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Climate Hysteria: Rising Number Of Children Treated For ‘Eco-Anxiety’

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--- Quote from: The Ghost on September 17, 2019, 04:52:34 pm ---The indoctrination and brainwashing is almost complete.

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Took my exact thoughts....

NYC just sanctioned a day off from school for over a million students to join the youth-against-climate-crisis-day rallies. Their attendance records will not reflect an absence from class, city school officials said.

How many "true conservatives" are or were active in local school board activities?


--- Quote from: Bigun on September 17, 2019, 05:00:14 pm ---The absolute worst mistake ever made in this country was allowing the government to "educate" our children!

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Progressives invaded our schools and converted their mission. Just like every other social institution which they now dominate.


--- Quote from: andy58-in-nh on September 18, 2019, 04:49:54 pm ---Progressives invaded our schools and converted their mission. Just like every other social institution which they now dominate.

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Agree.  We have been outplayed.


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