Author Topic: Trump’s removal would require Republican dissidents. But those who speak out become targets of viral  (Read 20861 times)

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Offline jmyrlefuller

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A recent major poll indicated that Trump had 95% support with Republicans.

This site is populated by attention seeking fringies. See me, see me. I don't like the President elected by Republicans.

See me. Remember when I supported Perot, Buchanan, Brown, Johnston? See me, see me.

3rd party kookisans.

Reagan faced a kook in 1980, namely Joohn Anderson, nominally "Republican. Anderson jumped from kook party, to kook party, finally supporting Ralph Nader years later.

I confess to supporting Perot in 199, then grew the ef up politically.
For the last time, if you feel the need to bash anyone who doesn't support the Orange One as "kooks," and insult this board at every turn, then f'ing leave already!
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Offline catfish1957

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And, so what?  What did you just prove?  What effect does this have on how we should go forward?

What does it prove?  That the Trump contingent here is overstating GOP and Conservative support for Trump.

Best scenario, Trump gets the hell out of the way, and lets Pence run in '20. 

But we all know the Narcisstic in Chief puts his ego in front of what's best for the country.
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

Offline Sanguine

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LOL... I put down the bottle. That is doing something. More than many of you seem to be able to do. Until more of you do, nothing will change. It will be the endless fix of the next election being the "most important in our lifetimes", bla, bla, bla... So just one more time I'm going to take a sip to ease the pain you tell yourself... As it all sinks further and further into oblivion... And you comfort yourself by saying I'm at least "slowing" the sinking and that is something... That frankly is surrender.

At some point you have to realize the only way to change course is stop taking the sip breaking free of it.

To stop empowering those who mean you "lesser" harm.

Got it.  You will sit back and watch. 

Offline Sanguine

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What does it prove?  That the Trump contingent here is overstating GOP and Conservative support for Trump.

Best scenario, Trump gets the hell out of the way, and lets Pence run in '20. 

But we all know the Narcisstic in Chief puts his ego in front of what's best for the country.

Pence?  Pence doesn't have a snowball's chance of heck in winning.  But, you at least have a plan.  That's more than most of the NTs here.

Offline catfish1957

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Pence?  Pence doesn't have a snowball's chance of heck in winning.  But, you at least have a plan.  That's more than most of the NTs here.

No chance vs.  3 avowed socialist?  (Harris, Sanders, Warren)

I know our country elects stupidity, but they are not suicidal. 

Pence would win.....   Unless Trump drags us down until he can't
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

Offline skeeter

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So Republicans who join the rats in attempting to reverse the 16 election piss off Trump supporters.

Of course they do. What - are you gonna cry about it?

Offline DB

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Got it.  You will sit back and watch.

Your "doing something" is doing more harm than good. Because the results of what you're doing are tightening our chains, likely less so than the other primary party, but tightening none the less. Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is not a plan for success...

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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But we all know the Narcisstic in Chief puts his ego in front of what's best for the country.

Are you effing serious?   "What's best for the country"??   9999hair out0000 

You have just tumbled off that principled mountaintop and landed squarely in the arms of the enemies of the United States, her Constitution and the sanctity of her elections.  On the plus side -- they'll welcome you home with open arms.

Offline Sanguine

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Your "doing something" is doing more harm than good. Because the results of what you're doing are tightening our chains, likely less so than the other primary party, but tightening none the less. Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is not a plan for success...

Your response is a little confusing.  Supporting Trump is "doing the same thing"?  And, what are y'all doing different? 

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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So Republicans who join the rats in attempting to reverse the 16 election piss off Trump supporters.

Of course they do. What - are you gonna cry about it?


Offline catfish1957

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Are you effing serious?   "What's best for the country"??   9999hair out0000 

You have just tumbled off that principled mountaintop and landed squarely in the arms of the enemies of the United States, her Constitution and the sanctity of her elections.  On the plus side -- they'll welcome you home with open arms.

By prefering Pence over Trump?   You really need to get off the hard drugs.
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

Offline DB

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So Republicans who join the rats in attempting to reverse the 16 election piss off Trump supporters.

Of course they do. What - are you gonna cry about it?

I know no one personally who would "join the rats" to spite Trump. Zip. It isn't a binary choice no matter how much you demand to frame it that way.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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For the last time, if you feel the need to bash anyone who doesn't support the Orange One as "kooks," and insult this board at every turn, then f'ing leave already!

If you do not realize this coup transcends the man, even the one you hate, it is time for you to buy a vowel. 

If you will not join the fight to save this nation, maybe you should take your own "f'ing" advice.

« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 03:07:14 pm by Right_in_Virginia »

Offline Mesaclone

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The great William F Buckley laid it all out with common sense AND intellectual honesty....."support the rightwardmost viable candidate".

The greatest peawit ever born can see that the ONLY person fitting that criteria right now is President Trump. You can opine for Pat Robertson all you want...or Mitt Romney...or Jeb Bush...or Ted Cruz...but none of them meet the Buckley rule for viability. As Trump has governed more conservatively than ANY Republican since well before Reagan...the choice is obvious to any one who understands the danger of what the Left is attempting to foist on this nation.

Now, I realize some of you consider yourselves smarter than Buckley, more moral than Mother Theresa, and more pure than Joan of Arc...but the rest of us can't hide behind that perfect moral narcissism that you wear as a rationale for sitting on your ass and letting the Left take over the nation. We can't sit on our hands and shout "a pox on both your houses" and pretend that the most conservative President of our lifetimes is "no different" from Rashida Tlaib, AOC and Elizabeth Warren.

No, the rest of us feel obligated to actually fight to stop this DNC-Lib tidal wave and though we may dislike much about the demeanor and crudity of President Trump (at times)...we also know that you don't charge into combat with a squad of "socialites, compassionate sweethearts, intellectuals and evangelist pastors" at your side. You bring fighters to a fight...and for the love of should be obvious to you by now that President Trump/Conservatives...and yes those two things are now in common cause...are engaged in a fight with Socialists for the soul of the Republic.

If you're too holier than thou, or too wrapped in your own "only a perfect conservative Preacher is good enough for me" fight, along with the 90% of conservatives who ARE fighting for their beliefs, than you have become little more than useful idiots of the Left. When they come for the rest of us with their speech police and re-education camps, perhaps they'll leave you alone for a little longer in gratitude.

Undermining the President is, of course, your right...because you still reside in a country the rest of us are fighting to keep free. I fully realize nothing I can say will change your minds...that's not the point of this rant. The point, for God's sakes, is quit pretending that your actions reflect some form of integrity or commitment to conservatism...that's a self serving fantasy. No, your actions...and those of the Romney's, Bush's, George Will's and others are little more than self-indulgence and narcissism...pure ego.
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Offline Sanguine

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For the last time, if you feel the need to bash anyone who doesn't support the Orange One as "kooks," and insult this board at every turn, then f'ing leave already!

@jmyrlefuller no one called the anti-Trumpers "kooks" on this thread.  The quote was: "Reagan faced a kook in 1980, namely Joohn Anderson, nominally "Republican. Anderson jumped from kook party, to kook party, finally supporting Ralph Nader years later."

Those who support Trump are welcome here too. 

Offline catfish1957

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I know no one personally who would "join the rats" to spite Trump. Zip. It isn't a binary choice no matter how much you demand to frame it that way.

It would be binary again, if Trump would get the F out of the way, and let the grown ups like Pence govern.

And you are right....  I wish the powers that be of this site, would put the hammer down on these folks who scream and accuse us of aiding the left by calling out this Orange Trojan Horse.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 03:11:40 pm by catfish1957 »
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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I know no one personally who would "join the rats" to spite Trump. Zip. It isn't a binary choice no matter how much you demand to frame it that way.

Of course it is.  You either stand with the sanctity of our Constitution and elections or you stand with the rats.  No other choice exists.

Offline skeeter

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I know no one personally who would "join the rats" to spite Trump. Zip. It isn't a binary choice no matter how much you demand to frame it that way.

I 'demand' nothing from you. Vote for whomever you want. Don't vote at all. Bark at the moon. I couldn't care less.

I'm just amused that some of you seem offended Trump supporters would be angry at those 'republicans' who choose to join the rats in attempting to usurp the president they voted for. Which is the subject of the thread.

Offline austingirl

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@corbe, is it more important to tout our conservative credentials and beat Trump over the head with them, or to fight the evil forces that the democrats represent? It's a very simple question and the response tells us what we should be doing and what we're wasting time on.

Principles matter. Words matter.

Offline DB

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Your response is a little confusing.  Supporting Trump is "doing the same thing"?  And, what are y'all doing different?

Supporting the GOP no matter what is doing the same thing over and over. Driven by the same fear of the "greater evil". Trump is currently the head of the GOP. The GOP made it so. The GOP is a train wreck by any objective standard. The only thing keeping it alive is the Dim's are bent on being a bigger train wreck and neither herd has the courage to move on.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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It would be binary again, if Trump would get the F out of the way, and let the grown ups like Pence govern. 

You think you don't matter now?  Wait and see what happens to future Republican/Conservatives for the Presidency if your side wins this.  You'll look back upon your days of braying in the wilderness with fond nostalgia.

Offline DB

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I 'demand' nothing from you. Vote for whomever you want. Don't vote at all. Bark at the moon. I couldn't care less.

I'm just amused that some of you seem offended Trump supporters would be angry at those 'republicans' who choose to join the rats in attempting to usurp the president they voted for. Which is the subject of the thread.

No. Some of us are angry because you accuse those of us who don't support Trump on many issues as joining the rats. As far as those who actually do support the rats, e.g. voting for them, you are what you vote for. If you vote for the vile Dems then you are one.


By the way, I said nothing of you demanding something from me. I said you demand to frame the situation in a particular way.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 03:21:05 pm by DB »

Offline austingirl

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The great William F Buckley laid it all out with common sense AND intellectual honesty....."support the rightwardmost viable candidate".

The greatest peawit ever born can see that the ONLY person fitting that criteria right now is President Trump. You can opine for Pat Robertson all you want...or Mitt Romney...or Jeb Bush...or Ted Cruz...but none of them meet the Buckley rule for viability. As Trump has governed more conservatively than ANY Republican since well before Reagan...the choice is obvious to any one who understands the danger of what the Left is attempting to foist on this nation.

Now, I realize some of you consider yourselves smarter than Buckley, more moral than Mother Theresa, and more pure than Joan of Arc...but the rest of us can't hide behind that perfect moral narcissism that you wear as a rationale for sitting on your ass and letting the Left take over the nation. We can't sit on our hands and shout "a pox on both your houses" and pretend that the most conservative President of our lifetimes is "no different" from Rashida Tlaib, AOC and Elizabeth Warren.

No, the rest of us feel obligated to actually fight to stop this DNC-Lib tidal wave and though we may dislike much about the demeanor and crudity of President Trump (at times)...we also know that you don't charge into combat with a squad of "socialites, compassionate sweethearts, intellectuals and evangelist pastors" at your side. You bring fighters to a fight...and for the love of should be obvious to you by now that President Trump/Conservatives...and yes those two things are now in common cause...are engaged in a fight with Socialists for the soul of the Republic.

If you're too holier than thou, or too wrapped in your own "only a perfect conservative Preacher is good enough for me" fight, along with the 90% of conservatives who ARE fighting for their beliefs, than you have become little more than useful idiots of the Left. When they come for the rest of us with their speech police and re-education camps, perhaps they'll leave you alone for a little longer in gratitude.

Undermining the President is, of course, your right...because you still reside in a country the rest of us are fighting to keep free. I fully realize nothing I can say will change your minds...that's not the point of this rant. The point, for God's sakes, is quit pretending that your actions reflect some form of integrity or commitment to conservatism...that's a self serving fantasy. No, your actions...and those of the Romney's, Bush's, George Will's and others are little more than self-indulgence and narcissism...pure ego.

Excellent post! :beer:
Principles matter. Words matter.

Offline jpsb

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The great William F Buckley laid it all out with common sense AND intellectual honesty....."support the rightwardmost viable candidate".
