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Rush Transcripts..Oct. 4th
« on: October 04, 2019, 11:17:56 pm »
All transcripts can be seen here
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 4th
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2019, 11:19:01 pm »

Who Knew the Green New Deal Was a Cookbook?

Oct 4, 2019

RUSH: I had this great line. I had this great line all ready to go, and I’m still gonna use it, even though it may have been that AOC got punk’d at her climate change press conference and that woman stood up. “It’s so bad, we gotta start eating the babies. It’s not enough to eat the aborted babies. We’ve gotta start eating the babies. Our planet is on the precipice!” I was gonna say, “Who knew that the Green New Deal was a cookbook?”

JOHNNY DONOVAN: And now, from sunny South Florida, it’s Open Line Friday!

RUSH: But alas it appears that the thing was a setup, maybe. The Washington Post says it was a setup and that it was done by… (laughing) Does anybody remember the name Lyndon LaRouche? I mean this guy goes way back, for crying out loud, to the seventies. Apparently, he’s still got a bunch of followers that run around and do crazy things. (laughing) Lyndon LaRouche! You see LaRouchers on Fifth Avenue all the time?

Well, anyway, if you don’t remember, folks, there was an old Twilight Zone episode — the Rod Serling version back when it was good — and it was classic. This is the fifties, sixties, to show you how people don’t change. The people of earth were worried about annihilation. They were worried about nuclear war. They were worried that human activity was going to kill all humans. And then out of the blue, a bunch of egg-headed aliens show up with bumps all over their heads — and they’re all bald, and they’re wearing white robes.

They show up at the U.N., and they’re carrying books with them that are titled To Serve Man, and they start talking about how they want to save earth, save the people of the earth, and study the people of the earth. They want to take people from the earth back to the aliens’ home planet. And the people from the earth, the United Nations, they all fall for it. They think it’s the greatest thing in the world! The earth is saved. Earth is saved from us. Aliens are gonna save us!

And there’s always a Doubting Thomas in these things (I think it’s a woman), and as the first wave of humans is boarding the aliens’ flying saucer to get back to the aliens’ home planet, this woman comes running up. Actually, it was like TSA. You had to go through scanning and all that to get on the alien spaceship, and she’s screaming from the top of her lungs, “Don’t board! Don’t get on!” And she’s waving the book around. “It’s a cookbook! It’s a cookbook!

“To Serve Man is a cookbook!” Of course, she then gets swallowed up by one of the aliens and the episode ends. (laughing) I was gonna say, “The Green New Deal. Who knew it was a cookbook?” But it looks like the LaRouchers got into the AOC climate change town. By the way, AOC is totally bored with impeachment since it hasn’t happened. She’s got a typical Millennial attention span. Since it hasn’t happened, ditch it! Get rid of it. The time has passed.

She’s fed up with it. It isn’t gonna happen if it hasn’t happened by now. Let’s move on to something else. Is that not classic of the Millennial attention span? When they get their eyes or their minds set on something, it’d better happen right now — and if it doesn’t, they’re off to something else, because they need action. They need things to happen.


RUSH: We got the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sound bites. Now, even though it has been alleged in the Washington Post that this deranged young woman demanding that we eat babies to save the planet, why was this believed for so long, by the way? (interruption) No, no, no, no, no. This is an important question. It’s an important question. You know, I learned the importance of the word “important” when I was on a vacation to Europe and was running into (chuckles) antique stores. I was tagging along, don’t misunderstand.

In this one particular antique store, the young daughter of the proprietor, everything she would point to us to she’d describe as a “very important piece.” It took me about five times that I figured out that it’s part of a sales technique. “Very important piece.” Finally, even though there was a little bit of problem with English (that was not her natural language), I asked, “Can you tell me, what is important about it?” “What?” “What’s important about this piece?” “Well, uh, it’s important. It’d be important to have it.” “Well, yeah, but what makes it important?”

No answer. It was just, obviously, she was learning from her parents how to sell the stuff. So this is a very important point here: Why did this hoax have at least an 18-hour lifespan before the Washington Post decided to try to check it? Because it was believable. This is precisely what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of her crowd are doing as they create this panic about the end of human life in 12 years. There are people that believe this.

The Democrats say this stuff, and I can almost assure you. I can’t with total assurance, but I can almost assure you that she doesn’t believe it. Cortez was not sitting there thinking, “We only got 12 years!” She’s just saying it. They’ll do anything, they’ll say anything to get people to buy what they’re selling. They will say anything to create this army, and as they encounter trouble as fewer and fewer people buy into it, they have to get more extreme and more extreme

That’s how in the 1980s, we only had 20 years — and then we had 30, then we had 10! Now it’s 10, now it’s 12, now it’s eight, because nobody believes them! Well, the Looney Tunes do! And particularly among the Millennial generation. So whatever the group… The Washington Post claims it’s the LaRouchies, and for those of you who don’t know who this, I’m gonna try to explain it. Back in the 1970s there was a guy that hated Henry Kissinger.

His name was Lyndon LaRouche, and he ran for president every four years as a Democrat, and he would buy an hour’s worth of time on one of the networks the night before the presidential election and make the case for himself. He was absolutely insane. Henry Kissinger was the seat of the New World Order — and he pronounced his name “Kiss-singer.” He’d said, “Kissinger is going to destroy the world, Kissinger and his crowd.”

It was all rooted in the New World Order from the Trilateral Commission and all that. And apparently these people still exist, the LaRouchies, and they’re a bunch of conspiracy theorists. Apparently, they staged this episode at one of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s town halls. So let’s go to the audio sound bites, as I say, just for the fun of it. We’ll start with audio sound bite number 13. This was in Corona, New York.

An unidentified woman said, “I notice in the Green New Deal, you have ideas for projects for climate change. I see monorails in all the posters! I’m very interested in that technology. I go to Tokyo a couple times a year. Tokyo is a very similar city to New York. We have a lot of trouble with the MTA and our trains here. Climate change will affect that. It will flood the tunnels eventually! So what do we do after the tunnels are flooded?”

CORTEZ: When it comes to the New Green Deal, people are like — and, of course, it comes from this zero-sum mentality. “We’re gonna take away your hamburgers. We’re gonna take away your airplanes. We’re gonna take away all of these things,” and really what this is asking us is, “What are we going to make?” Not what are we going to take away. What are we going to establish? And, frankly, for everyone that says the New Green Deal’s gonna ground planes, I guarantee you climate change — which threatens storms, turbulence. Airplane groundings and airport closures will ground airplanes far sooner and far worse than any sort of climate legislation ever would! If we make, for example, scientific investments in zero-carbon airplanes, I believe at some point, you know, we’ll hopefully be able to create that kind of technology.

RUSH: You wonder why Trump’s poll numbers are rising? Zero-carbon airplanes! There isn’t any such thing. I don’t know how much you’ve thought about this, some of you in this audience, but let me assure you of something. There is not, in existence, a commercial propulsion system that would get an airplane moving fast enough to achieve aerodynamic lift and fly for any length of time at a required speed that is not carbon-based.

There is no such propulsion system. It doesn’t exist. There is not going to be in our lifetimes a propulsion system that does not involve fossil fuels that will enable airplanes to fly, particularly airplanes with people in them! Now, you could launch a little plastic model. I’m talking about commercial flight involving cargo and passengers. This is just simply insane. Carbon-free airplanes, zero-carbon airplanes. There is…

That’s why it’ll never be. There’s not gonna be a zero-carbon oceangoing vessel, either — unless somebody permits nuclear reactors on ships like we have on American aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines. But how far do you think we’re gonna get with that? You imagine they’re ever gonna let somebody build a massive public cruise ship with a nuclear reactor powering it?

Ha! But that’s how you’d have to do it, but there’s no way. And this is just absurd here. “I guarantee you climate change which threatens storms, turbulence, airplane groundings,” and airport closures now? Climate change gonna do all this? You wonder why Trump’s numbers are rising? So here is the deranged woman that wants to eat babies.

WOMAN: We’re not gonna be here for much long (sic) because of the climate crisis. We only have a few months left! I love that you support the Green Deal (sic) but getting rid of fossil fuel is not gonna solve the problem fast enough. Our Swedish professor saying we can eat dead people, but that’s not fast enough. So I think your next campaign slogan has to be this: “We have to start eating babies!” We don’t have enough time. There’s too much CO2. All of you, you know, you’re pollutant! Too much CO2. We have to start now. Please, you are so great. I’m so happy that you’re really support New Green Deal, but it’s not enough. You know, even if we would bomb Russia, we still have too many people, too much pollution. So we have to get rid of the babies. That’s the big problem! Just stopping having babies is not enough! We need to eat the babies!

RUSH: This survived out there for at least 12 hours, maybe longer, before the Washington Post said, “You know what? This may not be real.” (laughing) They looked into it, and they’re telling us that a bunch of LaRouchies stormed the AOC town hall and this whole thing is a punk hoax. But people believed it — and the reason for that is that this is the extreme to which the climate change people are getting people. They’re taking them there. By the way, this woman is right.

A Swedish professor did say that we need to start eating dead people. Eating cadavers. He did say it. I had the story couple weeks ago, three weeks ago, whenever it was. And he is a professor at, I think, the University of Stockholm. This is what he’s teaching. So Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez assessed the situation and the temperature of the room after the eat-the-babies woman, and this is what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said…

CORTEZ: One of the things that’s very important to us is that we need to treat the climate crisis with the urgency that it does present. Um, luckily, we have more than a few months. We do need to hit net zero in several years. Um, but I think we all need to understand that there are a lot of solutions that we have, um, that we can pursue. And that if we act in a positive way, there is space for help. We are never beyond hope.

CROWD: (murmering)

RUSH: Oh, thank God.

FOLLOWERS: (tepid applause)

RUSH: Thank God we don’t have to eat the babies, folks. I was worried for a minute there. We don’t have to… You hear that tepid response that she got there? These people are… It’s almost incomprehensible. This woman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, herself is a victim of all of these clowns that have been out there trying to scare the hell out of everybody for how many decades now. “We’ve got some months. We do need to hit zero, zero carbon emissions…”

What about the ChiComs and the Indians, for crying out loud? This is… (sigh) I don’t know. It’s getting to the point now, folks, where even responding to this stuff is a waste of time. It’s getting to the point now where I will be worried about the state my own IQ if I endeavor to start parsing this. Finally, here’s the headline: “AOC Already Bored with Impeachment.” Quote, “I’m over it.” It’s what she told constituents at this eat-the-babies town hall last night.

“I think the whole thing is boring,” said Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Thursday at the Queens Library event. “He should have been impeached a long time ago. I’m over it, and so that’s how I feel about it, because we’ve got work to do.” Is that not classic Millennial? She wanted it yesterday. It didn’t happen when she wanted it, “So… So… I’m taking my ball and going home! I don’t care anymore.”


RUSH: Back to the phones Joan in Sister Bay, Wisconsin.

CALLER: Hi, Rush how you doing?

RUSH: Good.

CALLER: My question is, when is somebody gonna ask these yahoos like Ocasio-Cortez and all the Democratic candidates that would have us off fossil fuels in 10, 11, 12 years, “What’s your plan for the military?” I haven’t seen too many charging stations on the deserts of Iraq, you know, or the Middle East. If we start launching airplanes off our nuclear carriers, what are they gonna do, catapult them into the ocean?

RUSH: It’s a brilliant question. It’s an excellent question, and I can tell you what they’ll say. I can give you one of three possibilities they’ll say. The first one would be, “Well, if we succeed with this, we won’t need a military because we’re going to bring peace to the world.”

CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: The second thing they would say is, “You know, that’s a good point, and we have to defend ourselves. But the military may be the one area which would be offered some exemptions, but they would be very tightly controlled.” The third answer would be, “Well, if everybody else is doing this, the military has to, as would the other nations of the world — and it would make warfare much less dangerous.”

Those would be the three things I would think they would say because they’re not gonna let you bring that up as a logical way of nuking the whole argument about climate change (chuckling), ’cause that’s exactly what it is. We don’t have nuclear… We don’t have carbon-free missiles, bullets, manufacturing of weapons. How you gonna do all that? Exactly right.

CALLER: Well, the question is, we supply most of the military power for all of Europe and most of the world. We’re the backup, and we supply ’em. So we’re just putting the whole world military, you know, on stand-down?

RUSH: You’re not… Wait a minute. I’m misunderstanding. Are you suggesting that we…? No, you can’t be suggesting this.

CALLER: No, no. I’m just saying that we supply the military power to most of the world and if we paralyze our military and say, “Hey, we’re gonna get off of fossil fuels,” what happens to the world order.

RUSH: Okay. You’re right. Let me give you a fourth potential response: “Exactly! That’s what they want to do. We want to disempower the U.S. military,” because to many of these people, John, the U.S. military is the focus of evil in the modern world. It is the problem, not the solution. I want to tell you something else. You probably have seen this or references to it over the course of recent years. Have you seen there are actual generals who testified on Capitol Hill about needing to prepare our military for climate change?

“We need to come up with a national defense, a national security structure based on the potential damages to the planet of climate change!” Look, the Pentagon has got plenty of left-wing political generals in there, deciding the way to climb the defense department ladder is through political correctness. Then you’ve got your warrior generals who eschew all that. Again, that’s another great question.

“Hey, if we get rid of fossil fuels, how in the world are we gonna have a military?”

I found it fascinating, by the way, that Cortez — in here eat-the-babies press conference or town hall — actually zeroed in on airplanes ’cause I don’t know anybody besides me that’s been asking the question, “How we gonna make airplanes fly on windmills or batteries?” Where are we gonna get the propulsion system to get a 747 or even an MD-80 or a Cessna 182 off the ground using windmills? What’s gonna turn the propeller?

So she brings it up, and she says something inane. “We’re going to have carbon-neutral airplanes,” or carbon frozen or whatever. It’s not possible to fly an airplane on anything other than fossil fuels! You can’t even fly an airplane with a nuclear reactor, and there’s nobody who’d get on one that had one in it.

I mean, cargo airplanes, passenger traffic, how in the world is such a basic, there’s no way. I know that Tesla’s manufacturing a giant semi-truck that is electric, but that’s not gonna be online any time soon. Besides, even those things, you use fossil fuels to charge them. This all is so, so inane.
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 4th
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2019, 11:20:12 pm »

Impeachment Not Going as Media Planned It

Oct 4, 2019

RUSH: Trump has demanded and challenged Pelosi to actually begin impeachment.

“This isn’t an impeachment. Actually send us a letter and do a floor vote and let’s see you get your 218 votes for this.” The White House and Trump have called the bluff, in other words. Let me start with this, ’cause I think you all need to hear this. It’s one thing when I tell you, but it’s another thing when you hear it from them. I have attempted to calm the stormy seas out there by telling you that whatever the Democrats are doing here, it isn’t taking.

John Kasich says, “Nobody’s talking about this in Ohio. You can’t impeach a guy for a phone call.” The Washington Post has given Schiff four Pinocchios. I can’t believe it. You know, when you see the Drive-By Media go after a Democrat, you do a double-take. It’s been so long since that happened, you can’t believe it. But the Washington Post has given Schiff four Pinocchios for lying about the timeline about when he knew and talked to the whistleblower.

He should have gotten 12 Pinocchios for telling the lie during the committee hearings about what Trump said during the transcript of the phone call with the president of Ukraine. But they’re still calling Schiff out for lying when he said (stammering), “I — I — I had no previous contact with the whistleblower!” You know, they’re serious about this in the media. The media is dead serious about impeachment. They’re far more serious about it than Pelosi.

Do not doubt me on this. And one of the reasons Pelosi is continually hounded is because the media wants this done. The media is the far left-wing fringe base of the Democrat Party, and I am telling you, they’re not gonna be satisfied if Pelosi doesn’t actually pull trigger and do this. The media knows that she hasn’t impeached anybody. The media knows that no formal impeachment proceedings have begun. The media knows it’s a campaign stunt or strategy.

They know there’s no impeachment. They’re fed up with it. Trump keeps talking about having the ChiComs investigate Biden, and it’s driving ’em nuts. They think Trump’s breaking the law right in front of their faces. They want Trump impeached yesterday, like AOC does. Except they’re not willing to drop it like she is. So Trump and his White House press gaggle today went over to Walter Reed to visit wounded warriors, and he again met with the press.

We got the sound bites coming up, and they keep shouting at him about (sniveling), “What do you mean the Chinese should investigate Joe Biden? That’s a violation law! You can’t do that,” and Trump — if he said it once, he said it 20 times — said, “I don’t care about politics. I don’t even think Biden’s gonna be the nominee. I told you way back, he’s not gonna win it. I’m not gonna tell you who I think’s gonna win it. But he’s not gonna win it.

“This has nothing to do with politics. This is all about corruption. If our government’s engaging corruption in foreign countries, we gotta root it out.” Let me tell you what foundation of that is. That is the Barr investigation. Trump is telling the honest-to-God truth here. If they’re gonna send Barr around, if they’re gonna investigate the beginnings of the Trump-Russia collusion investigation, that hoax — and they are. They are investing it. What was that? That was Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration and everybody else colluding with a foreign government.

That is corruption, folks. They engaged in an effort to undo a duly constituted presidential election. They were trying to reverse the election results, and they were colluding with foreign powers. They were colluding with Russia, the Steele dossier. We know that… God, the level of corruption these Democrats have engaged in in Ukraine, to me, is boggling the mind. Who knew that Ukraine was the center of the corruption universe for the Democrat Party? But it is! And it isn’t just Biden! It’s Hillary people and many people in the Obama administration.

So, anyway, Trump is saying, “We’re gonna get to the bottom of corruption. We cannot have government officials in our country corrupting and engaging in corruption in foreign countries,” and that is part and parcel of justifying the investigation that William Barr is undertaken to find out how this whole Trump-Russia collusion thing began. So Trump is telling the media ’til he gets blue in the face, “It’s not about the campaign. It’s not about Biden.

“I don’t even think Biden’s gonna be the nominee. Biden can’t win anything. It’s not about that. It’s about corruption.” They don’t believe it. They think he’s practicing misdirection and all of that. So, since it is the media that is really, really lighting the fuse here on impeachment, they want it. They are trying to push Pelosi. They’re trying to push the whole Democrat Party into this. They’re the ones that want Trump gone. They hate Donald Trump — and for obvious reasons.

They hate Trump because they failed in making sure he didn’t win. Their candidate was Hillary. They were all-in for Hillary. They did everything they could to make Hillary president to help her win. Trump beat them. Ah, ah, ah! Intolerable. So they hate him from the get-go for that. Next they hate him because they can’t get rid of him any other way. They couldn’t get rid of him during the campaign, they weren’t able to reverse election results, so now they want him impeached.

And I’m telling you, folks, there’s not an exception. I addressed this the other day. It is stunning, is it not, that among all of the journalists in this country, all of them — you know, particularly those in the New York-Washington corridor. It’s amazing, is it not, that there isn’t a single one of them that does not exist on the same page? There’s not a one of them! They are all identically predisposed. They are all writing and reporting practically the identical things every day.

They are manufacturing identical claims, crises, violations of law, whatever. It really is one of the most glaring, egregious examples of groupthink I have ever seen in my life. Not a single — not a single — journalist is at variance with this agenda, and that’s all you should be need to know to know that they’re not journalists. They’re simply Democrats in the media. So they are hell-bent. I’m gonna tell you, whatever Pelosi does or doesn’t do, they are going to continue this narrative that Trump has been impeached.

Whether she calls for an official vote or not, they are going to continue as though she has. They are gonna keep lying. They’re going to keep misrepresenting. They’re going to continue these false narratives from everywhere. AP, New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, it doesn’t matter. They are going to blanket this country with one false narrative after another, all rooted in the idea that Trump has been impeached. So how is it playing?

I’ve tried to calm the waters and told everybody here to just chill for a minute because this is not playing out the way they have thought it would be. Now we have some evidence. We’re gonna start here with audio sound bite number one — and this has to kill ’em, folks. Last night on CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront, we have a portion of a report from Democrat in the media Miguel Marquez about how Trump voters in Macomb County, Michigan, are reacting to the Democrat push to impeach President Trump.


MIGUEL MARQUEZ: Did you vote for the president or Clinton in 2016?

RICHARD JONES: The president.

MIGUEL MARQUEZ: For the president? Are you still just as happy with him?

RICHARD JONES: Uhhh, no comment.

MIGUEL MARQUEZ: (voiceover) Some of the president’s supporters are on the fence, but most we spoke to see impeachment is little more than politics.

MATTHEW KALINOWSKI: I think it’s a lot of just people don’t like him and they want him out of office. The left and the media.

MIGUEL MARQUEZ: John Scantze voted for Trump in 2016 and had concerns early on. Six months ago, he thought Joe Biden might be an option. Now he says the push for impeachment has him supporting the president more than ever.

JOHN SCANTZE: They are there for one thing now and one thing only, and that’s to try to impeach the president.

RUSH: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. This is Michigan. This is Michigan. This is where the Democrats are gonna fix the mistakes of 2016. They’re gonna go in there and they’re gonna win Michigan this time. They’re not gonna let Trump win it this time. So they send a reporter out there to find out how many Trump supporters have given up on him and support impeachment, and they couldn’t find any. After that report ran, CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront turned to former advisor for Obama Van Jones about the report they had just watched.

She says, “You’ve talked to so many voters. Is what you’re hearing sounding a lot like what Miguel Marquez,” our Democrat in the media reporter “heard?”

JONES: Yeah, you know, it’s interesting because it’s a tricky thing, the impeachment, uh, process. Because for some Republicans it makes them more to rally around the flag. I remember when I, uh, was anti-Bill Clinton from the left, uh, in the nineties, and then they tried to impeach him and suddenly Clinton was my best friend. I was up, “Hey, leave Bill Clinton alone.” You know, uh, you get crosscurrents in those things. At the same time, you know, the Democrats are in a lose-lose situation. If they don’t do something their own base is gonna be disappointed and you feel like maybe, uh, Trump gets away with too much. If you go through with the impeachment, though, you can divide the country further and you still don’t solve the problem of foreign interference. It’s a big mess.

RUSH: He’s hearing the same thing. “It’s a big mess.” It is not going as they had dreamed it would go out there. It’s not going as they had planned. There is not massive, universal support for impeaching Donald Trump. In fact, they are finding more Trump voters more solid than ever. People that were predisposed to abandoning Trump six months ago have now decided — because of this — they’re gonna be locked in on Trump even more than they have been.

And I’m telling you, this is probably much more common a reaction than what the Democrats and the media are hoping is happening out there. They are way, so way overplaying their hand.

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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 4th
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2019, 11:20:54 pm »

America Works When Donald Trump Is President

Oct 4, 2019

RUSH: Today we’ve got economic news that’s unprecedented. We have 50-year lows in the unemployment rate. I mean, it just… I tell you what, folks: America works when Donald Trump is president. A record 158,269,000 people working, and unemployment at a 50-year low at 3.5%.

America was broken during Obama years. Trump has come in and put it back together, has fixed it. Democrats are working overtime to break it again. The Democrats, CNN, actually took this economic news today and tried to say it is a great indication of a recession on the cusp. The economic news is so good — it’s so good — it can’t be real. It’s so good, it can’t be sustained, it’s so good because it can’t be sustained, that means a recession is right around the corner.

We cannot let the Democrats break the economy again.

We don’t need to relive the misery, folks, of the Obama administration.


RUSH: The economic news… Folks, this is huge: 286,000 more Hispanics had jobs in September. It was the lowest unemployment rate for African-Americans to boot. It fell to 5.4% in September. That’s the lowest level since December ’73 when they started keeping the stats. The economic news is just through-the-roof good.


RUSH: The economic news… Folks, this is huge: 286,000 more Hispanics had jobs in September. It was the lowest unemployment rate for African-Americans to boot. It fell to 5.4% in September. That’s the lowest level since December ’73 when they started keeping the stats. The economic news is just through-the-roof good.

RUSH: I want, by the way, repeat some things before we get out of here today because, folks, it wasn’t that long ago that this would have been the news of the day. Not very long ago, this would be the news of the day, and it would have been plastered all over your favorite websites. The jobs report. There is no recession. There were 137,000 jobs that were created, and unemployment fell to 3.5% — a 50-year low. The July job numbers were revised up 70,000. The August job numbers revised up 38,000.

The labor force participation rate was steady at 63.2%. We have record low African-American unemployment, record low Hispanic unemployment. The experts predicted nothing like this. This news is economic news this country hasn’t seen in at least 12 years — and in case of the unemployment percentage for African-Americans and Hispanics, since 1977. These are record low and record high numbers. Not that long ago, this would have been plastered everywhere, and it would have been used to make Americans feel good.

It would have been used to tell people, “You can feel good about your country’s future!” But all of that is being relegated to below-the-fold and even Page 5 status in favor of impeaching Trump. The stock market loved the report. It went up. Trump even tweeted about it. He said, “Breaking news: Unemployment 3.5%, drops to a 50-year low. Wow, America, let’s impeach your president, even though he did nothing wrong.”

That’s Trump’s tweet. The experts were predicting 3.7% unemployment. It’s overall strong growth, solid economy, steady growth. We’re nowhere near a recession. CNN, though, is trying to say we are. CNN’s got an infobabe that said, “Well, you know, it’s so good… These numbers are so good, we can’t deny it. It’s so good that they can’t be sustained. It’s got to lead to a recession at some point.”

That’s how they’re treating this.

“But we can’t report the good news because it’s too good.”
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 4th
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2019, 11:23:21 pm »

No Schiff, Sherlock! The Whistleblower Is a Registered Democrat

Oct 4, 2019

RUSH: Guess what we have learned? It’s a blockbuster! (chuckling) A blockbuster report from Jake Tapper at CNN: The whistleblower is a registered Democrat. No Schiff, Sherlock! The whistleblower’s a Democrat! Well, who would have ever thought that? And you can bet that it’s just the tip of the iceberg as to what these whistleblower’s politics are.

In fact, I will bet you it’s just the beginning of how the news about this whistleblower’s gonna be dribbled out in small leaks so that we gradually accept that this was all triggered by another deranged member of the Trump resistance. “The whistleblower’s a Democrat! The whistleblower’s a CIA operative put there by John Brennan! The whistleblower…” No Schiff, Sherlock.
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 4th
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2019, 11:25:03 pm »
Regular People Want Republicans to Fire Back Like Trump Does

Oct 4, 2019

RUSH: Here’s Marcel in Conway, New Hampshire. Great to have you, sir. You’re up first on Open Line Friday. Hi.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. Quick question for you. I’m curious. When witnesses get questions by Waters, Schiff, and Nadler in a derogatory manner, why can’t that witness just refuse to answer until asked in a professional manner or even say, “Until I’m asked in a professional, polite manner, I’m not gonna answer your question?”

RUSH: Well, there is this little thing. Congress can send to you Siberia if they want to. Contempt of Congress, it’s called, and if you show… Look, they can sit up there and be the stupidest people on earth, they can insult you left and right. If you dare treat them evenly 1% of the way they treat, you are guilty of contempt of Congress and they can penalize you — and depending on how mean they are and how serious they are, they can severely punish you.

CALLER: Yeah, who’d want that?

RUSH: Who would want…? Well, I mean, most people wouldn’t. So he this sit there and they take the abuse.

CALLER: (chuckles) Oh, man. That’s a rough game.

RUSH: See, this is a real guy. See, this is a great question. Great. This is a real-guy question, and you can extrapolate this. “How come Trump can be so mistreated, how come Trump can be so disrespected and so forth?” Same thing. So you have witnesses that Congress calls ’em up there and they’re insulted. They make a 30-second or one-minute speech before they ask the question. The speech impugns and criticizes the witness, and then they ask the question and the witness says, “Thank you, Congressman, for that brilliant question.

“I’m happy to be here and answer it.” What the hell! You just were insulted. Why don’t you tell ’em to go to hell? Oh, can’t do that. You tell ’em to go to hell, and they’re gonna take you to congressional hell. And this is classic. People watching this stuff ask: Why do these clowns get away with treating people this way? So when Trump fires back at ’em, this is exactly what people want everybody to do. And this is stuff inside-the-Beltway minions are never gonna notice. I’m glad you got through with that question out there, Marcel. I gotta go.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2019, 11:26:09 pm by mystery-ak »
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 4th
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2019, 11:26:55 pm »

Kasich and Romney Dream of Primary Runs Against Trump

Oct 4, 2019

RUSH: Here’s Kasich. He’s worried this impeachment stuff is gonna help Trump. Now, remember we have sound bites earlier today from Michigan. CNN went to Michigan. They wanted to go out and test how their impeach-Trump coverage is working, and it isn’t. They found some people that had voted for Trump and had soured on Trump, but now they have turned back toward Trump because of impeachment.

And they brought Van Jones on (paraphrased), “Oh, no! This is worse. This is bad. This is gonna be a mess. Oh, no!” I’ve told you from the get-go this is not shaking out the way they dream. So moments ago on CNN a different infobabe on CNN, Brianna Keilar, had Kasich on there. Her question: “Most Republicans aren’t saying what you’re saying. I think we wonder if maybe they’re thinking it as they work through some of this, but they’re not saying it. Does not saying that normalize what the president has done and do long-term damage…?”

I don’t know what she’s talking about here. My guess is it’s something to do with the whistleblower. Basically what she’s asking is, “Are the Republicans not criticizing Trump helping to normalize what Trump’s doing?” Because remember, in CNN’s world Trump is breaking the law by breathing every day — and when he’s not criticized for breathing, if the Republicans don’t join the criticism, then Trump breathing is gonna be normalized, and she’s asking Kasich if that’s the case.

KASICH: There’s another thing we have to ask ourselves. Say the House passes impeachment resolution; it goes to the Senate and doesn’t go anywhere. Let me ask this question. We all ought to think about this. Should we go forward with these proceedings — is this the most effective way — or do we let the people decide this in an election that’s just around the corner?

RUSH: Now, why would or would not be saying this? Why would he be trying to put the brakes on? Why would he, in his own way, be trying to keep his gig at CNN while telling them they’re making a big mistake? Kasich is walking a tightrope here. He’s basically asking them to come to the conclusion themselves that this is not gonna work. “Is this the most effective way? You guys realize that when this gets to the Senate it’s gonna die, that Trump’s gonna be acquitted?

“What good is impeaching him if he is declared not guilty? Have you guys thought about that?” Yes, they have. That’s why this is not a formal inquiry! This is why this is not impeachment! It isn’t impeachment! They’re just calling it that. Kasich is saying, “You know what? Wouldn’t it be better just to beat the guy? Wouldn’t it be just easier beat the guy in an election? Why are we doing all this?” We’ll see if he gets invited back after this. This is two.

This is two times now that Kasich’s gone against the grain of the CNN narrative.


RUSH: Apparently, folks, the reason why Kasich and some of these other people are now beginning to question impeachment is they want to primary Trump. Paul Sperry with this tweet: “DEVELOPING: Impeachment threat convincing Kasich, other Never-Trump Republicans the president can be ‘primaried.’ Kasich raising cash, visiting NH, while Romney backing Weld, and Kristol recruiting other late challengers.”

So Bill Kristol, a Never Trumper, is trying to find people to primary Trump. “But it’s too late: 4 states already canceled GOP primaries” to make sure Trump can’t be.

Now, Romney has decided to do it himself, instead of back Bill Weld. “Romney has been calling conservative donors asking about a potential 2020 primary run against Trump.” So right now, we have Romney and Kasich dreaming of primarying Trump. Just to keep you on the cutting edge here.
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