Author Topic: Shockingly dyslexic immigration priorities of the political class, including Republicans, are  (Read 265 times)

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    Shockingly dyslexic immigration priorities of the political class, including Republicans, are on display this week

    September 26, 2019

    Daniel Horowitz

    At a time when our country is flooded with illegal aliens, schools are becoming mini-United Nations with American towns paying for its cost, dangerous criminal aliens are running rampant, cartels control our border, almost every major city is harboring illegal alien murderers and sex offenders, and legal immigration is more expansive and dysfunctional than ever, what part of this issue do elite Republicans feel passionate about? Are they rushing bills to the floor to deal with sanctuary cities and illegal alien drunk drivers or the cost of thousands of Central Americans being foisted upon small town schools? Nope … They are blocking border security, denying there is an emergency, and seeking to give visa pork handouts to the big tech special interest groups that broke our system.