Author Topic: Trump Cuts Loose on Mitt Romney: He is a 'Pompous Ass' Who 'Choked' and 'So Bad for R’s!'  (Read 10227 times)

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Offline Applewood

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Thank you. I like some of Trump's policies but this twitter war BS has go to stop. It is old and tiresome.  I remember when I was young that Decency was a Conservative value.


Trump and his fans have redefined the word "conservative" by throwing out the values you and I and so many other conservatives were raised with.  Instead of Trump practicing those same values and beliefs, the word has been altered to fit him. 

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Romney in 2002, running for MA governor: I'm moderate; my views are progressive

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This is Trump at his best.  Taking on the Republicans who dare questioning his actions.  This is where he is most passionate and it makes this great theater so much more compelling.

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If people wanted to elect a "fighter" as President then they should have elected Evander Holyfield.   Trump I am sorry to say is an example of money can not buy class or decorum.  While I have no problem with his policies Trump's demeanor and big mouth rub me the wrong way.

I don't mind a president being a fighter -- in the sense of defending this country against hostile nations.  Lord knows, this country was weakened by eight years of Obama bowing down to our enemies.  But Trump wastes time on silly squabbles that do nothing but entertain his fans.  Meanwhile, like Obama, Trump cozies up to the likes of Kim and Putin.  This country has real enemies out there.  But Trump is too busy arguing with critics to deal effectively with those who want to destroy us.

Offline bilo

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This site, seems to be stuck in an "endless do-loop."

Weak Republicans bitching aboutTrump.

Like 2012 designated losers, Romney-Ryan.

And the pencil neck geeks that write on their behalf.

Their overriding quality, is losing.

GHW Bush, McCain, Romney, JebBush etc.

Stockholm syndrome
A stranger in a hostile foreign land I used to call home

Offline LottieDah

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Applewood:  You are absolutely correct.  He should fight the real enemy and stop wasting time on his critics.  He is not the first President to have critics nor will he be the last.  Trump should keep his nose to the grindstone and do what he was elected to do.

Offline bilo

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He should find some more senators to attack.  His dumping on McCain really helped with legislation.

What the heck are Pubs doing electing politicians with such fragile egos that the slightest criticism is reason to abandon our core beliefs.

A stranger in a hostile foreign land I used to call home

Offline dfwgator

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What the heck are Pubs doing electing politicians with such fragile egos that the slightest criticism is reason to abandon our core beliefs.

I don't see it as being a question of Trump's ego, as much as it is a calculated strategy.     And say what you will, it's gotten Trump pretty far.   A LOT farther than Mitt ever got.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Ann Coulter
Verified accountï‚™ @AnnCoulter 

Romney: Well, I'll never be president, but I'm making damn sure I'm getting a John McCain funeral!

10:17 AM - 4 Oct 2019

Offline skeeter

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I don't see it as being a question of Trump's ego, as much as it is a calculated strategy.     And say what you will, it's gotten Trump pretty far.   A LOT farther than Mitt ever got.

We've tried rope a dope.

It doesn't work.

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I, for one, do not miss the days of GOP candidates folding up like cheap suits every time the Rats fling obvious lies at them.  It was Romney himself who filled the voters with anger and disgust when he caved to Candy Crowley's unethical criticism when he dared to accurately quote Obama re: Benghazi.  He not only failed to assert himself, he phoned in the rest of the entire campaign.

Romney his own self ensured the rise of a candidate like Donald Trump.  It's little wonder he takes Trump's style as a personal affront to himself, because it is.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Offline skeeter

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I, for one, do not miss the days of GOP candidates folding up like cheap suits every time the Rats fling obvious lies at them.  It was Romney himself who filled the voters with anger and disgust when he caved to Candy Crowley's unethical criticism when he dared to accurately quote Obama re: Benghazi.  He not only failed to assert himself, he phoned in the rest of the entire campaign.

Romney his own self ensured the rise of a candidate like Donald Trump.  It's little wonder he takes Trump's style as a personal affront to himself, because it is.

Leaving the initiative to your opponents is a lousy strategy in ANY case. Apparently Trump's perennial critics have difficulty understanding that axiom.

Offline Applewood

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I don't see it as being a question of Trump's ego, as much as it is a calculated strategy.     And say what you will, it's gotten Trump pretty far.   A LOT farther than Mitt ever got.

So it's a calculated strategy.  Just what exactly has this "strategy" gotten him and the nation, besides the admiration of his adoring fans? 

Seems to me Romney is criticizing Trump for personal gain -- another run at the presidency perhaps?  Whatever it is, Trump is foolish to go off on Romney.  Basically, by responding in this way, Trump is playing into Romney's hands.  Might be more effective to just ignore the twerp.

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Seems to me Romney is criticizing Trump for personal gain -- another run at the presidency perhaps?  Whatever it is, Trump is foolish to go off on Romney.  Basically, by responding in this way, Trump is playing into Romney's hands.

Trump is reminding everyone what a joke Mittins is.  I compliment him on stating the fact repeatedly and often.  Willard is a loser. A wet suit. and a huge penis head.
You don’t become cooler with age but you do care progressively less about being cool, which is the only true way to actually be cool.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Trump and his fans have redefined the word "conservative" by throwing out the values you and I and so many other conservatives were raised with. 

 @Applewood this knee-jerk proclamation is insulting not only to the President but also to the 63 million who voted for him; some of them right here in Briefer City.  It also shows a deep misunderstanding of who both are and what they stand for. 

After all this time there's really no excuse for this.

Offline Applewood

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@Applewood this knee-jerk proclamation is insulting not only to the President but also to the 63 million who voted for him; some of them right here in Briefer City.  It also shows a deep misunderstanding of who both are and what they stand for. 

After all this time there's really no excuse for this.

Not at all knee jerk.  I've been saying this all along.  Most people who are not as enamored with Trump as you are know what I'm talking about.  And they agree.

But ge -- I'm sorry I hurt your widdle feelings.  Truth does hurt sometimes. 
« Last Edit: October 06, 2019, 07:06:11 pm by Applewood »

Offline truth_seeker

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@Applewood this knee-jerk proclamation is insulting not only to the President but also to the 63 million who voted for him; some of them right here in Briefer City.  It also shows a deep misunderstanding of who both are and what they stand for. 

After all this time there's really no excuse for this.
It is not a bug, it is a feature of #nevertrumpism, as unfortunately evidenced continually on this site, since the turnover to the fake deacon, and the subsequent  handoffs, to all the players up to to the  present usual suspects. @Right_in_Virginia

2016 had Russian troll farms. The present has DNC disruptor farms.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2019, 07:53:56 pm by truth_seeker »
"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln

Online corbe

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@Applewood this knee-jerk proclamation is insulting not only to the President but also to the 63 million who voted for him; some of them right here in Briefer City.  It also shows a deep misunderstanding of who both are and what they stand for. 

After all this time there's really no excuse for this.

   How is this anymore insulting than being called a dem tool all the time because I question some of the things the President has done?   @Right_in_Virginia 
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

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Trump vs "Fill-in-the-name-of-a-Senator" threads do that to me too.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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It is not a bug, it is a feature of #nevertrumpism, as unfortunately evidenced continually on this site, since the turnover to the fake deacon, and the subsequent  handoffs, to all the players up to to the  present usual suspects. @Right_in_Virginia

2016 had Russian troll farms. The present has DNC disruptor farms.

 :thumbsup:  @truth_seeker

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Not at all knee jerk.  I've been saying this all along.  Most people who are not as enamored with Trump as you are know what I'm talking about.  And they agree.

But ge -- I'm sorry I hurt your widdle feelings.  Truth does hurt sometimes.

I don't consider myself a Trump supporter, but I do believe our President needs to be given credit for certainly being more conservative then Bammy and "W".  His patriotism has been refreshing.  It is a shame that the RINO's and the left have created witch hunts and thrown out numerous roadblocks to tie his hands so he doesn't succeed.  In spite of that he's made progress on asylum, the wall and has brought unemployment to 50 year lows.  So ... in that aspect I think I'd certainly vote for him over one of the bat crap crazies running on the left. 
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

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kevindavis wrote (and I don't care if he's the moderator):
"Sorry, I refuse to take part in the Two Minutes Hate.  I had no qualms voting for Romney and would do so again. At least Romney has something that Trump doesn't have. Class."

Sounds like this thread is today's "two minutes hate".
But the hate here ain't directed at Mr. Romney...

Offline skeeter

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I don't consider myself a Trump supporter, but I do believe our President needs to be given credit for certainly being more conservative then Bammy and "W".  His patriotism has been refreshing.  It is a shame that the RINO's and the left have created witch hunts and thrown out numerous roadblocks to tie his hands so he doesn't succeed.  In spite of that he's made progress on asylum, the wall and has brought unemployment to 50 year lows.  So ... in that aspect I think I'd certainly vote for him over one of the bat crap crazies running on the left.

It's hard turning a leviathan like the US government on a dime. It's harder for any president to do it virtually by himself against what Trump has been up against. In three years.

Anyone who thinks Trump has failed because he hasn't reversed certain trends, like illegal immigration, welfare, etc by now is being patently unfair, to put it gently. But he is winning some key battles in court, appointing decent judges and laying the legislative groundwork for further progress.

And it would be nice if the GOP stepped up at some point.

« Last Edit: October 06, 2019, 10:53:55 pm by skeeter »

Online corbe

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It's hard turning a leviathan like the US government on a dime. It's harder for any president to do it virtually by himself against what Trump has been up against. In three years.

Anyone who thinks Trump has failed because he hasn't reversed certain trends, like illegal immigration, welfare, etc by now is being patently unfair, to put it gently. But he is winning some key battles in court, appointing decent judges and laying the legislative groundwork for further progress.

And it would be nice if the GOP stepped up at some point.


   Good points all @skeeter

   But waiting on the GOP to step up is an exercise in futility.
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.