Author Topic: Shocking Report Shows Democrats in Congress Directing Tech Censorship Against Conservatives  (Read 146 times)

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Shocking Report Shows Democrats in Congress Directing Tech Censorship Against Conservatives

Will you allow the silencing of the American people before 2020?

Published 1 day ago

on 17 September, 2019

Paul Joseph Watson

A shocking new video report exposes how the widespread Big Tech censorship of conservatives was a scheme hatched by Silicon Valley and Democratic lawmakers from the very start.

The mass banning and censorship of Infowars and other conservative personalities and news outlets was preceded by Democrats in Congress demanding blanket silencing in the name of stopping “hate” and “harassment”.

Of course it all had nothing to do with that and everything to do with the fallout from Trump’s 2016 success and preventing him from winning re-election in 2020.

The long term goal is to prevent anyone other than Democrats winning ever again by defaming, financially sabotaging and digitally disappearing their ideological adversaries.