Author Topic: The U.S. Marines Are Eyeing An Exoskeleton Straight Out of Aliens  (Read 144 times)

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The U.S. Marines Are Eyeing An Exoskeleton Straight Out of Aliens
Kyle Mizokami
9/23/19 3:31PM

In the 1986 science fiction movie Aliens, heroine Ellen Ripley dons a powered exoskeleton suit to engage in hand to hand combat with the Xenomorph Queen alien. Now, thanks to modern technology, the U.S. Marines may soon do the same. Sort of. And minus the Xenomorph. (Hopefully.)

The Corps is testing a suit that, like the exoskeleton in the movie, could allow a single Marine to carry heavy loads for hours at a time. It’s a rare example of war imitating art.

In the movie, Ripley is a licensed operator of a Caterpillar P-5000 Powered Work Loader. The bright yellow P-5000 features a cockpit, hydraulically powered arms, and—proving OSHA is still a thing in the 22nd century—an irritating orange flashing safety light.