Author Topic: Yes, Obama admin asked Ukraine to investigate Trump campaign, but what of it?  (Read 175 times)

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Yes, Obama admin asked Ukraine to investigate Trump campaign, but what of it?
By Howard Portnoy September 28, 2019

As my colleague J.E. Dyer, notes in a must-read column this morning, the fish is now stinking from the head down. The timeline of the Democrats’ rush to judgment now raises all sorts of questions. Why, for example, did Adam Schiff sit on the whistleblower’s complaint for over a month (shades of Dianne Weinstein’s handling of the Blasey-Ford complaint)? And what prompted the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) sometime between May and August to loosen the key requirements for lodging a whistleblower complaint from within the intelligence community? (“First-hand information” is no longer a prerequisite for filing a complaint, which conveniently covers the current situation.)

Undaunted by these questions, Never Trumpers have pressed forward with other more pressing matters. National Review’s Jonah Goldberg asks in a morning headline “Trump did it, but should he be impeached?”

If the answer is yes, then Trump haters of all stripes have some questions of their own to answer. One is why there was never an outcry for impeachment when Barack Obama’s administration did precisely what Trump has been accused of, right down to the name of the foreign power.