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Rush: Politics Has Forever Changed Hurricane Coverage
« on: September 03, 2019, 08:40:19 pm »

Politics Has Forever Changed Hurricane Coverage

Sep 3, 2019

RUSH: Okay, testing, testing, one two — well, this is not bad. Folks, I’m at a satellite location where nobody can find me, and, as usual, we have to readjust the levels. Bring the audio feed level up a little bit. My mic level is fine. Bring up the — there you go. A little bit more, little bit more. Sorry. We can’t do this beforehand. We do, but it never stays. It’s never the same as when we go live. Heave it up a little bit more, jack it up just a little bit more, keep it up, fine.

Greetings thrill-seekers, conversationalists all across the fruited plain, Rush Limbaugh still alive, despite climate change and all the other things threatening the very existence of humanity. As I say, we’re not in Florida today. Now, I’ve got a bit of a challenge because those of us in Florida have been profoundly affected by what this hurricane was going to do. But you get outside the East Coast of the country, and I can tell you nobody cares.

I remember when I lived in Missouri and there were hurricanes, you didn’t care about it until you got the video or the news reports of damage. But where it was gonna go and where it was gonna hit was of no interest to you if you were not subject to it. And it’s just the way things are. I mean, I’ve got friends that live on the East Coast, they’ve got kids calling from Utah, “The hurricane’s gonna hit you?” They’re not even thinking about it. But it’s been nothing but omnipresent for us here in Florida.

So I have a little balancing act here today to discuss this, along with all the other stuff that has happened and multiplied over the past week or so that I’ve not been here. Great to be back, folks. Great to have you. Telephone number, as always, if you want to be on the program is 800-282-2882. The email address,

Now, I have become a hurricane layman expert. I do not claim to be a meteorologist, and I never make official pronouncements of what people should do. But I do want to review for you my reaction to this hurricane. When it first was reported I remember the first track that I paid attention to issued by the National Hurricane Center, and it shocked me. It shocked me because of the political infestation of everything.

The hurricane was going to be a strong I think Category 2 or Category 3 when it was way, way out there in the middle of nowhere affecting nobody. Then it was gonna make its way toward south Florida, southeastern United States. And after it crossed the Bahamas they said it was gonna practically dissipate, it was gonna fade away to just being a tropical storm. I said, “I can’t believe this.”

They normally hype these things way beyond what they want it to be because they want it to be climate change and man and our progress and our lifestyle causing these things. So I looked at that and I said, “I don’t understand this.” This is so out of character for them to downgrade this thing as it gets close to the United States.

So my point is, I didn’t believe that. I was prepared for this thing to strengthen and it did, and there was a time where it was making a beeline for my front door. It was making a beeline. If it had not turned north it was going to impact exactly at the point where we all live. But then it became clear it was going to turn north at some point because of the meteorological characteristics, all of which I understand but I will not bore you with.

During the process — now, I haven’t watched The Weather Channel, ’cause there hasn’t been any hurricanes. This is the point. I haven’t even been watching The Weather Channel. I haven’t watched them in years because there haven’t been any hurricanes that have come anywhere close. And so when the hurricanes don’t even come close to me — I mean, I pay attention to ’em because I’m interested but not because they’re gonna impact me.

So I know those of you who are right now west of North Carolina could not care less about any of this, but bear with me for a second ’cause, as you know, I have a unique ability to relate all of these things that you may think have no impact on you in ways in which they do.

So I’m watching The Weather Channel for the first time and last week I was crisscrossing the country, I was going back and forth because I had to get out and I had to make sure other people could get out, and this required me crisscrossing the fruited plain aboard EIB One, so that’s where I was watching The Weather Channel.

And, folks, I realize how politics has infected everything. And I realize how many people in government or government-related jobs are totally now invested in this whole idea that human beings in the United States are causing climate change and causing these hurricanes. There are ridiculous statistics out. “Well, this is the first time we’ve ever had five Category 4 storm, Category 5 storms” — it’s not!

We’ve had hurricanes like this all the way back to the 30’s. The Labor Day hurricane in Miami back in the 1930s was every bit as bad if not worse. They’re not worse. They’re not more of them that are worse. There’s nothing they are saying about this that is anywhere near true. But for people that don’t have any history knowledge or perspective, they’re gonna fall into the trap of thinking that these things are bigger and worse than they’ve ever been so it must be climate change, and nothing could be further from the truth.

But I don’t want to waste time going back over that because you know how I feel about that. I’m watching The Weather Channel as I’m crisscrossing the fruited plain at 45 to 51,000 feet. We don’t hang around at 37,000 feet, 35 where the commercial aircraft are. We get above that so that we can take advantage of all of the winds and get away from turbulence and all that.

So I’m up there and I’m watching The Weather Channel, and they’re just excited! They’re excited this thing is growing and it’s becoming more intense and it’s becoming more destructive and they can just see their ratings rising and they can see the clicks coming to their website and they’re going bonkers. And so they have to keep hyping that to keep the audience rising and to keep the clicks coming.

And it was ridiculous and funny at the same time. It got to the point, I literally thought for a moment that they actually were telling people in Florida there’s still a chance you could die, there’s still a chance you could die, don’t give up hope. I mean, you could still die, don’t give up hope, as though dying for the cause here would somehow be worth it to prove climate change. That’s how ridiculous this got.

But we were sweating it. Despite all that, you’re sweating it out because it is a big storm, you can’t deny that, and it’s very destructive and we see what’s happened to the Bahamas. You know, folks, it’s kind of like – have you ever noticed UFOs only land in trailer parks? They never go to Harvard. They never go to the G7. They never go visit the ChiComs.

It’s the same thing with hurricanes. It’s kind of sad they end up hitting impoverished places. What’s happened to Grand Bahama. The amount of that island that’s now flooded and gone because the storm just stayed there and didn’t move while it was a Category 5 is just destructive as it can be. But even Todd Starnes had a tweet, The Weather Channel’s about 2% forecasting and 98% fearmongering. And it is exactly, exactly right.

So the storm’s now heading up the coast of Florida. It’s offshore, and there’s still gonna be some bad impact from it, but not nearly as bad as it could be. But it’s gonna remain a hurricane all the way up past Nova Scotia so says the forecast. And I don’t mean to bore you with — look. I understand 95% of you could not care less. It doesn’t affect you and you don’t live in a hurricane place so you’re probably, “If it’s this kind of distraction why don’t you just move?” I understand.

By the way, I’m gonna try to limit pounding the table here. Much different setup here than our super-secret satellite location. Let’s review some of the things that happened. We got a great audio sound bite roster to go through today. The Drive-Bys were hoping this hurricane would destroy Mar-a-Lago. And I’m saying, for crying out loud, if you hope that, you’re hoping it destroys my house. I said, they probably hope that too. They literally were egging this thing on hoping it would destroy Mar-a-Lago. And Trump said Mar-a-Lago will take care of — Mar-a-Lago is built on a coral reef, folks. Mar-a-Lago isn’t going anywhere. Cat 5, Cat 7, it isn’t going anywhere.

Trump said Mar-a-Lago will take care of itself. We’re worried about the other areas, which was the right thing. But here, if you don’t believe me, grab audio sound bite number 1. We have a montage here of the Drive-By Media. This is Thursday and Friday of last week as they are rooting for the hurricane to hit Mar-a-Lago.

BRIANNA KEILAR: Hurricane Dorian poised to hit Florida as a Category 4 storm, and Mar-A-Lago is in its path.

JANAI NORMAN: His resorts Mar-A-Lago and Doral are currently in the storm’s path.

PAMELA BROWN: Hurricane Dorian, is on track to hit 11 Trump organization owned properties.

TERRY MORAN: He has a personal stake in this one. He’s got four properties along the eastern coast of Florida, including Mar-A-Lago.

PETER ALEXANDER: He also has property in an area that right now is in the cone of uncertainty, his property at Mar-A-Lago.

DON LEMON: Including Mar-A-Lago and the Trump National Doral golf club.

JONATHAN LEMIRE: The track of the storm is headed straight for Mar-A-Lago, which may end up taking a lot of damage.

RUSH: Oh, they were hoping. Oh, could you hear, they were just hoping. Now, these are supposedly liberals, right? They care more than anybody, they have compassion. They hope this thing takes out Mar-a-Lago. If this thing took out Mar-a-Lago, do you know how many other people’s homes it would take out? And they’re mostly liberal Democrats that live down there near Mar-a-Lago. They were rooting for self-destruction.

Here they are hoping Mar-a-Lago gets destroyed. If that had happened an entire swath of real estate would have been wiped out. Do they care about that? No way. Just as long as Trump suffers. Just as long as Trump’s property is damaged. It’s a club. There are members. There are people who pay membership fees. I mean, these people get away with so much phony compassion.

Now, putting this in perspective, climate-wise and history-wise, the official climatologist for the EIB Network, Roy Spencer, was on Fox last night. Question: “A lot of people look at this and they say that global warming has heated the surface of the ocean and that that warm water is what leads to the fact that we’ve had five Cat 5s in just the last few years. What do you say to those people?”

SPENCER: Climate is long-term. And Since 1900, out of all of the major hurricanes that have hit Florida, there has been no long-term trend in either their intensity or in the number of major hurricanes. If you go back again through the last hundred or more years, and look at the sea surface temperatures in that area and the hurricanes that have hit Florida, it turns out that the seven hurricanes since 1871, the seven hurricanes that went over the most unusually warm water for that time of year, and then hit Florida, all of them occurred before 1950.

RUSH: You hear that? Before 1950. Before anybody gave a rat’s rear end about carbon, climate change, and all the rest of it. But don’t give up hope. There’s still a chance you could die. Don’t quit. There’s still a chance you could die. Climate change is real. Emory University professor — oh. We’ve got in the Stack today — and I’m not sure I have it. I don’t remember everything here in the sound bite roster. Camille Paglia is finally being protested by students, University of the Arts. She is — she is dumbfounded not the right word. She is shocked and dismayed about how little they know about history.

She was trying to quote them a song involving Moses. They didn’t know who Moses was. Her students didn’t know who Moses is. It made no sense. She was shocked. If you don’t know who Moses is, you can’t possibly understand Western civilization, she says. So we have that coming up.

This is an Emory University professor, and it was on some syndicated TV program called Democracy Now. It’s a leftist — it’s a Clinton-Obama thing. And the cohost was Amy Goodman interviewing this professor, the author of a book, Land of love and Drowning. The name of the professor is Tiphanie Yanique. Oh. Wait. I don’t know why — have you seen the new Calvin Klein black and white billboard for underwear for obese people? Stacey Abrams was the model for this, I think? No, I’m just kidding. My goodness, folks. And now Calvin Klein — no some other perfume company using a tranny – transgender, sorry, as the model.

Camille Paglia, nobody knows who Moses is. Is it any wonder? So here we have this brilliant Emory professor, Tiphanie Yanique, and the question, “In the nonstop coverage of what’s happening with this hurricane, there’s almost no mention of climate change.”

YANIQUE: The truth is that these storms that are hitting the Caribbean with this intense magnitude are historic, unprecedented and these storms are manmade storms. When I was growing up in the Caribbean, we would get really dangerous storms once a decade, and now we’re beginning to see them regularly. The Virgin Islands was hit by two Category 5 storms, only two years ago, while President Trump indeed was our president.

RUSH: This is such a shame. This woman is a university professor, and she’s stupid! She is ignorant and dumb. Hurricanes are not manmade. If they were, we could have shut this down and we could put in jail whoever made it. We could sue whoever made it for all the damage. This is ridiculous! But this woman is a university professor.

And they are not historic! It was Roy Spencer’s point here. If you don’t care about hurricanes, you better, because the lies and the distortions and the sheer ignorance. TV people find experts, put ’em out there to lie to people about things like this. When I was growing up in the Caribbean we would get really dangerous storms once a decade? Tiphanie Yanique.


RUSH: So I get this flash note during the commercial break. “You gotta move the cigar. They can see it on the Dittocam. You gotta move it.” What, is it gonna kill people?

Greetings and welcome back. El Rushbo, having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have.

Now, Axios, the Millennial news service, they do stories that will give you the lead paragraph and then the next paragraph, “What it means,” because they realize their audience is too dumb to understand the original writing of the story. So they translate their own first paragraph. Okay. So they did a story that Trump wanted to nuke the hurricane. Trump has denied it. It’s stupid. Nuke a hurricane?

Let me give you some statistics. And again, these come from our official climatologist, Dr. Roy Spencer, University of Alabama Huntsville. People I don’t think realize the amount of energy that is in weather, that is in a thunderstorm, a bolt of lightning or a hurricane like this. I mean, the amount of energy in a hurricane dwarfs our nuclear arsenal, folks. It’s just that it doesn’t have any radiation in it, but if you talk about the level of energy, it is mind-boggling.

The B83 is the most modern nuclear bomb in the U.S. arsenal. It has an energy yield of 1.2 megatons of TNT. That’s much more than you would need to blow up your average bridge. I don’t think you can even comprehend 1.2 megatons of TNT. But that is the power, the energy in the B83, the most modern nuclear bomb in our arsenal.

The average hurricane, not a Cat 5, the average hurricane releases that much energy every ten seconds. There is no way to bomb a hurricane. This would be dropping a single drop of water in the ocean trying to get rid of the salt in it! It is ridiculous to even make this kind of claim. Plus the heat, it is the heat that is the fuel of a hurricane, you add the heat of a nuclear bomb to it, you would expand the thing, a little.

The average hurricane releases an effective 1.2 megatons of TNT, the amount of energy, every 10 seconds. There’s no way we could start that on purpose. There’s no way we could steer it. There’s no way we could stop it. It’s a shame how stupid people are becoming.


RUSH: On the cutting edge of societal evolution, Rush Limbaugh, meeting and surpassing all audience expectations every day.

All these people hoping that the hurricane would hit Mar-a-Lago have forgotten that Trump has a hurricane machine in the White House, and he steers these things. Remember, Bush had one. Bush steered Hurricane Katrina into New Orleans ’cause Bush — folks, if you’ve forgotten, this is what the media said. Well, the media didn’t say it. The media gave a platform to so-called experts on CNN saying that Bush was steering the hurricane, wanted it to hit New Orleans to force people to flee, to force residents who are mostly Democrats in New Orleans to flee to Texas to try to turn Louisiana to a Republican state. I’m not making this up.

So if there is this hurricane machine that can steer hurricanes, you think Trump would sit there and let it hit Mar-a-Lago? No. He would steer it somewhere. Yet these Drive-Bys were totally forgetting what they had told us about Bush.

Beto O’Rourke tweeted the following: “When Hurricane Dorian hits, Trump will say this was an unavoidable act of nature.” Which of course makes Trump insane despite the fact that it’s a hundred percent true. It’s a total act of nature. Some might say God-d. And then Beto continued, “But the truth is the damage will be way worse because of Trump’s incompetence, recklessness, and hatred.”

This guy’s running for the Democrat presidential nomination, and he has predicted that the damage from the Hurricane will be worse than it otherwise would because of Trump’s incompetence, which is irrelevant to a hurricane, his recklessness, which is totally irrelevant, and his hatred. You know, we sit here and we recognize that people are gonna vote for this guy. People are gonna vote for him. And he’s not alone. I mean, he’s just one of the Democrats saying this kind of crazy stuff.


RUSH: Evansville, Wisconsin. This is Wayne. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello, sir.

CALLER: Hi. How you doing today, Rush? Glad you took my call. ‘Cause they’ve been talking about subways to hurricanes and whatever, but, you know, they never talk about what do the hurricanes do, you know? Maybe it helps the coral reef grow, maybe does other things. What would happen if we stopped the hurricanes from happening? So what would be the cause of —

RUSH: No. I’ll tell you what. This is actually an interesting point, folks. The tendency is when one of these storms come because they’re destructive, “Oh, my God. We gotta stop it. Is there a way we can seed the clouds? Can we nuke it, can we do something to stop it?” But they are part of nature, and nature comes from where? God-d. They are part of nature.

One thing hurricanes do, they end droughts. They clear out a bunch of deadwood. It would be tough to tell people in the midst of such destruction the positive impacts of these storms. But there are some. It’s like anything else. If you could find a way to stop the storm, which we can’t — and, by the way, folks, for the foreseeable future — I hate to tell you Millennials this — for the foreseeable future, for the way beyond foreseeable future, we will never be able to stop a hurricane.

For the foreseeable future we will never be able to steer one. For the foreseeable future we will never be able to weaken one, we will never be able to strengthen one. We are not causing them. They are not man-made. They cannot be man destroyed. They have been around longer than we have been around and there’s not a thing we can do but adapt to them. The real reaction — if you’re worried about hurricanes, then don’t buy a house on the beach! That’s the common sense thing.

If you’re going to buy a house on the beach and you’re gonna be in the East Coast of the country, you’ve got to do it knowing and taking the steps that something could come along, there could be floods, surge, hurricanes, whatever, could do damage. That’s the deal that you make with yourself. But we are never going to be able to stop them. We didn’t cause them. It’s kind of like saying wouldn’t it be nice if we could stop time. Stop and think about this for a second.

How many of you have wished — and I know you have, don’t deny it. At random moments in your life, if you could just stop your time for a couple minutes, five minutes, what have you, 10, whatever. Have you ever really stopped to think what would happen if you could do that? You can’t, but if you — The Twilight Zone did an episode on this. The Rod Serling Twilight Zone way back did an episode on some weirdo — every star on that show was a weirdo — had the ability to stop time. But you can’t just stop it for yourself.

If you could stop the hurricane or if you could get rid of it, the ecological change that would result from that is something nobody can contemplate. It would not be good. But people only have the ability to think about the impact on them. But these things are so intertwined and interconnected with the entire eco-sphere that it’s silly to even think about stopping them.

Adaptation is the one thing human beings have that other species do not. We can adapt to all these — and we have our entire lives. The entire lifetime of humanity has been a story of adaptation because nature is a powerful force that we can’t change. You can dam it up, you can reroute it, but we can’t get rid of the river. You can’t make permanent alterations in things just because they inconvenience you. You have to adapt to ’em one way or the other.

I’m a little long here so I must take a brief to it. We’ll be back and — no, I haven’t forgot. Let me do it when we get back. There was a massive story of misinformation about how your iPhone was supposedly hacked by a bunch of websites and you had no idea. And I want to tell you that the story was very, very exaggerated and probably did not affect you.
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