Author Topic: Green energy policies proliferating a ‘greenhouse gas’ with ‘23,500 times more warming than CO2’  (Read 653 times)

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September 15, 2019
Green energy policies proliferating a ‘greenhouse gas’ with ‘23,500 times more warming than CO2’
By Thomas Lifson

Global warming hysteria has driven a lot of stupid investment in purportedly “green” energy production that turns out to create new problems. Wind farms that kill millions of birds because migratory birds follow the same winds that are ideal for wind power, for instance.  Bald eagles, normally illegal to kill in the United States, are allowed to be slaughtered by wind farms.

Then there are the massive lithium batteries needed for electric cars, full of toxic heavy metals, that pose a huge problem of disposal when they wear out after about ten years. And the solar energy farms that eat up vast acreage and incinerate passing birds with their “death rays.”

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