Author Topic: HUD Official Ridicules AOC For Worrying About the Border as Her City Implodes  (Read 118 times)

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HUD Official Ridicules AOC For Worrying About the Border as Her City Implodes
 Steven Ahle August 1, 2019   

HUD Official ridiculed AOC. Lynne Patton says that she spends more time in New York than AOC does and she ridiculed her about worrying about the border and ignoring the problems of the people living in her city.

Patton said she had to close a children’s day camp because rats were falling from the ceiling onto students; desks. The fall would cause the rats to break open exposing the maggots that the rats were infested with. She says that employees at the facility would get physically ill seeing the rats and maggots.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Democrats would worry even just a little bit about Americans instead of spending all of their time endorsing people who criminally enter this country?