Author Topic: Forget Russia: America Nearly Built Its Own 'Skyfall' Nuclear Powered Cruise Missile  (Read 227 times)

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September 1, 2019

Forget Russia: America Nearly Built Its Own 'Skyfall' Nuclear Powered Cruise Missile

It would have been a disaster.
by Sebastien Roblin

After days of speculation by Western analysts that a deadly accident on August 8 that briefly spiked radiation levels in northwestern Russia was tied to tests of an exotic nuclear-powered “Skyfall” nuclear-powered cruise missile, Russian sources confirmed to the New York Times the explosion of a “small nuclear reactor.”

While there’s a tactical rationale behind Russia’s development of a fast, surface-skimming cruise missile with an unlimited range as a means of bypassing American missile defenses, it strikes many analysts as an inordinately expensive, extremely technically challenging, and—evidently!—downright unsafe.