Author Topic: Former NOAA scientist from climate-change alarmist to 'denier'  (Read 836 times)

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One News Now  August 3, 2019 Michael F. Haverluck

A former scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has converted from a life of supporting and peddling climate-change alarmism – based on inflated temperatures to sell the idea that manmade pollution causes global warming – to become a climate-change skeptic.

“Censoring evidence, ‘fiddling’ with data and silencing skeptics were part of life at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,” WND reported. “Rex Fleming admitted that while he worked for NOAA, he attributed global warming to carbon dioxide despite ‘having doubts.’”

Enough lies …

Now, Fleming has completely disavowed the argument that carbon dioxide from emissions is causing so-called catastrophic climate change on a global scale.

“Eventually, I just read enough to realize it’s a totally wrong direction,” Fleming shared during a July 25 podcast interview with British journalist James Delingpole, according to WND. “And so – in the past 10 years, I’d say – I’ve been on the other side.”

Fleming’s findings running against popular climate science have been rejected by the science field and mainstream media, which have wholeheartedly embraced and promoted climate change alarmism – a multi-trillion-dollar agenda propagated in academia and by the green industry, so he told his account to Delingpole.

“The ‘science is settled’ … liberal media don’t want people to know there are scientists – even award-winning ones [such as Fleming] – who dispute the idea of catastrophic global warming,” Newsbusters pointed out. “Because outlets ignore and censor such scientists, curious individuals must turn to other sources such as English journalist James Delingpole’s columns or podcast, the Delingpod.”

Besides higher education, the media and alternative energy businesses, the government and the science community have done all they can to forward the climate change narrative and silence skeptics.

“The scientist … discussed manipulation of data within NOAA, accusing a few individuals of ‘fiddling’ with ocean and atmospheric data under the Obama Administration,” Newsbusters’ Joseph Valle noted from the interview. “He also brought up the prominent scientific organizations’ censorship of viewpoints by refusing to publish skeptical scientific papers.”
