Author Topic: Trump Cuts Loose on Mitt Romney: He is a 'Pompous Ass' Who 'Choked' and 'So Bad for R’s!'  (Read 10229 times)

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Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Deflecting.  There is no good reason for wasting time on Twitter, so instead of admitting it, you ridicule me by saying I'm too stupid to "understand it."  I think that's an Alinsky tactic.  If so -- well, nice to know I'm debating issues with an Alinsky disciple.
Swine like the mud and have no use for pearls, or put another way, if the facts and arguments you are offering were recognizable to Trump supporters they would not be Trump supporters.

Your facts and logic are not factual or logical to Trump supporters.  Even the stuff we all watch with our own eyes.  They won't and can't see it the way we see it.  Just as you and I won't and can't see from their perspective.  I think this is because I'm right and they are stupid, insulting, and condescending.  And they think I'm wrong, stupid, insulting, and condescending because I refuse to see it their way.  This makes it hard to honestly debate the issues of the day.

Last week I watched President Trump, only days into an impeachment investigation for secretly soliciting a foreign government to dig up dirt on his political foe, publicly soliciting two foreign governments to dig up dirt on his political foe on TV.  Sen. Rubio saw Trump making a joke.  He said Trump was trolling the press (who fell for it again.)  Congressman Jim Jordan saw President Trump courageously rooting out Ukrainian corruption as he has a Constitutional right and duty to do.

It's very hard for me to see that POV when I don't want to, and I don't like it.

Ridicule has a long political history that precedes Alinsky.  @sneakypete ridicules because it is one of his strongest skills and it is very easy for him.  It is much easier than explaining his thoughts to someone who he believes, perhaps justifiably, doesn't want to hear his opinion or believe it, and will only disregard it and maybe call him Alinsky like.  I don't want to put words into his mouth, but I think this is what he is trying to say. 

@Applewood you are much better at the thoughtful, well crafted, logical arguments.  Why sweat @sneakypete 's insult "dumb it down?"  Today Pete replied to one of my posts with a comment about my mom's penis.  Change your attitude if you want a dialogue with @sneakypete .  Right now, he doesn't want to hear your opinion or believe it, and will he will only disregard it and call you worse than Alinski like.  Or you could find someone else to argue with.

Offline Applewood

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LOL! You have no more interest in debating than I do. All these arguments were made and the dust settled long ago. You staked out your position as a NT'er and there is nothing anyone can say to make you change your mind,so live with it.

You just described yourself as a Trump fan.

And if you aren't interested in debating, what are you doing here?

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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You just described yourself as a Trump fan.

And if you aren't interested in debating, what are you doing here?

He's reinforcing his bubble.

Offline sneakypete

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You just described yourself as a Trump fan.


LOL! Shows how little you know. I have been saying I didn't like him BEFORE the election,and only decided to vote for him the night before the election,when it occurred to me someone like him was exactly what we needed,even if it wasn't what we wanted.

And if you aren't interested in debating, what are you doing here?

You could at least TRY to pay attention.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline Applewood

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LOL! Shows how little you know. I have been saying I didn't like him BEFORE the election,and only decided to vote for him the night before the election,when it occurred to me someone like him was exactly what we needed,even if it wasn't what we wanted.

And now you are a full blown Trump fan with the characteristics so many of them have, including an inability to accept anyone who questions his actions (or inactions).  You think he's infallible and how dare I or anyone else question what he says or does.  And if anyone does question, then they must  be complete morons.  You expect me to answer your questions, but you won't answer mine.  You and he call that "winning."   On the contrary, it's just a sign that you are too wrapped up in your idol that you won't listen to anyone who isn't.  You aren't "winning" anything at all.

You could at least TRY to pay attention.

You could at least try to answer my questions.  But of course, being a devoted Trump fan and an Alinsky follower, you won't.  You will just continue to deflect from the question and try to turn it into an accusation against me.  Ok.  I got your number, pal. 
« Last Edit: October 08, 2019, 01:07:11 pm by Applewood »

Offline sneakypete

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And now you are a full blown Trump with the characteristics so many of them have, including an inability to accept anyone who questions his actions (or inactions).   


Little full of yourself,ain't you?

You think he's infallible and how dare I or anyone else question what he says or does.

Not only a lie,a damn lie. He is FAR from perfect,but the thing is that even WITH all his imperfections,he is STILL head and shoulders above any of the losers that wee running in the alleged "Republican Party",which SHOULD be named "Dim Party Lite".

And if anyone does question, then they must  be complete morons. 

You are RINO's. You MIGHT not be morons,but at a minimum you live next door to morons.

You expect me to answer your questions,

I just state the questions. I don't give a damn if you answer them or not. Why would I,when I know I would get nothing but "RINO dogma".

but you won't answer mine.

Not going to,either. I have answered them all multiple times in the past,so why waste the time when I know you don't want to hear them?

On the contrary, it's just a sign that you are too wrapped up in your idol

There is the "jealousy thing" rearing it's ugly head again. Mad because I don't support Jebby so you can enjoy more "A day in the life of X Bush" threads with your fellow alleged Republican cult members?

But of course, being a devoted Trump fan and an Alinsky follower, you won't.

"Alinsky follower"????  ROFLMAO! What was it that gave me away,my support for conservative justices,longer jail sentences for violent criminals,kicking illegal aliens back across the border,etc,etc,etc? Enquiring minds and all dat.

  Ok.  I got your number, pal.

I seriously doubt you have your own number unless it is on a card tied to a string around your neck.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline Cyber Liberty

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Let's bump it down a couple notches?
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
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Offline aligncare

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Deflecting.  There is no good reason for wasting time on Twitter, so instead of admitting it, you ridicule me by saying I'm too stupid to "understand it."  I think that's an Alinsky tactic.  If so -- well, nice to know I'm debating issues with an Alinsky disciple.

There are good reasons for the president to get his message out on Twitter.

An illegitimate process is underway. Nancy Pelosi and the democrats are running a pretend impeachment where the media mine the proceedings for sensational headlines and dutifully push a narrative of “mounting evidence” of serious Trump wrongdoing.

What’s behind this? An anonymous informant (who is NOT a whistleblower)—a mid level CIA informant—making interpretations of something he claims he heard the president say, in other words, he was spying on the president during a conversation with a foreign leader, where the president was rightly doing his job.

And here you are telling the president how and where he should speak, on a platform where he dominates and his message is heard by millions—rather than being silenced and lied about by a duplicitous left wing media.

I’ll be generous here and say simply that you are wrong.

Offline Applewood

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Let's bump it down a couple notches?

Ok, but for the record whatever @sneakypete says doesn't bother or offend me.

Offline sneakypete

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There are good reasons for the president to get his message out on Twitter.


True,and the number 1 reason is he doesn't need the approval of the globalist media to do it,and they don't get to edit what he says. He can "speak" directly to the voters with no filters and no editing. There is a lot to be said about that in this day of corporate-controlled media.

An illegitimate process is underway. Nancy Pelosi and the democrats are running a pretend impeachment where the media mine the proceedings for sensational headlines and dutifully push a narrative of “mounting evidence” of serious Trump wrongdoing.

And they are going to do their damndest to string this along right up to election day in order to sway the traditional "unaffiliated voters" to vote Dim.

I personally think Trump has a plan to pull a "Lucy" on them and like with Charley Brown,pull the football away just as they try to kick it.

Providing of course they don't just destroy each other before the election.

Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline aligncare

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I saw up thread someone using the word ‘class’, noting neither Romney nor Trump sould be considered classy.

I disagree. The forces arrayed against Donald Trump are lawlessly conspiring and lying to the American people, using their positions in congress and in the bureaucracy to push an insane vendetta against Donald Trump because he beat Hillary. Trump knows this. Now they are trying to impeach him.

I’m sorry, but Presidential demeanor and acting all “classy” just isn’t gonna cut it. I don’t think using soothing diplomatic language will assuage their insanity nor lessen their intent to rid themselves of Donald Trump, this threat to their lucrative dominion.

It takes class to fight back hard when it seems the world is against you and you know you are right.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2019, 04:18:10 pm by aligncare »

Offline sneakypete

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I’m sorry, but Presidential demeanor and acting all “classy” just isn’t gonna cut it. I don’t think using soothing diplomatic language will assuage their insanity nor lessen their intent to rid themselves of Donald Trump, this threat to their lucrative dominion.



I agree. All that does is encourage them.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!