Author Topic: AOC Thinks Criticizing Socialism is “Racist”  (Read 303 times)

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AOC Thinks Criticizing Socialism is “Racist”
« on: September 15, 2019, 12:27:25 pm »

AOC Thinks Criticizing Socialism is “Racist”
September 14, 2019 - 51 Comments.   

Whenever progressives are losing an argument or otherwise being called out, they resort to playing the race card. This card is beyond old and maxed out, but it’s the best that progressives have got. When referring to their critics as racist, this faction of the Democrat Party doesn’t have to try to defend ideas and policies which are absolutely abysmal. Crying racism allows progressives to escape accountability whilst simultaneously shielding themselves from debates and honest conversations.

One of the most infamous progressives who plays the race card quite frequently is House Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. In this eyes of this congresswoman, everyone who challenges her ideas or leans even slightly right-of-center is a racist.

Ocasio-Cortez’s latest employment of this straw man argument came after a GOP ad called out the pitfalls of socialism; she immediately branded the ad as racist, because she didn’t like the fact that her face was used to signify socialism in the ad.