Author Topic: The lies about immigration that keep the borders open  (Read 202 times)

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The lies about immigration that keep the borders open
« on: September 30, 2019, 06:00:27 pm »

The lies about immigration that keep the borders open
By Larry Kummer, Editor   23 May 2018

Summary: Advocates for open borders rely on a series of fallacies. They are unquestioned in the major news media, but easily debunked.

(1) We need immigrants to keep the economy growing!

This is endlessly said, but has little basis in fact or logic. There are three easy rebuttals.

First, we are beginning a new industrial revolution. Another wave of automation will destroy millions — perhaps tens of millions — of jobs. A shrinking labor force will be a blessing, especially if we educate them well (which our present system does poorly). Bringing in large numbers of poorly educated people to become socially disruptive unemployed is quite daft.

The second reason is more fundamental. An increasing population boosts GDP. That’s arithmetic. That’s nice for the people that own America, who benefit directly from rising GDP. But the rest of us care nothing about national GDP. We care about per capita GDP. How much does GDP rise for the average person? The evidence shows that bringing in vast numbers of unskilled and poorly educated migrants does little for us. Why would anyone believe otherwise?