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Rush Transcripts..Oct. 1st
« on: October 01, 2019, 05:49:33 pm »
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Bret Baier Busts the New York Times on Another Fake News “Bombshell”

Oct 1, 2019

RUSH: A classic example, classic example of the way the media, the Democrats in the media are just flat-out lying to you, a classic example of how the Democrats in the media are trying to create this illusion that is in no way related to reality.

Greetings, my friends, and great to have you with us. Rush Limbaugh, America’s Real Anchorman here at the Excellence in Broadcasting Network. And the telephone number is 800-282-2882. The email address,

So the New York Times — and, by the way, stand by for audio sound bite number 12.

So the New York Times runs this big blockbuster. You know what the big blockbuster is? That Trump told Barr, he told Barr to call the Australians and he told Barr to call the Ukrainians, and he told Barr to call everybody to try to dig up dirt on the Democrats and try to dig up dirt on whoever started the original Mueller investigation, the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.

There’s only one problem with it. Trump made this request of Barr in public, months ago! The New York Times knows this. The New York Times wants you to think they uncovered some super-secret White House document that Trump is breaking the law, that Trump is using his own attorney general to do his own personal lawyer stuff.

Meanwhile, Trump publicly acknowledged that he told Barr he wants to get to the bottom of this. By the way, not just for what happened to him, but for what might happen to presidents down the road or down the line. But the bottom line is that the New York Times is out making its readers think that Trump is behaving like a sneaky snake again trying to co-opt the attorney general of the United States into being his own personal lawyer.

So when this story dropped yesterday, Bret Baier on Fox News had to call the New York Times out because it was during an interview with Bret Baier that Trump made it known that he had asked Barr, and therefore it’s in public, to look into Ukraine, and had asked the Australians. He’d asked everybody to help him to help Barr find out what happened.

Here’s the sound bite. This is last night from Bret Baier’s Special Report, and he’s talking about the bombshell New York Times story that Trump asked the Australia prime minister to cooperate with Barr into the origins of the Russia investigation. This interview is from May the 24th. Here we go, three, two, one.

BAIER: Late this afternoon, the New York Times moved a piece that said: “Trump Pressed Australian Leader to Help Barr,” the Attorney General, “Investigate Mueller Inquiry’s Origins.” It got a lot of pickup and social media press and press all over. One thing to note, though, he said something like this publicly right here at the White House not too long ago.

THE PRESIDENT: The Attorney General is one of the most respected people in this country. He can look. And I hope he looks at the U.K., and I hope he looks at Australia, and I hope he looks at Ukraine. I hope he looks at everything, because there was a hoax that was perpetrated on our country.

RUSH: There was not with an interview of Bret Baier. I misunderstood. It was just Bret Baier being a good journalist there remembering what Trump had said. Again, back on May 24th telling everybody in the media — it’s one of those famous press gaggles on the way to Marine One, the helicopter. Here’s the New York Times story. “Trump Pressed Australian Leader to Help Barr Investigate Mueller Inquiry’s Origins.”

If you go search the internet, you can easily find Trump telling everybody that he has asked Barr to look at the U.K., Australia, and Ukraine for what was and what is the Russian hoax! So it’s a classic example, it was an attempt at a bombshell. The New York Times was trying to create a news bombshell yesterday claiming without any evidence based on two made-up sources that Trump had pressured the Australian prime minister during a phone call to help Barr gather information for the Justice Department investigation of the investigators.

But Trump had told everybody in the world back in May, and probably a couple of times since then, what he has asked Barr to do. Trump is so wide open with what he does and what he thinks that official Washington still can’t acclimate itself to him. And so what in the natural order of things in Washington would constitute a bombshell, Trump’s already done it.

But the point here is, folks, very simply, that this is another example right out in the open of the Democrats in the media trying to manufacture some gigantic bombshell to portray Trump as breaking the law so this can be folded into the impeachment inquiry. And there was nothing true about the New York Times story at all other than Trump had done it, but he had done it publicly months before the New York Times claiming that they just discovered it.

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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 1st
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2019, 06:22:51 pm »

Hammer Democrats for Abandoning Constituents on Things That Matter

Oct 1, 2019

RUSH: I asked yesterday a couple of callers, and in general, what are you hearing people say about this? And I’ve heard from across the gamut. I’ve had people say that they’re running into people that didn’t vote for Trump, Democrats who did vote for Trump, Democrats that didn’t, independents, all of this, and they’re livid. I’ve got that angle. People are outraged by this.

Then I’m running into people that don’t even ask me about it, they don’t even talk about it. I ask them, “Why? Why haven’t you brought this up?”

They say, “It’s nothing. It’s just the next Democrat attempt here at getting rid of Trump.”

I said, “It’s impeachment.”

“Ah, it’s not impeachment.” The group I’m talking to, it doesn’t even register, it doesn’t even get their dander up aside from the substance of what it is. And then I had some callers say that the people they’re talking to are livid. And I think both things are probably true. I think there are people outraged by it. The media’s not gonna find those people. They’re not gonna report on those people.

And I think there’s a great group of people, great in size, that is just kind of, not yawning about it, but thinking that it isn’t serious, it’s not really impeachment, it’s just the Democrats continuing their lame effort. And people are wearing out on it. You know, people’s emotional reservoirs empty fairly rapidly. They don’t stay full.

And I think one of greatest indications — it’s always been one of my operating theories, by the way. You can’t keep going back and recycling things and expect to maintain the same level of outrage among normal people because their emotional reservoirs eventually empty. And especially on this! For two years people have been primed to believe that Trump stole the election.

For two years, 2-1/2 years, they’ve been told all kinds of horrible things about Trump, and not a single one of them has been true, come true, or has any evidence backing it up. So you can’t blame people after this amount of time for kind of greeting it all with a ho-hum. Not good for the Democrats. When you begin impeachment proceedings — which the Democrats haven’t really done yet. That’s another point. It’s not a technicality.

They haven’t really started impeachment. All they’re doing is keeping their lunatic base placated right now. They haven’t really started this. And, you know, folks, it is a legitimate question to ask if they ever really will do this or if they’re just going to trying to get away with making people think they are doing it. It requires a formal vote on the House of Representatives floor to get an official impeachment proceeding underway, and they haven’t done that.

They haven’t come close to doing that. Pelosi has just made the “inquiry” official, which is akin to convening a grand jury. What do you do to a grand jury? You present evidence. They don’t have any! They haven’t moved this ball forward. Now they’re talking about having this vote in December. How serious about this can they be? They’re on the two-week recess again! They just finished the recess in August. They’re on another recess now, and they have to know that it is going to die in the Senate.

Do you realize…? Let me give you a stat. No president has ever been removed from office via impeachment. They have resigned first before it got to the ultimate conclusion, Nixon the most recent. But no president has ever been removed from office as the result of a conviction in a Senate trial, which is where impeachment trials take place — and there, you need 67 votes to convict, and there’s no way that that is going to happen.

So what are the Democrats actually doing here? Well, they are creating a massive illusion that they are serious about it, a massive illusion that Trump has committed impeachable offenses. They are going through the motions of creating this image that impeachment is underway, that Trump is guilty and it’s just a matter of time before it’s all made official. But nothing is official yet. The media is active participants in it. And then you get into next year.

Next year is the campaign year, obviously, for the next presidential election — and as I pointed out yesterday, the Democrats have totally abandoned any kind of agenda that has anything to do with the country. For example, there’s nothing happening on fixing health care. There’s nothing happening on reducing drug prices. There’s nothing happening on gun control. Although (chuckles), Schumer is going to ask… This show gets action. This show gets results.

No sooner did I make this point yesterday than Schumer makes a big deal of asking Trump to join him on mutual gun control talks. Trump’s not gonna talk to them about gun control, because they’re not serious about doing anything for the American people. Now, if they could get Trump to stumble and come to an agreement with ’em because they think that maybe he thinks he could stave off some of this stuff by actually getting something done legislation-wise?

But that isn’t gonna happen, and Schumer knows it’s not gonna happen. But they’ve gotta be very concerned about this, ’cause they’re the party of the little guy. They’re the party that cares about the downtrodden, the disadvantaged, the minorities, the hopeless, the homeless, the hungry, the thirsty, the desirous, the sexually deprived. Whatever group that has a grievance, the Democrats are their champion — and the Democrats are doing diddly-squat for any of them. The Democrats are spending taxpayer dollars on their efforts. Snerdley, a quick question:

Does any of this…? If we really wanted to play that out — that the Democrats are using taxpayer dollars to run a political operation — could we say that there might be some violation of campaign finance going on here? Well, we could say it. We could say anything, just like they do. We could say it, but would there be something to it? Probably not. But it’s stunning. I think Trump should continue to make this point over and over again that the Democrat Party has abandoned its constituents.

Everybody thinks the Democrats are being loyal and obedient to their constituents by following through on impeachment because their base demands it. But actually what they’re doing is they’re leaving their constituents high and dry on things that matter to people in their lives. Now, you can impeach Donald Trump, and you could throw him out of office; it’s not gonna change one person’s life circumstances. Not for real.

Maybe it might make some people weirdly psychologically happy. It’s the same thing with Democrats, convincing their voters, “We’re gonna get those guys! We’re gonna get even with ’em,” and so they attack the rich and they raise taxes on them, but they don’t improve the lives of their own constituents. They never do — and now they have completely abandoned even the pretense of trying. Now this: “Granite State [Republican]s Are Shrugging Off the Ukraine Story — For Now.” This is from a website,

“Inside the D.C. Beltway and on MSNBC, all anyone can talk about is Trump, Ukraine and impeachment. But Republican candidates out on the campaign trail are finding their voters” don’t want to talk about it. They “want to talk about almost anything else. In New Hampshire, for example, there’s a three-way race in the [Republican] primary for U.S. Senate and the chance to take on incumbent Democrat Jeanne Shaheen.

“There’s also a special election on October 8 to fill a vacant state house seat in a traditionally GOP district. And candidates in both races [say] that, as they knock on doors in GOP neighborhoods or talk to voters at community fairs,” and wherever else voters hang out, “what’s on the minds of Republicans is not impeaching Trump. ‘The word I heard from voters was “ridiculous,” said retired Army Gen. Don Bolduc, one of three candidates in the GOP Senate primary. … ‘Very few people I talked with brought it up, and those who did were furious with the Democrats,’ says Michael Vose, Republican candidate in the upcoming statehouse race who spent his weekend door-knocking in heavily GOP neighborhoods. … And longtime Democratic pollster Doug Schoen wrote an op-ed Sunday warning, ‘Come 2020, Democrats could lose it all, from the presidency to governorships to Senate seats to House control, if the American people determine that they overreached on this issue.'”

Overreached! (chuckles) We’re past that threshold. Overreached? Overreached, overextended. The Democrats are so far over the cliff, there’s no coming back from this! That’s how far over extended they are. John Kasich told CNN, “Nobody’s talking about this in Ohio.” I’m telling you, folks, this whole thing landed with a dud, and one of the reasons (I’ll explain it again) is Trump released the transcript of his “perfect phone call” with the Ukrainian president.

That wasn’t supposed to happen. In Democrat calculations, that wasn’t gonna happen. Trump wasn’t gonna release it, and then they could say Trump is guilty of a cover-up, and they can say Trump is stonewalling. That’s what they wanted to say. Then Trump releases it! It’s a nothing burger. It renders the whistleblower a dud. So Schiff has to go out and lie as committee chairman about what the phone call said.

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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 1st
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2019, 06:23:39 pm »

Who Leaked to the Whistleblower?

Oct 1, 2019

RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, a special announcement from EIB staff announcer Johnny Donovan…

DONOVAN: Want to stop Donald Trump and be a hero to everyone in the Never-Trump and progressive movement? Then why not become a whistleblower by telling Congress everything you think you heard or sort of knew about Donald Trump? Until recently, a government whistleblower was required to have direct, firsthand knowledge of any alleged misdeed. But since we couldn’t get the goods on Donald Trump in three years, we have to expand the universe of available dirt. Now, any rumor about Trump you’ve heard at work, in line at the liquor store, on Twitter, the internet — even from a friend of a friend who knows a guy — it’s fair game! Just ask Nancy Pelosi.

PELOSI (impression): America, it is your civil duty to help us win the White House from Trump and the Russians in 2020 by becoming a whistleblower. Heaven knows we can’t get there any other way. That Joe. Such a lunch-bucket head.

DONOVAN: Be the envy of all your friends and fellow travelers. Become a whistleblower today! Caution: Mainstream media sources of information may be a little too out there to be considered credible.

RUSH: EIB staff announcer Johnny Donovan. If you’re standing in line at a liquor store and you hear something about Trump, tell somebody.


RUSH: They were just talking, a bunch of people on TV, just talking about something that I made a point of yesterday, a question. Everybody’s talking about whistleblower, but the whistleblower didn’t have firsthand knowledge. The whistleblower was informed by people in the Oval Office, people that were in the Situation Room. There are people with firsthand knowledge who reported the whistleblower. The whistleblower goes, gets his anonymity, goes out and tells his story. It turns out that what the whistleblower had was quickly learned and then much more was learned beyond what the whistleblower knew.

But who are the people, who are the people that told the whistleblower? You know, Trump’s out there saying, “I want to know who the whistleblower is. I want to confront my accuser.” “You can’t do that.” “Why not? I’m being accused, why can’t I confront them?” “Well, because whistleblowers are granted anonymity, privacy and security, you know that Mr. President.” Well, who are the two people that actually leaked this to the whistleblower?

Now, we’ve been told by New York Times, if you believe it or not, that the whistleblower’s a CIA agent. Another thing about this. Do not think that the New York Times is outing anybody by claiming the whistleblower’s a CIA agent. The New York Times is attempting to give the whistleblower max credibility. In the New York Times world, in the Washington establishment world, you can’t have any more credibility than somebody from the intelligence community!

How screwed up is that? The intelligence community now is the Supreme Court of the executive branch, the final authority, the final word, whatever they say, you can’t question it, whatever they say, you have to believe it, whatever they say you have to accept it and act on it. Since when?

There aren’t any rules of truthfulness and honesty in CIA agents and clandestine intelligence operatives by design! They are spies! But they have become the ultimate authority, haven’t they? In this whole sordid tale, it has been sources inside the American intelligence community, former intelligence community officers, former American officials in the intelligence, whatever, it’s anonymous sources, however they’re categorized. They’re all intel people.

Well, so who are these people? I think the question kind of answers itself. I think those are the people that don’t want to be ID’d. They are the plants. They are the people that Brennan has in there. And they’re close. And I think the roof would blow if we found out who the people who informed the whistleblower are.

So everybody on that side is content for all the attention to be focused on the identity of the whistleblower when to me that’s chump change. Who passed the information on to the whistleblower? Who are they? How did they get these positions in the White House where they are practically at the president’s side in such secure enclaves as the Situation Room and all that.

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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 1st
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2019, 06:24:22 pm »

It’s Not About Getting Rid of Donald Trump, It’s About Getting Rid of Us!

Oct 1, 2019

RUSH: Let me get started to the phones. We have Joy here in Erie, Colorado. Welcome. Great to have you. You are up first today. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Love your program. I just wanted to bring up why are Senate Republicans not doing anything to investigate Adam Schiff, who suspiciously tweeted out just a few weeks ago something very sneakily close to what this whole situation is, and then he says he found out about it last week. Why don’t Senate Republicans start giving some of the same treatment to these guys that they’re giving to us?

They hauled Corey Lewandowski up there simply to embarrass him last week. Unfortunately, he got the last laugh. But I’m getting super ticked off that Republicans won’t try and turn this around in any way and say, “All right, Schiff. What’s your story? What did you know and when?” It’s turning into a complete circus.

RUSH: Well, the Senate cannot investigate the House.

CALLER: But couldn’t Graham or somebody say, you know, where did you end up with your information?

RUSH: Well, yeah, Graham, you can go to the media and ask the question indirectly, but you can’t call Schiff in as a witness. I mean, the Senate can’t do that to members of the House and vice-versa.

CALLER: It’s completely ticking me off now. I’m to the point where I want to start calling my state senator and say I am not gonna vote for you unless you promise to do this to the next Democratic president, because I’m done with what’s happening to Trump on a chronic basis. Every day they go after him, I feel like they’re going after me because they hate me, they hate Trump and I’m just completely ticked off.

RUSH: Now, wait. You have just served into a larger truth that I think we — I need to stop you so we don’t gloss over this, because I actually think, Joy, that the ultimate targets, what the Democrats are doing, happen to be us.

CALLER: Oh, absolutely.

RUSH: Happen to be those of us who supported, support, or voted for Trump. They hate us and by extension they hate Trump. Without us, there wouldn’t be Trump. Without us and without all the other Trump supporters Trump would not have been elected. So here’s the thing. You’re really onto something here.

If they get away with — and I’m gonna go back to your Senate House thing and Schiff in a minute ’cause there’s news about that. If they get away with four years, this constant outside-the-law harassment and at the same time — and I know this irritates — if Hillary, if Obama, if Biden get a pass for what they are trying to nail Trump to the wall for, then, folks, we’re near the end, if they get away with this.

This is no longer just about Trump’s fate. It is about our collective future. It is about the future of this country and about us having the ability to vote in freedom and having the freedom to win and not be punished for it. We’re kind of in sort of a French Revolution circumstance here, and they’re not stopping. If they win this, they’re not gonna stop at getting rid of Trump. We’re next. However they’re gonna punish us, however they’re gonna make sure we’re unable to do this again, that’s what they’re gonna do.

Look. We’re only now learning the full extent to which Obama wrecked the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ, the IRS. Look at the corruption. They love to run around, Obama and Biden love to run around saying that they had a scandal free administration. What a crock! The corruption of the DOJ alone, the corruption of the FBI.

Look what the FBI has been doing the past three years, investigating, planting spies, making up stories, traveling around the world trying to dig up dirt on an event that did not happen, trying to convince the American people that it did happen, with a willing accomplice Democrat media. The IRS we know, Lois Lerner, what Obama did to corrupt government for the express purpose of being able to use unilateral Oval Office power. Everything they’re accusing Trump of doing, they did, and they continue to want to do. They are against us.

Joy, you are so right about this. And all these Never Trumpers, they are falling into it like the biggest useful idiots. If these so-called conservative media outlets continue to publish all of these unhinged Trump’s gotta go pieces, Trump’s gotta get impeached, we need to get rid of Trump, all they’re doing is accelerating the left-wing takeover of the whole country.

It’s not just about getting rid of Trump. It’s about getting rid of us, this show, talk radio, Fox News, and our freedom to vote. They are fed up with having opposition. They are fed up with having opponents. They’re fed up with having to win or debate in the arena of ideas. That is beneath them. They shouldn’t have to do that. We are a gigantic irritation to them and their objectivity here by taking out Trump is taking out everybody associated with him, including those who voted for him and put him into office.

And I congratulate you for zeroing in on that because that’s exactly right, and that’s why you’re mad. Where are the Republicans? Why don’t they see that this is ultimately gonna sweep them out, too? You know, you talk about Schiff, and I understand that, but for crying out loud, what is Charles Grassley saying? Grassley: I’m worried the Democrats are not letting the Republicans participate in the impeachment process in the House.

What? And Mitch McConnell going out of his way to assure everybody that if they vote it, we’re gonna do a trial, we’ve got no choice. There doesn’t even appear to be any unified support for Trump and opposition to the left. I understand your frustration, believe me. I feel it exactly as you do, Joy.

CALLER: It just ticks me off entirely because it does feel like a direct attack on me. I feel like every time this is going on — and where are the Republicans surrounding him to support him? The Democrats jump right up and fall into line every single time, and the Republicans fail every time.

RUSH: Well, look. In fairness, and this is not meant as a full-throated defense, but it’s relevant. There’s a big difference between Republicans and Democrats. Big, big, big difference. The Democrats want, they demand, they crave the total power to run everybody’s life. They crave, they have to have the power of the government to be able to use it to affect the outcomes they want. They are genuine power mad Stalinist types.

The Republicans have no desire for that kind of power. Republicans, for the most part, like to win elections and run things, but they don’t want to control your life. They don’t look at people as enemies simply because they disagree with ’em and then target them for being wiped out. But the Democrats do! So the Republican objectives are not even the same as the Democrats. So you’re not gonna get similar behavior.

Republicans have no desire to wipe out the Democrats.

Democrats totally exist to wipe us out — I mean, in a political sense.

So you’re never gonna get Republicans behaving as Democrats do. That’s forever gonna frustrate you. Our option is to keep defeating them in elections — which they know, which is why they don’t want to get anywhere near debating or discussing issues. Their agenda does not appear to a majority of Americans when a majority of Americans learns what it really is. I don’t believe a majority of Americans want to live in an autocratic, socialist, command-control economy and country.

But not enough people know that that’s what the Democrat Party is right now. I gotta take a break. Joy, I’m glad you called. I know a lot of other people are as ticked off, as you say, as you are. Now… Oh, there is a little story here about Schiff. It’s from Breitbart. The headline: “Schiff Staffer Made August Visit for Think Tank Backed by Hunter Biden’s Old Employer — “A staffer for [Pencil Neck]’s House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence took a trip to Ukraine last month sponsored and organized by the Atlantic Council think tank.

“The Atlantic Council is funded by and routinely works in partnership with Burisma, the natural gas company” that hired Plugs’ kid, even though Plugs’ kid doesn’t know where to go to get natural gas, much less what it is. It’s not farts, which is what Biden’s kid thinks it is. “The Schiff staffer, Thomas Eager, is also currently one of 19 fellows at the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Congressional Fellowship…

“[Schiff’s staffer]’s trip to Ukraine last month was part of the fellowship program and included nine other House employees.” In other words, Schiff has known about the whistleblower complaint since August, by the way, and they sat it on. Schiff is up to his neck — which is a long, thin one — on all of this Ukraine stuff, and they continue to manufacture, create this illusion here that this is all about Trump, when it isn’t


RUSH: Art in Chicago. Great to have you. You’re next on the EIB Network. Hi.

CALLER: Rush, thank you for being our voice. The question I have, though, is with all this hard evidence that we have, that Barr has… I mean, we’ve got all the facts. We’ve got all the evidence. But every day, they’ve got nothing but accusations, and they’re making us look like fools on a daily basis. I am so sick and tired of this. Somebody needs to be made an example of on their side.

RUSH: Now, you know what he’s talking about here is a difference of offense and defense, and we just never seem to go on offense. We always seem to be getting… Well, not us. That’s your point. Them!

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: Our so-called representatives are constantly on defense, never advancing the ball, never trying. Look, I share your frustration. What you have to realize… That’s the wrong way to put it. I think if you can take any comfort from it, you should realize that Trump is ultimately going to take this, and he’s got his people looking into this with the Barr investigation. Barr hired a guy named Huber. This is ongoing. The question about it is… You know, they’re trying to discredit Barr now. They know full well what they did. They know full well it can be discovered. They’re now trying to discredit Barr so that anything Barr produces as the result of his investigation will be not believed by anyone.


RUSH: Folks, many of the people that you think are on our side in Washington don’t see things the way you and I do, and they haven’t for a long time. They don’t think the country’s in crisis because of immigration or because of this civil war, Cold Civil War we’re having. They think we’re exaggerating all this. They think we’re unreasonable. And look, where they you live everything’s fine. Unemployment’s rate down. They don’t have any problems at all with these issues that you and I do. They make more money where they live than most people do. They just don’t see it the way we do. In fact, they think that we’re not very bright and are nuts, if you want to get down to it.

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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 1st
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2019, 07:14:50 pm »
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 1st
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2019, 07:33:46 pm »

A Note from My Eternal Optimist Friend on GOP Defeatism

Oct 1, 2019

RUSH: You know, I mentioned an email I got from a friend yesterday and I didn’t get to it, but now it may be somewhat timely. He said, “Rush, the backstory about this whistleblower — changed the rules for hearsay, collusion with the House Democrats. The whistleblower complaint doesn’t match the actual transcript. Don’t you think that ultimately this is gonna collapse because there’s nothing in this that’s true? It can’t further their cause.

“Now they’ve gone on recess and — despite the efforts of the media — it is going to impede their momentum.” This guy’s an eternal optimist. I should have told you that he’s an eternal optimist, and he doesn’t understand… That’s not the right way to put it. He is frustrated why so many Republicans are turning RINO. He’s frustrated why so many Republicans in the Beltway do not understand the opportunity they have here because the Democrats are operating on lie after lie after lie that can be exposed.

Now, this guy’s realistic. He says, “Look, you and Fox News can’t do this. The Republican Party’s gonna have to do it. I mean, you help, don’t misunderstand.” He doesn’t want to hurt my feelings. He’s basically asking what everybody on the phones the past two days has been asking — or, I could say, for the past 30 years! “Where are the Republicans in this?” is what he’s asking me. I can’t tell you the heated conversations I’ve had with people that publish conservative magazines, trying to talk ’em off the ledge.

“They’re ready to throw in the towel, Rush! I don’t understand it. The right way to look at this is the Democrats have nothing! Whatever happened to confidence? Whatever happened to really realizing who’s got the evidence and who doesn’t?” And then he asked me a question: “Can you understand this defeatism? Rush, it’s so predictable. Before all of this impeachment stuff happened, what was going on? Trump’s polls were rising. His approval numbers were rising. Biden was getting in deep trouble.

“The world was learning what we’ve always known about Biden and his family and his corruption. So the Democrats run their misdirection play and this impeachment stuff, and the Republicans start cowering in the corners again!” You know, folks, it’s not just Trump. They didn’t come to George W. Bush’s defense much, if you really stop and think about it. But neither did George W. Bush come to his own defense. So I wrote him back, ’cause I recognized my friend was in a world of hurt, and I can relate.

My friend is an optimist here and thinks that as all this is happening that it’s actually an opportunity for the Republicans to nail these people. “They’re lying! They’ve got nothing! They haven’t had a thing on Trump ever, and they don’t have anything on him now,” and he doesn’t understand why all the defeatism. So here’s the what I wrote back. I will share it with you, and it’s nothing I haven’t told you before. “I honestly believe that defeatism is the natural state of conservatives in Washington, the belief that they are second tier permanently.

“Even after big electoral wins like Trump winning the presidency, they still don’t accept themselves as winners. They don’t know how to win, don’t know how to act as winners, don’t know how to go on offense. So this natural state of defeatism, this natural state of fatalism leads to a desire for acceptance from their betters in the top tier. So even after Trump wins, even after Republicans win the House, the Republicans still think it — and Washington, D.C., conservatives still have a defeated mind-set about it and still try to make the left like them.”

I said, “That’s the natural state. Now add Trump, somebody the top tier despises, and it intensifies this natural state of defeatism, depressing it further.” So you have this natural state that they are second-class citizens, that they are constantly the minority even when they win — and it’s true, by the way. They’re not wrong about it. They’re wrong to have the attitude and not want to change it, but they’re not wrong about how they’re looked at.

Remember what I told the Republican freshmen at orientation in 1994. I said, “You guys have just won the House for the first time in 40 years, and the media hates you for it. They are not going to be your friends. They’re not gonna start treating you the way you’ve always seen them treat Democrats. They’re gonna treat you as temporary interlopers,” and when that great speech was over, there were two infobabes came up to me be with, one from the Washington Post, one from New York Times.

“Do you really believe that?”

I said, “Hell, yes, I do. I wouldn’t have said it otherwise,” and they tried to make me think that I was nuts, which is what they try to do to every conservative. So when the top tier, when the left or the people that run Washington get even madder — when they become even meaner, when they become even more aggressive after a Republican wins — why, it just intensifies this fatalism that the right in Washington feels. So they have an attitude, “Even when we win we lose,” because they are total prisoners to the media.

They’re total prisoners to what the media says about them, the way the media talks about them. So the way they look at it, even when they win, they lose, because when they win the media hates them even more! And they come to recognize the peaceful state can be attained by losing. A peaceful life in Washington for the right wing can be had by losing. They’re not a threat to the left, not nearly as big a threat. This was what I told the guy, and I believe it. I’ve seen it!

This is not just an off-the-top-of-my-head reaction. It’s the result of careful psychological study over the course of many years. I’ve been perplexed like all of you have. After we win the House first time in 40 years or win the presidency with Trump, why is there no accompanying joy? Why is there no feeling of being on top of the mountain? Why is there no aggressive attitude to move forward now on the agenda the American people chose?

Now, you throw Trump in the mix and you get all kinds of answers to that question because half the Republican Party doesn’t like him, either. The establishment just doesn’t. It doesn’t matter about parties. But I told him. I said, “The people you’re talking about, they don’t see the world the way you do at all, my friend, and they haven’t since this began. They don’t think the country’s in crisis. They don’t think open-borders immigration is a problem.

“They don’t think the country’s in crisis because of this massive, all-out attack on Trump and the Republican Party. To them, it’s just politics as usual — and to a certain extent, they can understand it because they can understand why people don’t like Trump. So there’s nothing to counter their natural state of defeatism in this. All there is, is more and more daily evidence that their defeatism is warranted. They win.”

Trump is having a great presidency! Trump is doing marvelous, magnificent things. This is what really, really, really bugs this guy that sent me this note. He is having a magnificent presidency with success not just on things he promised to look at and try to deal with and fix. He’s having a magnificent presidency in terms of establishing America again as a great nation! This guy asks, “Isn’t that what the American people vote for?

“Why isn’t there more unit on this? Why isn’t there more acknowledgment of the great work that’s being done?” It’s because conservatives and Republicans literally know that their place in Washington isn’t to win. Now, that may be a bit of an exaggeration. It doesn’t include everybody. I mean, there’s some that are exceptions to that. But where they live, everything’s fine economically. Trump didn’t need to fix anything.

They’re not victimized by illegal immigration. They’re not victimized by any of the cultural rot that’s taking place outside the Beltway. I mean, the unemployment rate there is lower than the national average. Per capita income is way higher. So, I mean, there’s no reason for people that live in that neighbor, per se, to think that anything is really out of whack or in crisis.

And since they don’t have to live in inland California or they don’t have to live on the southern border, it may as well not be happening there. It doesn’t affect them. So it’s a frustrating thing. What can be done? This is why, you know, it’s all about Trump.

But again, Trump really is the stand-in for us. It is us who elected him and continue to support him that are the real ultimate targets, because even if Trump wins two terms, he’s eventually gone. But the people that elected Trump are gonna be out there forever as long as they’re alive, and then people will come along and join them and replace them, and that’s the Democrats’ ultimate target here, is to eliminate any and all opposition.


RUSH: So Erick Erickson has tweeted the following. Now, when I… I don’t think it’s Erick saying this. He is repeating what he’s hearing other Republicans saying, okay? So don’t jump in Erick’s chili. Here we go: “Starting to encounter Republicans who wonder if maybe [Trump] should step aside for Pence.

“They’re absolutely in the minority on the [Republican] side, but there does seem to be a fatigue setting in — tired of always fighting and always having to defend.” (chuckling) No excrement, Sherlock! This is exactly what I was trying to tell my friend. Our people see themselves as losers constantly. They are second tier! They are at peace… The most peaceful existence that conservatives in Washington have is when Republicans lose. That’s when they are the least threat to the Democrats and the media.

That’s when the media pressures them the least. That’s when they don’t have to defend anything. When the Republicans lose, what is there to defend? Draining the swamp? (chuckling) It might mean eliminating 90% of the population of that town, which I don’t know is possible, obviously. So Erick Erickson says (summarized), “Yeah, Republicans — eh, some of them, it’s not many, it’s a minority right now — are thinking maybe Trump should step aside because they’re tired of always fighting, always having to defend.”

Do you ever think about winning? Do you ever think about pushing back and winning? Do you ever think about going on offense, so you don’t have to defend? You’ve got evidence on your side! Trump hasn’t done diddly-squat! They’re making it up! Everything the Democrats are doing is a lie! Did ever think about investigating them? Do you ever bout having hearings on Biden and his kid, for example, to use just the most recent example? Let me tell you what’s gonna happen.

I don’t want to scare anybody here, but, Erick, you need to tell these people that you are talking to you like this one simple fact: If they abandon Donald Trump, they’re finished. If these Republicans that you’re talking to are telling you (sobbing), “We’re tired of being on defense all the time! We’re tired.” You tell them that if they cave, they are never gonna win another national election in a generation, if ever. That it is over. Trump supporters will walk. They will abandon them.

The GOP will cease to exist, and the socialists and communists on the left will take over and that will be that — and that’s exactly what the press wants. This is exactly what the Democrats in the media want. They want Republicans giving up and behaving as they normally do, as fatalistic losers! Losers with honor! Don’t forget that. You’ve heard that, have you not, Mr. Snerdley? “We must lose with dignity. We must lose with honor so the American people will see our moral superiority.” (Snort!) Moral superiority.

I sometimes wonder if some of these Republicans wouldn’t mind exactly that scenario. Just get rid of all these Trump supporters, get rid of all these Trump voters. Just get ’em out of the Republican Party, have ’em leave, and have the Republican Party represent maybe 20% of the country max and start over. I think it’s what the Never Trumpers on the Republican side would actually love. I think they would love you Trump supporters walking out on the Republican Party, and if they could make that happen by abandoning Trump?

(interruption) They don’t need to win anything, is my point. You’re not listening! They’re happy when they lose! They’re at peace when they lose! The Democrats are not attacking them when they lose! They don’t have to defend anything when they lose! The Democrats let ’em come to the cocktail parties! The Democrats let ’em go to a congressional hearing! The Democrats let ’em play golf! The Democrats and the media leave them alone! They don’t harass them when they lose!

They don’t want to win anything. When you start looking at people who ask, “Why aren’t the Republicans doing this? Why aren’t the Republicans…? Why don’t the Republicans…?” Well, because it doesn’t look like the actions of people that want to win something. Who does, though? Donald Trump. Donald Trump exudes winners. He exudes winning as an attitude, as a human objective — and they resent the hell out of it.


RUSH: I knew this was gonna happen. “Rush, Rush, you fell for it. Erick Erickson’s talking about his own thoughts. He’s not talking about Republicans. He’s a Never Trumper.” Folks, that’s no concern. It doesn’t matter if Erick’s trying to put his own thoughts in the words of imaginary others or not. The point is that I’ll guarantee you it’s true. I’ll guarantee you, that’s my whole point in the monologue earlier about conservatives in Washington preferring to lose! It’s hard work winning. It’s hard work defending, it’s so beneath us.

They’re at peace in Washington. You know, sue for peace, wish we had peace with the Soviets. What’s the Democrat version of peace always been? What’s the Soviet, what’s the communist version of peace? How do they define peace? (interruption) No. The absence of opposition! Peace is the absence of opposition! That’s what the Democrats seek! The Republicans want to give it to them! The absence of opposition.

The Republicans think they’re not gonna be put in jail, they’re not gonna be sent to concentration camps. They’re gonna be allowed to write for their nonexistent little conservative magazines or their guest shot on a supposedly conservative TV network and everything’s fine and they’ll be respected — somewhat — by the top tier.

That’s not how we define peace. Because a mature person realizes there’s always gonna be opposition because there’s insanity and evil everywhere. But leftists, socialists, communists who believe in complete autocratic power believe in the absence of opposition, and that’s what we’re up against. And why in the world even have a Republican Party if they don’t want to be in opposition?
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 1st
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2019, 07:34:39 pm »

Michael Bloomberg Can’t Be This Stupid

Oct 1, 2019

RUSH: Now, I heard something, saw a couple of videos. I normally don’t watch videos for a host of reasons. I won’t bore you with why. Basically I can read faster than I can watch a video. “Rush, you gotta see this video.” Please just send it so I can read the transcript. I can learn it much faster without having to watch it and find a place to run it and so forth. But I realize most people are visual. I’m not.

So I endeavored to watch this thing, and it was incredible. How many times have you heard the name Michael Bloomberg mentioned as a Republican presidential nominee that will be great? Oh, come on. You hear it all the time from people inside the Beltway, the media throws his name out, “Bloomberg, he’d be so much better than Trump.” And I have never understood it, other than the guy is a billionaire.

This is the guy that reduced soda sizes in the city where you can do anything you want because you don’t know what’s good for you, your super slopper, super slurper, whatever it was, is 15 ounces too big. So he issues an order mandating that the largest size you can buy is 10 ounces or whatever it was. I said, “This guy is brilliant?”

You know, the things that go into creating reputations about people have always fascinated me. ‘Cause I don’t see evidence of some super smart intellect, some unique political character here that would be a great benefit to the country.

So this guy, Bloomberg, he toys with running for president because in his mind he could buy it. He’s got multiple billionaires. And everybody assumes you can’t be stupid and be a billionaire. And that’s really where all this is. You can’t be stupid and be a billionaire. Billionaires have to be much smarter than everybody.

The left has got so many lamebrain, stupid billionaires, it’s a crime. Tom Steyer? How much money has this guy wasted trying to get Trump impeachment, then trying to stop climate change? Anyway, Firing Line was a show hosted by William F. Buckley back in the old days on PBS. When Mr. Buckley passed away, the show went dormant. But as a franchise, it remaimed. PBS then revived it a few years ago, and they went out and got an infobabe named Margaret Hoover to host it, who’s ostensibly a Republican.

So she got Bloomberg on as a guest on the most recent issue. I’m not even going to characterize this before you hear it. I’m not gonna set it up. I’m not gonna tell you what to listen for, because I don’t have to. First sound bite, first question: “Even if we get to net zero carbon emissions and we’re doing our part, how do you get China and India and other countries to join us here? Because they are far greater polluters than we are.”

BLOOMBERG: China is doing a lot. Yes, they’re still building a bunch of coal-fired power plants.

HOOVER: And they’re still burning coal.

BLOOMBERG: Yes, they are. But they are now moving plants away from the cities. The Communist Party wants to stay in power in China, and they listen to the public. When the public says, “I can’t breathe the air,” Xi Jinping is not a dictator, he has to satisfy his constituents or he’s not going to survive.

HOOVER: He’s not a dictator?

BLOOMBERG: No, he has a constituency to answer to. No government survives without the will of the majority of its people.

RUSH: My friends, I’m sorry, but this is just… there’s no other way to say it, this is stupid. This is ignorant. I don’t know how to characterize this. There is no communist leader that cares a whit about — he doesn’t have constituents because he’s not elected! He doesn’t run for office. He doesn’t give a damn about public opinion! Ask the Uyghurs, asking the Mongols, ask anybody in that country who is not a communist. Ask them about the reeducation camps they get sent to for the rest of their lives.

For crying out loud. This guy is no different than Fredo Cuomo! When he saw how bad it was in Cuba, Fredo Cuomo said, don’t these communists know that you gotta improve life and make it equal for everybody? How does this happen? How does somebody like Michael Bloomberg end up with this massively large financial business network, accumulate and accrue massive billions of dollars thinking stuff like this?

They’re still burning coal, and here he is making an excuse for it! “Well, yeah, but, see, they’re not burning it in the cities.” So? Coal is destroying the climate, right? So it doesn’t matter where it’s burned! But, see, this guy thinks that he cares about his people. Xi Jinping, he will only pollute the trees, he will only destroy the countryside. He will not burn coal in the cities because his constituents have told him that they won’t put up with it.

His constituents are slaves! Citizens in communist countries are slaves! The Communist Party wants to stay in power, China, they listen to the public? They do not! He has to listen to the Politburo, which is a collection of guys, maybe 50 to a hundred in number, he has to answer to them, but do you know what Xi Jinping did two years ago? And this was reported widely for everybody to see and learn.

Xi Jinping consolidated politburo power into him and himself only. He is the supreme leader a la Mao Tse-tung. He answers to no one! Least of all, the Chinese people! He doesn’t have constituents. He’s gotta satisfy his constituents or he’s not gonna survive? I don’t know how to characterize how dumb this is, beyond saying that.


RUSH: Okay. Since Bloomberg actually isn’t stupid, then why is he saying this? What kind of deals does he have with the ChiComs? What kind of insider deals has he made with the ChiComs to warrant this kind of asinine comment? There’s another one here.

Margaret Hoover was incredulous at what she had heard. She said, “Well, the idea they’re responsive, I’m looking at the people in Hong Kong protesting,” the ChiComs just shot one, by the way, talking about being responsive to your constituents, they just shot one in Hong Kong. And all they want in Hong Kong is the freedom they’ve always had before the Brits gave Hong Kong back to the ChiComs. Here’s what Bloomberg said in response to the Hong Kong protests and the ChiCom government being responsive.

BLOOMBERG: That’s ridiculous. They are very responsive to it. The trouble is, you can’t overnight move cement plants and power plants just outside the city that are polluting the air and you have to –

RUSH: What in the world is this?

BLOOMBERG: — have their product. So some of it takes time and there’s always in government, even governments that aren’t what we would call a democracy, there’s lots of stake holders who have vested interests.

RUSH: This guy’s obsessed with where the coal plants are. It takes a while to move these polluting coal plants out into the country so that all you’re polluting is the countryside and not the cities. He’s not this stupid. Nobody, nobody is this stupid to think communism is the equivalent of democratic or representative republican freedom. That’s exactly what he’s saying there.


RUSH: It’s just incredible to say something like this about the ChiComs, to go on national television and try to make the case that Chinese communist leaders have “constituents,” that they serve at the will of the people and that the people can get rid of them! He said, “No government survives without the will of its people.” The Soviet Union lasted 75 years with its citizens as slaves. The ChiComs are celebrating their 70th anniversary today, and how did they do it? By shooting a Hong Kong protester.

Now, all of this is designed to make communism acceptable. It’s all designed to make communism not be threatening. It’s all designed to advance the idea of really smart people controlling government — who are really autocrats — under the illusion that they have constituents that they have to listen to and keep happy and pleased. I think Bloomberg sounds a lot like Biden. Remember Biden said a couple of times, “Come on, man! China’s not a threat to the U.S.! Come on, man! China’s no threat!”

(chuckles) Not to him! They’ve made his son wealthy for the rest of his life, which means that Plugs’ life has served its purpose, if your job as a parent is to set your kids up for life.

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Re: Rush Transcripts..Oct. 1st
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2019, 01:58:42 am »