Author Topic: Illinois Supreme Court selects chief justice married to indicted Chicago Alderman at center of huge  (Read 832 times)

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September 12, 2019
Illinois Supreme Court selects chief justice married to indicted Chicago Alderman at center of huge federal probe into political corruption
By Thomas Lifson

There is jaw-dropping indifference to the appearance of corruption in Springfield, Illinois.  It’s hard to figure out what was on the minds of the justices of the Illinois Supreme Court when they chose Anne Burke to be chief justice for the next three years. Illinois voters elect their supreme court justices to ten-year terms on partisan ballots. Once elected, justices face a yes-or-vote every ten years, so maybe they feel so secure in their state’s deep blue status that they can flaunt the appearance of corruption with no consequences. But for anyone concerned about the legitimacy, the court enjoys in the public mind, it is an odd choice of leadership.  Illinois Policy explains why: