State Chapters > Arizona

REPUBLICAN governor of Arizona applauds ILLEGAL discounted state college tuition for illegal immigra

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"Arizona Republican":

One of the strangest political birds in the jungle...

(sorry, but they sure elect some strange ones out there...!)


--- Quote from: EdJames on September 01, 2019, 01:58:10 am ---He must be an idiot.

--- End quote ---
Not an idiot, simply a traitor.
Trust me man, this guy is getting paid somewhere/somehow for this.
He's doing it for money.
Since all politicians have "voted" to make their own finances off limits to ordinary peasants.
We may never know where or who the money is coming from.
Is Mexico paying him, Soros, the DNC, who knows?
He is getting paid from somewhere, that is certain.
America! The best politicians money can buy!


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