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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #50 on: October 09, 2019, 02:11:15 am »
The stupidity is yours. You keep doing the same thing expecting a different result. Until enough people have enough courage to get out of the herd mentality nothing will change. Every election is the same old voting in fear of the other party no matter how bad your party's candidate is. It is the path to ruin but you brilliant thinkers can't seem to change course no matter how dire things become. You scream but the other is worse! So what. You're determined to ride the country into the ground which is exactly where it is going. You excuse it by saying it is happening ever so slightly more slowly with your team. Again, so what. Down is down.

That's right.

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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #51 on: October 09, 2019, 02:16:12 am »
To applaud stupidity, is to become its accomplice.

Exactly why I will be withholding my endorsement yet again.

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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #52 on: October 09, 2019, 02:51:41 am »
To applaud stupidity, is to become its accomplice.

Uh oh
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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #53 on: October 09, 2019, 03:09:45 am »
It was all that needed said. Pete knows better.

It is not a binary choice. There is also the choice of non-participation, at the very least.
I will refuse to participate in that which I cannot support.
And that will ever be my criteria.

So what? If people are unwilling to stand upon the principle things they believe in, things will never change. In that I am leading by example. All you need to obtain my vote is a conservative to support. It is a simple thing.

Existential my ass. There is no difference between the two sides. Both spend money we don't have, and both are statist, supporting a behemoth of a federal government. On those two points alone, no other criteria are necessary - There is no appreciable difference, and y'all just think you're better at it.

I am never, ever going to support that, period.

And that is precisely what I am doing. If one supports Conservatism, then it only follows that one must vote for Conservatives. One doesn't get more conservatives by voting for liberals, as the current state of the Republican party proves perfectly. That IS the reality.

If the other choice is to support y'all, then fiddling is the proper choice - The fiscal irresponsibility alone requires that I withhold my vote. Because Rome has already fallen unless we return to principle things, and damn soon. You are stopping nothing. You are opening the gates.

Certainly there is no difference. The difference would be the very principles I am seeking, and they are not to be found in the current administration.

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #54 on: October 09, 2019, 04:31:23 am »
The postman's son also had a high conservative rating back when he was in Congress, but he sounds like a liberal now.  I am talking about John Kasich. Well, Sanford is from that same crop of people who were once in Congress and conservative.  But Sanford ruined his future with his running around cheating quite publicly with another woman.


Sanford's day in the sun was long ago OVER!!!

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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #55 on: October 09, 2019, 05:04:53 am »
The postman's son also had a high conservative rating back when he was in Congress, but he sounds like a liberal now.  I am talking about John Kasich. Well, Sanford is from that same crop of people who were once in Congress and conservative.  But Sanford ruined his future with his running around cheating quite publicly with another woman.


Sanford's day in the sun was long ago OVER!!!

ROTFLMAO!!! You would speak to us about Sanford's single known infidelity as a reason not to vote for him, and yet endorse Tumpy the Clown, and his multiple infidelities.

Y'all are blinded.

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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #56 on: October 09, 2019, 05:48:41 am »
Put your money away Mitt you are washed up.
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #57 on: October 09, 2019, 03:58:15 pm »
The stupidity is yours. You keep doing the same thing expecting a different result. Until enough people have enough courage to get out of the herd mentality nothing will change. Every election is the same old voting in fear of the other party no matter how bad your party's candidate is. It is the path to ruin but you brilliant thinkers can't seem to change course no matter how dire things become. You scream but the other is worse! So what. You're determined to ride the country into the ground which is exactly where it is going. You excuse it by saying it is happening ever so slightly more slowly with your team. Again, so what. Down is down.

I'm not voting "against" nor am I hoping for different results...just more results in the same vein. I'm voting for...more tax cuts, more conservative judges, a less adventurous military posture, more Wall on top of the 500+ completed by end of 2020, continuing strong stance against illegal immigration, continuing disruption of the deep state corruption, continuing strengthening of our military, continuing improvement in our trade deals, continuing reductions in historically low unemployment, continuing improvements in middle class incomes, continuing politically incorrect truth from the White House, continuing suppression of the establishment/RINO wing of the GOP, and continuing respect for law enforcement from the White House. And a shit ton of other positives flowing from the Presidency right now.

Sure, there are blemishes and and President Trump can't fix EVERYTHING in 3 years with little to no help from the weak sisters in congress...but he's accomplished a damn sight more than any conservative President since WW2.  More than Reagan got done in his first 3 years and I LOVE Reagan.

If that kind of deeply conservative conservative as is politically/practically achievable...than sure, give me more of that stupidity. 

I suppose we should all pretend to be above it all, declare our moral narcissism by holding out for the perfect "preacherman/wizard" who can wave his magic wand and arrest Hillary, lock up half the FBI/CIA, disband congress and do as he chooses to implement "conservative rule"...but I live in the real world...not a dimwitted fantasy land of wishful thinking and magical beliefs.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2019, 04:00:08 pm by Mesaclone »
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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #58 on: October 09, 2019, 04:30:31 pm »
I suppose we should all pretend to be above it all, declare our moral narcissism by holding out for the perfect "preacherman/wizard" [...]

More bullcrap.

Offline jafo2010

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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #59 on: October 09, 2019, 04:59:31 pm »
Trump got elected because he alone defined the issues in 2016, and the people bought what he was saying.

What the f*&^ is Sanford offering other than...DISPLACE TRUMP...please, you naysayers are so full of yourselves.

I know exactly what Trump is/was.  More often than not, it is timing, and bravado. Sanford has neither.

Trump unlike any president in my lifetime has attempted to keep his campaign promises, which is more than anyone else.  If it were not for the fact that the Dems and the stinking Republicans were resisting him every step of the way, he could well be the most successful president ever for producing results for the citizens of the USA.

I anticipate Romney the RINO running in 2020.  He and Sanford dilute each other, and then the pack of the one percenters like Weld and Walsh.  In the end, Trump wins the Republican nomination easily.

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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #60 on: October 09, 2019, 05:08:39 pm »
I'm not voting "against" nor am I hoping for different results...just more results in the same vein. I'm voting for...more tax cuts, more conservative judges, a less adventurous military posture, more Wall on top of the 500+ completed by end of 2020, continuing strong stance against illegal immigration, continuing disruption of the deep state corruption, continuing strengthening of our military, continuing improvement in our trade deals, continuing reductions in historically low unemployment, continuing improvements in middle class incomes, continuing politically incorrect truth from the White House, continuing suppression of the establishment/RINO wing of the GOP, and continuing respect for law enforcement from the White House. And a shit ton of other positives flowing from the Presidency right now.

Sure, there are blemishes and and President Trump can't fix EVERYTHING in 3 years with little to no help from the weak sisters in congress...but he's accomplished a damn sight more than any conservative President since WW2.  More than Reagan got done in his first 3 years and I LOVE Reagan.

If that kind of deeply conservative conservative as is politically/practically achievable...than sure, give me more of that stupidity. 

I suppose we should all pretend to be above it all, declare our moral narcissism by holding out for the perfect "preacherman/wizard" who can wave his magic wand and arrest Hillary, lock up half the FBI/CIA, disband congress and do as he chooses to implement "conservative rule"...but I live in the real world...not a dimwitted fantasy land of wishful thinking and magical beliefs.

I am perfectly willing to vote for a candidate who is generally conservative,  even if I do not agree with everything he or she says.    I am generally content to try to move the ball forward,  and don't disagree with you that, in many ways, Trump has advanced the ball.   

But that's not the issue we face,  a year out from the election.   I think it would be a profound mistake for the GOP to renominate Donald Trump because, as unfair as it is,  he is damaged goods to most in the electorate.  Despite an economic boom and unprecedented full employment,  his approval ratings have never breached 50 percent.   Half the electorate cannot stand the man,  for reasons you may blame on a partisan press or Trump's combative, knee-jerk nature (which you may well admire),  but reality is what it is.  If Trump is the nominee,  the election will be a referendum on his personality and leadership,  not on his policies.  And that is a recipe for disaster. 

And the reality is, increasingly, that the Dems will nominate someone who is truly radical and promises to unmoor this nation from its Constitutional, capitalist underpinnings.   That threat can be most effectively defeated by a GOP candidate who can attack the Dems' policy proposals without the distraction of the current reality show.

Yes,  the Dems want to impeach 63 million voters, and I applaud the President for calling out their kangaroo court.    Maybe the Constitutional crisis this has precipitated will lift Trump's poll numbers.   But what it will certainly do is further distract voters' minds from the President's policy accomplishments,  and the dangerous policies proposed by his opponents.   I therefore, and with regret, cannot support Trump for the nomination and will work to defeat him, or urge him to not run for re-election (which I think is a real possibility).   

Donald Trump must not be our nominee.   If he is,  the Dems take the Presidency and the Senate, as things now stand.   That, above all, is the result that must be confronted and defeated.   

« Last Edit: October 09, 2019, 05:12:53 pm by Jazzhead »
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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #61 on: October 09, 2019, 05:44:05 pm »

Donald Trump must not be our nominee.   If he is,  the Dems take the Presidency and the Senate, as things now stand.   That, above all, is the result that must be confronted and defeated.

Your political common sense and judgment is unchanged, since you touted Kasich.

Nobody can replace Trump if he runs. Any other GOP candidate gets clobbered, when 60+ million Trump voters reject the phule.

Barr-Durham have  to be heard, IG too.

Seems a few total GOP wusses here, caving into the attempted takeover, by turning on Trump.

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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #62 on: October 09, 2019, 05:55:19 pm »
More bullcrap.

@Mesaclone   @roamer_1

The truth can be very painful,can't it?

Especially when there are multiple paragraphs of it staring back at you.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #63 on: October 09, 2019, 06:04:08 pm »

Trump unlike any president in my lifetime has attempted to keep his campaign promises, which is more than anyone else.


If it were not for the fact that the Dems and the stinking Republicans were resisting him every step of the way, he could well be the most successful president ever for producing results for the citizens of the USA.

Which is probably why they hate and fear Trump so much.

Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #64 on: October 09, 2019, 06:11:24 pm »
Your political common sense and judgment is unchanged, since you touted Kasich.

Nobody can replace Trump if he runs. Any other GOP candidate gets clobbered, when 60+ million Trump voters reject the phule.

Barr-Durham have  to be heard, IG too.

Seems a few total GOP wusses here, caving into the attempted takeover, by turning on Trump.


Yup,they fear the death of the alleged Republican Party.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #65 on: October 09, 2019, 06:25:20 pm »
Your political common sense and judgment is unchanged, since you touted Kasich.

Nobody can replace Trump if he runs. Any other GOP candidate gets clobbered, when 60+ million Trump voters reject the phule.

Barr-Durham have  to be heard, IG too.

Seems a few total GOP wusses here, caving into the attempted takeover, by turning on Trump.

I am not turning on Trump.  But I am realistic enough to see the handwriting on the wall.   If he runs, he loses, and takes the GOP Senate down with him. 

Please note that I agree with Trump's decision to fight the "impeachment inquiry" as unconstitutional and violative of his rights.   It is an affront to impeach the 63 million who voted for him, as the Dems effectively propose to do with election a little more than a year away.    But adding to the circus only increases the public's fatigue, and ensures the election will be a referendum on Trump, not on GOP policies and Warren's socialism.   This is likely the Dems' true intent in raising their kangaroo court. 

Trump should fight impeachment,  but ultimately should, for the good of his party, decline to run for re-election while endorsing his successor.     
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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #66 on: October 09, 2019, 06:30:36 pm »
I am not turning on Trump.  But I am realistic enough to see the handwriting on the wall.   If he runs, he loses, and takes the GOP Senate down with him. 

Please note that I agree with Trump's decision to fight the "impeachment inquiry" as unconstitutional and violative of his rights.   It is an affront to impeach the 63 million who voted for him, as the Dems effectively propose to do with election a little more than a year away.    But adding to the circus only increases the public's fatigue, and ensures the election will be a referendum on Trump, not on GOP policies and Warren's socialism.   This is likely the Dems' true intent in raising their kangaroo court. 

Trump should fight impeachment,  but ultimately should, for the good of his party, decline to run for re-election while endorsing his successor.   

Baloney and pure BS.   He'll win... and he will drag the rest of the do-nothing, say-nothing, think-nothing GOP along with him.

The rats have already garnered enough bad will and animosity with their ongoing Impeachment charade that there's no way in Hell Trump can lose next year.   People will go to the polls to punish the rats, as they so richly deserve to be punished.   And I don't expect that to change, but to only get worse over the next year.... since the idiot left usually doubles down on their abject stupidity.
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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #67 on: October 09, 2019, 08:44:54 pm »
It is my judgment, the best course of action is for Trump to stand firm, run against the entire disloyal democrat Coup  d' Etat machine.

Explain the plots from the start, to take him out or down. Use whatever he gets from Barr, etc. State the truth, and hope the party ofeiholders help him.

Wouldn't it be another pleasant surprise, if he succeeds?

Think 1972 and 1980 Silent Majority and Law&Order.

"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln

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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #68 on: October 09, 2019, 08:56:50 pm »
It is my judgment, the best course of action is for Trump to stand firm, run against the entire disloyal democrat Coup  d' Etat machine.

Explain the plots from the start, to take him out or down. Use whatever he gets from Barr, etc. State the truth, and hope the party ofeiholders help him.

Wouldn't it be another pleasant surprise, if he succeeds?

Think 1972 and 1980 Silent Majority and Law&Order.

That would be a pleasant surprise, indeed.   What has always concerned me, though, is the stranglehold the mainstream media has, especially with less engaged voters.   The mainsteam media was far less blatantly biased and agenda-driven back in 1972 and 1980.   The current crop seems even more eager than the Dems themselves to tear the country apart.   
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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #69 on: October 09, 2019, 09:01:34 pm »
Your political common sense and judgment is unchanged, since you touted Kasich.

Nobody can replace Trump if he runs. Any other GOP candidate gets clobbered, when 60+ million Trump voters reject the phule.

Barr-Durham have  to be heard, IG too.

Seems a few total GOP wusses here, caving into the attempted takeover, by turning on Trump.

@truth_seeker keep in mind where Jazzy is concerned...and despite his protestations to the contrary...ghe's not a Republican and he's not Conservative.

His motivations to have Trump step aside and ahve a squish like Kasich or one of the other two take his palce isn't to save or better the's purely to grease the skids for the Dems to win.  He's a Progressive through and through and he thinks he's being slick with this fake middle of the road Republican act he puts on.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #70 on: October 09, 2019, 09:07:01 pm »

His motivations to have Trump step aside and ahve a squish like Kasich

Currently,  I'm supporting Mark Sanford.  Even @roamer_1 will tell you he's a proven fiscal conservative.   And my dream candidate is Nikki Haley.  Imagine if Trump would decline to run for re-election and throw his support to Haley.   The Trump base would remain on board,  other Republicans would return to the fold,  we'd appeal to both independents and women,  and we could kick Warren's skinny wrinkled socialist ass all the way back to the reservation.   
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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #71 on: October 09, 2019, 09:17:15 pm »
I am perfectly willing to vote for a candidate who is generally conservative,  even if I do not agree with everything he or she says.    I am generally content to try to move the ball forward,  and don't disagree with you that, in many ways, Trump has advanced the ball.   

But that's not the issue we face,  a year out from the election.   I think it would be a profound mistake for the GOP to renominate Donald Trump because, as unfair as it is,  he is damaged goods to most in the electorate.  Despite an economic boom and unprecedented full employment,  his approval ratings have never breached 50 percent.   Half the electorate cannot stand the man,  for reasons you may blame on a partisan press or Trump's combative, knee-jerk nature (which you may well admire),  but reality is what it is.  If Trump is the nominee,  the election will be a referendum on his personality and leadership,  not on his policies.  And that is a recipe for disaster. 

And the reality is, increasingly, that the Dems will nominate someone who is truly radical and promises to unmoor this nation from its Constitutional, capitalist underpinnings.   That threat can be most effectively defeated by a GOP candidate who can attack the Dems' policy proposals without the distraction of the current reality show.

Yes,  the Dems want to impeach 63 million voters, and I applaud the President for calling out their kangaroo court.    Maybe the Constitutional crisis this has precipitated will lift Trump's poll numbers.   But what it will certainly do is further distract voters' minds from the President's policy accomplishments,  and the dangerous policies proposed by his opponents.   I therefore, and with regret, cannot support Trump for the nomination and will work to defeat him, or urge him to not run for re-election (which I think is a real possibility).   

Donald Trump must not be our nominee.   If he is,  the Dems take the Presidency and the Senate, as things now stand.   That, above all, is the result that must be confronted and defeated.

Once again @Jazzhead UNLESS there is a viable candidate with the $$ and can get the voting base behind them and can actually win against Trump, he will be the GOP candidate and will  run for re-election. 

Two things that will stop him; a successful impeachment and removal from office or ill health.  IF either happens, the GOP is sunk. 

Personally I believe there is a better chance of the GOP keeping the Senate with Trump than without him.  The last thing we need is another RINO like Romney trying yet again for the Presidency.  He and the GOP will definitely lose. Conservatives don't want Mittens or any other RINO.  Sanford doesn't have a large enough voting base behind him nor the money, nor the ground game to battle corruption from the left.  That is reality.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2019, 09:18:23 pm by libertybele »
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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #72 on: October 09, 2019, 09:29:24 pm »
@Mesaclone   @roamer_1

The truth can be very painful,can't it?

Especially when there are multiple paragraphs of it staring back at you.

Nah @sneakypete That ain't the truth. Not even close. I listened to that bullshit for 25 years - 25 years where not a single damn thing changed. This time is no different.  Y'all ooh and ahh, and pet this chooch the same way the bushies did theirs. And when he is done, he will have done nothing.


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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #73 on: October 09, 2019, 09:34:54 pm »
@libertybele,  my vision for Mark Sanford isn't  necessarily that he win the nomination (although he'd make a fine President) but that he be a part of the constructive pressure brought to bear to convince Trump not to seek the GOP nomination.   We need to retain the GOP base (including those who are weary of the reality show) ,  and focus the campaign on vital issues,  including the danger of handing over a prosperous, full-employment economy to socialists and race baiters.

That discussion can't take place, I fear,  with a citizenry and media obsessed with the eccentricities of one man.

Trump has served his purpose.  It is time to move on to new leadership that can finish what he started, not destroy it.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2019, 09:37:23 pm by Jazzhead »
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Re: Rumblings: Mitt Romney Is Weighing a Primary Challenge to Donald Trump
« Reply #74 on: October 09, 2019, 09:47:06 pm »
@libertybele,  my vision for Mark Sanford isn't  necessarily that he win the nomination (although he'd make a fine President) but that he be a part of the constructive pressure brought to bear to convince Trump not to seek the GOP nomination.   We need to retain the GOP base (including those who are weary of the reality show) ,  and focus the campaign on vital issues,  including the danger of handing over a prosperous, full-employment economy to socialists and race baiters.

That discussion can't take place, I fear,  with a citizenry and media obsessed with the eccentricities of one man.

Trump has served his purpose.  It is time to move on to new leadership that can finish what he started, not destroy it.

 :facepalm2:  So ... you really think that Trump is going to see Sanford's run as a reason for him not to seek re-election?  Seriously.  As I have stated several times, unless there is truly a viable GOP candidate who can fill Trump's shoes, the GOP is better off with Trump than without him.  He still has a tremendous base and at the end of the day, it IS who can win against the bat crap crazies.  Right now no one but DJT has the $$ and the voting base behind him. Secondly, statistically very seldom does a president up for re-election replaced by another nominee.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.