Author Topic: The Increasingly Dangerous Politicization of the U.S. Military  (Read 189 times)

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The Increasingly Dangerous Politicization of the U.S. Military
By David Barno & Nora Bensahel For War on the Rocks

Bottom Line: Politicization of the U.S. military is a relatively recent, and increasingly common, phenomenon. If this trend continues, it could endanger the military's ability to give crucial, unbiased advice to presidents and other lawmakers.

Military leaders have traditionally stayed above the fray throughout U.S. history.

This changed when retired Commandant of the Marine Corps P.X. Kelley endorsed George H.W. Bush for president in 1988, and subsequently when former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, retired Admiral William Crowe, endorsed Bill Clinton in 1992.

Since then, active and retired military leaders have followed suit in not only endorsing candidates, but also attending conventions and taking public political positions.

Is President Trump accelerating the politicization of the military?

President Trump has staffed his Administration with many retired generals, and often speaks of "my generals" when describing his cabinet officials and active duty officers. The President and Vice President frequently speak to troops overseas as if they are addressing political rallies. Though a typical tone of POTUS, the traditionally nonpartisan troop touches have come to resemble rallies in turn.