State Chapters > California

Democrats turning California into a third-world hellhole: Going without electricity edition

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October 10, 2019
Democrats turning California into a third-world hellhole: Going without electricity edition
By Tom Trinko

Democrats are turning California into a third-world hellhole without electricity, water, and freedom.

Due to Democrats' love for trees, at least 800,000 Californians will be without power for several days.  Instead of properly managing California forests to reduce the chances of big fires, Democrats are saying Californians have to go without lights, refrigerators, and air-conditioning.  Democrats could also avoid this by not making the power company financially liable for all forest fire damages, but since PG&E is a company, not an illegal alien, the Democrats couldn't care less about doing what's best for California.

While they try to blame climate change and the infrastructure, the reality is that neither of those has caused any significant changes in the last ten years — but now, suddenly, due to Democrat policies, Californians have to start living in the 18th century.

The Democrats who run California also refuse to build more water storage capacity even though the state's population has dramatically increased, ensuring that water has to be rationed during droughts.


The power is out on the block behind us and all the way up and over the ridge. We caught a break for a change.

PeteS in CA:
 :thud: A thread about the current mess that isn't filled with ignorance? :thud: BTW, I'm referring to BS on other discussion sites, not this one.

Just a couple of added comments:

CA is not totally unique in making utilities liable for fire damage regardless of whether the utility was negligent (IIRC, the legal-beagle term for it is "Strict Liability"). Montana has a similar law.

When a lot of the current power transmission infrastructure was built - 1940s-1960s, I think) - the "rules" under which PG&E (and other power companies) operated allowed much greater latitude about cutting down trees near lines and more drastic degree of trimming. The enviros, with help from the state, Feds, and courts, have significantly curtailed what PG&E, et al, was allowed to do. They have also driven out of California the lumber companies who removed fuel - brush and dead trees - as part of their normal operation.

Utilities in California have been under attack by the enviros and self-appointed "rights" organizations for decades. Besides changing utilities' operating environment, utilities have found it very difficult to add power generation facilities and upgrade the transmission network. Overloaded and outdated transmission networks mean increased failures.

I am not saying PG&E's hands are hospital-grade sterile/clean, but the state and enviros, with some Federal "aid", have made an always hazardous operating environment vastly worse.


--- Quote from: PeteS in CA on October 10, 2019, 09:00:38 pm --- :thud: A thread about the current mess that isn't filled with ignorance? :thud: BTW, I'm referring to BS on other discussion sites, not this one.

Just a couple of added comments:

CA is not totally unique in making utilities liable for fire damage regardless of whether the utility was negligent (IIRC, the legal-beagle term for it is "Strict Liability"). Montana has a similar law.

When a lot of the current power transmission infrastructure was built - 1940s-1960s, I think) - the "rules" under which PG&E (and other power companies) operated allowed much greater latitude about cutting down trees near lines and more drastic degree of trimming. The enviros, with help from the state, Feds, and courts, have significantly curtailed what PG&E, et al, was allowed to do. They have also driven out of California the lumber companies who removed fuel - brush and dead trees - as part of their normal operation.

Utilities in California have been under attack by the enviros and self-appointed "rights" organizations for decades. Besides changing utilities' operating environment, utilities have found it very difficult to add power generation facilities and upgrade the transmission network. Overloaded and outdated transmission networks mean increased failures.

I am not saying PG&E's hands are hospital-grade sterile/clean, but the state and enviros, with some Federal "aid", have made an always hazardous operating environment vastly worse.

--- End quote ---
After spending a few years in the oil patch in Kern County last decade, seems this is kinda mild in comparison to what the State has done to the oil and gas industry since the early days of California oil discoveries.  Here's a pic of the famous Lakeview gusher which helped usher in the prosperity for Calfornia.

California still possesses 4 out of the largest 10 oilfields ever discovered in this country.  Despite this abundance, the state has methodically changed the rules so much it has driven out any oil company of significance with the notable exception of Chevron(still don't know why they remain mired in a state that hates them).

PeteS in CA:
I had a run-in yesterday on another conservative discussion site with a non-troll conservative who claimed CA's high gas prices are because CA is at the "butt end" of distributing ME oil. I let him know that CA is an oil producing and refining state. Later in the conversation - after trying to move the goalposts and my calling him on it - he claimed that "shale oil" is illegal in CA, and I responded with a map of CA fracking sites that showed it was happening in the Monterey shale formation.

There's plenty of very real @#$% to bash CA over, but stupid claims like those and broad-brushing all Californians as the same are things I don't put up with. The latter is a particular sore spot for me because of the past 2 or 3 decades of being out-voted on just about every office and many ballot propositions. Don't blame me for the stupid of California!

As for why I stay, some career fields can be pursued more or less anywhere in the US. That is not the case with what I chose in the early 1970s and early 1980s. My career field is remunerative but on this continent is mostly in Silicon Valley.


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