Author Topic: Trump’s removal would require Republican dissidents. But those who speak out become targets of viral  (Read 20854 times)

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Offline jpsb

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If it is true that the previous US administration blackmailed the Ukraine into not investigating serious corruption in their country involving the US vice president's son then I believe it is entirely appropriate to reverse that as a point of fundamental policy by the US government.


If it is true? Maybe you would like to take a shot at answering the question above that @corbe is ignoring. IMHO there can only be an "if"
if there is a reasonable answer to my question.

New page, so quesion is no longer above, I'll post it here

Perhaps you can answer the question I had for Romney?

Perhaps Mutt can explain why an energy company in the Ukraine would pay Hunter Beden nearly $90,000 a MONTH to be on it's board.
Recalling that Hunter Beden has zero experience in energy and zero knowledge of the Ukraine. Oh and this was shortly after the U.S.
Navy booted him out for using cocaine.  So Mutt, why did they hire Hunter?

« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 05:06:01 pm by jpsb »

Offline skeeter

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If it is true that the previous US administration blackmailed the Ukraine into not investigating serious corruption in their country involving the US vice president's son then I believe it is entirely appropriate to reverse that as a point of fundamental policy by the US government.

If you are implying that Trump did the same thing as Biden or Obama or Hillary, then you're flat wrong.

Offline EdJames

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Be smart, Ladies and Germs....

Don't adopt the "language of the enemy!"

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Nations survive and thrive when they're able to communicate clearly and honestly, and they can just as easily fall to pieces when dishonest actors pollute or confuse language as a means of obtaining their ends.

We're swiftly reaching a point in which the two sides of the ideological fence can hold nearly polar opposite definitions of the exact same words or concepts... a point in which true communication becomes impossible, and the prospect of very real violence looms on the horizon.

The men who built this nation took great pains to establish order and structure, institutions and codes of conduct that allow for harmony and balance. Many take it for granted that peaceful civilization is simply how things are, forgetting the courage, devotion, and intellectual energy required to create and maintain such a state of being. The more we turn our backs on their collective wisdom and rush to embrace a modernist viewpoint that stands at odds with the entirety of human history, the closer we stumble to a complete societal breakdown, and the law of the jungle.

This video explains why clarity of thought and speech may be the key to diffusing this time bomb, and how accurate communication is the best means of countering those forces seeking to destroy the foundational concepts behind western civilization.

Offline DB

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If it is true? Maybe you would like to take a shot at answering the question above that @corbe is ignoring. IMHO there can only be an "if"
if there is a reasonable answer to my question.

New page, so quesion is no longer above, I'll post it here

Perhaps you can answer the question I had for Romney?

Perhaps Mutt can explain why an energy company in the Ukraine would pay Hunter Beden nearly $90,000 a MONTH to be on it's board.
Recalling that Hunter Beden has zero experience in energy and zero knowledge of the Ukraine. Oh and this was shortly after the U.S.
Navy booted him out for using cocaine.  So Mutt, why did they hire Hunter?

I believe it is very likely true that the previous US administration did that.

But I don't know it to the level of it being a fact. The available media sources are not entirely reliable no matter their political bent.

Offline Sanguine

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Be smart, Ladies and Germs....

Don't adopt the "language of the enemy!"

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1


Nations survive and thrive when they're able to communicate clearly and honestly, and they can just as easily fall to pieces when dishonest actors pollute or confuse language as a means of obtaining their ends.

We're swiftly reaching a point in which the two sides of the ideological fence can hold nearly polar opposite definitions of the exact same words or concepts... a point in which true communication becomes impossible, and the prospect of very real violence looms on the horizon.

The men who built this nation took great pains to establish order and structure, institutions and codes of conduct that allow for harmony and balance. Many take it for granted that peaceful civilization is simply how things are, forgetting the courage, devotion, and intellectual energy required to create and maintain such a state of being. The more we turn our backs on their collective wisdom and rush to embrace a modernist viewpoint that stands at odds with the entirety of human history, the closer we stumble to a complete societal breakdown, and the law of the jungle.

This video explains why clarity of thought and speech may be the key to diffusing this time bomb, and how accurate communication is the best means of countering those forces seeking to destroy the foundational concepts behind western civilization.

Thanks, Ed.  Downloading it now.

Offline DB

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If you are implying that Trump did the same thing as Biden or Obama or Hillary, then you're flat wrong.

I don't understand what your point is.

Are talking about US government corruption protecting Biden's son or foreign governments providing dirt on US politicians/relatives?

If it is the US corruption there was no implication on my part comparing Trump to your list. Quite the opposite. If it is getting dirt from foreign governments it is what it is. If there is truthful information of a politician's bad behavior in another country it is fair game. Especially if it is criminal. In that case it is hypocrisy to say its bad when they do it and good when we do.

Offline sneakypete

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If their point was that the President is clearly in the right and that GOP candidates who try to "cozy" up to the Left to undermine him will pay an electoral consequence...then I guess so.


And you ain't by yourself.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline DB

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Be smart, Ladies and Germs....

Don't adopt the "language of the enemy!"

Did I do that?

Offline jpsb

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I believe it is very likely true that the previous US administration did that.

But I don't know it to the level of it being a fact. The available media sources are not entirely reliable no matter their political bent.

Yes, exactly, I don't know it for a fact either but it seems very likely to me. Which is why we need an investigation and why Trump is asking
the Ukraine to do one. Thanks for responding.

Offline sneakypete

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     IMHO, @Sanguine dissent of Trumpism has been all but completely wiped out in the GOP.  IT is his Party, after all.  Just look at what we considered Solid Conservative 10 months ago, now a 'nuisance', Lee, Amash, Cruz barely hanging on to any integrity, the GOP is the problem.  Everyone knew how spineless they were in 2015 when they allowed the guy they hated the most to become their nominee.


Yeah,DAMN those free elections! Who the hell do those voters think they are that they can just vote for whoever they want?

Dam buncha hippy freaks babblin all that nonsense bout free speech and free thoughts,that's what they are. We should sic our dawgs on 'em!

I am thinking about changing my tagline to read "If voting fur da party insider wuz gud nough for mah pappy and his sister/wife,hit's gud nough for me!" in order to show my loyalty. Wadda ya think?
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Offline sneakypete

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Mafia?  Where is the mafia in all of this?

You keep sitting on your laurels and doing nothing you will get exactly what you deserve.


Some people just ain't happy unless they have something to bitch and whine about.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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So just one more time I'm going to take a sip to ease the pain you tell yourself... As it all sinks further and further into oblivion... And you comfort yourself by saying I'm at
LOL... I put down the bottle. That is doing something. More than many of you seem to be able to do. Until more of you do, nothing will change. It will be the endless fix of the next election being the "most important in our lifetimes", bla, bla, bla...

@DB  @Sanguine

Each election IS the most important one in our lifetimes. That is the NATURE of elections. The fact that you and others can't seem to understand that is telling.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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No chance vs.  3 avowed socialist?  (Harris, Sanders, Warren)

I know our country elects stupidity, but they are not suicidal. 

Pence would win.....   Unless Trump drags us down until he can't


Step away from the bong!

That is so wrong it is laughable.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline DB

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@DB  @Sanguine

Each election IS the most important one in our lifetimes. That is the NATURE of elections. The fact that you and others can't seem to understand that is telling.

Offline sneakypete

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Are you effing serious?   "What's best for the country"??   9999hair out0000 



Clearly more RINO's,if we are to believe the NT's.

The truth of the matter is that none of these people are actual conservatives. They are Party People and they will NEVER forgive Trump for taking the crown away from whoever their beloved loser was,and then,to top it off,but accomplishing more REAL conservative wins with things like judicial appointments and actually getting some of the border wall built,than any President in history.

Flat out,they all hate Trump because he is not a life-long Party Comrade,yet has accomplished more Pro-American and conservative things than any RINO in history.

This is unforgivable to the NT's because it exposes them as the fools they have always been.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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The great William F Buckley laid it all out with common sense AND intellectual honesty....."support the rightwardmost viable candidate".

The greatest peawit ever born can see that the ONLY person fitting that criteria right now is President Trump. You can opine for Pat Robertson all you want...or Mitt Romney...or Jeb Bush...or Ted Cruz...but none of them meet the Buckley rule for viability. As Trump has governed more conservatively than ANY Republican since well before Reagan...the choice is obvious to any one who understands the danger of what the Left is attempting to foist on this nation.

Now, I realize some of you consider yourselves smarter than Buckley, more moral than Mother Theresa, and more pure than Joan of Arc...but the rest of us can't hide behind that perfect moral narcissism that you wear as a rationale for sitting on your ass and letting the Left take over the nation. We can't sit on our hands and shout "a pox on both your houses" and pretend that the most conservative President of our lifetimes is "no different" from Rashida Tlaib, AOC and Elizabeth Warren.

No, the rest of us feel obligated to actually fight to stop this DNC-Lib tidal wave and though we may dislike much about the demeanor and crudity of President Trump (at times)...we also know that you don't charge into combat with a squad of "socialites, compassionate sweethearts, intellectuals and evangelist pastors" at your side. You bring fighters to a fight...and for the love of should be obvious to you by now that President Trump/Conservatives...and yes those two things are now in common cause...are engaged in a fight with Socialists for the soul of the Republic.

If you're too holier than thou, or too wrapped in your own "only a perfect conservative Preacher is good enough for me" fight, along with the 90% of conservatives who ARE fighting for their beliefs, than you have become little more than useful idiots of the Left. When they come for the rest of us with their speech police and re-education camps, perhaps they'll leave you alone for a little longer in gratitude.

Undermining the President is, of course, your right...because you still reside in a country the rest of us are fighting to keep free. I fully realize nothing I can say will change your minds...that's not the point of this rant. The point, for God's sakes, is quit pretending that your actions reflect some form of integrity or commitment to conservatism...that's a self serving fantasy. No, your actions...and those of the Romney's, Bush's, George Will's and others are little more than self-indulgence and narcissism...pure ego.


Excellent post!

Not that it will have any effect of the self-righteous hacks as they do their little "superiority dances" over the ashes of our Republic.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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It would be binary again, if Trump would get the F out of the way, and let the grown ups like Pence govern.

And you are right....  I wish the powers that be of this site, would put the hammer down on these folks who scream and accuse us of aiding the left by calling out this Orange Trojan Horse.


Maybe you should send Jim Rob a PM about this outrage?
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Offline Bigun

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I'm so sick of this never ending  :bsflag: I could 9999hair out0000!

Grow the F up!  Every damned one of you!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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You think you don't matter now?  Wait and see what happens to future Republican/Conservatives for the Presidency if your side wins this.  You'll look back upon your days of braying in the wilderness with fond nostalgia.


Sometimes I think what they fear most is not having anything to bitch about. If Trump is re-elected and is successful at accomplishing what their beloved RINO's were never able to do,they will not only no longer have anything to bitch about,but it will be proven to them they were fools all along to support the RINO's.

Calling someone a fool is one thing. PROVING it to them is something hard for them to overlook,and they are going to hold it against you forever.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Online corbe

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Tucker Carlson criticizes Trump's Ukraine call

By Marty Johnson - 10/05/19 02:05 PM EDT

Tucker Carlson criticized President Trump's phone call with the president of Ukraine in an op-ed piece for the Daily Caller on Thursday.

The Daily Caller co-founder and Fox News host, however, doesn't support the Democrats' ongoing impeachment inquiry.

In an op-ed written with fellow Daily Caller co-founder Neil Patel, Carlson wrote that "Donald Trump should not have been on the phone with a foreign head of state encouraging another country to investigate his political opponent, Joe Biden."

"Some Republicans are trying, but there’s no way to spin this as a good idea," he added.

No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Offline skeeter

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I don't understand what your point is.

Are talking about US government corruption protecting Biden's son or foreign governments providing dirt on US politicians/relatives?

If it is the US corruption there was no implication on my part comparing Trump to your list. Quite the opposite. If it is getting dirt from foreign governments it is what it is. If there is truthful information of a politician's bad behavior in another country it is fair game. Especially if it is criminal. In that case it is hypocrisy to say its bad when they do it and good when we do.

I guess the only way, then, to avoid being a 'hypocrite' is to aver our eyes in the face of evidence (in this case, a video confession) that a past administration committed acts of corruption.

We'll just trust the other side to police their own when they retake the WH, presumably.

That'll work.

Online roamer_1

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I haven't seen a single Presidential nominee I've been enthused to vote for in the entire time I've been an adult, Democrat, Republican or otherwise. I voted against Obama in '08 and '12 and it got me nowhere, and voted Libertarian (even though I hate the big-L's) as a protest vote against both Clinton and Trump in '16. I watched and saw Duncan L. Hunter, who actually has the record of supporting the kind of laws Trump claims to support, languish at 1% in the '08 elections while Rudy McRomney battled it out to see how far left they could drag the party en route to being slaughtered by Obama in the general.

Ted Cruz came the closest of any to being a candidate I could enthusiastically vote for—and even he I am slightly suspicious of because of his Harvard education (Fuller's rule of life #3: never trust anyone or anything from Harvard)—to actually making the general election. Yet the party voted for the same New York City liberals that are destroying the home state where I was born and raised.

It is as if the Republicans repeatedly choose the worst candidates in the field.

Just about the same thing. And it was over what they did to Duncan Hunter in the primary that drove me off. I have not voted for a Republican since... Almost got to the last time around. I would have voted for Cruz.

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So Republicans who join the rats in attempting to reverse the 16 election piss off Trump supporters.

It shouldn't.
I got nothing to do with all that except non-support.

Would I vote for him? Absolutely not.
Would I have him impeached? Sure, if he has committed a crime, and there is evidence to prove it - And I would say the same of Reagan himself.
Would I have him impeached according to what I know now? No, but I will not defend him either.
Not my circus, not my monkey.

Offline Chosen Daughter

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Be smart, Ladies and Germs....

Don't adopt the "language of the enemy!"

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Nations survive and thrive when they're able to communicate clearly and honestly, and they can just as easily fall to pieces when dishonest actors pollute or confuse language as a means of obtaining their ends.

We're swiftly reaching a point in which the two sides of the ideological fence can hold nearly polar opposite definitions of the exact same words or concepts... a point in which true communication becomes impossible, and the prospect of very real violence looms on the horizon.

The men who built this nation took great pains to establish order and structure, institutions and codes of conduct that allow for harmony and balance. Many take it for granted that peaceful civilization is simply how things are, forgetting the courage, devotion, and intellectual energy required to create and maintain such a state of being. The more we turn our backs on their collective wisdom and rush to embrace a modernist viewpoint that stands at odds with the entirety of human history, the closer we stumble to a complete societal breakdown, and the law of the jungle.

This video explains why clarity of thought and speech may be the key to diffusing this time bomb, and how accurate communication is the best means of countering those forces seeking to destroy the foundational concepts behind western civilization.

Whoa.  Didn't watch the entire thing.  I will but just a comment on the first portion.  Excellent.  Shows how American society has fallen from the Founders protection of free speech.  The odd one out, or the one who will push back against the will of a certain group. 

What is happening in America is a divide line.  Either for us or against us with certain talking points and if anyone has their own opinion they are to be shunned.  What is worse is that we are including foreign governments.  Pitting them against one party or the other, which will I believe in the end turn nations against us.  Do they want to be pawns in our political process? 

If Trump truly was just investigating corruption why now during campaign season?  Why didn't he immediately investigate Hillary too.  He only brings it up when Hillary is criticizing him.  He should have taken care of the email situation right away while it was relevant.  After months of "lock her up".
But no, he immediately honored her presence at Inauguration.  Also publicly saying she had suffered enough.

I don't know what to make of the situation.  Both parties have strayed so far.  For the longest time they have been drawing American citizens into their political divide.  Not working to maintain the very important Foundation that was given to us so long ago.  We are drawn into the political fight instead of working to make this nation good and right.
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

Offline Chosen Daughter

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It shouldn't.
I got nothing to do with all that except non-support.

Would I vote for him? Absolutely not.
Would I have him impeached? Sure, if he has committed a crime, and there is evidence to prove it - And I would say the same of Reagan himself.
Would I have him impeached according to what I know now? No, but I will not defend him either.
Not my circus, not my monkey.

@roamer_1 as always simple and true.
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.