Author Topic: Montgomery County Council Beclowns Itself in Covering Its Sanctuary Incompetence  (Read 211 times)

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Montgomery County Council Beclowns Itself in Covering Its Sanctuary Incompetence
By Andrew R. Arthur on September 12, 2019

Recently, I have written (and spoken) about the ill-thought-out decision by Montgomery County, Md., (MoCo in local parlance) to institute an extreme "sanctuary policy". That policy bars compliance with ICE detainers, prevents ICE officers from accessing non-public areas in MoCo public jails, and restricts county employees' assistance to ICE in investigating criminal aliens. The rollout of that policy was particularly poorly timed, in light of press reports shortly thereafter about seven arrests of illegal aliens for sexual assault in the county in a matter of weeks. This all was made worse by some especially stupid remarks comparing ICE enforcement to terrorism made by MoCo Executive Marc Elrich (D) in connection with that rollout. Not wanting to be outdone, the MoCo Council decided to weigh in on the criticism of the policy, making matters worse.

The following is an excerpt from an undated letter issued by the council:

    There has been a lot [sic] inaccurate information spread by the White House, President Trump, Acting USCIS Director Ken Cuccinelli, local and national conservative news outlets and neo-Nazi sympathizers regarding our criminal justice system and its process. These individuals and organizations should be ashamed for spreading false information seeking to establish a baseless, illogical and xenophobic connection between a person's failure to obtain legal status and their propensity to commit a sex crime.