Author Topic: Why I Pray for Trump, a True Hero  (Read 199 times)

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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Why I Pray for Trump, a True Hero
« on: September 03, 2019, 10:59:15 am »
Why I Pray for Trump, a True Hero
Eighty years to the day after the start of World War II.
American Spectator, Aug 31, 2019, Ben Stein


I should tell you that I pray for Trump because he believes in America. He wants an America that is true to its founding ideals of liberty and free enterprise. I also pray for him because he’s been the victim of the most consistent, slimiest hate campaign since Abraham Lincoln. He hasn’t done anything seriously wrong and yet the media powers treat him as if he were John Wilkes Booth. I don’t like his tariff fights with China but what can we do? They’ve been robbing us blind in terms of technology for decades now. For the Chinese, a brilliant and proud people and at least the equal of any people on this earth, there is no stopping point between now and them ruling the earth.

That’s what Trump’s struggle is about: to stop the world from becoming a vast Chinese empire. I don’t blame the Chinese for their ambitions. They were treated very badly all over the world for generations. But now, like a spring that has been compressed for too long, they are springing back madly.

They have their own problems: they are doing deficit spending on a titanic scale and it cannot last. They have restive minorities like the Uighurs and others. They will eventually spend themselves into big trouble. But in the meantime, they cause trouble in their very large orbit. Trump understands this and wants to stop them and get them to work cooperatively with us and the rest of the big countries. Would Kamala Harris get it? Would Bernie? Would Cory?

Trump is the only one who understands how fragile our system is and wants to save it. He’s not angry at America. He loves America.

So for this and for many other reasons, I pray for him. I am an economist — student of the allocation of scarce goods — and the scarcest commodity on earth is human dignity. I think Trump gets it. The Chinese who are busy suffocating the earth don’t get it. I pray for them to understand that if they kill the earth, that includes them. If Trump can slow them down, he’s the ultimate environmentalist. More on Trump and Law and Economics to come.


Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Re: Why I Pray for Trump, a True Hero
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2019, 10:59:56 am »
This is one essay I would have posted in full, if permitted.  It is well worth the read in full.