. elections. A limited liability company created by the men was used to disguise the source of some of the money, the indictment says.

If you use more exclamation points and capitalize some words, it might make that opinion seem more credible.

There is a long line of Dems that should have been arrested for this stuff - years ago.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2019, 09:26:12 pm by Free Vulcan »
The Republic is lost.

Offline skeeter

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If you use more exclamation points and capitalize some words, it might make that opinion seem more credible.

There is a long line of Dems that should have been arrested for this stuff - years ago.

Meanwhile the Clinton Foundation is still a going concern.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2019, 09:43:09 pm by skeeter »

Offline libertybele

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Meanwhile the Clinton Foundation is still a going concern.

Yes and IMHO Giuliani is an ongoing concern. Sessions, Rosenstein, Giulliani; Trump sure knows how to pick him.  He now has hired Gowdy.   :shrug:
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline edpc

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If you use more exclamation points and capitalize some words, it might make that opinion seem more credible.

There is a long line of Dems that should have been arrested for this stuff - years ago.

You might have me confused with Trump and a longtime member, regarding random capitalization and overuse of exclamation points. Also, the idea it is not a technicality is not my opinion - it’s fact. Don’t take my word for it, listen to the special agent in charge, Bill Sweeney, say so at the 4:50 mark.

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Offline edpc

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Meanwhile the Clinton Foundation is still a going concern.

I’m having a hard time remembering specifically who, but I vaguely recall someone saying she had ‘suffered enough’ and that ‘lock her up’ was something great to say, during the campaign, but we don’t really care anymore.
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Offline sneakypete

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I’m having a hard time remembering specifically who, but I vaguely recall someone saying she had ‘suffered enough’ and that ‘lock her up’ was something great to say, during the campaign, but we don’t really care anymore.


I remember the "suffered enough" part,but can't remember which prominent alleged Republican (I THINK) said it. I don't remember the second part,but it was so obvious it really didn't need to be said.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline edpc

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I remember the "suffered enough" part,but can't remember which prominent alleged Republican (I THINK) said it. I don't remember the second part,but it was so obvious it really didn't need to be said.

Allow me to help jog your memory.

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Offline Free Vulcan

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You might have me confused with Trump and a longtime member, regarding random capitalization and overuse of exclamation points. Also, the idea it is not a technicality is not my opinion - it’s fact. Don’t take my word for it, listen to the special agent in charge, Bill Sweeney, say so at the 4:50 mark.

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1

Nice evasion. Do you really think your boilerplate is the complete picture, because you can post a youtube video?

Again, waiting for some Dems to be convicted on campaign finance violations.
The Republic is lost.

Offline edpc

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Nice evasion. Do you really think your boilerplate is the complete picture, because you can post a youtube video?

Again, waiting for some Dems to be convicted on campaign finance violations.

Yes, I can post a video. Can you use a search engine? FFS....aren’t you supposed to be technical, here? Have you ever heard of Charles Kushner, the guy sent to jail by Christie for tax evasion, illegal campaign contributions, and witness tampering?

Look up Jeffrey Thompson and Jerry Lundergan, while you’re at it. I’m really embarrassed for you.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2019, 11:17:35 pm by edpc »
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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When it comes to piles we can sniff yours out with no problem.

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Nice to see you attacking Trump fans before they've even figured out the connection between Trump and Rudy Giuliani's "associates".

Maybe you can help us yokels with that one, ay?
I probably can't since you've made up your mind, and I shouldn't have to because it's already in post one and two of this thread.

Offline Free Vulcan

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Yes, I can post a video. Can you use a search engine? FFS....aren’t you supposed to be technical, here? Have you ever heard of Charles Kushner, the guy sent to jail by Christie for tax evasion, illegal campaign contributions, and witness tampering?

Look up Jeffrey Thompson and Jerry Lundergan, while you’re at it. I’m really embarrassed for you.



Get back to me when the FBI stops it's selective enforcement.
The Republic is lost.

Offline sneakypete

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Get back to me when the FBI stops it's selective enforcement.

@Free Vulcan    @edpc

Your grandchildren won't live that long.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!