Author Topic: Rand Paul on the Kurds: Then and Now  (Read 508 times)

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Rand Paul on the Kurds: Then and Now
« on: October 10, 2019, 12:50:43 am »
Rand Paul on the Kurds: Then and Now

Kentucky senator Rand Paul, perhaps the most prominent non-interventionist in Congress, said in 2015 that the United States should defeat ISIS by arming the Kurds and promising the Kurds their own country: “I think they would fight like hell if we promised them a country.”

The Kurds did indeed fight like hell, dying by the thousands in the fight against ISIS.

Now, Senator Paul is cheering on President Trump’s decision to abandon the Kurds:.............

............Even if you’re a principled non-interventionist, how does abandoning the Kurds advance the national interest? A key objective of non-interventionism is relying on allies to fight our enemies, so America doesn’t get bogged down in wars. What lesson will this betrayal send to existing and potential allies, now and in the future?..........

« Last Edit: October 10, 2019, 12:51:30 am by libertybele »
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Offline txradioguy

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Re: Rand Paul on the Kurds: Then and Now
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2019, 12:52:57 am »
Like most of the people cheering Trump screwing the Kurds over while badmouthing Obama doing the same thing...he's a hypocrite.
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Offline LottieDah

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Re: Rand Paul on the Kurds: Then and Now
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2019, 01:14:38 am »
Maybe it is time for Rand Paul to retire so he can spend more time with his family.

Offline txradioguy

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Re: Rand Paul on the Kurds: Then and Now
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2019, 01:17:03 am »
Maybe it is time for Rand Paul to retire so he can spend more time with his family.


He's still got to make sure the U.S. kowtows to Iran before he heads back to Lexington.

President Trump confirmed he has authorized Sen. Rand Paul to negotiate with Iran over reducing tensions, Politico reported Friday.

“Rand is a friend of mine, and Rand asked me if he could get involved. The answer is yes, and if the other senators ask me to get involved, I’d probably say yes depending on who they were,” Trump said, according to The Hill. “I have many people involved, and Iran is going to work out very nicely. “
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline LottieDah

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Re: Rand Paul on the Kurds: Then and Now
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2019, 01:21:06 am »
@txradioguy   With friends like Rand Paul who needs enemies?

Offline txradioguy

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Re: Rand Paul on the Kurds: Then and Now
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2019, 01:23:03 am »
@txradioguy   With friends like Rand Paul who needs enemies?

Exactly.  His views on U.S. foreign policy are every bit as nutty as his daddy's.  And jsut as wrong for the country.

Only difference between Rand and his old man is that Rand has the ear of the President.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline kevindavis007

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Re: Rand Paul on the Kurds: Then and Now
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2019, 01:42:15 am »
Now that is a flip flop.
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