State Chapters > Arizona

Defendant sucker-punches his attorney in Arizona courtroom

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I've seen several videos similar to this one. The defendant just made his life a living hell two times over. First, he attacked a guard which already puts him in a 'special category' in prison. Now, he has attacked his lawyer who is pressing charges. So he will have two assault charges against him assaulting people who are in a legal status.

Likely he will wind up in solitary confinement 23 hours a day for a long, long, time. One hour of rec-time per day if the guards feel like it. No contact with anyone. No entertainment of any kind. Bullies like him who are used to beating up anyone who gets in their way, are the first ones to crack. They lose control over their life, and it drives them insane not to be able to get their way through violence or intimidation. They have no opportunity to assault or intimidate anyone, except themselves. And for these guys, that is the worst punishment on Earth.

If he follows the pattern, he should eventually wind-up in a mental facility living on thorazine and Golden Girls reruns. And it couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

PeteS in CA:
I have trouble conjuring up sympathy for lawyers who defend in court scum like that, even public defenders.


--- Quote from: PeteS in CA on August 23, 2019, 11:36:48 am ---I have trouble conjuring up sympathy for lawyers who defend in court scum like that, even public defenders.

--- End quote ---

You could have stopped right there.


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