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Gore’s quest to become a fake meat billionaire – Lobbies for climate policies that limit meat while


Gore’s quest to become a fake meat billionaire – Lobbies for climate policies that limit meat while his firm invests $200 million in meat substitutes

Warren Buffet’s vice chair: Gore’s ‘not very smart’ & ‘an idiot’, but became filthy rich investing in ‘global warming’

Watch Climate Depot's Morano on Tucker Carlson Tonight discussing Gore's latest money-making venture. Gore lobbies for regulations that will enrich himself. 

Al Gore Poised To Profit Big From Anti-Meat Drive – Largest Investor in ‘Beyond Meat’ - Via No Tricks Zone website
-"Al Gore is standing to rake in millions from a World Resources Institute meat consumption reduction report, a report that will certainly help boost profits for the meat substitute manufacturers – in which Gore just happens to be a big stakeholder...Al Gore, partner and advisor to Kleiner Perkins, Beyond Meat’s big investor, stands to haul in millions, should governments move to restrict real meat consumption and force citizens to consume the dubious substitutes and fakes."

‘Food Police’ – Watch: Morano on Fox & Friends on UN Meat report: UN seeks ‘massive expansion of the UN’s regulatory power…lifestyle controls’

By: Marc Morano - Climate DepotAugust 17, 2019 5:03 PM with 0 comments

Watch: Climate Depot’s Morano reveals Gore’s plan to once again use the climate scare to enrich himself.


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