Author Topic: NASA investigating possible first allegation of criminal wrongdoing in space  (Read 1435 times)

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NASA investigating possible first allegation of criminal wrongdoing in space
By Tal Axelrod - 08/24/19 08:55 AM EDT

NASA is reportedly investigating an allegation that an astronaut aboard the International Space Station (ISS) improperly accessed the bank account of her estranged spouse, marking what could be the first allegation of criminal activity from space.

The New York Times reported Friday that NASA astronaut Anne McClain told investigators she accessed her spouse’s bank account during her six-month mission aboard the ISS in preparation for NASA’s first all-female spacewalk.

McClain’s spouse, former Air Force intelligence officer Summer Worden, brought a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that McClain had committed identity theft, though Worden said she did not notice any funds having been moved or spent.

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Offline Elderberry

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She could have used an IP-Phone via the OCA Network to access her estranged spouse's bank account.

Offline Cyber Liberty

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The legal case should be going nowhere fast. 

Assuming the account was not a joint account, Worden likely gave McClain permission to access it back in happier days (almost a certainty), and unless she rescinded that permission explicitly (on paper), McClain could still look.  Worden's case is considerably weakened because no funds were moved or stolen.  There was no harm to redress, other than the emotional harm to Worden.
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  • Posts: 25,355 by By Chelsea Gohd 8/24/2019

NASA Astronaut Anne McClain Refutes Space Crime Claim by Spouse as Divorce Details Emerge

NASA astronaut Anne McClain on Saturday (Aug. 24) refuted claims that she inappropriately accessed the bank account of her estranged spouse after details of their divorce were made public in the New York Times this week.

While in the middle of their separation process, McClain's spouse Summer Worden has claimed that McClain accessed her bank account from a NASA-affiliated computer network, according to a report from the New York Times on Friday (Aug. 23). Worden has accused McClain of identity theft and claimed the astronaut accessed the account from aboard the International Space Station during a recent space mission, and that the agency's Office of the Inspector General is looking into the matter.

Today, McClain said in a Twitter statement that there's "unequivocally no truth to these claims."

"We've been going through a painful, personal separation that's now unfortunately in the media," McClain continued. "I appreciate the outpouring of support and will reserve comment until after the investigation. I have total confidence in the IG [Inspector General] process."

More at link.

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I read at the link.
"According to the New York Times report, an attorney representing McClain has stated that she accessed the account to provide financial support for Worden's 6-year-old son. The attorney stated that she had historically provided financial support for Worden's son and accessed the account before with the same password, without any direction from Worden to stop doing so."

So, her wife or husband, whichever the other woman is, has a boy child and McClain accessed the account to put money into the account for the child.  It didn't say she actually got the money in there, but she took no money out of the account.

McClain, at the time this happened, was in space for over 200 days.  Thinking about this, your bills don't stop no matter where you are (utilities/other).  If you were in space that long, how do you pay your bills??  Access your bank account while in space and send money to pay these bills?

Offline Cyber Liberty

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I read at the link.
"According to the New York Times report, an attorney representing McClain has stated that she accessed the account to provide financial support for Worden's 6-year-old son. The attorney stated that she had historically provided financial support for Worden's son and accessed the account before with the same password, without any direction from Worden to stop doing so."

So, her wife or husband, whichever the other woman is, has a boy child and McClain accessed the account to put money into the account for the child.  It didn't say she actually got the money in there, but she took no money out of the account.

McClain, at the time this happened, was in space for over 200 days.  Thinking about this, your bills don't stop no matter where you are (utilities/other).  If you were in space that long, how do you pay your bills??  Access your bank account while in space and send money to pay these bills?

Or have them on auto-draft.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Online rustynail

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If our 'astronauts' are using the internet from space the public has a right to know
what the have been doing. FOIA them now.

Offline Elderberry

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If our 'astronauts' are using the internet from space the public has a right to know
what the have been doing. FOIA them now.

Good luck on that! Knock yourself out! And by all means keep us posted on how it goes.

Offline XenaLee

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Good grief.  Is it just me.... or does this whole thing seem a bit silly? 

Criminal wrong-doing?   My, my, my.... how that bar has been lowered .... in "some" instances.  Meanwhile... you have PC leftists now calling convicted felons "justice-involved individuals".  My head is spinning ....

from all the spinning.    :shrug:
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Online corbe

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No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Offline Elderberry

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They're really grasping at straws.

Not at all like this one, but it wasn't committed in space.

Astronaut Charged With Attempted Murder


The police in Orlando, Fla., filed attempted murder charges today against Capt. Lisa Marie Nowak, a NASA astronaut who the authorities say attacked a rival for another astronaut’s affection at Orlando International Airport on Monday after driving more than 900 miles from Houston to meet her flight.

Captain Nowak, a Navy captain who flew on a shuttle mission last summer, was originally arrested on attempted kidnapping and other charges, and a judge initially set a $15,500 bond at a court session this morning.

But this afternoon, the police filed the new charges against her, saying they had evidence that Captain Nowak intended ”to do serious bodily injury or death” to Colleen Shipman, a captain in the Air Force, because she considered Captain Shipman to be a rival in her romance with a fellow NASA astronaut, Cmdr. Bill Oefelein.

When the police arrested Captain Nowak, they found in her possession a steel mallet, a buck knife with a four-inch blade, a BB gun and a map to Captain Shipman’s house, they said.

Captain Nowak’s lawyer argued this afternoon that prosecutors and the police did not have enough evidence to back up the more severe charges, but were only trying to persuade the judge to order Captain Nowak to remain in custody.
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The judge increased the bond for Captain Nowak by an additional $10,000, which would still allow her to go free pending her trial. But the judge said Captain Nowak would have to wear an electronic tracking device and ordered her to stay away from the woman she is accused of trying to harm, Colleen Shipman, a captain in the Air Force.

According to the police, Captain Nowak drove more than 950 miles from Houston to Orlando to meet with Captain Shipman, who was flying from Houston to her home in the Orlando area at the same time — because she wanted to confront Captain Shipman after discovering that she too was involved with Commander Oefelein.

Captain Nowak, 43, was wearing a trench coat and wig when she was arrested early Monday morning. She told the police she had worn diapers on the journey so that she would not have to stop to use the restroom so she could arrive in time to meet Captain Shipman’s flight at the airport.

The police also found a knife, BB pistol, and latex gloves in her car, a police affidavit said.

In the morning court session, Captain Nowak mostly kept her head down during her preliminary appearance. But she nodded and said “yes” a few times when the judge explained that she was not to have any contact with Captain Shipman. Captain Nowak and Commander Oefelein are listed on the NASA Web site among the 97 active duty astronauts.

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I read at the link.
"According to the New York Times report, an attorney representing McClain has stated that she accessed the account to provide financial support for Worden's 6-year-old son. The attorney stated that she had historically provided financial support for Worden's son and accessed the account before with the same password, without any direction from Worden to stop doing so."

So, her wife or husband, whichever the other woman is, has a boy child and McClain accessed the account to put money into the account for the child.  It didn't say she actually got the money in there, but she took no money out of the account.

McClain, at the time this happened, was in space for over 200 days.  Thinking about this, your bills don't stop no matter where you are (utilities/other).  If you were in space that long, how do you pay your bills??  Access your bank account while in space and send money to pay these bills?
Actually, biologically, one of them has a child, the other made no genetic contribution.
Legally, adoptive processes may change that, and emotionally the situation may be different altogether.
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Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.