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Major Climate Paper Withdrawn By Nature


Major Climate Paper Withdrawn By Nature

    Date: 26/09/19
    Press Release, Global Warming Policy Forum

Retraction exposes lack of statistical expertise in climate science

A major scientific paper, which claimed to have found rapid warming in the oceans as a result of manmade global warming, has been withdrawn after an amateur climate scientist found major errors in its statistical methodology.

The paper, from a team led by Laure Resplandy of Princeton University, had received widespread uncritical publicity in the mainstream media when it was published because of its apparently alarming implications for the planet. However, within days of its publication in October 2018, independent scientist Nic Lewis found several serious flaws.

Yesterday, after nearly a year’s delay, the paper was officially withdrawn.

Nic Lewis said

Joe Wooten:
I f they used correct statistical methodology, they would not have any alarmist claims......

I have seen this for almost 30 years in almost every "climate science" paper I have reviewed. If I submitted a report like that to the NRC, I'd be in jail for fraud.

The oceans are a HUGE heat sink that takes a tremendous amount of stored energy change to heat or cool. The air would have to be VERY hot for a long time to couple enough heat into the oceans to make any significant change to their overall temperature.

So extreme air temperatures for an extended period of time would have to occur first in order to noticeably affect the oceans.

Hasn't happened.

"Climate science" has become and oxymoron.



--- Quote from: thackney on September 30, 2019, 12:22:40 pm ---

--- End quote ---

Thank you.


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