Author Topic: Subpoenas Not Valid Since There Is No Impeachment Inquiry  (Read 274 times)

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Subpoenas Not Valid Since There Is No Impeachment Inquiry
« on: October 08, 2019, 03:55:40 pm »
Canada Free Press by Jonathon Moseley 10/8/2019

The U.S. House can review the already-existing evidence for impeachment, such as in a debate on a vote for impeachment. But they cannot try to unearth grounds for impeachment that they do not already have

Here’s some free legal advice:  Trump Administration officials should reject the recent subpoenas by the House of Representatives Democrats.  They read like political speeches, intended to influence public discussion, not like legal subpoenas.  To answer these “when did you stop violating the law?” letters is to buy into and endorse their false premise.

If a Trump official were my client, I would recommend a short, quick letter in response.  But would my client run the risk of not complying with a subpoena?  Could officials who don’t cooperate be found in contempt or be accused of obstruction of justice?

Purely political smear job.  Republicans should not fall for the scam

No.  Because I would immediately file a lawsuit for a “declaratory judgment” to get a decision on whether my client has to provide documents that House Democrats do not have a right to demand.  I would not wait for a hostile opponent to attack my client.

But the entire exercise is a purely political smear job.  Republicans should not fall for the scam.  They should meet the scam head-on and expose it for the hoax that it is.

There is confusion because there is no authority in the U.S. Constitution for Congress to act as a law enforcement agency.  The power to investigate is only implied, not stated, by custom and interpretation.  Constitutionally (not what Congress believes) the power of investigation is especially weak compared to an explicitly-stated power.


Offline Slide Rule

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Trump Admin Shreds Democrats’ Impeachment Attempt In Scathing Legal Letter

The Trump administration all but made a “declaration of war on the House over the
impeachment inquiry” on Tuesday in a letter from White House Counsel Pat. A
Cipollone, who told House Democrats that the president would not comply with their
“illegitimate proceedings.”

The letter listed the following three core reasons why the Trump administration would
not cooperate with Democrats’ current illegitimate proceedings:

Your “Inquiry” Is Constitutionally Invalid and Violates Basic Due Process Rights and
the Separation of Powers.

The Invalid “Impeachment Inquiry” Plainly Seeks To Reverse the Election of 2016
and To Influence the Election of 2020.

There Is No Legitimate Basis for Your “Impeachment Inquiry”; Instead, the
Committees’ Actions Raise Serious Questions.

White, American, MAGA, 3% Neanderthal, and 97% Extreme Right Wing Conservative.


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Offline sneakypete

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Trump Admin Shreds Democrats’ Impeachment Attempt In Scathing Legal Letter

The Trump administration all but made a “declaration of war on the House over the
impeachment inquiry” on Tuesday in a letter from White House Counsel Pat. A
Cipollone, who told House Democrats that the president would not comply with their
“illegitimate proceedings.”

The letter listed the following three core reasons why the Trump administration would
not cooperate with Democrats’ current illegitimate proceedings:

Your “Inquiry” Is Constitutionally Invalid and Violates Basic Due Process Rights and
the Separation of Powers.

The Invalid “Impeachment Inquiry” Plainly Seeks To Reverse the Election of 2016
and To Influence the Election of 2020.

There Is No Legitimate Basis for Your “Impeachment Inquiry”; Instead, the
Committees’ Actions Raise Serious Questions.

@Slide Rule

All as true as it is irrelevant.

The Dim leadership already knows this. They have no grounds for impeachment and know it. What they are doing,quite successfully,is getting the great mass of American voters who only start paying attention to politics a few months before an election convinced that they DO have legitimate cause to impeach Trump,"but doze ebil Republicans dun gone and pulled summa their ebil tricks ta stop hit! Hits a outrage,a OUTRAGE AH TELLS YA!"

Conviction by implication is the name of this game. ALL they have to do is get a majority of the non-partisan voters convinced their allegations are true,and they win.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline verga

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Re: Subpoenas Not Valid Since There Is No Impeachment Inquiry
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2019, 12:08:33 pm »
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
�More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.�-Woody Allen
If God invented marathons to keep people from doing anything more stupid, the triathlon must have taken him completely by surprise.