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Rush Transcripts..Oct. 3rd
« on: October 03, 2019, 06:10:58 pm »
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Phony Impeachment Backfires on Democrats

Oct 3, 2019

RUSH: Exactly what I thought would happen, and I told you. Exactly what I thought would happen is beginning to happen, ladies and gentlemen. Let me tell you how Trump has these people skunked. In the first place, we had the story late yesterday that Pencil Neck has been outed by the New York Times for having had preliminary contact with somebody that’s being called “a whistleblower” who’s not a whistleblower and arranging this whole thing.

It’s like Hillary Clinton arranging the Steele dossier. After I had a chance to read this thing in depth after the program yesterday, I found out that it was Schiff’s office that spilled the beans to the New York Times! They knew this was coming and were trying to get out in front of it and nullify or dull the impact here by being the source of the information. Now, more on that as the program unfolds. At the, they just had to cringe when it came time to have to release this. President Donald Trump’s approval number in the Hill-HarrisX survey…

This is not Rasmussen. This is It’s a Drive-By Media poll. Donald Trump’s approval number, they say, “ticked up.” It is up to 47%. That’s the highest mark this year. It is “a two-point increase from a Sept. 11-12 poll, but a two-point decrease from its previous peak of 51% last August.” Forget that. Look at the trend and look at the timing. It had to kill them! It had to kill them to report this. The new poll shows the approval rating for Trump among Americans has grown in the midst of this impeachment hoax.

And it’s not a real impeachment, folks, as we have been attempting to say. Well, no. I have not been trying to say it. I have been saying it. I’ve been attempting to persuade people that this is not an impeachment. It’s a campaign strategy for 2020. There is no impeachment underway. “What you mean, Rush? I’m watching the news every day. It says ‘impeachment.'” It’s not an impeachment. They told Pompeo that he’s gotta come up and testify. What did Pompeo do? He told them to go pound sand.

Do you know why Pompeo was able to do that? Because they are not at the point where they can let subpoenas. They can’t compel anybody with what they’ve done. You officially embark on impeachment, you have the floor vote, you do everything to make it official; then you have subpoena power, then you can compel people to come up. They’re just sending letters to people asking them to show up! What’s happening… It’s all an illusion, like I told you yesterday.

So Schiff and his committee send a letter to Pompeo, the secretary of state. The media then takes over and reports (dramatically), “The committee has summoned the secretary of state who finds himself deeply entwined in the spinning, out of control controversy,” blah, blah, blah. So the media takes as a fact that Schiff sent a letter requesting Pompeo to show up and testify. Pompeo threw the letter in the trash. Well, I’m sure he kept it for posterity, but it has no force of law behind it.

There is no way that they can make Pompeo show up, and he told them to pound sand, effectively. But the media’s in there reporting (dramatically), “The committee has summoned the secretary of state, and the secretary of state is stonewalling the impeachment inquiry.” Folks, it’s nothing more than a campaign strategy. It’s nothing more than an illusion. There is no impeachment. They’re just calling their campaign strategy “impeachment,” and now that they’ve hustled into this — and this whole whistleblower thing is on the verge of backfiring on them in a major way and so is the entire effort.

They’ve even got Charlie Cook, who is the dean of pollsters and analysts and has The Cook Report in Washington… Whatever Charlie Cook says, all these inside-the-Beltway people stop, read it, and believe it. Charlie Cook is saying, “I don’t know if I’d be doing this if I were them,” meaning the Democrats. “I don’t know if I’d be doing this.” You know, another reason that it’s not an impeachment? Look at how they’re hurrying this thing on. Congress is on recess, and these guys are moving it along full speed.

Why are they hurrying through this? They want to get as much done to flavor public opinion before the whole thing becomes exposed for what it is. It isn’t impeachment. In the midst of it, the polling data is showing that Trump is ticking up. You know, there’s another poll that shows things like this, and that’s fundraising. The president’s fundraising is apparently through the roof. They apparently… They are dwarfing the amount of money that Obama had raised at this point. They’re dwarfing the amount of money that they had raised in the 2016 race.

It is pouring in. Brad Parscale, the campaign manager, continues to report the numbers and submit opinion pieces to go along with the numbers. All of the indications that this is causing people to abandon Trump? It’s the exact opposite. I’m talking about voters now. In the Beltway, it’s a different story. You’ve got the Never Trumpers on Fox and got the Never Trumpers outside Fox all claiming it’s all imploding on the president. It isn’t. They continue to misrepresent and lie what the president’s doing in that phone call to Ukraine.

The president’s actually pretty smart. He did another press conference today on the way to the Marine One helicopter. He’s going down to The Villages here in Florida, which is, what, outside Orlando? And he’s gonna make a speech down there, and he had one of those press gaggles. You know, where he stops. You hear the whine of the helicopter engine in the background. You can barely hear the screaming kids of Democrats in the media shouting their inane, childish questions, and Trump answers them.

I was just… You know, you’re reading the media today, and they continue to miscast. Here’s their talking point. This is why they are impeaching him, by the way. This is it. If you know how to watch ’em, as I do, if you know how to translate what they’re saying, as I do, what they are saying — and this is all they have. This is why they have called what they’re doing “impeachment.” They are claiming that on that phone call to the president of Ukraine that Trump asked Ukraine and the president to “dig up dirt” on his 2020 political opponent, which would be Joe Biden.

That’s not how Trump characterizes what he’s doing and that’s not what Trump was doing. But they are taking this and they’re running with it. They’re way premature, they’re way early, they can’t stop themselves, they can’t help themselves. It’s gonna come back and bite them. It’s in the process of doing that now, they are claiming that what Trump did was ask the president of Ukraine to dig up dirt. Remember Schiff even had to lie about it. He had to lie about it. The transcript of the phone call does not say anything of the sort.

But Schiff lied as committee chairman by saying that the president called the president of Ukraine and asked him to “make up” and “dig up dirt” on his opponent, “make up as much as you can, and don’t get back to me until you have done that.” That’s not what Trump did, and Trump perfectly characterized it here in his little press gaggle today and on previous occasions. What he is saying is that I, as president, have a duty to make sure that government officials are not corrupting or acting in a corrupt way in foreign governments.

Which is what Biden and his kid were doing! Biden set his kid up to earn $50,000 a month as a hedge fund-type financial analyst and adviser, after being made a member of the board of the company, Burisma, that does this. They simply cut Biden’s the kid in after pressure from Joe Biden to do it. Remember Biden bragged about firing a prosecutor who was looking into his kid? The bottom line is it is crucially important that the United States make sure that no agents of its government are acting in corrupt ways or are corrupting the operations of a foreign government, and that’s what Trump is asking the guy to investigate.

The media and the Democrats have totally turned that, done a 180 on it, claiming that Trump’s digging up dirt on his 2020 opponent. But that is it. That is why Kasich said to CNN, “You can’t impeach a guy over a phone call.” That’s it. Yes, I watched a Democrat activist on Fox today. That’s the only thing they’ve got. This woman kept returning to that. No matter what objection was raised, no matter how it was pointed out that that’s not what Trump was doing, that’s all she had. “You can’t engage…”

In fact, it was a repeat of what Donna Brazile said yesterday on Fox. (paraphrased) “You can’t use the presidency to advance your own personal political fortunes!” So they’re saying that Trump was asking the president of Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden, and that’s not at all what was happening. But that’s all they’ve got, and because that’s all they’ve got, now they’ve got the whistleblower. They’re trying to make it look like somebody overheard Trump saying this.

It’s all as made up as the Russia collusion was, folks. It is as made up as that. It is as totally manufactured out of nothing as that is. There is no real impeachment. There is no impeachable offense or behavior by the president in this circumstance. The corruption was engaged in by Biden and his son. By the way, we may need an APB on Hunter Biden. Has anybody found the guy? Here’s a good way of looking at this. I saw somebody make this point. Let’s say that you have some money that you want to invest.

Would you call Goldman Sachs? Would you call the Blackstone Group (that’s Steve Schwarzman and his buddies)? Would you call Merrill Lynch? Would you call Wells Fargo? Or would you call Hunter Biden? Hunter Biden is the last person anybody would call to manager their wealth portfolio. He doesn’t know anything about it. He never has done it. He’s put on the board of this company that does it. He’s paid $50,000 a month. He got a big sweetheart cash bonus. This is how Biden took care of his kid.

This is what happens. Well, this is the United States government — the Obama administration’s vice president — corrupting the flow of business in Ukraine, and Trump wants this guy to find out the truth. What Trump’s actually doing — and I stress again. What Trump was actually doing was asking the president of Ukraine to be of assistance in the pursuit of the Barr investigation, the investigation into the investigation. There is a telltale sign…

If you are going wobbly, if you are getting weak-kneed, if you are beginning to doubt that the Barr investigation’s real or that it’s going to produce anything, let me give you a different way of looking at it. Barr has spent a lot of time in Italy. Barr is traveling all over Europe tracking down this investigation. Everywhere he goes, there is a Drive-By Media story featuring quotes from various people who say that Barr is “chasing a conspiracy theory.”

One of the writers at has done a little informal research into this, and they found out that whenever the Democrats using “conspiracy theory” or “chasing a conspiracy theory,” It is a telltale sign they are scared to death and are attempting to discredit whatever is going on by casting it as a bunch of lunatics that are carrying out a conspiracy or a conspiracy theory. I think that there’s a considerable amount of panic.

That’s why there’s such speed by the Democrats here to get this phony impeachment thing going. When they see polling data shows that Trump’s ticking up two points and his fundraising? And that’s just one poll. It’s happening in Rasmussen as well. Oh, and there’s a Monmouth poll out there. This is not insignificant. Monmouth is a poll that all these Drive-By people love and believe in. I didn’t catch the numbers. I caught the numbers for a split second. I tried jot them down here. I think, 43-37, believe that Biden engaged in corruption in Ukraine with his son.

It’s 43-37. Now, who’s out there spreading that story? Well, of course Trump and his allies in so-called alternative media. Who’s out there trying to nuke it? Everybody else. The Washington Post, the New York Times, the CNN. And yet in the Monmouth poll, it clearly says that a plurality, 43… I think it was 43. It might have been 47, but I think was 43-37 believe that Biden had engaged in corruption, U.S. officials were corrupt in foreign countries, Ukraine and so forth.

Anyway, let me take a brief break and come back. That’s a brief set of the table. We’ll now tear it down and go through this bit by bit. We’re gonna bring back — we’re gonna bring back from the Grooveyard of Forgotten Sound Bites — the Adam Schiff getting punk’d by a couple of comedians in Ukraine phone call during the Trump-Russia collusion. People can’t hear this enough. We have led the way in American media in airing this.

A couple of comedians called Schiff claiming they had nude photos of Trump, claiming that they were Russians and they had nude photos of Trump while these prostitutes were urinating or whatever. Schiff fell for it and was making plans to get the “kompromat” from them on the phone call. Schiff’s in deep doo-doo now anyways because it’s clear that he ran the whistleblower. The whistleblower didn’t hear something and then panic and then… You know what? The whistleblower is supposed to go to the IG. He didn’t go to the IG, the inspector general. He called Schiff. Schiff guided the guy through the whistleblower process.

The New York Times blew that up yesterday.


RUSH: Just got confirmation. It’s 43-37 the Monmouth poll: 43-37, people believe Trump’s allegations about Biden. It’s 43-37. In the Monmouth University poll, 43-37, people believe Trump about Biden. You got poll: 47% approval, having ticked up two points during this latest impeachment fiasco. It ain’t going down like they thought. Like I told you! Like I told you late last week and the beginning of this week, you know, when Jake Tapper says, “Well, you know what? When Nixon was impeached, he had a big really bunch of lawyers, and so did — so did Clinton.

“But Trump doesn’t! Trump doesn’t. What does Trump have? Trump has Fox News and Fox and talk radio.” They were ticked off that it wasn’t working.


RUSH: I have a little bit more here on the Monmouth University poll, and it’s even better in some regards. The 43 to 37% plurality there that believe Trump and his claim that Biden pressured Ukraine to keep them from investigating his son’s business, that’s registered voters. Likely voters is a better sample, but registered voters, we’ll take it. It’s a good slice, and 43% is a good number. But! In the category known as the precious independents and moderates, 40% — 40% of independents — believe what they have heard from Trump.

It’s not that 60% don’t, because there’s a whole bunch of don’t-knows in here. The fact that 40% of independents are inclined to believe what they have heard from Trump is a gigantic red flag (or ought to be) to the Biden campaign. The independents! Remember, in Washington this is where they think elections are won. This is where they think it all matters: The precious independents. I think it’s way overblown, but that’s what they think, and what they think is what matters here.

If 40% (a plurality) of independents believe Trump over Biden? Ho-ho-ho-ho! Coupled with the poll? Ho-ho-ho-ho! It ain’t unfolding as they had dreamed.
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 3rd
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2019, 06:13:18 pm »

By Releasing the Transcript, Trump Turned the Tables on Pencil Neck

Oct 3, 2019

RUSH: Now let’s move on to Adam Schiff. In Adam Schiff, ladies and gentlemen, we’re dealing with a… I want to be believed here so I don’t want to be engaging in any histrionics. The guy is a bad human being. He’s a bad guy. He is dishonest. He is not trustworthy. He oozes slime and smarm. He has an arrogance and a condescension about him that are really personally off putting to me.

He’s incapable of the truth. He is so poisoned with hatred for Trump that he suffers, I think, purposeful delusions. I think had he purposely deludes himself as a way of dealing with his abject failure as first the ranking Democrat on the Intelligence Committee and now the chairman. He has almost, it seems, taken it upon himself to get rid of Trump. He was the champion of the Trump-Russia collusion theory in the House, and he has openly lied so many times about having documented and documentable proof of Trump collusion with Russia.

He has yet to produce it. He doesn’t have it because it doesn’t exist. But the thing about Adam Schiff — and let’s do a little timeline here. For those of us that follow stuff every day, we know who he is and that I call him Pencil Neck. He’s got bug eyes. He looks like he and Ocasio-Cortez could have the same father and mother. They have the same eyes. I mean, gigantic bug-eyed things and they never blink. I mean, it’s okay. Humans are humans. It’s still distracting.

Now, two years ago Adam Schiff lied to the American people. He said he had “absolute proof beyond circumstantial” that Trump had colluded with the Russians, and he repeated that lie for two solid years every chance he got. He was on the media more than he wasn’t. He repeated the lie from his ranking committee chair on the House Intelligence Committee. He got the networks to give him endless appearance opportunities, and he took advantage of every one — and on every one, he lied repeatedly that he had evidence.

Now, at the beginning, he admitted that they didn’t have any evidence even after some hearings — which, he said, was a problem because “we know it exists.” So even when he was acknowledging they didn’t have any evidence, the reason was because Trump was covering it up or Trump supporters were not being forthcoming. Well, guess what? Adam Schiff has just been revealed to be a “fact witness”! You know, guy like Schiff love to use that term.

It makes ’em sound like they’re really super experts in something, “fact witness.” “Wait a minute. He’s a witness.” No, no! Schiff talks about people being “fact witnesses,” which means, “They cannot be disbelieved. They cannot be rejected. They are fact witnesses.” Well, I’m gonna turn the table on him. He is now a fact witness in this so-called whistleblower scandal. He was involved in creating the whistleblower’s complaint — and in an abject lie that he himself had to blow his own cover because it was gonna get blown eventually.

The original story was this. Trump makes a phone call to the President of Ukraine. Nobody knew about it the phone call until a whistleblower prepared a complaint for the inspector general. In this complaint, it was said that Trump had mentioned seven or eight times that he wanted the president of Ukraine to make up and dig up dirt on his opponent. The whistleblower and everybody was allowed to make it all up because they never thought Trump was gonna release the transcript of the call, so they could say anything at all happened on it– and they did.

They made it up. Seven or eight times Trump demanded this or that, wanted the president to make up stuff, not get back to him until he had made it up. He promised, threatened to withhold American aid if the president didn’t do what he wanted. All of this, they said, was Donald Trump trying to dig up dirt on a presidential opponent/candidate opponent for 2020. Then Trump screwed all of that up by releasing the transcript — and when the transcript was released, it was learned that Trump had not said anything seven or eight times.

He did not ask anybody to make anything up. He didn’t say, “Dig it up.” He didn’t say, “Don’t get back to me until you have it,” and he never threatened to withhold American aid. None of what they had said about it was true. The whistleblower was blown sky-high. After the transcript was released, everybody in the public knew more than the whistleblower knew. The whistleblower has thus been obviated and relegated to unnecessary.

As such, this whistleblower will never testify because it was then learned that he didn’t know anything firsthand! He was told these things. Then he prepared his report, his whistleblower report for the inspector general. Well, guess what? None of that’s true, either. Because what was revealed yesterday in the New York Times was that the whistleblower first contacted Adam Schiff, not the inspector general, and that Adam Schiff helped him write whistleblower complaint.

We have often thought that committee staff of either the Judiciary or the Intelligence Committee actually wrote the whistleblower report because it’s written like an experienced lawyer would write something, and the whistleblower has been outed by the New York Times as a CIA agent. And the software they did that was to give the guy credibility. In the New York Times world, if you tell your readers that the source is CIA, well, that means automatically believable and credible.

Well, they goofed up, because by telling us the source was the CIA, they told us where to look for the other conspirators at the same time! Everybody was wonder, “Well, well, well, well, who told the whistleblower? If the whistleblower does not have firsthand knowledge of it, then who told him?” A-ha! Now we know. So thank you, New York Times, for outing your operative as a CIA agent. That tells us where to look for the other conspirators in this sordid tale.

So the New York Times runs this story yesterday saying that Pencil Neck was the original recipient of the whistleblower’s information. And people are wondering, “Why would the New York Times do this? Why would the New York Times run a piece undermining Pencil Neck and undermining impeachment?” But if you read the story as I did, you find out that the revelation came directly from Schiff’s spokesman, a guy named Patrick Boland.

The New York Times even says so. Yet everybody seems to have missed that, which makes me think that once Trump unexpectedly, surprisingly released the transcript, Schiff realized all of this was gonna come out. He realized it. Trump releasing that transcript smoked these people. I cannot he hasn’t this enough. Releasing that transcript blue up every plan they had made, and it was already implemented. They were lying about what Trump said in the phone call.

They all Trump would never release it to protect presidential privacy, that they could then make up what Trump said — and then at the same time get a twofer: Accuse Trump of a cover-up, stonewalling, obstruction. Oh, it was all laid out! It was ready to happen! And Trump blows everything to smithereens by releasing the transcript. So now Schiff and his office know all of this is gonna come cascading out. They had to get in front of it.

They called the New York Times knowing that the New York Times is gonna cover for ’em, knowing that the New York Times is not gonna blow Schiff up. They’re gonna report it, but they’re not gonna report it in a way that criticizes or ruins or destroys Schiff. He will be protected. Schiff realized all this is gonna come out. So he gave it to the New York Times — and he’s a longtime source for the New York Times, by the way. So he knew exactly who to call, who to have his spokesman call, so they could put the best possible spin on it.

That is why the article mostly is comprised of quotes from Schiff’s spokesperson and one of the whistleblower’s lawyers. But they report the fact and then they try to disguise it and hide it and misdirect you away from it. But the bottom line is: The whistleblower is not illegitimate. The whistleblower is not some super patriot concerned about the violation of the U.S. Constitution and worried about the president destroying our country. None of that.

It’s all an orchestrated campaign to be able to tell the American people a brand-new set of lies that Trump blew to smithereens by releasing the transcript. So just like Christine Blasey Ford was not real… She was not someone unknown to anybody who came forward to say, “This guy raped me! This guy abused me!” It was orchestrated, it was planned, it was kept in a drawer in the event they needed it. Dianne Feinstein was assigned the effort to go public with it, not Blasey Ford’s member of Congress.

It’s the same thing here. The whistleblower goes to Schiff… Forget the term “whistleblower.” The leaker! The conspirator goes to Schiff. “Okay. Here’s what we want to say that Trump just said to this phone call. ” So Schiff works with the whistleblower, they prepare the complaint, manufacture a series of lies. The media scarfs it up and regurgitates it, and now we’re on to a brand-new Trump-colluding-with-foreign-governments scandal which did not happen.

I’m telling you that their impeachment inquiry is made of the same flimsy balsawood as this attempt. Schiff has been exposed in a major way. He’s being covered for by the Drive-By Media. Now, I want to get to the timeline because he’s lied through his teeth, and I want to document that and have the audio of him falling for the fake Russian comedian phone call where they claim to have nude photos of Trump with Putin or whatever it was.


RUSH Now, here the quickly is the Adam Schiff timeline.

On August 12th, the whistleblower files his complaint. That’s right: August 12th. Nobody knows about it then, but that’s what it happened.

On August 28th, two weeks later, Adam Schiff tweets that Trump is withholding Ukraine military aid while his personal lawyer is seeking political help to get Joe Biden.

On September 9th, Schiff announced an investigation, writes to the White House demanding a transcript of the Zelensky call. This is before the whistleblower complaint was ever made public. Schiff wants a transcript of the call before anybody knows anything about this. How does he know about it? The whistleblower complaint had not been made public. This was Schiff’s first attempt at being able to claim that Trump was stonewalling and obstructing and ultimately covering it up.

Six days later, September 15th, Schiff implies he doesn’t know the subject of the whistleblower’s complaints. He says he only knows it involved the president or VP, and he said on Face the Nation on September the 15th, “At the end of the day, if the IG doesn’t take this complaint seriously, whistleblowers will just leak their information to the press,” which is what seems to have been the whistleblower’s complaint about the CIA. Schiff is setting all of this up with full knowledge of what’s to come.

September 17th, Schiff tells MSNBC, “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to.”

September 19th, Atkinson briefs lawmakers on the Hill without revealing the substance of the complaint. Schiff tells the media he’s “eager to find out what the subject of the urgent complaint.” In other words, he lied again, because then yesterday the New York Times runs the story that he was running the whistleblower, that Schiff was the first recipient of whatever the whistleblower had — and that it was Schiff who helped the whistleblower compose it, write it, put it together in an official complaint, not the inspector general.

This timeline with Schiff being exposed as a full-fledged liar indicates that this has been a political operation from the get-go. When Schiff, back on Face the Nation, said he didn’t know the whistleblower’s complaint, didn’t know the details — on September 9th, he wants a transcript of the president’s call with the Ukrainian president — nobody knows anything yet! And then after that, Schiff says he doesn’t know.

Anyway, you’ve gotta think Christine Blasey Ford or Steele dossier. Folks, all of this was completely and totally manufactured (including the lies of what Trump said on the phone call) on the belief — they bet — that Trump would not release the transcript. When that happened, Schiff has been exposed to the point that the New York Times had to out him.

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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 3rd
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2019, 07:06:30 pm »

This Is Why You Love Donald Trump

Oct 3, 2019

RUSH: Something else happened today. This is the reason you love Trump. During that press gaggle when he’s on the way to Marine One, the helicopter, to catch a plane to head down to The Villages here in Florida, he said, “You know, it’s not just Ukraine. The Chinese should be looking into Joe Biden too! I mean, there’s a $1.5 billion of funny money there.

“The Chinese government ought to be looking into the Bidens.” Of course, the Washington media and everybody said, “Grab me the vapors! Oh, my God. Oh, my God.” Now the headlines are, “Trump is recruiting the Chinese! Trump is so bad! He asked the Ukrainians to do his dirty work, and that’s not enough. Now he’s asking the ChiComs to do his dirty work!”

This president, the point is, will not be intimidated. Whatever it is that upsets them, he doubles down on it, and gives ’em another dose of it while telling the truth.


RUSH: Let me have the president saying this stuff for you, because the Washington establishment is going nuts. They’re going nuts! “How could he do this?” But this is the stuff he does that just coalesces his support with his voters and his base. This is the stuff he does that they love. This is the pushback. This is the real guy who says what he really thinks unfiltered, that makes Trump so approachable and likable to so many people. So he’s on the White House lawn making his way to Marine One, the helicopter, for a trip down to Florida.

Along the way, he stops and talks to the media — and once again, we didn’t see the media. These people cannot get any facetime. It frustrates the heck out of ’em. All you can hear are the aircraft noises in the background, some white noise, and then these press people that sound like Romper Room at recess. So the first question was from John Roberts at Fox. “What exactly did you hope Zelensky would do about the Biden phone call?”

THE PRESIDENT: Start a major investigation into the Bidens. Likewise, China should start an investigation into the Bidens, because what happened to China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine. So I would say that President Zelensky, if it were me, I would recommend that they start an investigation into the Bidens because nobody has any doubt that they weren’t crooked. That was a crooked deal, a hundred percent. I’m sure that President Xi does not like being under that kind of scrutiny where billions of dollars is taken out of his country by a guy that just got kicked out of the Navy. He got kicked out of the Navy; all of the sudden he’s getting billions of dollars! You know what they call that? They call that a payoff.

RUSH: Now, the idea that Trump’s good friend President Xi doesn’t know about this is the kind of absurd. I’m sure that President Xi knew what he was buying. Remember this was the Obama administration when this happened. Biden takes his kid to see the ChiComs in December of, I think, 2010, and this is where they are lying about, “I never talked to my son about any of these deals,” and they’re pictured on the golf course with the Burisma CEO and CFO, and Biden’s introducing his son to the ChiCom leaders and so forth.

But we’re to believe here that none of this stuff ever came up. So it’s just magical that the ChiComs invested $1.5 billion in Joe’s son. “It’s just magical. What a confluence of events that have nothing to do with Biden!” But Trump now… See, the Democrats are trying to make hay that Trump’s sole purpose in calling the president of Ukraine was to dig up dirt on Biden because he’s a presidential candidate, opponent. What Trump is saying is, “No, no, no, no! We can’t have the American government engaging in corrupt activities in foreign governments.

“I’m gonna clean that out, and there’s a mutual treaty between the Ukraine for that express purpose.” Now, adding the ChiComs to this? (Snort!) Folks, can I tell you how this really works? Let’s say that you are Donald Trump, and you know that the Drive-Bys hate you, and you know that they want to kick you out of office, and you know that they want you to lose, and you know that they want whoever the Democrats nominate to win — and you know that right about now Biden or Warren, depending on the poll, are the frontrunners.

So you want it known that Joe Biden and his son engaged in the typical kind of insider deals that Washington parents use to enrich themselves and their kids. Meanwhile, Trump has not done any of this. He’s clean and pure as the wind-driven snow compared to your average Washington insider in terms of deals like this. Trump has made his money outside Washington, legitimately. These people show up in Washington, earn a government salary of 120 to 150, and end up having millionaire sons and daughters. How does it work?

Trump knows how it works. He’s trying to expose it. We know that there are two smarmy deals between Biden and two governments, one Ukraine and one the ChiComs. Trump wants it known that it’s not just Ukraine. It’s Hunter Biden and Joe Biden and the ChiComs too. So how do you do it? If you know… If you’re Trump and you know that if you just go out and report I, they’re gonna mock you and they’re gonna laugh at you, make fun of you and not take it seriously. So Trump decides in what is an impromptu press conference, press gaggle, to simply lodge the allegation.

Trump knows that the Drive-Bys are never gonna report on Biden and China. Trump knows that the Drive-Bys are never gonna report on Biden and Ukraine, unless they decide to take Biden out. In which case, ABC (way back in May) started this whole ball rolling, if you remember, with the first report nailing Biden and his kid to the wall. That’s when I thought that the decision had been made to take Biden out — and I still think that it is. But I think, to cut to the chase, this is a brilliant maneuver.

What better way to inform the American people that the Bidens have a corruption problem in China, too, than to simply accuse them of it and let the media carry the water? The media’s now telling everybody that Biden and his son have been accused of corruption in China! They don’t know they’re doing that. What the media thinks they’re doing is destroying Trump. They’re making fun of Trump. “Listen to this latest silly allegation from Trump!” But they’re reporting it.

Trump has found a way to get into the mainstream news cycle that Biden and his kid have a corrupt deal in China. The media think that what they’re doing is telling the country how odd and screwball and unfit Trump is. What the media is really doing is telling the country how dirty the Bidens are. Trump is playing them, I think, almost like a Stradivarius here. If Trump had called a press conference sand said, “You need to report that the…”

Let me give you an example. Remember when Harry Reid called the press in and said a friend of his told him that Mitt Romney has not paid taxes in 10 years? What happened? The press said to Harry Reid, “Well, who’s your friend? We need to talk to guy.” Harry Reid got mad at ’em. He said, “You don’t need to talk to my friend! You need to talk to Romney you need to ask Romney why he hasn’t paid taxes in 10 years.” Harry Reid didn’t offer a smidgen bit of truth!

And the media went to Romney and asked him why he hadn’t paid taxes in 10 years, and then started reporting that it had been alleged that he hadn’t, and Romney’s immediately on the defense. If Trump tries that, if Trump calls the press in and says, “You need to ask Biden about this corrupt deal he’s got with the Chinese,” do you think they’re gonna behave like they did with Harry Reid and go off to Biden and say, “What about this corrupt deal you have with the Chinese?” They’re not. The media story’s is gonna be how about insane Trump is, that Trump’s trying to use them.

Trump trying to manipulate them by spreading lies about Biden. So Trump doesn’t do it the Harry Reid way. He simply makes the allegation himself. He doesn’t say a friend of his told him. He makes the allegation himself, and the press can’t help themselves. They’re out there reporting what Trump said, while thinking they are reporting what an idiot Trump is. But now it’s all over the place that Biden and his son had a corrupt deal in China as well as Ukraine.

You know, it’s over for Biden; he just doesn’t know it yet. He’s still out there at his various, you know, once-every-two-weeks appearances (impression), “I don’t care what you do to me, Trump! I’m not leaving! I really want to punch you in the nose, Trump! I’m not leaving. Where am I, anyway? No, I’m not leaving here. I’m not leaving. I’m not leaving the campaign. I’m not going anywhere, Trump!

“You can’t intimidate me, Trump. You can’t intimidate me, and you can’t intimidate my family. I’m not going anywhere, Trump. I don’t care how hard you try, you can’t do it.” That’s what he’s reduced to. Here’s the other sound bite of the president at the White House press gaggle today. Let’s see. Oh, this is a it thinks of what he just said about this being a payoff with the ChiComs paying Bidens $1.5 billion, and we just pick it up at that point.

THE PRESIDENT: I think Biden is going down, and I think his whole situation, because now you may well find that there are other countries that they scammed, just like they scammed China and Ukraine. And basically who are they really scamming? The USA. And it’s not good.

REPORTERS: (shouting)

THE PRESIDENT: And that’s probably why China, for so many years, has had a sweetheart deal where China rips off the USA, because they deal with people like Biden where they give their son a billion-and-a-half dollars! And that’s probably why China has such a sweetheart deal that for so many years they’ve been ripping off our country.

RUSH: And we’ll take a break.
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 3rd
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2019, 07:32:45 pm »

Charlie Cook Tells Dems Impeachment Is a Bad Idea

Oct 3, 2019

RUSH: I mentioned Charlie Cook. The Cook Report is the Bible, gospel inside the Beltway.

He’s a political analyst, polling analyst, all this stuff, and he’s out there saying (paraprhased), “I don’t think these Democrats should be doing this,” meaning impeachment. “I think it’s very risky.” This is a guru they listen to. This is from an interview that happened Tuesday, and this is Charlie Cook. The question he was asked, “Impeachment inquiry, what impact do you think it’s gonna have on the 2020 campaign?”

COOK: If I were Democrats, I don’t think I would do this. To me, it sucks all the oxygen out of the room. If I were a Democrat —

RUSH: You are.

COOK: — I would want every bit of energy to be focused on winning a November 3rd election and not on this, regardless of what the merits may be, because I think having a focus on the election and impeachment are somewhat contradictory. And, you know, I’m not sure how great an idea if you’re a Democrat for the president to have a victory, uh, to be acquitted by the Senate.

RUSH: Yeah, see, that’s why it’s not gonna get that far. It’s why this is a campaign strategical event. They’re not gonna let it get to the Senate. There’s never gonna be articles of impeachment written. There will not be a case made and a trial in the Senate because if Trump’s acquitted, that’s it! The Democrats would have failed. That’s not what this is. It’s never intended to get there. But Cook’s point still remains. They’re trying to make everybody think they are engaged in impeachment, that it is real.

His point here is it’s sucking all the oxygen out of the room, and it’s focusing on trying to win an election by getting rid of your opponent. Through impeachment? This is not how people view impeachment and in the process they’re ignoring the campaign, they’re ignoring the issue, they’re making it look like they don’t care about the people of the country. And that is exactly right. They won’t listen to Cook. I just wanted to share his opinion.

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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 3rd
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2019, 07:59:49 pm »

Frustrated Callers Think Democrats Will Always Get Away with It

Oct 3, 2019

RUSH: This is Dan in Middleton, Colorado, and it says up there you’re very frustrated, that you don’t think you’re ever gonna see the single day where a single Democrat gets in a single bit of trouble for anything they’ve done. Is that pretty much right?

CALLER: That’s correct. Rush, I just want to say, “Miracles do happen,” but to my point, we’ve watched for three years. We’ve heard people like Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, John Solomon say they’ve got conclusive evidence. They’ve got sworn testimony, affidavits, documents, this, that, and the other thing. And no one, not a single person, has ever been brought to justice. They took Paul Manafort in the dark of night on bogus charges, and he’s still in a prison in solitary confinement.

If I wasn’t a conspiratorialist, I’d believe that this is all for show. Because is it possible that this runs so deep that many, many Republicans will be caught up in this, too, because I don’t think it has to do with just Trump being in office and colluding with the Russians or the Ukrainians. I think he has the power to look into all kinds of things, and it could expose half or three-quarters of Washington, and nobody wants to be, you know, put behind bars and taken out of power.

So I don’t see how it’s possible that not one person isn’t made an example of, of Comey or Strzok Smirk. Take them, indict them, and change the media narrative for these people and what they’re being arrested for. It would take this whole thing off of the front page and focus on this one individual or another individual. But nobody in three years has ever been indicted? Something doesn’t smell right.

RUSH: No. But look. (sigh) Let me attack this from a couple of different ways. The first thing you said when you started listing the names of people who have, as far as you’re concerned, assured you that they’ve got the goods, and it’s only a matter of time before it call closes in on these bad guys. I know. You been hearing it for three years. So have I. The big difference between you and me, in this case, is that I have never believed it. I’m not criticizing you for believing it. That’s what you were supposed to do. That has been the point of it. But I never did. Now, why didn’t I? Because Republicans do not behave this way! Did the Republicans ever conduct hearings into Biden —


RUSH: — when this was going on and when they ran the Senate?

CALLER: They don’t.

RUSH: They don’t do this. You’re exactly right. They don’t go after people this way. The Republicans look at it as winning at the ballot box and nowhere else. My second thing to you here is that even if everything you say is true, it still doesn’t mean that all is lost. There still are elections to win, and that is —

CALLER: Oh, I don’t doubt that he’s gonna win, and I would never —

RUSH: I’m not talking about just Trump. I’m talking about getting the House back and maintaining the control of the Senate. Those things have to happen, too.

CALLER: But if they don’t have the winning mentality that you always talk about, what does it do us any good to have the House? We had the House when Trump was elected —

RUSH: Well… (chuckles)

CALLER: — and they fought ’em on every single piece of legislation. That’s why I believe they don’t want him in office, either.

RUSH: Oh, well, there clearly are a lot of Republicans in that camp. Look, I’ve tried to be as honest with people as I can about the makeup of the Washington establishment, and I’m not looking for cover here. I’m just trying to remind you. I’ve countless times warned everybody that it’s both parties. Inside this establishment — this club, this deep state — the party IDs are just to identify who the leaders are and who the sycophants are, but they’re all members.

It’s all pay-to-play. Washington… If you really want to know truth here, if you ask me, the problem is the way the whole town operates.


RUSH: The whole town is pay-to-play! The whole town — and a lot of people stand to be exposed if some people are exposed. And it’s clear that nobody wants to be exposed. Look, I’m getting further away from your point. I’m not trying to talk you out of your point. It’s frustrating as hell! I agree with you a hundred percent.

CALLER: Well, Rush, why wouldn’t Trump hold a national address to the nation and state his case? He’s the master of the media!

RUSH: ‘Cause you can only do it once. You better make sure that when you do it, it works. He’s gotta wait for Barr. He’s gotta wait for what he finds. They have to have a case that is impenetrable. They have to have a case with evidence and documented reams of proof for what they’re going to say. Otherwise, the entirety of the Washington establishment is going to be arrayed against them led by the media. (sigh) Look, this is too easy to say and sound like a cop-out, but it really is not.

I’m just trying to recite what the reality here is. One of the problems is that there are still way too many people who think the media’s a referee. Way too many people think the media is the referee. Therefore, they still believe what the media says, even though the media’s reputation is declining and the amount of respect they have is declining. You and I know the media is the Democrats, the media is the opposition, the media is on one side.

But a lot of Americans still think the media is the referee, that they’re objective and that they’re calling it as they see them. That’s why the Democrats have such favor in public opinion in these things. Plus, they can monkey with their own polls. So whatever Trump and Barr have planned, I’m sure timing is going to be a factor, and I’m sure that… It’s gotta be airtight when they do it because of the amount of opposition that will rise up against it.

CALLER: Yeah, well, I can say this. I don’t know any Trump supporter that isn’t digging her heels in deeper and deeper. I haven’t lost one ounce of support for him, and I think it’s growing with it, and I hope that what you’re saying —

RUSH: I do, too.

CALLER: — and what I’ve been believing, there is gonna be a wave in 2020 that will… They think they were shocked in the first election? I think this is gonna be something to behold.

RUSH: I do too. I agree. I think by the day that there are millions and millions of people seething with rage over every new development here that is nothing more than yet another hoax and phony attempt to destroy the guy they voted for — and not just destroy him. They know it’s about destroying them and what they believe and the chances for what they believe to be represented in the country at the highest levels. There’s a lot at stake here.

I… (sigh) I’m down to 30 seconds here and I’m trying to be cogent in 30 seconds. I understand your frustration that it appears they get away with it. There’s doesn’t seem to be any way of stopping what they do. There’s no… They never seem to get punished for it, other than losing elections now and then. They’ve always had the judiciary to back them up and not lose ground policy-wise even when they lose elections. But now… Look, we will continue this. I’m sure others are gonna weigh in on it. I appreciate the call, Dan.


RUSH: Now, let me expand on something I said to the first caller, ’cause I kind of wish some of the stuff hasn’t happened. But he said he’s been listening to (and he listed some names)… He mentioned media people like John Solomon. He’s been listening to Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes. He been listening to a whole lot of people for three years, and they have claimed that they’ve got all of this evidence that is gonna bring the house down on all these people.

“It’s coming! Breaking news tonight! We’re gonna let it all out!” It goes on for years, and there’s never any resolution to it. The hammer is never dropped. The walls never close in. But the claims that it’s all gonna happen continue. And I said to him, “Well, the difference between you and me and I’ve never believed it, and you have.” I was not criticizing him for believing it. He was supposed to. That’s the way it was presented. Now, why didn’t I believe it? I don’t know, folks. Just… Who can explain it? It’s just my gut. I just don’t…

They may have the evidence. We all know who did what here. And there already is evidence for it. We all know that Trump didn’t collude. We all know what the people that made it up said and how they did it and how they implanted spies. But before making official legal cases with that you have to have it backwards and forwards incontrovertible witnesses, evidence if you’re actually going to charge people and take them to trial and try to get a conviction. You know, doing all this in an actual court is much different than doing it in the media.

And while I have never doubted anything I’ve told you about what these bad actors are doing from the dossier to Comey to the FISA warrants to now Schiff and the phony whistleblower complaint, in one sense, all over the place is just politics too. And you ask, “Why doesn’t anything ever happen to the Democrats?” Because nobody ever charges them with anything. The Republicans simply don’t behave this way. The Republicans run the Senate right now. The Republicans had control of the Senate for some of the Obama administration.

They could have done to Obama what is being done to Trump now. They could have held hearings on what Biden was doing in Ukraine. Biden was bragging about it! They could have held hearings on whatever was going on with China and with Iran, a number of things. They just didn’t. It’s not the way they do business. Why, I can’t tell you. I don’t know. I’m not in their business. I guess it’s not in their system. They understand their role is of the permanent minority — even when they win the Senate or win the House for a while — in terms of membership in the Washington establishment.

It all, to me, comes down to… You ask me, “Well, then why does this stuff matter to you if nothing can be done about?” ‘Cause I think ultimately the way things are going to happen is by winning elections. I just… I had somebody call and ask me a couple weeks ago, “What do we do with what we learn listening to you? What do we do with it after you taught us and told us about it and we believe it? What do we do with it?” I said, “You do what I do. Tell other people! The objective here is to inform as many millions of Americans as possible for the purposes of winning elections.”

That is how we have input. That is how we exert control. That is how we do whatever we can to assure that there’s accountability for these people. We don’t work in the Senate. We don’t run committees. We’re not lawyers there. We’re not part of that establishment. So we can’t do what we think they ought to do. All we can do (and it’s not all, it’s a powerful thing) is keep winning elections and outnumber them! Elections have consequences. Do you realize none of this would be going on if the Republicans had kept the House?

Elections have consequences, folks. It’s what ticked me off about so many damn Republicans retiring. Fifty-fe of them retired, going into 2018 midterms. Why? Well, the excuse was, “Well, they’re losing their committee chairmanships and they don’t want to go back to just being an average member.” Fine. So you quit and you basically turn the House over to the Democrats. It was predictable this was what was going to happen. If the Republicans had busted their ass like Trump did and tried to hold on to the House, this wouldn’t be going on today right now.

Well, I take it back. It would be going on, but only in the media. There wouldn’t be any impeachment garbage going on right now — and this impeachment isn’t real. This is just a 2020 campaign tactic. This is not a real impeachment. There are no subpoenas. Nobody is compelled and forced to go up to Schiff’s committee and talk. They’re even doing it in private! That’s why they chose the intel committee, so they can do it in private. They don’t have anything! They don’t have any impeachable offenses!

They’re working behind closed doors to continue to make stuff up, and then they pass it off to their buddies in the media. The reason this is happening is because we lost the House. The Democrats are who they are! It doesn’t matter a hundred years ago or 50 years ago or 25, they are who they are. If you give them power, this is how they’re gonna use it. Republicans do not use power this way, as Trump is evidencing. Trump is using his power to make things better. He’s trying to invest in the country, fix the economy, health care, you the name. The Democrats don’t do that.

The Democrats are trying to get rid of all opposition so that they can then rule autocratically, so that they don’t have to be beholden to elections. Anybody who says there’s no difference in the two parties is missing it. There are a lot of similarities — pay to play, loyalty to the Washington establishment first and foremost. But in terms of government philosophy, there’s a huge gap between the two parties. The Democrats want to eliminate us as a viable opposition. They don’t want to have to win elections. They don’t want to have to contest them.

They don’t want to have to deal with debating and winning in the arena of ideas. They are autocrats and dictators, and they want to be able to impose whatever they believe on the country. Republicans want to do it with mass public support so that it has legs, so that it has real substance to it, so that it has a foundation for its existence, not just the result of Stalinist- or fascist-like tactics. It’s a huge difference.

But none of that can happen if you lose elections. So we go into the 2018 midterms and I’m hearing, “It’s the pattern. Well, you know, Rush, the first midterms, president always loses seats.” Why? Why do we have to go there? Why does that have to be the case? {” Well, it just is, Rush. It just is,” and because that’s the rule, 55 Republicans quit! Fifty-five! We wouldn’t have lost control of the House if 55 Republicans had stayed. Look, the way the Democrats are behaving is the way they have my entire life. It’s just more intense and worse now, but it’s the same basic approach.


Absence of opposition as the desire.

No wish to have to govern by winning idea arguments.

They just want to be able to implement and control things.

We are not that way. So you can sit there and you can say, “Well, Democrats aren’t going to jail for what they did.” When have they ever? Winning elections is the key to this. It’s why I’m doing what aim doing. You know, people ask me, “Why do you do what you do?” I’ve got a whole bunch of reasons. I love it. I want to be the best at it. I want to have the biggest audience for business reasons, and I also want to change the country. I want to help the country.

Doing all of these things is why I do this, and informing the American public is encompassed in all my objectives, including winning elections! You may think, “That’s not enough anymore, Rush! These Democrats have to go to jail.” Folks, if that is going to be the sole determinant of whether or not we’re winning or losing, then we’re in trouble. That would be akin to saying, “We’re not gonna really win, Rush, until the media supports it.” Well, you can forget ever winning if that’s what you think winning is.

You give Democrats control of these committees in the House or the Senate, and this is what they’re going to do with it! When you make them non-committee chairmen, when you keep them the minority on every committee, all they can do is bellyache and whine and moan and do all of this in the media — and they do, and the media makes it look like they won. The media makes it look like they’re the dominant ones. The media makes it look like that they are the majority. But they aren’t when they lose. When they lose, they lose.

And the only way any of this would be going on if the Republicans had won in 2018, is if there were a bunch of Republicans who thought Trump should be impeached too. But they wouldn’t have been chairmen of any of the committees. So don’t fall for the notion that winning elections doesn’t matter or that it isn’t important. It’s not gonna send people to jail necessarily. It’s not gonna convict people you know who have committed political crimes, but it is going to keep them away from the kind of power they thirst for.


RUSH: I kind of feel like my old buddy that I told you about earlier in the week who sent me this email. “Rush, why all the defeatism? I don’t understand all the defeatism. It’s imploding on the Democrats. Trump’s numbers are going up. The time is almost up for the Democrats.” I feel the exact same way. This is imploding on the Democrats! It’s not going at all the way they had it planned! None of it is! They haven’t hit the bull’s-eye yet on any of this!

I know Manafort’s in jail and I know they railroaded Flynn. There are people trying to deal with Flynn and get him out of the problem here. But that should also be an eye-opening education as to what we’re dealing with here and who these people are! They don’t deserve power. They don’t deserve to win.
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“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
-Matthew 6:34